Grimne eqLIST online by BDSK
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[a backpack], CONTAINER [Bastilia], ABOUT W:5 V:50 C:1525 Max: 30 Locktype: CLOSEABLE CLOSED L:0,0 ARM -5
[a beautiful skin of a fox], ARMOR [KrummForest], ABOUT W:8 V:1100 C:1865 AC[0], L:6,0 HIT 3 MOVE 10 ARM -4
[a beaver pelt], ARMOR [Lagamore], ABOUT W:3 V:600 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0
[a black silk robe], ARMOR [Thalos], ABOUT W:6 V:1300 C:575 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -1
[a black,hooded cloak], ARMOR [QuifaelCustomRooms], ABOUT M W:20 V:8000 C:1695 AC[0], L:8, 0 BREATH -2 ARM -4 HIT 4
[a bloodstained cloak], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], ABOUT E NL !C W:9 V:0 C:4175 AC[3], L:50,0 ARM -13
[a brown cloak], ARMOR [SylvanForest], ABOUT W:20 V:1000 C:1675 AC[3], L:0,0 ARM -4 HIT 5 PARA -1
[a cape of feathers], ARMOR [Holt], ABOUT I W:5 V:1000 C:1235 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -4 AGE -4
[a cityguard's tunic], WORN [Celephais], ABOUT W:1 V:1 C:1225 L:0,0 ARM -4
[a cloak of chivalry], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], ABOUT G M B !EN NL QUEST W:10 V:50000 C:4075 AC[3], L:41,0 ARM -9 STR 1 HR 1
[a cloak of displacement], ARMOR [Pyramid], ABOUT H I W:8 V:7600 C:875 AC[0], L:0,0 DEX 1
[a dark grey cloak], ARMOR [RqyanTower], ABOUT M W:5 V:4650 C:-925 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM 10 AGE -10
[a Displacer Cloak], ARMOR [Swamps], ABOUT M NL W:15 V:80000 C:2735 AC[4], L:34,0 HIT -40 ARM -8 SPELL -6
[a drowskin tunic trimmed with silver], WORN [Underdark], ABOUT W:18 V:11000 C:1275 L:50,0 HR 2 MOVE_REGEN 5
[a formal shroud], ARMOR [Glacier], ABOUT G M W:20 V:5000 C:2975 AC[0], L:25,0 ARM 5 MANA 10
[a glistening black shroud of shattered hope], CONTAINER [Illkore], ABOUT D E M NL !MC W:10 V:85000 C:4315 Max: 78 L:50,0 MOVE 13 ARM -13
[a glowing blue robe], ARMOR [Bastilia], ABOUT G M !CTW W:8 V:150000 C:5855 AC[0], L:48,0 MANA 13 ARM -6 MOVE -15 HIT -5
[a grey silk robe], ARMOR [Swamps], ABOUT I M NL !C W:9 V:10000 C:4175 AC[3], L:49,0 ARM -13
[a holy cloak], OTHER [Navadin], ABOUT W:10 V:6000 C:1125 L:0,0 ARM -3 SPELL -4
[a huge cloak], ARMOR [Navadin], ABOUT M NL !M W:10 V:2500 C:3875 AC[3], L:44,0 ARM -10 DEX 1
[a hunter's cape], WORN [KrummForest], ABOUT W:2 V:11000 C:1485 L:16,0 ARM -3 HR 1 HIT -5 MOVE 3
[a long black robe], ARMOR [Bastilia], ABOUT D E M !G NL !CTW W:5 V:150000 C:3875 AC[0], L:50,0 ARM -10 DEX 1
[a marine's tunic], WORN [Celephais], ABOUT W:1 V:1 C:1225 L:0,0 ARM -4
[a Medusan cloak], ARMOR [Solom], ABOUT !GN NL !MC W:10 V:25000 C:3775 AC[0], L:39,0 MOVE 10 ARM -9 DR 1
[a pair of butterfly wings], WORN [Dreamlands], ABOUT W:8 V:25000 C:3445 L:5,0 MANA 10 AGE -1 INT 1 DEX -1
[a quiver], CONTAINER [Celephais], ABOUT W:10 V:1000 C:25 Max: 50 Locktype: CLOSEABLE L:0,0
[a red robe of godly magic power], WORN [Celephais], ABOUT W:1 V:1 C:38305 L:0,0 AGE 80 MANA -12 INT 25
[a silver-white robe], WORN [WesternRoad], ABOUT G M !EN NL !CTW W:1 V:5000000 C:3725 L:39,0 MANA_REGEN 3 MANA 10 HR -4 DR -4
[a Skull Valley cloak], ARMOR [SkullValley], ABOUT W:4 V:200 C:275 AC[3], L:5,0
[a thick,padded jacket], WORN [RiversEdge], ABOUT W:7 V:2000 C:2275 L:0, 0 HIT 10 MOVE 5 ARM -6
[a Tigerfur Cape], WORN [Quon], ABOUT W:18 V:11000 C:405 L:0,0 HIT -20 DR 1
[a Vest woven in Gold], WORN [HolyLands], ABOUT G W:5 V:70000 C:2025 L:41,0 DR 1 MANA 5 ARM 0
[a warm light blue cape], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], ABOUT B W:1 V:250 C:0 AC[0], L:0,0 MANA 5 ARM -1
[a white cape of horse], ARMOR [StormGiantCastle], ABOUT G M !M W:9 V:22500 C:3155 AC[0], L:20,0 MANA 5 ARM -5 DEX -1
[a white cloak], ARMOR [WorthanForest], ABOUT G !TW W:15 V:25000 C:925 AC[0], L:19,0 HIT 5 HR 1
[a white robe], ARMOR [FrogTemple], ABOUT !G !M !W W:6 V:5000 C:2375 AC[0], L:30,0 ARM -7
[a white silk robe], WORN [Quon], ABOUT !E W:10 V:90000 C:2125 L:25,0 ARM -7
[a white silk tabard], WORN [Dyarman], ABOUT E M !G NL !M W:10 V:150000 C:2425 L:50,0 ARM -13 MANA -25
[a white silken tabard with a blackish dragon in flight depicted], ARMOR [Dyarman], ABOUT M NL W:10 V:25000 C:2955 AC[5], L:50,0 HR 2 HIT -20 ARM -6
[a wide black cloak], ARMOR [KhazadDum], ABOUT H !MC W:7 V:200000 C:4175 AC[2], L:50,0 ARM -13
[an elven cloak], ARMOR [ElvenTown], ABOUT M W:2 V:3000 C:2075 AC[2], L:32,0 ARM -4 DEX 1
[an enormous heavy cloak], WORN [ImmoRooms], ABOUT H M !N QUEST !MC W:40 V:55000 C:3475 L:36,0 ARM -9 HIT 25
[black tunic], ARMOR [ErshteepRoad], ABOUT W:5 V:100 C:275 AC[1], L:0,0
[cape of Cthulhu], WORN [Rlyeh], ABOUT G E I !GN NL !C W:18 V:210000 C:8305 L:45,0 STR 1 CON -1 MANA 15 ARM -11
[Cloak of Darkness], ARMOR [RqyanTower], ABOUT G E M B !GN NL W:12 V:9500 C:1925 AC[5], L:0,0 ARM -8 HIT 15 MANA -20
[Cloak of mist], WORN [CloudCastle], ABOUT I M W:3 V:20000 C:2075 L:30,0 ARM -6 BREATH -5
[cloak of sadness], ARMOR [CastleRavenloft], ABOUT !E !TW W:10 V:50000 C:5135 AC[0], L:44,0 MANA 15 INT 1 HIT -40
[Cloak of Terror], WORN [ImmoRooms], ABOUT D E !GN QUEST !MC W:10 V:1500 C:4145 L:41,0 ARM -8 HR 4 DR -1 HIT -30
[decaying cloak], ARMOR [CastleRavenloft], ABOUT !G SPEC W:8 V:10000 C:1475 AC[5], L:25,0 AGE 4
[her flowing hair surrounds her like a feather robe], OTHER [Holt], ABOUT M NL W:20 V:0 C:2445 L:0,0 HIT 14 ARM -6 BREATH -4
[robe of the conjurer], WORN [KrummForest], ABOUT !CTW W:8 V:3000 C:2005 L:6,0 ARM -5 HIT 3 MANA 1 MOVE 3
[Strange green cloak], OTHER [Navadin], ABOUT H W:7 V:3000 C:925 L:0,0 ARM -3
[the Atraktos flag], ARMOR [Atraktos], ABOUT W:3 V:50 C:1375 AC[0], L:0,0 CON 1 HR -1 ARM -2
[the chameleon cape], ARMOR [KhazadDum], ABOUT H I NL SPEC W:14 V:200000 C:1775 AC[0], L:50,0 ARM -5
[the Cloak of Quickness], ARMOR [SteelTown], ABOUT !MCW W:8 V:55000 C:3975 AC[0], L:28,0 DEX 1 ARM -7 HR 2
[the devil's cloak], ARMOR [DemonCity], ABOUT E M !G W:6 V:10000 C:2075 AC[0], L:18,0 HIT 10 ARM -5
[the Golden Fleece of Minotauros], ARMOR [MinotaurosLabyrinth], ABOUT NL W:1 V:111111 C:3075 AC[0], L:50,0 ARM -6 HR 1 DR 1
[the grey robe of the reaper], ARMOR [Illkore], ABOUT E I !G NL !MCW W:5 V:50000 C:4175 AC[3], L:38,0 DR 1 ARM -9 HIT_REGEN 7
[the Nightmare Mane], ARMOR [TrellinsKeep], ABOUT M W:10 V:25000 C:2955 AC[0], L:38,0 HIT -20 ARM -6 HR 2
[the Robe Of Eternal Darkness], ARMOR [Mordor], ABOUT I M !GN NL !CTW W:20 V:50000 C:275 AC[2], L:15,0 INT 1 HIT 20 ARM 20
[the Robe of Guidance], WORN [RiversEdge], ABOUT G !EN NL NO_SCAVENGER NO_DUST !TW W:4 V:10000 C:1425 L:50,0 HIT 15 MOVE 15 MANA_REGEN 1
[the Robe of Guidance], WORN [RiversEdge], ABOUT G !EN NL NO_SCAVENGER NO_DUST !TW W:4 V:1000000 C:6425 L:50,0 MANA 15 HIT 15 MOVE 15 MANA_REGEN 2
[the Robe of Multitude], CONTAINER [TrellinsKeep], ABOUT G M !G W:10 V:25000 C:1525 Max: 75 L:36,0 ARM -5
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[a couple of nice shoes], ARMOR [UndergroundEmpire], FEET B !E NL W:4 V:315400 C:1725 AC[0], L:40,0 HIT -25 STR 1 HR 2
[a heavy pair of black boots], ARMOR [UnderWorld], FEET NL W:15 V:47000 C:1775 AC[11], L:34,0
[a heavy pair of brown shoes], ARMOR [FreddiesStronghold], FEET NL !MCW W:1 V:1 C:2275 AC[12], L:45,0
[a pair of athridon boots], ARMOR [DemonCity], FEET M W:55 V:25000 C:1025 AC[9], L:21,0
[a pair of Black and Silver Boots], ARMOR [Bandits], FEET H D NL !MC W:28 V:100000 C:3075 AC[14], L:50,0 DR -1 HR -1
[a pair of black dragonscale boots], ARMOR [Dyarman], FEET D NL W:2 V:10000 C:775 AC[2], L:50,0 DR 1
[a pair of black dragonskin boots], ARMOR [Dyarman], FEET H E M !G NL W:15 V:200000 C:2155 AC[12], L:42,0 HIT -20
[a pair of black leather boots], ARMOR [Dyarman], FEET SPEC W:5 V:200 C:1425 AC[7], L:0,0 MOVE 30
[a pair of Black Riding Boots], ARMOR [Lagamore], FEET W:2 V:2000 C:875 AC[0], L:0,0 MOVE 20
[a pair of black snakeskin boots], ARMOR [KoselbruchMill], FEET E M !GEVIL NL !C W:6 V:300000 C:2655 AC[13], L:45,0 CON -1
[a pair of blue shoes], ARMOR [Holt], FEET B W:10 V:10000 C:95 AC[5], L:0,0 AGE -3
[a pair of blue,hard leather boots], ARMOR [RiversEdge], FEET W:7 V:6200 C:1815 AC[8], L:31, 0 STR 1 HIT -10 HR 1
[a pair of boots made of a greyish metal], ARMOR [Dyarman], FEET W:30 V:40000 C:1275 AC[10], L:30,0
[a pair of Boots of Leaping], ARMOR [PirateShip], FEET H M W:1 V:10000 C:1175 AC[5], L:0,0 MOVE 30
[a pair of boots], ARMOR [Sewers2], FEET I !G !CTW W:4 V:400 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0
[a pair of bronze boots], ARMOR [SkullValley], FEET W:6 V:2500 C:275 AC[6], L:0,0
[a pair of burning boots], ARMOR [Dreamlands], FEET !G NL !CW W:25 V:75000 C:1035 AC[2], L:25,0 HR 1 DR 1 DEX -1 CON -1
[a pair of burning boots], ARMOR [Dreamlands], FEET !G NL !CW W:25 V:75000 C:1535 AC[2], L:41,0 HR 1 DR 2 DEX -1 CON -1
[a pair of crampons], ARMOR [Glacier], FEET W:2 V:100 C:275 AC[1], L:0,0
[a pair of decaying leather boots], ARMOR [CastleRavenloft], FEET !G SPEC W:6 V:9000 C:1175 AC[5], L:13,0 AGE 3
[a pair of deerskin sandals], ARMOR [PoseidonsForest], FEET !E W:2 V:200 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[a pair of dusty leather boots], ARMOR [Bastilia], FEET W:1 V:78 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0
[a pair of elven boots], ARMOR [ElvenTown], FEET M W:4 V:3500 C:875 AC[3], L:0,0 DEX 1
[a pair of Elvenkind boots], ARMOR [Krinlor], FEET I M !E !MCW W:5 V:12750 C:1425 AC[7], L:13,0 MOVE 30
[a pair of exquisitely crafted gold and silver boots], WORN [HolyLands], FEET G H !EN NL !MTW W:20 V:10000 C:-175 L:50,0 DEX -1 AGE -18 HR 1 DR 1
[a pair of golden dragon scale boots], ARMOR [FrogTemple], FEET M !GN NL !MTW W:20 V:22540 C:895 AC[10], L:41,0 HR 1 DR 1 MANA -20 HIT -30
[a pair of grey metal boots], ARMOR [LichTower], FEET E M !G W:10 V:30000 C:1695 AC[10], L:43,0 ARM -2 HIT -30
[a pair of hard leather boots], ARMOR [Swamps], FEET W:9 V:50000 C:875 AC[2], L:33,0 ARM -2
[a pair of heavy brown leather boots], ARMOR [Celephais], FEET W:10 V:700 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0
[a pair of heavy plated boots], ARMOR [RedfernesResidence], FEET M B !EN W:40 V:2000 C:775 AC[8], L:16,0
[a pair of Inferno boots], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FEET D E M !GN QUEST !C W:18 V:35000 C:1105 AC[7], L:41,0 DR 2 HIT -50 DEX -1
[a pair of iron boots], ARMOR [Thalos], FEET W:6 V:800 C:55 AC[4], L:0,0 HR -1 DEX -1
[a pair of king-size boots], ARMOR [DemonCity], FEET NL W:30 V:100000 C:3775 AC[15], L:50,0
[a pair of knee-length black leather boots], ARMOR [Illkore], FEET M B !E NL !MC !T W:8 V:200000 C:1785 AC[9], L:47,0 CHAR_HEIGHT 10 DEX -1 CON -1 DR 2
[a pair of leather boots], ARMOR [HaonDor], FEET W:4 V:60 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0
[a pair of leatherboots], ARMOR [Dyarman], FEET W:20 V:40000 C:775 AC[8], L:20,0
[a pair of light brown shoes], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FEET B W:1 V:150 C:0 AC[1], L:0,0 MOVE 10 CHAR_HEIGHT 1
[a pair of magic boots], ARMOR [DwarvenKingdom], FEET M W:1 V:15000 C:1375 AC[8], L:18,0 STR 1
[a pair of magic boots], ARMOR [Ofcol], FEET NL W:3 V:100000 C:1775 AC[0], L:0,0 MANA 5
[a pair of Mercury sandals], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FEET M B !GE QUEST W:1 V:50000 C:1325 AC[2], L:25,0 MOVE 20 MOVE_REGEN 9
[a pair of muddy boots], ARMOR [Sewers], FEET M W:20 V:75 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[a pair of quickling boots], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FEET D E I M !G NL QUEST W:1 V:1 C:2195 AC[6], L:25,0 HIT -30 MOVE 50 DEX 1 CHAR_HEIGHT -40
[a pair of sandals], ARMOR [Dyarman], FEET W:5 V:500 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[a pair of small boots], ARMOR [DemonCity], FEET M NL W:12 V:17503 C:1475 AC[1], L:20,0 INT 1 WIS 1
[a pair of Solom boots], ARMOR [Solom], FEET I W:30 V:50000 C:1775 AC[10], L:30,0 STR 1 HR -1
[a pair of Speed boots], ARMOR [RqyanTower], FEET I M !GN NL !MCW W:10 V:20000 C:3475 AC[8], L:0,0 STR 1 DEX 1 HR 3
[a pair of stone boots], ARMOR [Wasteland], FEET !MC W:50 V:25000 C:2005 AC[9], L:29,0 STR 1 DR 1 DEX -1
[a pair of strange boots], ARMOR [ErshteepRoad], FEET W:2 V:3500 C:525 AC[7], L:8,0
[a pair of studded leather boots], ARMOR [GoblinForest], FEET W:5 V:400 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0
[a pair of thin leather boots], ARMOR [HaonDor], FEET D LOCK M B !E !CW W:2 V:50000 C:-625 AC[1], L:41,0 DR -3 MANA -20 DEX 1
[a pair of titanium boots], ARMOR [Pyramid], FEET NL W:2 V:50000 C:2275 AC[12], L:39,0
[a pair of winged boots], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FEET G H I M B !E NL QUEST !C W:5 V:97500 C:2655 AC[3], L:22,0 HR 2 CON -1 MOVE 50
[a set of black metal boots], ARMOR [KrummForest], FEET !CW W:45 V:18000 C:275 AC[5], L:6,0
[a set of blue metal boots], ARMOR [KrummForest], FEET !C !T W:45 V:18000 C:275 AC[5], L:6,0
[a set of fiery horseshoes], ARMOR [TrellinsKeep], FEET G M W:2 V:12500 C:1355 AC[6], L:0,0 STR 2 INT -1 MOVE 10 ARM 5
[blue thong sandals], ARMOR [Bastilia], FEET M W:1 V:50000 C:1155 AC[2], L:8,0 MOVE 10 HR 2 AGE -2 MANA -5
[Boots of flying], ARMOR [CloudCastle], FEET H M B W:1 V:50000 C:2015 AC[2], L:15,0 DEX 1 MOVE 50 STR -2 INT -1
[Boots of Stomping], ARMOR [ShadowCastle], FEET NL !MT W:80 V:25000 C:1625 AC[9], L:35,0 DR 1 SPELL -2
[claws of a small bird], ARMOR [KrummForest], FEET W:1 V:60 C:875 AC[2], L:6,0 ARM -2
[Grass Sandals], ARMOR [Abyss], FEET M W:2 V:10000 C:775 AC[2], L:0,0 DR 1
[high heels], ARMOR [ErshteepRoad], FEET W:2 V:100 C:215 AC[1], L:0,0 CHAR_HEIGHT 20 AGE -1
[sandals of a rubber tree], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FEET G I !GE QUEST W:4 V:95000 C:2375 AC[2], L:29,0 HIT 30 ARM -4
[soft elkskin boots], ARMOR [KrummForest], FEET W:3 V:13000 C:835 AC[2], L:18,0 HR 1 MOVE 2 CHAR_HEIGHT 5
[some soft skin boots], WORN [KrummForest], FEET W:3 V:1300 C:625 L:1,0 MOVE 10 ARM -1
[some thread sandals], ARMOR [Holt], FEET M NL W:20 V:0 C:4175 AC[2], L:0,0 HIT 30 ARM -10
[some wool lined socks], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FEET M ND QUEST !MTW W:20 V:11000 C:1105 AC[7], L:41,0 DR 1 HR 1 HIT -50 DEX -1
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[a bayonet], WEAPON [Atraktos], WIELD W:1 V:1 C:8355 PHYSICAL 2D8 PIERCE L:25,0 HR 3 DR 4
[a Beryllium Baw], WEAPON [Quon], WIELD W:8 V:21000 C:3455 PHYSICAL 2D6 CRUSH L:8,0 HR 1 DR 1
[a Beryllium Scimitar], WEAPON [Quon], WIELD W:10 V:36000 C:6055 PHYSICAL 3D6 SLASH L:15,0
[a Black Battle-Axe], WEAPON [SteelTown], WIELD !C W:16 V:5000 C:4655 PHYSICAL 2D7 SLASH L:15,0 DR 2
[a black dagger], WEAPON [Krinlor], WIELD !GE W:2 V:12000 C:2655 PHYSICAL 3D3 PIERCE L:10,0 HR 2 DR 2
[a black demon blade], WEAPON [Moria], WIELD !GN W:8 V:10000 C:2455 PHYSICAL 3D4 PIERCE L:9,0
[a black longsword], WEAPON [DrowCity], WIELD G M W:14 V:15000 C:6855 PHYSICAL 2D8 SLASH L:15,0 HR 2 DR 2
[a black stiletto], WEAPON [SkullValley], WIELD M !G W:2 V:7000 C:2455 PHYSICAL 4D3 PIERCE L:20,0
[a blackish Irgaak], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD W:25 V:150000 C:13755 PHYSICAL 5D5 SLASH L:43,0 HR 4 DR 3
[a blueish whip], WEAPON [MainMatrix], WIELD HOLD G H W:1 V:100 C:7155 PHYSICAL 1D20 WHIP L:0,0 DR -1
[a Boken], WEAPON [Lagamore], WIELD G W:17 V:30000 C:8055 PHYSICAL 2D9 SLASH L:16,0 HR 2 DR 2
[a bone of unknown origin], WEAPON [GhoulBurrows], WIELD W:8 V:450 C:1055 PHYSICAL 2D4 BLUDGEON L:0,0 DR 1 HR -1
[a bone], WEAPON [MainMatrix], WIELD HOLD W:5 V:2 C:555 PHYSICAL 1D4 BLUDGEON L:0,0 HR -1
[a bone], WEAPON [RqyanTower], WIELD W:8 V:23 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D4 BLUDGEON L:0,0
[a broad sword], WEAPON [ElvenForest], WIELD W:9 V:700 C:2455 PHYSICAL 2D6 SLASH L:6,0
[a broadsword], WEAPON [SkullValley], WIELD W:9 V:750 C:2455 PHYSICAL 3D4 SLASH L:5,0
[a bronze claymore], WEAPON [Illkore], WIELD NL !MC W:17 V:83022 C:7255 PHYSICAL 5D4 SLASH L:25,0
[a broom], WEAPON [WitchesOfMidgaard], WIELD M ND !G !M W:5 V:9000 C:6255 PHYSICAL 5D3 BLUDGEON L:13,0 HR 3 DR 1
[a brown broom], WEAPON [WitchesOfMidgaard], WIELD ND !G !M W:10 V:12000 C:4255 PHYSICAL 3D5 BLUDGEON L:16,0
[a brown wooden staff], WEAPON [SylvanForest], WIELD W:10 V:1000 C:2455 PHYSICAL 3D4 BLUDGEON L:5,0
[a burning sword], WEAPON [FirePlane], WIELD I M !G W:16 V:15000 C:9255 PHYSICAL 4D5 SLASH L:22,0 HR 1 DR 3
[a butchers' knife], WEAPON [Voodoo], WIELD ND !G NL !M !W W:5 V:100000 C:9055 PHYSICAL 2D9 PIERCE L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3
[a cast-iron frying pan], WEAPON [Lagamore], WIELD W:3 V:5500 C:2455 PHYSICAL 2D6 BLUDGEON L:6,0
[a chair], WEAPON [BastiliaSewers], WIELD NO_SCAVENGER W:30 V:3000 C:1255 PHYSICAL 1D10 CRUSH L:0,0
[a Cleaver], WEAPON [SteelTown], WIELD !C W:8 V:600 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D2 SLASH L:0,0
[a cleaver], WEAPON [Swamps], WIELD W:5 V:25 C:655 PHYSICAL 3D3 SLASH L:6,0
[a club], WEAPON [Mordor], WIELD !N W:15 V:200 C:2455 PHYSICAL 3D4 BLUDGEON L:11,0
[a commoner's longsword], WEAPON [DrowCity], WIELD NO_SCAVENGER W:6 V:1000 C:1655 PHYSICAL 1D8 SLASH L:0,0 HR 1 DR 1
[a copper battle spear], WEAPON [Illkore], WIELD M !MC W:17 V:158000 C:7455 PHYSICAL 4D4 PIERCE L:19,0 STR 1 HR 2 DR 2
[a copper knife], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD W:1 V:8 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D3 PIERCE L:0,0
[a crowbar], WEAPON [BastiliaSewers], WIELD W:10 V:100 C:2455 PHYSICAL 1D12 CRUSH L:0,0
[a crystal shortsword], WEAPON [KrummForest], WIELD !MCW W:15 V:30000 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D4 SLASH L:6,0
[a crystal sword], WEAPON [Glacier], WIELD NL W:24 V:30000 C:15055 PHYSICAL 7D4 SLASH L:45,0 HR 3 DR 3
[a curved knife], WEAPON [Mordor], WIELD !N W:10 V:5 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D2 SLASH L:0,0
[a curved longsword], WEAPON [ShadowCastle], WIELD !MC W:12 V:700 C:6055 PHYSICAL 3D6 SLASH L:12,0
[a curved sabre], WEAPON [RqyanTower], WIELD W:16 V:1200 C:9655 PHYSICAL 6D4 SLASH L:0,0
[a curved scimitar], WEAPON [FrogTemple], WIELD W:14 V:7500 C:6055 PHYSICAL 3D6 SLASH L:15,0
[a curved scimitar], WEAPON [GreatEasternDesert], WIELD !N W:6 V:600 C:1155 PHYSICAL 1D7 SLASH L:0,0 HR 1
[a cutlass], WEAPON [PirateShip], WIELD W:5 V:800 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D9 SLASH L:0,0
[a dagger], WEAPON [BastiliaSewers], WIELD W:1 V:100 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D4 PIERCE L:0,0
[a dagger], WEAPON [Midgaard], WIELD W:1 V:10 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D3 PIERCE L:0,0
[a dead-black battle axe of bronze and obsidian], WEAPON [Illkore], WIELD H D E M !GEVIL NL SPEC !MC !T W:35 V:600000 C:13155 ACID 5D5 SLASH L:40,0 HR 3 DR 4 HIT -75 MOVE -25
[a devil's trident], WEAPON [UnderWorld], WIELD !E W:10 V:2000 C:655 PHYSICAL 3D3 PIERCE L:10,0
[a dirk], WEAPON [BastiliaSewers], WIELD W:5 V:5000 C:2455 PHYSICAL 3D4 BITE L:0,0
[a drow short sword], WEAPON [DrowForest], WIELD M !G W:4 V:8000 C:3055 PHYSICAL 2D6 SLASH L:10,0 DEX 1
[a dustcleaner], WEAPON [Navadin], WIELD W:15 V:10 C:5955 PHYSICAL 1D17 WHIP L:8,0 HR 1
[a flail], WEAPON [BastiliaSewers], WIELD W:10 V:5000 C:2455 PHYSICAL 3D4 BITE L:0,0
[a flaming spear], WEAPON [Goltraung], WIELD M !G !M W:35 V:400000 C:14055 FIRE 7D4 SLASH L:50,0 HR 2 DR 2
[a flaming whip], WEAPON [FirePlane], WIELD G B W:12 V:8000 C:4455 PHYSICAL 3D4 WHIP L:8,0 HR 2 DR 2
[a gigantic sword], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD !G W:35 V:40000 C:9955 PHYSICAL 2D10 SLASH L:33,0 HR 2 DR 4 ARM 5
[a glowing magesword], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD G M QUEST !CTW W:1 V:100000 C:10255 PHYSICAL 5D3 SLASH L:30,0 HR 4 DR 2 MANA 10
[a glowing sword], WEAPON [SteelTown], WIELD G M NL !MC !T W:21 V:500000 C:9655 PHYSICAL 6D4 SLASH L:28,0
[a golden sabre], WEAPON [Navadin], WIELD NL W:20 V:300000 C:12255 PHYSICAL 5D5 SLASH L:38,0 HR 2 DR 2
[a granite sword], WEAPON [StormGiantCastle], WIELD G M !E W:26 V:175000 C:10335 PHYSICAL 3D8 SLASH L:20,0 DEX -1 HR -2 DR 2
[a great demonsword], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD E M !G W:16 V:12000 C:5155 PHYSICAL 2D7 SLASH L:8,0 HR 1 DR 2
[a great sword], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD M W:20 V:5000 C:8755 PHYSICAL 2D10 SLASH L:25,0 HR 3
[a guardsman's knife], WEAPON [Wasteland], WIELD !MCW W:10 V:15000 C:6755 PHYSICAL 3D5 PIERCE L:15,0 HR 3 DR 2
[a halberd], WEAPON [Celephais], WIELD M W:16 V:10000 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D4 SLASH L:0,0
[a halberd], WEAPON [FrogTemple], WIELD M !G W:25 V:12500 C:11655 PHYSICAL 2D12 SLASH L:28,0 HR 3 DR 1
[a hammer], WEAPON [DwarvenKingdom], WIELD W:3 V:5500 C:2455 PHYSICAL 2D6 BLUDGEON L:0,0
[a Heavy Battle-Axe named "Skull Cleaver"], WEAPON [LichTower], WIELD G E !G !T W:35 V:300000 C:21882 SLAYING_UNDEAD 6D5 SLASH L:50,0 HR 3 DR 1
[a heavy longsword], WEAPON [FrogTemple], WIELD !GN W:20 V:16500 C:7255 PHYSICAL 4D5 SLASH L:22,0
[a huge bastard sword], WEAPON [RedfernesResidence], WIELD M !EN W:18 V:1700 C:6355 PHYSICAL 2D8 SLASH L:15,0 DR 3
[a Huge Battle Axe], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD W:15 V:20000 C:9255 PHYSICAL 2D10 SLASH L:0,0 HR 2 DR 2
[a Huge Battle Axe], WEAPON [UnderWorld], WIELD !N W:15 V:10000 C:7555 PHYSICAL 3D6 SLASH L:17,0 DR 3
[a huge chainsaw], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD NL W:24 V:30000 C:15055 PHYSICAL 7D4 SLASH L:0,0 HR 3 DR 3
[a huge club], WEAPON [Marshlands], WIELD W:20 V:2000 C:4255 PHYSICAL 3D5 CRUSH L:5,0
[a huge club], WEAPON [SkullValley], WIELD W:16 V:150 C:2455 PHYSICAL 1D12 BLUDGEON L:9,0
[a huge club], WEAPON [SylvanForest], WIELD W:30 V:500 C:9655 PHYSICAL 3D8 BLUDGEON L:32,0
[a huge doublebladed axe], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD E W:35 V:50000 C:11955 PHYSICAL 3D10 SLASH L:45,0 MANA -20 HR -1
[a huge golden sword], WEAPON [MoriaAncientDragon], WIELD M NL W:22 V:200000 C:11255 PHYSICAL 5D5 SLASH L:37,0 HR 1 DR 1
[a huge lumber axe], WEAPON [HaonDor], WIELD H M !E NL SPEC W:40 V:150000 C:16505 PHYSICAL 2D15 SLASH L:48,0 HR 1 DR 5 ARM -1 SPELL 5
[a huge plated club], WEAPON [SkullValley], WIELD W:18 V:5000 C:2935 PHYSICAL 1D12 BLUDGEON L:10,0 STR 1 INT -1
[a huge spiked club], WEAPON [Underdark], WIELD W:55 V:300 C:56755 PHYSICAL 5D20 CRUSH L:50,0 DR 3
[a huge steel sword], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD M NL W:50 V:1000 C:18382 SLAYING_DRAGON 5D5 SLASH L:50,0 DR 3 HR 3
[a Huge Sword], WEAPON [LichTower], WIELD M W:30 V:60000 C:10855 PHYSICAL 3D7 SLASH L:15,0 HR 1 DR 5
[a huge sword], WEAPON [StormGiantCastle], WIELD G M !E W:22 V:60000 C:5535 PHYSICAL 3D5 SLASH L:10,0 DEX -1 HR -1 DR 3
[a hunter's knife], WEAPON [KrummForest], WIELD W:2 V:5000 C:4455 PHYSICAL 3D4 PIERCE L:18,0 HR 3 DR 1
[a Keyboard], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD H P W:10 V:10000 C:17455 PHYSICAL 10D3 CRUSH L:51,0 STR 2 DR 3 HR 3
[a kris dagger], WEAPON [PirateShip], WIELD !MCW W:3 V:20000 C:7255 PHYSICAL 3D5 PIERCE L:20,0 HR 3 DR 3
[a Laen Broadsword], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD M W:15 V:150000 C:8755 PHYSICAL 4D5 SLASH L:35,0 DR 3
[a Lance of GODDESS' Grace], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD M !EN QUEST !MC !T W:24 V:150000 C:20182 SLAYING_DRAGON 3D9 PIERCE L:35,0 HR 3 DR 3
[a large broadsword], WEAPON [WelmarsCastle], WIELD W:14 V:1300 C:2455 PHYSICAL 2D6 SLASH L:0,0
[a large cruel axe], WEAPON [UndergroundEmpire], WIELD W:20 V:79500 C:4855 PHYSICAL 2D8 BITE L:32,0
[a large flaming whip], WEAPON [FirePlane], WIELD G B W:12 V:9000 C:5135 PHYSICAL 3D5 WHIP L:16,0 INT -1 DR 2
[a large kitchen knife], WEAPON [KoselbruchMill], WIELD B W:3 V:400 C:3755 PHYSICAL 5D1 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 5 STR 1
[a large leg bone], WEAPON [GreatEasternDesert], WIELD W:5 V:300 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D4 BLUDGEON L:0,0
[a large longsword], WEAPON [UndergroundEmpire], WIELD W:10 V:65370 C:7855 PHYSICAL 3D7 SLASH L:31,0
[a large longsword], WEAPON [Wasteland], WIELD !MC W:12 V:25000 C:4255 PHYSICAL 3D5 SLASH L:0,0
[a large scimitar], WEAPON [Swamps], WIELD E M W:10 V:100 C:5255 PHYSICAL 3D5 SLASH L:10,0 HR 1 DR 1
[a large shovel], WEAPON [Barovia], WIELD W:9 V:500 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D4 SLASH L:0,0
[a large stone axe], WEAPON [GnollCaves], WIELD W:16 V:1500 C:2455 PHYSICAL 3D4 SLASH L:0,0
[a large stone sword], WEAPON [Wasteland], WIELD !MC W:18 V:50000 C:9535 PHYSICAL 6D4 SLASH L:25,0 DEX -1
[a leather riding crop], WEAPON [Lagamore], WIELD W:4 V:7500 C:2455 PHYSICAL 2D6 WHIP L:6,0
[a light pike], WEAPON [KrummForest], WIELD !CTW W:4 V:800 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D3 PIERCE L:6,0
[a light sabre], WEAPON [ElvenForest], WIELD M !EN NL W:4 V:17000 C:6855 PHYSICAL 7D2 SLASH L:30,0 HR 2 DR 2 STR 1 CON 1
[a long hunting knife], WEAPON [PlainsVillage], WIELD W:2 V:5000 C:4255 PHYSICAL 3D5 PIERCE L:17,0
[a long kynac], WEAPON [BastiliaSewers], WIELD SPEC W:5 V:45000 C:8555 PHYSICAL 1D13 PIERCE L:33,0 HR 4 DR 7
[a long kynac], WEAPON [Goltraung], WIELD M !GN NL W:45 V:600000 C:16255 PHYSICAL 6D5 PIERCE L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3
[a long spear], WEAPON [Marshlands], WIELD ND !G W:10 V:20000 C:3455 PHYSICAL 3D4 PIERCE L:10,0 DR 2
[a long sword], WEAPON [ErshteepRoad], WIELD W:8 V:600 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D8 SLASH L:0,0
[a long sword], WEAPON [Midgaard], WIELD W:8 V:600 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D8 SLASH L:0,0
[a long,curved sabre], WEAPON [GreatEasternDesert], WIELD !N W:7 V:1050 C:1655 PHYSICAL 1D8 SLASH L:0, 0 HR 2
[a long,grey branch], WEAPON [HaonDor], WIELD !M W:15 V:60 C:3655 PHYSICAL 1D5 BLUDGEON L:0, 0 MANA 10
[a long,pointed cutlass], WEAPON [GreatEasternDesert], WIELD !N W:5 V:550 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D7 SLASH L:0, 0
[a long,slender sword], WEAPON [QuifaelCustomRooms], WIELD G M !GN W:4 V:30000 C:8055 PHYSICAL 3D6 SLASH L:18, 0 HR 2 DR 2
[a longsword named 'Slizer'], WEAPON [KhazadDum], WIELD SPEC !M W:1 V:18000 C:8382 SLAYING_GIANT 5D3 SLASH L:25,0 HR 2 HITROLL 2
[a longsword], WEAPON [Marshlands], WIELD M W:15 V:1000 C:2655 PHYSICAL 1D8 SLASH L:0,0 HR 4
[a longsword], WEAPON [SylvanForest], WIELD M NO_SCAVENGER W:12 V:2000 C:1155 PHYSICAL 1D8 SLASH L:0,0 HR 1
[a longsword], WEAPON [UndergroundEmpire], WIELD W:3 V:65370 C:9655 PHYSICAL 3D8 SLASH L:32,0
[a longsword], WEAPON [UndergroundEmpire], WIELD W:6 V:65370 C:9655 PHYSICAL 3D8 SLASH L:32,0
[a lumber axe], WEAPON [HaonDor], WIELD W:10 V:50 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D4 SLASH L:0,0
[a major demonsword], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD E M !G W:12 V:1000 C:1155 PHYSICAL 1D9 SLASH L:0,0 DR 1
[a mining pick], WEAPON [DwarvenKingdom], WIELD B W:1 V:300 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D3 PIERCE L:0,0
[a minor demonsword], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD E !G W:9 V:400 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D7 SLASH L:0,0
[a mithril greatsword], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD M W:19 V:250000 C:12655 PHYSICAL 3D8 SLASH L:35,0 HR 3 DR 3
[a mithril longsword], WEAPON [Celephais], WIELD W:16 V:2000 C:1755 PHYSICAL 1D10 SLASH L:3,0 DR 1
[a nasty spear], WEAPON [ElvenForest], WIELD W:7 V:600 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D8 PIERCE L:0,0
[a noble's longsword], WEAPON [DrowCity], WIELD NO_SCAVENGER W:8 V:1500 C:2655 PHYSICAL 1D8 SLASH L:0,0 HR 2 DR 2
[a pair of hedge clippers], WEAPON [Swamps], WIELD W:6 V:100 C:955 PHYSICAL 3D3 PIERCE L:0,0 HR -2 DR 1
[a pair of Thumb screws], WEAPON [LichTower], WIELD E !GN W:8 V:42000 C:8255 PHYSICAL 2D10 CRUSH L:0,0 HR 1 DR 1
[a pirate's hook], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD E !G NL QUEST !MC W:4 V:1 C:10335 PHYSICAL 2D11 CLAW L:35,0 HR 1 CON -1 ARM -5
[a pitchfork], WEAPON [Navadin], WIELD W:10 V:10000 C:655 PHYSICAL 3D3 PIERCE L:11,0
[a plain walking staff], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD M QUEST !TW W:1 V:20000 C:4105 PHYSICAL 4D2 BLUDGEON L:34,0 HR 3 MOVE_REGEN 15 ARM -4
[a platinum dagger], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD G E M !G !CTW W:5 V:250000 C:6455 PHYSICAL 4D3 PIERCE L:40,0 HR 5 DR 3
[a pointed harpoon], WEAPON [Rlyeh], WIELD !G W:9 V:550 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D7 PIERCE L:0,0
[a power katana], WEAPON [ShadowCastle], WIELD G H I NL !MC W:18 V:55000 C:13255 PHYSICAL 5D5 SLASH L:41,0 HR 2 DR 4
[a rusty broadsword], WEAPON [RqyanTower], WIELD W:15 V:0 C:1055 PHYSICAL 1D10 SLASH L:0,0 DR -2
[a rusty old sword], WEAPON [Goltraung], WIELD W:12 V:400 C:455 FIRE 3D3 SLASH L:25,0 DR -2
[a rusty old trident], WEAPON [Dreamlands], WIELD W:5 V:1200 C:1655 PHYSICAL 1D8 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 1 DR 1
[a rusty spear], WEAPON [KhazadDum], WIELD NO_RENT !MC W:1 V:17000 C:13882 SLAYING_HAN 5D4 PIERCE L:40,0 HR 3 DR 3
[a rusty spear], WEAPON [Marshlands], WIELD NL W:10 V:200 C:555 PHYSICAL 4D2 PIERCE L:0,0 HR -1
[a rusty sword], WEAPON [SylvanForest], WIELD W:10 V:1000 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D6 SLASH L:0,0
[a Scimitar of Power], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD M NL QUEST !MT W:16 V:75000 C:12155 PHYSICAL 11D2 SLASH L:43,0 DR 5 STR 2
[a serrated long sword], WEAPON [Aztec], WIELD !E W:16 V:12500 C:4155 PHYSICAL 2D7 SLASH L:0,0 HR 1
[a sharpened dagger], WEAPON [KrummForest], WIELD W:5 V:2380 C:1015 PHYSICAL 8D1 PIERCE L:6,0 STR 1 INT -2
[a short flaming whip], WEAPON [FirePlane], WIELD G B W:12 V:4000 C:3455 PHYSICAL 4D3 WHIP L:8,0 HR 1 DR 1
[a short sword], WEAPON [BastiliaSewers], WIELD W:10 V:5000 C:2455 PHYSICAL 3D4 BITE L:0,0
[a short sword], WEAPON [Sewers], WIELD W:4 V:60 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D4 PIERCE L:0,0
[a short sword], WEAPON [SylvanForest], WIELD M W:8 V:2000 C:1155 PHYSICAL 2D4 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 1
[a short sword], WEAPON [WorthanForest], WIELD !MCW W:12 V:5000 C:2425 PHYSICAL 3D4 SLASH L:21,0 SPELL 3
[a short,steel scimitar], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD W:12 V:20000 C:6155 PHYSICAL 2D7 SLASH L:4, 0 HR 5
[a shortsword], WEAPON [BastiliaSewers], WIELD W:3 V:300 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D4 PIERCE L:0,0
[a shovel], WEAPON [Swamps], WIELD W:8 V:15 C:455 PHYSICAL 2D4 BLUDGEON L:0,0 HR -2
[a silver dagger], WEAPON [Marshlands], WIELD M NO_RENT W:1 V:100 C:3155 PHYSICAL 1D4 WHIP L:0,0 HR 5
[a silver whip], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD E M !GN W:2 V:15000 C:9355 PHYSICAL 3D7 WHIP L:25,0 HR 1 DR 2
[a sjambok], WEAPON [Navadin], WIELD I W:20 V:10000 C:5855 PHYSICAL 6D3 WHIP L:15,0 HR -2
[a sledgehammer], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD !M W:35 V:50000 C:6055 PHYSICAL 6D3 SLASH L:45,0
[a slender blade of stardust], WEAPON [RiversEdge], WIELD G !E NL SPEC !CTW W:1 V:150000 C:6255 OTHER 5D3 PIERCE L:23,0 HR 2 DR 2
[a slim mithril dagger], WEAPON [KhazadDum], WIELD NL !MCW W:20 V:70000 C:19282 SLAYING_DRAGON 2D13 PIERCE L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3
[a slim silver knife], WEAPON [Swamps], WIELD G E I !G !CTW W:4 V:45000 C:7555 PHYSICAL 6D3 PIERCE L:25,0 HR 2 DR 1
[a slingshot], WEAPON [GhoulBurrows], WIELD !M W:1 V:1 C:2155 PHYSICAL 1D1 BLUDGEON L:0,0 HR 3
[a small evil-looking mace], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD B !MTW W:1 V:300 C:0 PHYSICAL 2D2 CRUSH L:0,0 HR 2 DR 1
[a small knife], WEAPON [BastiliaSewers], WIELD W:1 V:100 C:655 POISON 1D5 PIERCE L:0,0
[a small knife], WEAPON [Voodoo], WIELD ND !G NL !MT W:1 V:100000 C:7255 PHYSICAL 1D15 PIERCE L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3
[a small mace], WEAPON [Marshlands], WIELD M !TW W:8 V:1000 C:3155 PHYSICAL 1D5 CRUSH L:0,0 HR 5
[a small mean dagger], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD B !CW W:1 V:300 C:0 PHYSICAL 2D2 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 2 DR 1
[a small mining pick], WEAPON [GreatEasternDesert], WIELD !G W:3 V:600 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D9 PIERCE L:0,0
[a small sharp sword], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD B !MC !T W:1 V:300 C:0 PHYSICAL 2D2 SLASH L:0,0 HR 2 DR 1
[a small silver slayer], WEAPON [KrummForest], WIELD !MC !T W:8 V:600 C:2455 PHYSICAL 3D4 SLASH L:6,0
[a small steel dagger], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD M W:1 V:5000 C:2655 PHYSICAL 3D2 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 2 DR 2
[a small sword], WEAPON [Midgaard], WIELD W:3 V:60 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D6 PIERCE L:0,0
[a snake headed whip], WEAPON [DrowCity], WIELD G M !G W:6 V:12000 C:5815 PHYSICAL 3D6 WHIP L:13,0 STR -1 INT -1
[a snake headed whip], WEAPON [DrowCity], WIELD G M !G W:6 V:15000 C:6775 PHYSICAL 4D5 WHIP L:13,0 STR -2 INT -2
[a snake headed whip], WEAPON [DrowCity], WIELD G M W:0 V:15000 C:6855 PHYSICAL 2D8 WHIP L:12,0 HR 2 DR 2
[a snake headed whip], WEAPON [DrowCity], WIELD G M W:4 V:7500 C:4455 PHYSICAL 2D6 WHIP L:8,0 HR 2 DR 2
[a snake headed whip], WEAPON [DrowCity], WIELD G M W:6 V:13000 C:5655 PHYSICAL 2D7 WHIP L:10,0 HR 2 DR 2
[a spade], WEAPON [Wasteland], WIELD M W:17 V:30000 C:8255 PHYSICAL 4D5 SLASH L:20,0 HR 1 DR 1
[a spear named 'Lobotomia'], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD W:18 V:30000 C:6055 PHYSICAL 2D9 SLASH L:16,0
[a spider shaped dagger], WEAPON [DrowCity], WIELD M !G !W W:2 V:12000 C:5455 PHYSICAL 4D3 PIERCE L:15,0 HR 3 DR 3
[a staff of twisted thorns], WEAPON [Illkore], WIELD H D E M NL SPEC !CTW W:30 V:450000 C:12432 SLAYING_DEMON 10D2 BLUDGEON L:43,0 HIT -75 HR 2 DR 2
[a steel dagger], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD G M W:5 V:20000 C:5455 PHYSICAL 4D3 PIERCE L:18,0 HR 3 DR 3
[a steel halberd], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD !C W:15 V:13000 C:7255 PHYSICAL 2D10 SLASH L:16,0
[a steel mace], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD !M W:18 V:15000 C:4255 PHYSICAL 3D5 BLUDGEON L:12,0
[a steel short sword], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD !M W:15 V:30000 C:4255 PHYSICAL 5D3 SLASH L:10,0
[a steel sword], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD M W:15 V:14000 C:7255 PHYSICAL 3D5 SLASH L:8,0 DR 3 HR 3
[a steel tipped wooden staff], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD M W:5 V:900 C:3655 PHYSICAL 1D8 BLUDGEON L:0,0 HR 3 DR 3
[a stiletto], WEAPON [UnderWorld], WIELD !N W:6 V:100 C:655 PHYSICAL 7D1 PIERCE L:10,0
[a stone axe], WEAPON [GnollCaves], WIELD W:10 V:200 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D4 SLASH L:0,0
[a stool], WEAPON [BastiliaSewers], WIELD NO_SCAVENGER W:30 V:3000 C:1255 PHYSICAL 1D10 CRUSH L:0,0
[a strange bow], WEAPON [GreatEasternDesert], WIELD G H M B W:20 V:25000 C:7755 PHYSICAL 4D5 BLUDGEON L:20,0 DR 1
[a switchblade], WEAPON [KoselbruchMill], WIELD G D !E NL W:1 V:84000 C:10655 PHYSICAL 2D12 PIERCE L:33,0 HR 2
[a Talon-whip], WEAPON [Holt], WIELD M NL W:2 V:0 C:5955 PHYSICAL 4D3 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 4 DR 3
[a thick heavy book], WEAPON [WorthanForest], WIELD !MTW W:15 V:1500 C:1225 PHYSICAL 1D6 CRUSH L:13,0 MOVE_REGEN -3 WIS 1
[a thin knife], WEAPON [Navadin], WIELD W:5 V:20000 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D8 PIERCE L:0,0
[a thin spear], WEAPON [SylvanForest], WIELD W:1 V:125 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D6 PIERCE L:0,0
[a Thunder Hammer], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD G H M !GE NL QUEST !MT W:15 V:90000 C:10955 LIGHTNING 7D3 BLUDGEON L:27,0 HR 5 STR 1
[a Thunder Hammer], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD G H M !GE NL QUEST !MT W:15 V:90000 C:10955 LIGHTNING 7D3 BLUDGEON L:27,0 HR 5 STR 1
[a Toy sword], WEAPON [ElvenTown], WIELD W:1 V:1 C:3155 PHYSICAL 1D1 SLASH L:0,0 HR 5
[a training sword], WEAPON [WelmarsCastle], WIELD W:7 V:300 C:455 PHYSICAL 1D4 SLASH L:0,0 HR -2
[a triangular bladed dagger], WEAPON [Voodoo], WIELD ND !G NL W:4 V:100000 C:10855 PHYSICAL 7D3 PIERCE L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3
[a trident], WEAPON [PirateShip], WIELD W:5 V:1000 C:1255 PHYSICAL 1D10 PIERCE L:0,0
[a two-handed dwarven axe], WEAPON [DwarvenKingdom], WIELD W:15 V:20000 C:3655 PHYSICAL 1D14 SLASH L:13,0
[a two-handed sword], WEAPON [RedfernesResidence], WIELD M !GE W:22 V:1800 C:3055 PHYSICAL 3D4 SLASH L:10,0 ARM 15 DR 3
[a two-handed sword], WEAPON [SkullValley], WIELD W:14 V:1250 C:4255 PHYSICAL 3D5 SLASH L:8,0
[a two-handed sword], WEAPON [Thalos], WIELD W:24 V:55000 C:4455 PHYSICAL 1D12 SLASH L:10,0 HR 1 DR 3
[a unicorn horn], WEAPON [ElvenForest], WIELD LOCK E I M !EN W:10 V:6000 C:4615 PHYSICAL 2D3 PIERCE L:0,0 STR -2 ARM -4 MANA 10
[a very sharp knife], WEAPON [Arachnos], WIELD M !N W:9 V:1000 C:2155 PHYSICAL 6D1 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 3
[a walking stick], WEAPON [Pyramid], WIELD HOLD M W:1 V:5000 C:1105 PHYSICAL 1D5 BLUDGEON L:0,0 MOVE 15
[a warhammer], WEAPON [Midgaard], WIELD W:6 V:50 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D5 BLUDGEON L:0,0
[a Whip of Pain], WEAPON [Swamps], WIELD E !G W:16 V:75000 C:4655 PHYSICAL 2D2 WHIP L:15,0 DR 8
[a whip of writhing black fire], WEAPON [Illkore], WIELD D E M !GN NL SPEC !MT W:35 V:100000 C:15035 FIRE 4D7 WHIP L:45,0 HR 2 DR 3 STR 1 CON -1
[a white eog Longsword], WEAPON [Quon], WIELD H M !E W:15 V:500000 C:10855 PHYSICAL 4D5 SLASH L:25,0 DEX 1 HR 3 DR 3
[a wooden club], WEAPON [Midgaard], WIELD W:3 V:12 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D3 BLUDGEON L:0,0
[a wooden staff], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD W:8 V:3000 C:2455 PHYSICAL 6D2 BLUDGEON L:5,0
[adamantium sword], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD NL W:25 V:50000 C:13255 PHYSICAL 5D5 SLASH L:44,0 HR 2 DR 4
[an adept's mace], WEAPON [KrummForest], WIELD W:10 V:7000 C:3155 PHYSICAL 2D4 CRUSH L:2,0 HR 4 DR 1
[an Ancient Katana], WEAPON [Lagamore], WIELD G M NL W:18 V:50000 C:13255 PHYSICAL 5D5 SLASH L:37,0 HR 3 DR 3
[an assassin's switchblade], WEAPON [Solom], WIELD I !G W:5 V:5000 C:5755 PHYSICAL 3D5 PIERCE L:15,0 HR 1 DR 2
[an Astral Thunder], WEAPON [ShadowCastle], WIELD G M NL !MTW W:39 V:35000 C:17472 SLAYING_OTHER 6D4 CRUSH L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3 SPELL 1
[an ebony morningstar], WEAPON [Swamps], WIELD E M !G !M W:15 V:30000 C:5055 PHYSICAL 6D2 CRUSH L:18,0 HR 2 DR 3 SPELL -2
[an ebony sabre], WEAPON [Swamps], WIELD E M !G W:9 V:45000 C:6855 PHYSICAL 4D4 SLASH L:18,0 HR 2 DR 2
[an elven longsword], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD !M W:20 V:50000 C:7855 PHYSICAL 7D3 SLASH L:37,0
[an elven longsword], WEAPON [ElvenTown], WIELD M NO_SCAVENGER W:12 V:2500 C:1655 PHYSICAL 1D9 SLASH L:0,0 HR 2
[an elven short sword], WEAPON [ElvenTown], WIELD M W:8 V:2000 C:1655 PHYSICAL 2D4 PIERCE L:8,0 HR 2
[an Enchanted Broadsword], WEAPON [DrowTower], WIELD G !G !T W:15 V:100000 C:6705 PHYSICAL 3D5 SLASH L:20,0 HR 2 DR 2 CON 1 MOVE -25
[an ice axe], WEAPON [Glacier], WIELD W:6 V:500 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D6 PIERCE L:0,0
[an ironshod staff], WEAPON [ShadowCastle], WIELD W:10 V:700 C:4855 PHYSICAL 4D4 BLUDGEON L:14,0
[an oaken staff of demon exorcism], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD G M !EN NL QUEST !CTW W:20 V:90000 C:8262 SLAYING_DEMON 5D3 BLUDGEON L:41,0 HR 2 DR 2 INT -1
[an obsidian sword], WEAPON [StormGiantCastle], WIELD G M !E W:28 V:100000 C:6935 PHYSICAL 3D6 SLASH L:13,0 DEX -1 DR 2
[Backstabber], WEAPON [RqyanTower], WIELD I M !GN NL !W W:15 V:13255 C:8555 PHYSICAL 6D3 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 2 DR 3
[Borimar's mace], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD M B !E NL !MTW W:8 V:9000 C:9255 PHYSICAL 4D5 BLUDGEON L:28,0 HR 2 DR 2
[Bow Staff of the Gods], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD G !EN QUEST !M W:20 V:860000 C:1675 PHYSICAL 1D7 BLUDGEON L:38,0 HIT -40 ARM -5 STR -2
[Cat o' nine tails], WEAPON [LichTower], WIELD E !GN P SPEC W:8 V:42000 C:9755 PHYSICAL 10D2 WHIP L:50,0 HR 3 DR 2
[Chisel], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD NO_RENT W:15 V:1000 C:2155 PHYSICAL 2D2 PIERCE L:35,0 DR 2 HR -1 INT 1
[Dagger of Sorcery], WEAPON [ShadowCastle], WIELD SPEC !T W:3 V:40000 C:5705 M 7D2 PIERCE L:35,0 HR 3 DR 1 SPELL -1
[Dagor the crystalsword], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD D E M !G NL W:35 V:150000 C:21682 SLAYING_DEMON 7D4 SLASH L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3 STR 1
[Drake o' nine tails], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD E M !G !C W:40 V:30000 C:11015 PHYSICAL 4D6 WHIP L:25,0 HR 1 DR 1 CON 1 DEX -2
[dwarven club], WEAPON [DwarvenKingdom], WIELD W:1 V:3000 C:2455 PHYSICAL 2D6 BLUDGEON L:0,0
[Elven longsword], WEAPON [Krinlor], WIELD M W:15 V:4500 C:2255 PHYSICAL 1D10 SLASH L:0,0 HR 2
[Fire dagger], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD G M W:10 V:10000 C:5055 FIRE 5D3 PIERCE L:30,0 HR -2 DR 2
[Flail of the Black Dragon], WEAPON [ShadowCastle], WIELD M !G NL SPEC W:15 V:40000 C:9665 ACID 5D4 BLUDGEON L:40,0 HR 2 DR 3 HIT -15
[Flail of the Black Dragon], WEAPON [ShadowCastle], WIELD M !G NL SPEC W:15 V:40000 C:9665 ACID 5D4 BLUDGEON L:40,0 HR 2 DR 3 HIT -15
[frying pan], WEAPON [Barovia], WIELD W:8 V:10000 C:5075 PHYSICAL 3D5 BLUDGEON L:0,0 ARM 3 DR 2
[God's warhammer], WEAPON [Wasteland], WIELD G H M !E NL !MTW W:15 V:250000 C:11655 PHYSICAL 6D4 CRUSH L:39,0 HR 2 DR 2
[Half an Ethereal Slayer], WEAPON [Dreamlands], WIELD W:15 V:1500 C:1855 PHYSICAL 1D1 SLASH L:0,0 DR 3 HR -3
[Heavy two-handed sword], WEAPON [EnchantedForest], WIELD B !EN NL !T W:50 V:120000 C:13155 SLASHING 9D3 HIT L:0,0 HR 2 DR 2 HIT -50
[Huge purse], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD W:75 V:15000 C:7915 PHYSICAL 2D10 BLUDGEON L:18,0 HR -1 DR 2 STR -2
[Large broadsword], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD W:40 V:8000 C:5355 PHYSICAL 2D8 SLASH L:15,0 DR 1
[Long-bladed elven dagger], WEAPON [Krinlor], WIELD M W:7 V:5000 C:2655 PHYSICAL 3D2 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 3 DR 1
[Machete], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD W:7 V:2000 C:2455 PHYSICAL 4D3 SLASH L:10,0
[Mordekainen's Sword], WEAPON [MinotaurosLabyrinth], WIELD NL !W W:1 V:111111 C:2155 PHYSICAL 7D1 PIERCE L:50,0 ARM -5
[Nimbus], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD G H M B W:35 V:1000 C:12055 PHYSICAL 5D3 PIERCE L:21,0 STR 10 DEX -5 CON -5 MANA 10
[one of God's testing things], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD W:15 V:20000 C:3155 PHYSICAL 3D3 SLASH L:0,0 HR 2 DR 3
[Pruners], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD W:3 V:4000 C:2455 PHYSICAL 4D3 PIERCE L:10,0
[Quifael's global optimizer], WEAPON [QuifaelCustomRooms], WIELD W:1 V:10 C:8055 PHYSICAL 3D6 SLASH L:18,0 HR 2 DR 2
[Sapowox's Universal Nothingness], WEAPON [WelmarsCastle], WIELD G M NL W:40 V:0 C:11655 PHYSICAL 6D4 BREATH L:51,0 HR 2 DR 2
[Shadow whip], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD I M W:1 V:50000 C:5955 PHYSICAL 1D1 WHIP L:30,0 DR 5 HR 5 MOVE 10
[sharp dagger], WEAPON [CastleRavenloft], WIELD NL !MCW W:40 V:100000 C:16255 PHYSICAL 3D10 PIERCE L:50,0 DR 3 HR 3
[Sickle], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD W:5 V:2000 C:2455 PHYSICAL 4D3 SLASH L:10,0
[small doll], WEAPON [Barovia], WIELD W:8 V:7000 C:1415 PHYSICAL 1D2 BLUDGEON L:0,0 HR 2 ARM 4
[small wooden horse], WEAPON [Barovia], WIELD W:7 V:10000 C:1415 PHYSICAL 1D4 CRUSH L:0,0 DR 2 ARM 4
[Staff of the Arch-Magi], WEAPON [RqyanTower], WIELD I M !GN NL !CTW W:18 V:75000 C:16455 PHYSICAL 10D2 BLUDGEON L:0,0 HR 5 DR 5 MANA 15 HIT -50
[Sturdy oak staff], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD W:25 V:40000 C:12155 PHYSICAL 5D5 BLUDGEON L:41,0 HR 3 DR 2 MANA -10
[sun blade], WEAPON [Pyramid], WIELD G NL !M W:18 V:100000 C:7855 FIRE 7D3 SLASH L:34,0
[Swiftslayer], WEAPON [Krinlor], WIELD M !E !MC !T W:28 V:24500 C:11155 PHYSICAL 3D8 SLASH L:29,0 DR 3
[Sword of Darkness], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD D M ND !G NL W:25 V:50000 C:13255 PHYSICAL 5D5 SLASH L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3
[sword of the Black rose], WEAPON [CastleRavenloft], WIELD H M !G SPEC !MC !T W:11 V:140000 C:15055 PHYSICAL 2D14 SLASH L:41,0 HR 3 DR 3
[Sword of the Guardian], WEAPON [MinotaurCity], WIELD G E M !N NL !MC !T W:35 V:430000 C:16255 PHYSICAL 5D6 BREATH L:50,0 DR 3 HR 3
[the accursed blade 'Delxvar'], WEAPON [WesternRoad], WIELD E M ND !GN NL SPEC !CTW W:3 V:0 C:-1745 PHYSICAL 1D10 PIERCE L:40,0 HR -15 DR -15
[the Ancient Bone Slasher], WEAPON [Zubas], WIELD !M W:15 V:15000 C:6955 PHYSICAL 3D6 SLASH L:18,0 DR 2 HR -1
[the Ancient Dagger], WEAPON [Zubas], WIELD G H M W:10 V:500 C:1755 PHYSICAL 2D5 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 1
[the Ancient Flesh-Eater], WEAPON [Zubas], WIELD !M W:17 V:32000 C:9835 PHYSICAL 3D8 SLASH L:22,0 STR -1 HR -2 DR 1
[the Ancient Slayer], WEAPON [Zubas], WIELD G NL !M W:18 V:50000 C:8055 PHYSICAL 9D2 SLASH L:33,0 HR 2 DR 2
[the Ancient sword], WEAPON [Zubas], WIELD G W:14 V:10000 C:3655 PHYSICAL 2D7 PIERCE L:15,0
[the black dagger], WEAPON [Arachnos], WIELD M NL !MCW W:4 V:80000 C:8915 PHYSICAL 1D14 PIERCE L:40,0 HR 3 DR 8 HIT -15 MOVE -25
[the black hammer], WEAPON [Wasteland], WIELD W:18 V:30000 C:4655 PHYSICAL 7D2 CRUSH L:20,0 DR 2
[the Black Staff of Power], WEAPON [Abyss], WIELD I M !GN NL !CTW W:8 V:30000 C:7255 PHYSICAL 5D3 BLUDGEON L:25,0 HR 3 DR 3
[the Bonecleaver], WEAPON [GhoulBurrows], WIELD I M !GN NL W:16 V:35000 C:11135 PHYSICAL 6D4 SLASH L:25,0 HR 2 STR 1 DEX -1
[the Chaos Blade], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD G D E ND !GN NL W:40 V:60000 C:21682 SLAYING_HAN 6D5 SLASH L:50,0 HR 3 DR 1 HIT_REGEN -10
[the Cloudblade], WEAPON [StormGiantCastle], WIELD G H I M B !E NL W:18 V:500000 C:13455 PHYSICAL 4D7 SLASH L:40,0 HR -1 DR 3
[the Cobra's Tongue], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD I !GN QUEST !MCW W:24 V:250000 C:8255 POISON 1D15 PIERCE L:34,0 HR 2 DR 6
[the Crystal-Bladed Longsword], WEAPON [SteelTown], WIELD W:18 V:30000 C:8135 PHYSICAL 4D5 SLASH L:17,0 HIT -20 HR 1 DR 1
[the dagger of death.], WEAPON [PoseidonsForest], WIELD !GN !W W:8 V:512 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D8 PIERCE L:0,0
[the Dagger of the Void], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD G D E ND !GN NL SPEC W:5 V:60000 C:10855 PHYSICAL 7D3 PIERCE L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3
[the Dagger], WEAPON [MoriaAncientDragon], WIELD H M NL SPEC !MCW W:1 V:1000000 C:13855 PHYSICAL 2D13 PIERCE L:45,0 HR 3 DR 3
[the DeathNell spear], WEAPON [Illkore], WIELD H M ND B !EN NL SPEC !MC !T W:35 V:500000 C:22822 SLAYING_ANIMAL 2D15 PIERCE L:42,0 HR 3 DR 3 PARA 3 ROD 3
[the Defender], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD G M !EN NL QUEST !T W:4 V:1 C:7975 PHYSICAL 2D9 SLASH L:35,0 HR 3 ARM -2 MOVE -30
[the devil rod], WEAPON [Sewers], WIELD M W:6 V:16000 C:3335 PHYSICAL 2D6 SLASH L:0,0 HR 2 STR -1
[the ebony blade], WEAPON [RqyanTower], WIELD G M !GN NL !MC !T W:30 V:100000 C:22655 PHYSICAL 7D6 SLASH L:0,0 HR -3 DR 5
[the ethereal slayer], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD !N NL !MT W:18 V:50000 C:19255 PHYSICAL 7D5 SLASH L:51,0 HR 3 DR 3
[the ethereal slayer], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD !N NL !MT W:40 V:50000 C:19255 PHYSICAL 7D5 SLASH L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3
[the ethereal slayer], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD !N NL !T W:18 V:50000 C:15055 PHYSICAL 7D4 SLASH L:42,0 HR 3 DR 3
[the Farmer's Sickle], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD M !GE NL QUEST !MC W:30 V:450000 C:17382 SLAYING_GOLEM 5D5 SLASH L:40,0 HR 2 DR 2
[the Fiery Whip], WEAPON [FirePlane], WIELD G H I M !G W:18 V:20000 C:7855 PHYSICAL 4D4 WHIP L:21,0 HR 3 DR 3
[the Fire Brand], WEAPON [PirateShip], WIELD G !G W:22 V:60000 C:7855 PHYSICAL 3D7 SLASH L:25,0
[the flail of Meri], WEAPON [ElvenTown], WIELD H M !MTW W:18 V:50000 C:8055 PHYSICAL 6D3 CRUSH L:34,0 HR 2 DR 2
[the flame blade], WEAPON [PlainsVillage], WIELD M NL W:15 V:200000 C:11457 FIRE 4D6 SLASH L:38,0 HR 4 HIT -33
[the Flaming whip Cuivigurth], WEAPON [KhazadDum], WIELD D NL W:1 V:40000 C:10855 FIRE 7D3 WHIP L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3
[the galactic claymore], WEAPON [ErshteepRoad], WIELD W:16 V:20000 C:10205 PHYSICAL 4D6 SLASH L:25,0 WIS -3 HIT -15 HR 1 DR 1
[the Gemstone Sword], WEAPON [Aztec], WIELD G M !E W:24 V:25000 C:9255 PHYSICAL 4D5 SLASH L:23,0 HR 2 DR 2
[the halberd], WEAPON [GreatEasternDesert], WIELD M B W:16 V:32000 C:6255 PHYSICAL 3D5 SLASH L:15,0 HR 2 DR 2
[the hallowed blade of Rhiannon], WEAPON [Illkore], WIELD G B !EN NL SPEC !MC W:40 V:650000 C:14832 SLAYING_UNDEAD 4D5 PIERCE L:50,0 HIT -75 HR 3 DR 7 HIT_REGEN -30
[the Hammer of Life], WEAPON [SkullValley], WIELD G E NO_RENT NL P W:1 V:1500 C:10055 PHYSICAL 5D4 BLUDGEON L:40,0 HR -2 WIS 1 MANA 8
[the large mace], WEAPON [Sewers], WIELD M W:10 V:1000 C:1655 PHYSICAL 1D6 BLUDGEON L:0,0 DR 2
[the legendary Frostbrand], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD M W:20 V:200000 C:16255 COLD 3D10 SLASH L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3
[the micro snake dirk], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD M NL !MCW W:2 V:230 C:2155 PHYSICAL 1D2 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 3
[the mighty Hellblade], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD E !GN NL W:35 V:0 C:16255 PHYSICAL 6D5 SLASH L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3
[the mini snake dirk], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD M NL !MCW W:2 V:300 C:2155 PHYSICAL 1D4 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 3
[the Morgul Knife], WEAPON [Mordor], WIELD M !GN NL !MCW W:25 V:50000 C:4055 PHYSICAL 13D1 PIERCE L:30,0 HR 1 DR 1
[the morning star 'SpiritCrusher'], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD G B !EN NL !MTW W:35 V:200000 C:17362 SLAYING_UNDEAD 6D4 CRUSH L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3 CON -1
[the needle of power], WEAPON [Glacier], WIELD M NL W:5 V:30000 C:7495 PHYSICAL 9D2 PIERCE L:32,0 HR 3 HIT -10
[the Nettler], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD H D E M !G NL QUEST !W W:4 V:1 C:7835 PHYSICAL 1D16 PIERCE L:35,0 HR 5 ARM -2 DEX -1
[the Nightmare Claws], WEAPON [FreddiesStronghold], WIELD NL !MC !T W:37 V:450000 C:17015 PHYSICAL 6D5 SLASH L:50,0 DR 5 HR 3 DEX -2
[the Phalanx Pike], WEAPON [SteelTown], WIELD B W:4 V:800 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D3 PIERCE L:0,0
[the Poker of Joker], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD G NO_RENT W:18 V:150000 C:77755 PHYSICAL 1D100 SLASH L:57,0 HR 40 DR 5
[the rod of eternal magic], WEAPON [Goltraung], WIELD !GN NL W:5 V:500000 C:9655 PHYSICAL 1D1 PIERCE L:50,0 MANA 20 MANA_REGEN 6
[the Rubber Mallet of Chaos], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD G H M NL !MTW W:1 V:250000 C:11655 PHYSICAL 6D4 CRUSH L:50,0 HR 2 DR 2
[the Scythe of Death], WEAPON [QuifaelCustomRooms], WIELD W:100 V:30000 C:55255 PHYSICAL 1D100 SLASH L:50,0
[the Shadowshiv], WEAPON [Swamps], WIELD M !G !MCW W:5 V:200000 C:7855 PHYSICAL 4D4 PIERCE L:21,0 HR 3 DR 3
[the sign], WEAPON [MainMatrix], WIELD HOLD W:200 V:10 C:4655 PHYSICAL 2D8 BLUDGEON L:0,0 HR -2
[the Sigunn], WEAPON [SteelTown], WIELD M B NL !C W:15 V:60000 C:12475 PHYSICAL 4D6 SLASH L:32,0 MOVE -30 HR 3 DR 3
[the Sledgehammer], WEAPON [SteelTown], WIELD M W:20 V:20000 C:6855 PHYSICAL 4D4 BLUDGEON L:20,0 HR 2 DR 2
[the small mace], WEAPON [Sewers], WIELD M W:6 V:600 C:1155 PHYSICAL 1D6 BLUDGEON L:0,0 DR 1
[the snake dirk], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD M NL !MCW W:2 V:30000 C:7955 PHYSICAL 1D12 PIERCE L:35,0 HR 3 DR 8
[the Soulhammer], WEAPON [Swamps], WIELD M NL !MTW W:14 V:400000 C:9735 PHYSICAL 5D4 CRUSH L:28,0 DEX -1 WIS 1 HR 2 DR 2
[the Spectral Mace], WEAPON [Mordor], WIELD G H I M !N NL !MTW W:30 V:75000 C:15255 PHYSICAL 6D5 CRUSH L:50,0 HR 2 DR 2
[the staff of magius], WEAPON [ElvenTown], WIELD H M W:15 V:20000 C:4255 PHYSICAL 5D2 BLUDGEON L:35,0 HR 3 DR 3
[the sting of Shelob], WEAPON [KhazadDum], WIELD NL !TW W:1 V:70000 C:6855 POISON 4D3 PIERCE L:35,0 HR 2 DR 2 MANA 8
[the Sun Sword], WEAPON [SteelTown], WIELD G W:20 V:200000 C:9255 PHYSICAL 5D4 SLASH L:25,0 HR 2 DR 2
[the sword of Aris], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD G M B !E NL SPEC !MC !T W:35 V:500000 C:16255 PHYSICAL 6D5 SLASH L:50,0 DR 3 HR 3
[the sword of darkness], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD G E !G NL SPEC !MC !T W:35 V:1000000 C:16955 PHYSICAL 8D4 SLASH L:50,0 DR 2 HR 3
[the Sword of Gullwing], WEAPON [WorthanForest], WIELD !G !MCW W:15 V:150000 C:10855 PHYSICAL 7D3 SLASH L:36,0 DR 1 HR 5
[the Sword of Solom], WEAPON [Solom], WIELD I !G NL W:20 V:50000 C:9255 PHYSICAL 5D4 SLASH L:28,0 HR 2 DR 2
[the Vorpal Blade], WEAPON [Swamps], WIELD G M NL !MT W:35 V:435000 C:16255 PHYSICAL 6D5 SLASH L:44,0 HR 3 DR 3
[Thunder Hammer], WEAPON [FrogTemple], WIELD G H M B !EN NL SPEC !T W:44 V:100000 C:15105 PHYSICAL 3D10 CRUSH L:50,0 HR 1 DR 3 HIT -25
[Two-handed six-foot Macho-Slayer], WEAPON [Midgaard], WIELD D E P !MC !T W:25 V:100000 C:19255 PHYSICAL 7D5 SLASH L:0,0 DR 3 HR 3
[Willow switch], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD !E W:5 V:30000 C:11605 PHYSICAL 5D5 WHIP L:28,0 MANA 5 SPELL -5 HR -2 DR -2
[Back to the top]
[a black opal ring], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FINGER !GN NL QUEST W:2 V:99999 C:4775 AC[0], L:26,0 DR 1 HR 2 MANA 10
[a black ring of protection], WORN [KrummForest], FINGER !MCW W:1 V:500 C:2025 L:6,0 ARM -5 HR 1
[a bloodstone ring], WORN [ImmoRooms], FINGER M !G NL QUEST W:1 V:1 C:1625 L:21,0 CON 1 DR 1 HR 1
[a blue ring of protection], WORN [KrummForest], FINGER !MC !T W:1 V:500 C:2025 L:6,0 ARM -5 HR 1
[a blue ring], OTHER [Navadin], FINGER !E W:2 V:5000 C:2005 L:10,0 ARM -4 INT -1 WIS 1 HIT 10
[a burning ring], ARMOR [FirePlane], FINGER G I M !G NL W:10 V:130 C:4475 AC[0], L:32,0 ARM -10 DR 3 HIT -50
[a burning ring], OTHER [FirePlane], FINGER G M W:10 V:23 C:625 L:0,0 ARM -2
[a copper ring], ARMOR [Pyramid], FINGER H W:1 V:8900 C:1775 AC[0], L:15,0 HR 1 DR 2
[a crystal ring], OTHER [Glacier], FINGER W:1 V:1000 C:1975 L:16,0 ARM -5 HIT 15
[a dark ring], ARMOR [Krinlor], FINGER E M !G NL !W W:1 V:14255 C:3275 AC[0], L:32,0 ARM -8 HIT 20
[a diamond ring], OTHER [Glacier], FINGER W:1 V:20000 C:-575 L:0,0 AGE -20 INT 1
[a faerie ring], TREASURE [GnollCaves], FINGER M !E W:1 V:5000 C:625 L:0,0 WIS 1
[a fancy looking ring], ARMOR [Wasteland], FINGER M !N !TW W:1 V:15 C:2915 AC[0], L:25,0 CON -1 AGE 10 MOVE -40
[a glinting ring of silver], ARMOR [RedfernesResidence], FINGER M W:1 V:46 C:3075 AC[0], L:16,0 ARM -6 HR 2
[a glowing ring with a large sapphire], WORN [FrogTemple], FINGER G M !GN NL W:3 V:11200 C:2975 L:24,0 ARM -6 BREATH -3 MANA_REGEN 2
[a gold and sapphire wedding ring], OTHER [ImmoRooms], FINGER G B W:1 V:2500 C:3625 L:0,0 AGE 2 MANA 10
[a golden dwarven ring], ARMOR [DwarvenKingdom], FINGER NL W:1 V:1000 C:3675 AC[0], L:28,0 HR 1 DR 1 ARM -10 MANA -10
[a golden dwarven ring], ARMOR [DwarvenKingdom], FINGER W:1 V:1000 C:1275 AC[2], L:0,0 HR 1 DR 1
[a golden dwarven ring], ARMOR [Pyramid], FINGER W:1 V:10000 C:-85 AC[2], L:0,0 STR -3
[a golden ring with a turquoise stone], WORN [Celephais], FINGER !MTW W:2 V:10000 C:3925 L:41,0 DR 2 HR -1 MANA 10
[a golden ring], TRASH [RedfernesResidence], FINGER M NL W:1 V:0 C:1225 Values 0-3: [1], [0], [0], [0], L:23,0 INT 2
[a golden sphere], ARMOR [KhazadDum], FINGER !EN !CTW W:1 V:23000 C:5155 AC[2], L:31,0 MANA 15 HR 1 DEX -1
[a jade ring], OTHER [Aztec], FINGER M !TW W:1 V:2500 C:2575 L:15,0 MANA 7 HIT 15
[a mithril ring], OTHER [Swamps], FINGER G H I M NL W:1 V:43000 C:1805 L:19,0 DEX 1 STR -1 ARM -5 DR -2
[a platinum ring], ARMOR [Krinlor], FINGER G M W:1 V:1200 C:1025 AC[0], L:0,0 HIT 5 ARM -2
[a rainbow ring], WORN [ImmoRooms], FINGER G M NL QUEST !CW W:1 V:1 C:1785 L:25,0 HR 3 DR 1 HIT -40
[a red ring], OTHER [Navadin], FINGER !G W:5 V:5000 C:2005 L:0,0 INT 1 ARM -4 WIS -1 HIT 10
[a ring of black feathers], ARMOR [WitchesOfMidgaard], FINGER M !G !MC W:1 V:100 C:3375 AC[0], L:14,0 ARM -7 HR 2
[a ring of lost souls], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FINGER I !GE QUEST !M W:4 V:1000000 C:6075 AC[0], L:38,0 DR -1 HR -1 MANA 20
[a ring of might], WORN [ImmoRooms], FINGER !GE NL QUEST W:1 V:1 C:2725 L:29,0 STR 2 DR 3
[a Ring of Slaying], ARMOR [KoselbruchMill], FINGER M W:1 V:50000 C:2125 AC[3], L:27,0 DR 2 HR 2 HIT -25
[a ring of the succubi], ARMOR [Swamps], FINGER G E I M !G W:1 V:1000 C:3275 AC[1], L:0,0 ARM -3 MANA 7
[a ring of the Valkyrie], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FINGER H !E QUEST !MC W:2 V:66600 C:4545 AC[0], L:31,0 ARM -10 HIT_REGEN -7 DR 3 HIT -15
[a ring of Wizardry], ARMOR [Pyramid], FINGER !CTW W:1 V:10000 C:4655 AC[2], L:20,0 DEX -1 MANA 15
[a ring of Woe], OTHER [KoselbruchMill], FINGER E I W:800 V:1 C:-8025 L:0,0 SPELL 5 ARM 100 HR -10 DR -10
[a sapphire ring], ARMOR [Swamps], FINGER E ND W:1 V:32000 C:865 AC[0], L:0,0 CON 1 SPELL 1
[a seashell ring], BOAT [ImmoRooms], FINGER H D E I M B !G QUEST !T W:2 V:60000 C:5935 L:40,0 MANA 20 HIT -15
[a set of false nails], OTHER [Lagamore], FINGER W:1 V:3000 C:1025 L:0,0 HR 1 DR 1
[a shiny ring], WORN [KrummForest], FINGER W:1 V:20000 C:235 L:3,0 HIT 7
[a small golden ring], TREASURE [Dyarman], FINGER NL W:12 V:35000 C:25 L:0,0
[a small ring set with a large ruby], TREASURE [Dyarman], FINGER NL W:12 V:85000 C:4525 L:0,0 ARM -5 MANA 10
[a small ring], ARMOR [Beehive], FINGER G M W:10 V:1000 C:-325 AC[0], L:0,0 STR -5
[a small ruby ring], WORN [DrowCity], FINGER M !MTW W:1 V:20000 C:1215 L:17,0 HIT 23 HR 1
[a small wizard ring], ARMOR [StormGiantCastle], FINGER G I M NL !C W:5 V:20000 C:7655 AC[0], L:36,0 STR -1 MANA 20 ARM -5
[a spellbinder's ring], WORN [KrummForest], FINGER !CTW W:1 V:1 C:1825 L:6,0 MANA 5 HIT 10
[a stone ring with a deer's face], WORN [KrummForest], FINGER W:1 V:15000 C:1485 L:10,0 ARM -2 HR 1 HIT 12
[a tiny silver ring], WORN [WesternRoad], FINGER G M NL !TW W:1 V:50000 C:5605 L:25,0 MANA 15 INT 2 WIS -1
[a wedding ring], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FINGER M W:1 V:0 C:275 AC[0], L:0,0
[a Wyrmring], WORN [Dyarman], FINGER M NL W:1 V:150000 C:2725 L:50,0 ARM -11 MANA -10
[a yellow and green ring], ARMOR [Moria], FINGER HOLD W:1 V:50 C:35 AC[0], L:0,0 STR -2
[a zirconium ring], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FINGER M W:1 V:0 C:3075 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -6 HR 2
[an adamantine ring], ARMOR [KhazadDum], FINGER NL W:1 V:30000 C:2275 AC[1], L:40,0 HR 1 DR 3
[an amethyst ring], ARMOR [RqyanTower], FINGER M W:1 V:1200 C:775 AC[0], L:0,0 DR 1
[an emerald ring], ARMOR [Pyramid], FINGER NL W:1 V:5000 C:2275 AC[0], L:29,0 HR 1 DR 3
[an engagement ring], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FINGER M W:1 V:0 C:275 AC[0], L:0,0
[an eternal ring], ARMOR [Marshlands], FINGER G !GN W:2 V:10000 C:3715 AC[0], L:26,0 HIT -10 ARM -10 HR 1
[an icecold ring], WORN [ValemonsKingdom], FINGER W:5 V:9000 C:1695 L:25,0 HR 2 DR 2 INT -1 HIT -35
[an iron ring], ARMOR [HaonDor], FINGER M W:1 V:5000 C:1775 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -5
[an iron ring], ARMOR [Marshlands], FINGER M NL W:1 V:1 C:1175 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -3
[an Onyx Ring], ARMOR [SteelTown], FINGER !MTW W:1 V:60000 C:3275 AC[0], L:26,0 MANA 5 HR 2 DR 1
[opal ring], ARMOR [ErshteepRoad], FINGER !N W:1 V:2000 C:1325 AC[0], L:12,0 AGE 2 HIT 15
[Ring of destruction], ARMOR [KhazadDum], FINGER G !GN SPEC W:101 V:90000 C:1175 AC[2], L:42,0 DR 5 HR -10 HIT -100
[Ring of Reth'Ta Laan], WORN [Quon], FINGER M NL W:1 V:150000 C:2425 L:10,0 HR 2 DR 1 ARM -3
[ring of spell storing], ARMOR [Pyramid], FINGER !TW W:1 V:15000 C:4595 AC[2], L:27,0 MANA 15 HIT -30
[Ring of the Great Drake], ARMOR [Dyarman], FINGER M NL W:1 V:5000 C:2275 AC[0], L:50,0 HR 1 DR 3
[the black opal ring of the dead], WORN [Illkore], FINGER D E M W:2 V:30000 C:1325 L:15,0 STR 1 HR 1 DR 1 MANA -5
[the chrysoberyl ring], OTHER [ShadowCastle], FINGER G H D LOCK E M NL W:1 V:24000 C:1875 Values 0-3: [2], [0], [0], [0], L:25,0 HR 3 DR 1 HIT -25
[the One Ring], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FINGER M W:1 V:0 C:275 AC[0], L:0,0
[the One Ring], OTHER [Mordor], FINGER G ND B !GE NL !CTW W:20 V:1 C:5605 L:48,0 AGE -5 MANA 10 HIT -20 ARM -10
[the One Ring], OTHER [Mordor], FINGER G ND B !GE NL !CTW W:20 V:1 C:9225 L:48,0 AGE -5 MANA 10 MANA_REGEN 7 ARM -10
[the ring of demonmastery], WORN [Dyarman], FINGER E M !G NL W:1 V:50000 C:7915 L:40,0 ARM -9 MANA 17 HIT -10 SPELL -3
[the ring of life], ARMOR [Wasteland], FINGER H M W:8 V:8000 C:875 AC[3], L:0,0 CON 1
[the ring of the Dead], ARMOR [PirateShip], FINGER !G W:1 V:150 C:2775 AC[3], L:8,0 ARM -5 DR 2
[the shadow ring], ARMOR [UndergroundEmpire], FINGER NL W:10 V:415750 C:5475 AC[10], L:45,0 HIT -50 ARM -10 HR 2 DR 1
[Back to the top]
[a pair of black dragonscale gauntlets], ARMOR [Dyarman], HANDS D NL W:10 V:29000 C:2875 AC[3], L:50,0 STR 1 HR 2 DR 2
[a pair of black leather gauntlets reinforced with mithril], ARMOR [Dyarman], HANDS NL !C W:20 V:30000 C:2775 AC[13], L:50,0
[a pair of black satin gloves], ARMOR [KoselbruchMill], HANDS G M NL !CTW W:1 V:97000 C:2155 AC[1], L:38,0 HR 3 DR 1 HIT -20
[a pair of bronze gauntlets], ARMOR [Midgaard], HANDS W:8 V:1750 C:275 AC[6], L:0,0
[a pair of burning gloves], ARMOR [Dreamlands], HANDS NL !W W:1 V:1 C:1875 AC[0], L:25,0 DR 1 HR 1 DEX 1
[a pair of dragonskin gloves], ARMOR [Solom], HANDS !G NL W:10 V:13000 C:2275 AC[11], L:38,0 DR 1
[a pair of gardening gloves], ARMOR [Swamps], HANDS M W:2 V:5 C:1275 AC[5], L:10,0 HR 2
[a pair of gauntlets of dexterity], ARMOR [PirateShip], HANDS G I M W:2 V:10000 C:875 AC[6], L:16,0 DEX 1
[a pair of gauntlets], ARMOR [DrowCity], HANDS G W:2 V:10000 C:1875 AC[10], L:25,0 STR 1
[a pair of gloves of soft leather], ARMOR [Celephais], HANDS W:5 V:1000 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0
[a pair of gloves], ARMOR [RedfernesResidence], HANDS M B !EN W:14 V:900 C:2525 AC[9], L:32,0 HR 3
[a pair of guardsman's gloves], ARMOR [Wasteland], HANDS W:3 V:6000 C:2275 AC[4], L:25,0 HR 2 DR 2
[a pair of iron gauntlets], ARMOR [Thalos], HANDS W:10 V:2200 C:725 AC[7], L:0,0 HR -3 DR 1
[a pair of leather gloves], ARMOR [Midgaard], HANDS W:3 V:75 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[a pair of mithrilplated gauntlets], ARMOR [Dyarman], HANDS !GN NL W:15 V:75000 C:1675 AC[12], L:50,0 MANA -10
[a pair of muddy gauntlets], ARMOR [RedfernesResidence], HANDS M W:10 V:60 C:875 AC[2], L:0,0 STR 1
[a pair of shadow gloves], ARMOR [Bastilia], HANDS G D I M NL !MCW W:2 V:20000 C:2125 AC[10], L:45,0 HR 1 DR 1 HIT -25
[a pair of shimmering dragon-silver chainmail gauntlets], WORN [Illkore], HANDS M ND B !EN NL SPEC !C W:13 V:100000 C:4765 L:50,0 DEX -3 CHAR_WEIGHT -20 MANA 17
[a pair of silk gloves], ARMOR [UndergroundEmpire], HANDS B !E NL W:1 V:275800 C:2005 AC[6], L:40,0 HIT -45 DR 2 HR 2
[a pair of Silver Gloves], ARMOR [DrowTower], HANDS G W:4 V:20000 C:1325 AC[0], L:20,0 HIT 15 AGE 2
[a pair of silver plated gloves], ARMOR [KhazadDum], HANDS D !N NL !C !T W:21 V:10000 C:2155 AC[4], L:40,0 HR 4 HIT -20
[a pair of soft black leather gloves], ARMOR [Dyarman], HANDS D E M !G NL W:10 V:200000 C:1755 AC[2], L:50,0 ARM -2 STR -1 DR -5 MANA 5
[a pair of steel-plated gauntlets], ARMOR [KoselbruchMill], HANDS !MC !T W:5 V:30000 C:2155 AC[10], L:35,0 DR 1 HR 1 STR -1
[a pair of swordsman's gloves], ARMOR [Moria], HANDS !G W:1 V:1500 C:1775 AC[0], L:0,0 HR 2 DR 1
[a pair of thin leather gloves], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HANDS B W:1 V:300 C:0 AC[2], L:0,0 HR 1
[a pair of white silk gloves], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HANDS G M QUEST !CTW W:1 V:10000 C:4575 AC[0], L:21,0 MANA 12 INT 1 SPELL -2
[a pair of wicked steel gauntlets], ARMOR [RiversEdge], HANDS !E !C W:4 V:2500 C:2505 AC[9], L:33,0 STR -1 CON 1 HR 2
[a pair of wickedly spiked silver gauntlets], ARMOR [Illkore], HANDS D !GN NL !MC !T W:5 V:500000 C:2885 AC[5], L:43,0 CON -3 HR 3 DR 3 SPELL 3
[a pair of woolen mittens], ARMOR [Lagamore], HANDS W:2 V:4000 C:755 AC[2], L:0,0 DEX 1 INT -1
[Cuthberts Gloves], ARMOR [PirateShip], HANDS D I !G NL !TW W:1 V:10000 C:2375 AC[3], L:11,0 MANA 7
[decaying leather gloves], ARMOR [CastleRavenloft], HANDS !G SPEC W:5 V:9000 C:1175 AC[5], L:15,0 AGE 3
[Dwarven gloves], ARMOR [DwarvenKingdom], HANDS W:2 V:4000 C:875 AC[3], L:0,0 INT 1
[gauntlets of dexterity], ARMOR [Pyramid], HANDS M NL !M W:0 V:40000 C:1275 AC[0], L:16,0 DEX 2 HR -1 DR -1
[gauntlets of Ogre Power], ARMOR [Pyramid], HANDS G !M W:10 V:29000 C:2875 AC[3], L:30,0 STR 1 HR 2 DR 2
[gauntlets of ogre strength], ARMOR [Pyramid], HANDS M NL W:3 V:40000 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[Gauntlets of Resilience], ARMOR [RqyanTower], HANDS H M !GE NL W:15 V:15000 C:1975 AC[8], L:0,0 DEX 2
[gauntlets of The Dark Warrior], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HANDS D I M ND !GN NL QUEST !MC !T W:20 V:45000 C:1975 AC[10], L:45,0 DR 1 HR 1 HIT -50
[Gauntlets of weapon mastery], ARMOR [CloudCastle], HANDS G M !GN !C W:7 V:50000 C:1675 AC[2], L:41,0 HR 3 DR 1 MANA -10
[Gloves of Sorcerous Might], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HANDS G M !G QUEST !CTW W:7 V:125000 C:4225 AC[0], L:30,0 HR 2 DR 2 MANA 7 HIT -25
[gloves of the assassin], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HANDS D E I M !G NL QUEST !CW W:5 V:50000 C:2355 AC[4], L:41,0 HR 4 DR 1 HIT -30 INT -2
[gloves of the ogre mage], OTHER [ValemonsKingdom], HANDS W:8 V:15000 C:1925 L:40,0 MANA 11 HR -1 DR -1 ARM 20
[gloves of the spellbinder], WORN [KrummForest], HANDS !CTW W:5 V:5000 C:1185 L:6,0 HR 1 MANA 2 HIT 2
[some black gauntlets], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HANDS E !GN NL W:14 V:900 C:2525 AC[9], L:50,0 HR 3
[some gauntlets made of a greyish metal], ARMOR [Dyarman], HANDS W:20 V:30000 C:2775 AC[13], L:45,0
[some gloves of hard leather], ARMOR [Lagamore], HANDS NL !C W:5 V:40000 C:2775 AC[13], L:46,0
[the athridon gloves], ARMOR [DemonCity], HANDS M W:55 V:25000 C:1025 AC[9], L:21,0
[the gloves of king Valemon], ARMOR [ValemonsKingdom], HANDS !GN NL !M W:12 V:130000 C:1455 AC[1], L:49,0 CON -1 DR 2 HR 3 MANA -20
[workman's gloves], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HANDS !GE NL QUEST W:5 V:5000 C:1975 AC[8], L:29,0 STR 2
[Back to the top]
[a bandanna], ARMOR [PirateShip], HEAD W:1 V:50 C:275 AC[1], L:0,0
[a bishop's mitre], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HEAD G M B !EN NL QUEST !TW W:8 V:25000 C:5575 AC[10], L:43,0 MANA 10 DR -2 ARM -5
[a black Dragonhelmet], ARMOR [Dyarman], HEAD D E M !G NL !C W:10 V:400000 C:4425 AC[12], L:45,0 HR 2 DR 2 BREATH -3
[a black hat with a fiery-red feather in it], ARMOR [KoselbruchMill], HEAD G E M !GN !CTW W:5 V:190000 C:1275 AC[2], L:50,0 DR 1 HR 1 MANA -10 ARM -2
[a black hat], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HEAD B W:1 V:350 C:0 AC[2], L:0,0 HIT 8
[a Black Hood], ARMOR [SteelTown], HEAD M W:1 V:100 C:1475 AC[1], L:22,0 HIT 40
[a black knight's visor], ARMOR [Arachnos], HEAD I M W:5 V:20000 C:1475 AC[6], L:14,0 STR 1 CON 1
[a Blackend Mithril Helmet], ARMOR [Dyarman], HEAD !C W:30 V:30000 C:4275 AC[10], L:50,0 ARM -10
[a blackened Helmet], ARMOR [Pyramid], HEAD G !M W:20 V:25000 C:2775 AC[10], L:27,0 HR 3
[a Blacklacquered Helmet with a purple plum], ARMOR [Dyarman], HEAD W:25 V:100000 C:2775 AC[11], L:32,0 HR 2
[a bloodstained skull], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HEAD NL !MC W:67 V:0 C:4275 AC[12], L:50,0 HR 2 DR 2
[a Blue Steel helmet], ARMOR [SteelTown], HEAD W:10 V:12000 C:1575 AC[10], L:27,0 HIT 10
[a brass helmet], ARMOR [Midgaard], HEAD W:35 V:500 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0
[a bright red feather], OTHER [Dreamlands], HEAD W:1 V:1000 C:625 L:0,0 WIS 1
[a bronze helmet], ARMOR [Midgaard], HEAD W:8 V:3500 C:275 AC[6], L:0,0
[a carbon-steel helmet], ARMOR [RiversEdge], HEAD W:6 V:3000 C:3225 AC[10], L:32,0 MANA -5 HIT 25 HR 3
[a chaos helmet], ARMOR [RedfernesResidence], HEAD M !GN W:8 V:2300 C:1975 AC[9], L:29,0 STR 1 SPELL -7
[a crystal visor], ARMOR [Swamps], HEAD I M B NL !CTW W:10 V:120000 C:2675 AC[2], L:32,0 MANA 7 HIT 10
[a dark horned helmet], ARMOR [Marshlands], HEAD ND !G W:5 V:15000 C:415 AC[6], L:7,0 DR 1 INT -3
[a dwarven helmet], ARMOR [DwarvenKingdom], HEAD W:4 V:2500 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0
[a feathered tiara], ARMOR [Holt], HEAD M NL W:1 V:0 C:1475 AC[1], L:0,0 HIT 40
[a full helmet made of mithril], ARMOR [Dyarman], HEAD M !C W:25 V:150000 C:3775 AC[15], L:50,0
[a golden crown], ARMOR [WelmarsCastle], HEAD M !E NL W:40 V:12000 C:11525 AC[7], L:45,0 MANA 30 MANA_REGEN 4
[a golden feather], TREASURE [GnollCaves], HEAD M !E W:1 V:1000 C:925 L:0,0 INT 1 HIT 10
[a grey metal helmet], ARMOR [LichTower], HEAD E M !G W:10 V:50000 C:2475 AC[10], L:44,0 ARM -4
[a helmet made of a greyish metal], ARMOR [Dyarman], HEAD W:30 V:30000 C:775 AC[15], L:50,0 MANA -50
[a Human Brain], FOOD [Dreamlands], HEAD HOLD W:6 V:0 C:25 Full:5 L:0,0
[a jeweled crown], TREASURE [Dyarman], HEAD NL W:80 V:600000 C:25 L:0,0
[a large fluffy hat], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HEAD G H M ND B !EN SPEC !CTW W:1 V:1000 C:1475 AC[1], L:22,0 HIT 40
[a large fountain], LIQUID CONTAINER [Midgaard], !TAKE HEAD NO_DUST W:500 V:3000 C:254025 Max: Unlimited Contains: Unlimited Liquid: water L:0,0 DR 127 DAMROLL 127 DAMROLL 127 DAMROLL 127
[a large helmet], ARMOR [RedfernesResidence], HEAD M W:5 V:4500 C:3525 AC[7], L:26,0 MANA 10
[a large helmet], ARMOR [UndergroundEmpire], HEAD W:10 V:68500 C:1275 AC[10], L:29,0
[a large stone helmet], ARMOR [Wasteland], HEAD NL !MC W:67 V:50000 C:4275 AC[12], L:43,0 HR 2 DR 2
[a large,white skull], ARMOR [KoselbruchMill], HEAD M !G NL !TW W:30 V:80000 C:2095 AC[4], L:50, 0 HIT -30 HR 3 DR 1
[a leather cap], ARMOR [Midgaard], HEAD W:3 V:150 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0
[a magician's tophat], CONTAINER [ImmoRooms], HEAD H D LOCK E I B !GN NO_RENT NL SPEC W:1 V:25000 C:3625 Max: 71 L:21,0 MANA 10 ARM -2
[a metal helmet], ARMOR [Moria], HEAD W:4 V:3000 C:475 AC[0], L:0,0 SPELL -2 BREATH -2
[a moldy brown hat], ARMOR [FreddiesStronghold], HEAD G NL !CTW W:6 V:100000 C:5675 AC[2], L:50,0 DR 2 HR -1 MANA 15
[a pair of spectacles], WORN [Celephais], HEAD !M W:2 V:1000 C:1025 L:10,0 HR 2
[a plain helmet], ARMOR [Celephais], HEAD W:10 V:800 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0
[a pontiff's headress], ARMOR [Arachnos], HEAD I M W:5 V:20000 C:1475 AC[1], L:0,0 WIS 2
[a red rose], WORN [KrummForest], HEAD G H B !E !TW W:1 V:2000 C:865 L:6,0 HIT 3 MANA 2 MOVE 5
[a rusty helmet with engravings], ARMOR [KhazadDum], HEAD ND W:1 V:10 C:1375 AC[1], L:15,0 CON 2 HR -1
[a servant's white cloth cap], WORN [RiversEdge], HEAD B !E W:1 V:2500 C:3175 L:17,0 MANA 10 HIT 5
[a set of stone horns], ARMOR [KrummForest], HEAD W:15 V:16000 C:1815 AC[4], L:18,0 HIT 8 HR 2 AGE 1
[a shiny helmet], ARMOR [Swamps], HEAD NL W:4 V:50000 C:1775 AC[2], L:35,0 ARM -5
[a shogun's helmet], ARMOR [ShadowCastle], HEAD !GEN NL !MCTW W:25 V:45000 C:18775 AC[15], L:41,0 ARM -50
[a silk tophat], ARMOR [Lagamore], HEAD W:5 V:100 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[a silver tiara named 'The Three-headed Monster'], WORN [Illkore], HEAD D E M !GN NL SPEC !MTW W:10 V:250000 C:3075 L:43,0 HIT -75 HR 2 DR 2 MANA 5
[a silvery headband], WORN [Celephais], HEAD NL !MTW W:5 V:20000 C:4625 L:41,0 MANA 15 ARM 15 HR 1 DR 1
[a silvery helmet], ARMOR [RedfernesResidence], HEAD M B !EN NL !C W:35 V:9000 C:3775 AC[15], L:50,0
[a small bright green hat], WORN [DrowCity], HEAD ND !GE W:1 V:2000 C:-275 L:0,0 AGE -15 ARM -2
[a small helmet], ARMOR [DrowCity], HEAD M W:5 V:6000 C:1475 AC[1], L:0,0 INT 2
[a spellbinder's hat], WORN [KrummForest], HEAD !CTW W:5 V:20000 C:2425 L:6,0 AGE 3 MANA 5
[a spiked helm], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HEAD D E !G NL QUEST !C !T W:30 V:90000 C:7715 AC[22], L:43,0 DR 3 HR 1 ARM 26
[a strange white skull], ARMOR [Sewers], HEAD M ND W:30 V:0 C:-205 AC[1], L:0,0 DEX -4
[a studded leather helmet], ARMOR [GoblinForest], HEAD M W:3 V:1500 C:775 AC[4], L:0,0 HR 1
[a thick padded turban], ARMOR [GreatEasternDesert], HEAD M ND W:15 V:4300 C:215 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM 1
[a visored steel helmet], ARMOR [FrogTemple], HEAD M !GE NL !W W:30 V:20000 C:2025 AC[13], L:45,0 MANA -25 HIT 5 ARM -2
[a weird looking helmet], ARMOR [DemonCity], HEAD G H M W:10 V:6789 C:935 AC[6], L:8,0 CON 1 HIT 2
[a weird looking helmet], ARMOR [DemonCity], HEAD G H M W:10 V:6789 C:935 AC[6], L:8,0 DEX 1 HIT 2
[a weird looking helmet], ARMOR [DemonCity], HEAD G H M W:10 V:6789 C:935 AC[6], L:8,0 INT 1 HIT 2
[a weird looking helmet], ARMOR [DemonCity], HEAD G H M W:10 V:6789 C:935 AC[6], L:8,0 STR 1 HIT 2
[a weird looking helmet], ARMOR [DemonCity], HEAD G H M W:10 V:6789 C:935 AC[6], L:8,0 WIS 1 HIT 2
[a white eog Circlet], WORN [Quon], HEAD G !EN W:5 V:350000 C:5425 L:40,0 DEX 1 MANA 10 ARM -6
[a whitegold tiara set with rubies], WORN [Dyarman], HEAD E M !G NL W:5 V:400000 C:5425 L:40,0 ARM -7 SPELL -3 BREATH -3 MANA 10
[a wizard's hat], ARMOR [Arachnos], HEAD I M W:5 V:20000 C:1475 AC[1], L:0,0 INT 2
[an apple], FOOD [ImmoRooms], HEAD W:2 V:10 C:25 Full:1P L:0,0
[an eye patch], ARMOR [PirateShip], HEAD W:1 V:7000 C:275 AC[6], L:0,0
[an iron crown], ARMOR [HaonDor], HEAD M W:10 V:5000 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0
[an iron helm], ARMOR [Thalos], HEAD W:10 V:5000 C:325 AC[7], L:0,0 HR -2
[an old felt hat], ARMOR [KhazadDum], HEAD HOLD G !EN NL !C W:16 V:40000 C:3575 AC[2], L:40,0 MANA 10 HIT 10
[an old helmet], ARMOR [Marshlands], HEAD NL W:15 V:300 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0
[an ornamented tiara], ARMOR [RqyanTower], HEAD M W:2 V:3000 C:1375 AC[8], L:0,0 HIT 20
[decaying leather helmet], ARMOR [CastleRavenloft], HEAD !G SPEC W:6 V:10000 C:1175 AC[5], L:10,0 AGE 3
[Helmet of Pegasus], ARMOR [RqyanTower], HEAD I M B !EN NL W:12 V:10000 C:1625 AC[9], L:0,0 HIT 20
[purple earrings], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HEAD G W:1 V:0 C:275 AC[0], L:0,0
[Red rose garland], ARMOR [CloudCastle], HEAD M W:1 V:20000 C:3275 AC[2], L:25,0 MANA 10
[scalp of a krumm-elk], WORN [KrummForest], HEAD W:20 V:9000 C:2275 L:6,0 HIT 15 ARM -6
[the athridon helmet], ARMOR [DemonCity], HEAD M W:55 V:25000 C:1025 AC[9], L:21,0
[the black helm of the damned], ARMOR [Illkore], HEAD D E I ND !G NL !MC W:15 V:75000 C:4475 AC[12], L:45,0 HR 2 DR 2 MOVE_REGEN 4
[the Crown], ARMOR [Mordor], HEAD I M !GN NL !TW W:15 V:120000 C:4055 AC[2], L:30,0 MANA 10 HIT 10 ARM -2 DEX -1
[the Crystal Headband], ARMOR [Abyss], HEAD I M !E !CTW W:5 V:20000 C:3575 AC[0], L:18,0 AGE 3 ARM 10 MANA 10
[the dark helmet], ARMOR [UndergroundEmpire], HEAD NL W:35 V:398500 C:2775 AC[13], L:50,0 MANA_REGEN -15 DR 1 HR 2
[the evil helmet], ARMOR [DemonCity], HEAD E M !GN W:10 V:60000 C:4025 AC[11], L:32,0 BREATH -3 HIT 20 HR 2 DR 1
[the Helm of Might], ARMOR [PirateShip], HEAD W:8 V:10000 C:1235 AC[6], L:18,0 STR 2 INT -2
[the Lich Crown], WORN [LichTower], HEAD G E I M !GN NL !CTW W:5 V:750000 C:6215 L:50,0 DR -2 MANA 12 HIT -35 MANA_REGEN 6
[the POWERMAD HEADBANGER button], ARMOR [POWERMADs], SHIELD M NO_RENT NL W:1 V:1 C:31275 AC[40], L:0,0 HIT 125 HIT 125 HIT 125 HIT 125
[the POWERMAD HEADBANGER button], ARMOR [POWERMADs], SHIELD M NO_RENT NL W:1 V:1 C:31275 AC[40], L:0,0 HIT 125 HIT 125 HIT 125 HIT 125
[wild flowers], WORN [Ofcol], HEAD HOLD !E W:1 V:10 C:25 L:0,0
[wild flowers], WORN [Plains], HEAD HOLD !E W:1 V:10 C:25 L:0,0
[Back to the top]
[a bear skin kilt], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], LEGS B !E NL QUEST !C W:8 V:4000 C:-425 AC[2], L:38,0 DR 1 MANA -20
[a black dragon scale skirt], ARMOR [QuifaelCustomRooms], LEGS M W:8 V:5000 C:275 AC[6], L:0,0
[a blue hakama], ARMOR [Lagamore], LEGS G M W:20 V:25000 C:775 AC[2], L:0,0 HR 1
[a blue traditional skirt], WORN [KrummForest], LEGS H !E !TW W:3 V:7800 C:505 L:6,0 MANA 2 ARM 2
[a blue woven kirtle], ARMOR [KrummForest], LEGS H M B !E NL !TW W:3 V:31000 C:2485 AC[0], L:40,0 HR 1 MANA 5 MOVE 10 HIT -15
[a pair of black dragonscale leggings], ARMOR [Dyarman], LEGS H E M !G NL W:15 V:200000 C:2275 AC[12], L:45,0
[a pair of black pants], ARMOR [UnderWorld], LEGS !E NL W:5 V:45000 C:1775 AC[11], L:33,0
[a pair of black scale leggings], ARMOR [GnollCaves], LEGS W:23 V:10000 C:775 AC[8], L:0,0
[a pair of black silken trousers], ARMOR [Dyarman], LEGS SPEC W:5 V:2000 C:875 AC[1], L:0,0 ARM -2
[a pair of Blackend Mithril Greaves], ARMOR [Dyarman], LEGS !C W:40 V:75000 C:2475 AC[10], L:45,0 ARM -4
[a pair of boxer shorts], ARMOR [PirateShip], LEGS H W:1 V:200 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[a pair of bronze leggings], ARMOR [Midgaard], LEGS W:8 V:3500 C:275 AC[6], L:0,0
[a pair of burning leggings], ARMOR [Dreamlands], LEGS !G NL !C W:30 V:30000 C:2275 AC[12], L:40,0
[a pair of chain-mail leggings], ARMOR [Celephais], LEGS W:10 V:800 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0
[a pair of crystal chain leggings], ARMOR [Swamps], LEGS I M B !N !CTW W:7 V:85000 C:1235 AC[2], L:36,0 AGE -4 ARM -4
[a pair of decaying leather pants], ARMOR [Marshlands], LEGS W:6 V:10 C:275 AC[1], L:0,0
[a pair of dream-silk pants], TREASURE [Celephais], LEGS W:10 V:15000 C:25 L:0,0
[a pair of dusty leather pants], ARMOR [Bastilia], LEGS W:3 V:100 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0
[a pair of enruned mithril greaves], ARMOR [Dyarman], LEGS !C W:35 V:2000 C:2275 AC[12], L:45,0
[a pair of golden leggings], ARMOR [KhazadDum], LEGS W:2 V:85000 C:2575 AC[2], L:41,0 MANA 5 MANA_REGEN 2 HR -2
[a pair of grey metal leggings], ARMOR [LichTower], LEGS E M !G W:30 V:50000 C:2475 AC[10], L:41,0 ARM -4
[a pair of grey silk pants], ARMOR [Dyarman], LEGS W:5 V:2000 C:1775 AC[1], L:0,0 ARM -5
[a pair of grey silken trousers], ARMOR [Dyarman], LEGS SPEC W:5 V:2000 C:35 AC[1], L:0,0 ARM 4
[a pair of leather pants], ARMOR [Midgaard], LEGS W:5 V:150 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0
[a pair of leg greaves made of a greyish metal], ARMOR [Dyarman], LEGS !C W:50 V:75000 C:2275 AC[12], L:45,0
[a pair of navy blue pants], ARMOR [Celephais], LEGS W:5 V:100 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[a pair of plain grey pants], ARMOR [Celephais], LEGS W:5 V:100 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[a pair of red scale leggings], ARMOR [BastiliaSewers], LEGS G M W:30 V:50000 C:2675 AC[10], L:41,0 MANA_REGEN 2 HIT_REGEN 4
[a pair of shadow leggings], ARMOR [Bastilia], LEGS D M !MCW W:5 V:50000 C:2375 AC[12], L:50,0 SPELL -2
[a pair of trousers,made of skin], WORN [KrummForest], LEGS W:1 V:2100 C:625 L:0, 0 ARM -2
[a pair of waterproof,steel chain pants], ARMOR [RiversEdge], LEGS W:9 V:3000 C:545 AC[2], L:5, 0 HIT -5 MOVE 10
[a set of iron leggings], ARMOR [Thalos], LEGS W:10 V:5400 C:-135 AC[7], L:0,0 HR -3 DEX -3
[a set of spectral leg plates], ARMOR [Swamps], LEGS G I M W:5 V:70000 C:1025 AC[8], L:26,0 SPELL -5
[a white pair of steel mesh pants], ARMOR [RiversEdge], LEGS W:12 V:7500 C:1325 AC[2], L:11,0 DEX 1 MOVE 15
[an ancient loin cloth], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], LEGS M QUEST !CTW W:1 V:9100 C:3875 AC[2], L:36,0 ARM -2 MANA 10
[Basalt leggings], ARMOR [CloudCastle], LEGS W:100 V:30000 C:1825 AC[9], L:30,0 STR 1 CON 1 MOVE -50 HR -1
[blue chainy leggings], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], LEGS G M NL QUEST !CTW W:15 V:40000 C:1475 AC[2], L:25,0 ARM -2 STR 1
[Chainmail leggings], ARMOR [Navadin], LEGS W:10 V:9000 C:875 AC[2], L:15,0 ARM -2
[decaying leather leggings], ARMOR [CastleRavenloft], LEGS !G SPEC W:5 V:10000 C:1175 AC[4], L:15,0 AGE 3
[feathered thread leggings], ARMOR [Holt], LEGS NL W:10 V:0 C:2675 AC[2], L:0,0 DEX 1 ARM -6
[Leggings of Elemental Earth], ARMOR [ShadowCastle], LEGS NL SPEC W:10 V:10000 C:3825 AC[10], L:49,0 MANA 5 HIT 15 MOVE 20
[ostrich-feather pants], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], LEGS M QUEST !C W:1 V:1 C:1375 AC[1], L:41,0 DR 1 MOVE 20
[Silk Pantalons], ARMOR [Abyss], LEGS M W:2 V:20000 C:2375 AC[0], L:13,0 MANA 5 ARM -2
[Silver Chain Leggings], ARMOR [DrowTower], LEGS G !E NL W:7 V:32000 C:35 AC[0], L:24,0 CON 1 STR -1 AGE -2 ARM 10
[some black stone leggings], ARMOR [KrummForest], LEGS !CW W:40 V:15000 C:525 AC[7], L:6,0
[some blackish dragonscaled leggings], ARMOR [Dyarman], LEGS D NL W:20 V:25000 C:775 AC[2], L:50,0 HR 1
[some blue stone leggings], ARMOR [KrummForest], LEGS !C !T W:40 V:15000 C:525 AC[7], L:6,0
[some brass leggings], ARMOR [Midgaard], LEGS W:35 V:500 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0
[some darkened leggings], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], LEGS E NL !MC W:60 V:0 C:2275 AC[12], L:50,0
[some deerskin leggings], ARMOR [KrummForest], LEGS W:5 V:8000 C:1895 AC[0], L:6,0 ARM -4 HIT 7 MOVE 7
[some leg plates], ARMOR [RedfernesResidence], LEGS M B !EN W:40 V:12500 C:775 AC[8], L:15,0
[some lionscale leggings], ARMOR [Solom], LEGS !G W:10 V:5000 C:1025 AC[9], L:23,0
[some mithril leggings], ARMOR [Dyarman], LEGS !C W:35 V:2000 C:2275 AC[12], L:41,0
[some steel leg plates], ARMOR [Bastilia], LEGS W:12 V:12000 C:775 AC[8], L:13,0
[some steel leggings with silver engravings], ARMOR [KhazadDum], LEGS H NL !MC W:7 V:100000 C:2775 AC[12], L:50,0 MOVE_REGEN 10
[some steel leggings], ARMOR [Dyarman], LEGS W:55 V:2000 C:1025 AC[9], L:25,0
[some stone leggings], ARMOR [Wasteland], LEGS NL !MC W:60 V:25000 C:2275 AC[12], L:40,0
[the athridon leg greaves], ARMOR [DemonCity], LEGS M W:55 V:12500 C:1025 AC[9], L:21,0
[the Greaves of War], ARMOR [Swamps], LEGS M NL !MC !T W:35 V:130000 C:1525 AC[9], L:38,0 DR 1
[the leggings of The Great Lord of the Dark], ARMOR [Illkore], LEGS H D E M !GN NL !MCW W:100 V:500000 C:975 AC[8], L:49,0 DR 1 MOVE -50
[titanium leggings], ARMOR [Pyramid], LEGS !M W:2 V:50000 C:1275 AC[10], L:29,0
[Back to the top]
[a beautiful crystalline pendant], ARMOR [Dyarman], NECK M !G NL !T W:7 V:55000 C:3475 AC[0], L:50,0 ARM -9 DR 1
[a beautiful red pendant], ARMOR [EnchantedForest], NECK B W:4 V:25000 C:1475 AC[0], L:0,0 HIT 10 ARM -3
[a black cape], ARMOR [UnderWorld], NECK G !E NL W:12 V:90000 C:3875 AC[3], L:31,0 ARM -12
[a black eog key on a chain], BOAT [Goltraung], NECK I M ND NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:0 C:25 Values 0-3: [2], [0], [0], [0], L:50,0
[a black silver cape], ARMOR [Bastilia], NECK G M NL !CTW W:3 V:250000 C:1375 AC[2], L:50,0 HR 1 HIT 20
[a black,velvet cape], ARMOR [KoselbruchMill], NECK D E I !G !CW W:12 V:30000 C:2755 AC[1], L:33, 0 HR 1 MOVE 10 ARM -6 INT -1
[a blood red cloak], OTHER [Navadin], NECK !G W:5 V:5000 C:1825 L:8,0 ARM -6
[a blue cape of hope], ARMOR [KrummForest], NECK !MC !T W:10 V:5000 C:1475 AC[0], L:6,0 ARM -4
[a blue cape with white roses], WORN [KrummForest], NECK H !E !TW W:1 V:1 C:1315 L:6,0 MANA 2 HIT 3 ARM -2
[a blue silk scarf], WORN [ImmoRooms], NECK G M B NL QUEST W:1 V:50000 C:1025 L:30,0 STR 1 HR -1 DR 1
[a cloak of protection], ARMOR [Pyramid], NECK G W:7 V:15000 C:2675 AC[0], L:26,0 ARM -10 MANA -10
[a cloak of woven fire], WORN [Illkore], NECK M B !EN !CTW W:5 V:75000 C:3425 L:45,0 MANA_REGEN 3 MANA 7 DR -2
[a coral choker], WORN [ImmoRooms], NECK G M B QUEST !M !W W:1 V:1 C:3925 L:38,0 MANA 12 HIT 10
[a dark cape], ARMOR [BastiliaSewers], NECK M W:5 V:5000 C:1775 AC[2], L:0,0 ARM -5
[a dark cloak], ARMOR [BastiliaSewers], NECK M W:12 V:14500 C:2465 AC[0], L:18,0 ARM -5 HIT 23
[a dark green cloak], ARMOR [Thalos], NECK G M W:12 V:14500 C:2345 AC[0], L:17,0 HIT 19 ARM -5
[a demon-faced talisman], ARMOR [Thalos], NECK G M ND W:11 V:2500 C:-1885 AC[5], L:0,0 STR -10 DEX -8
[a feathered cape], ARMOR [Aztec], NECK M !E W:20 V:50000 C:3075 AC[0], L:22,0 ARM -9 SPELL -2
[a flowing ebony cape], ARMOR [Swamps], NECK M !G NL !T W:7 V:45000 C:3475 AC[0], L:45,0 ARM -9 DR 1
[a forest green cloak], ARMOR [SylvanForest], NECK W:10 V:1000 C:1775 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -5
[a frozen necklace], WORN [ValemonsKingdom], NECK HOLD W:3 V:8000 C:985 L:0,0 WIS 2 CON -1 STR -1
[a gold necklace], WORN [ImmoRooms], NECK M !G NL QUEST W:5 V:65000 C:345 L:22,0 HR 1 HIT -30
[a green crystal pendant], WORN [RiversEdge], NECK M !CTW W:3 V:500 C:3025 L:3,0 MANA 7 ARM -3
[a green silk scarf], WORN [ImmoRooms], NECK G M B NL QUEST W:1 V:1 C:1225 L:25,0 HIT 40
[a grey cloak], ARMOR [DrowForest], NECK !G W:8 V:400 C:2355 AC[0], L:9,0 BREATH 2 ARM -7
[a grey wool cape], WORN [Celephais], NECK W:8 V:800 C:625 L:0,0 ARM -2
[a heavy gold-chain], ARMOR [KoselbruchMill], NECK G M !E NL !TW W:20 V:100000 C:1255 AC[3], L:35,0 CON 1 HR 1 STR -1
[a hooded black velvet cloak with silvertrim], WORN [Dyarman], NECK D E M !G NL !M W:15 V:100000 C:4225 L:45,0 ARM -14
[a jewelry necklace], TREASURE [RqyanTower], NECK M !G W:3 V:7500 C:3025 L:0,0 MANA 10
[a key on a chain], KEY [Goltraung], NECK NO_RENT NL W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:1,0
[a large gold necklace], TREASURE [Bastilia], NECK W:1 V:40000 C:25 L:0,0
[a lovely diamond pendant], OTHER [ShadowCastle], NECK !N W:5 V:10000 C:2115 L:30,0 CON 1 MANA 5 SPELL 1
[a necklace with a small locket], TREASURE [Dyarman], NECK NL W:12 V:35000 C:25 L:0,0
[a necklace], OTHER [Navadin], NECK M W:10 V:3000 C:1525 L:0,0 ARM -5
[a pearl necklace], TREASURE [Dyarman], NECK NL W:10 V:75000 C:25 L:0,0
[a pearly necklace], ARMOR [Wasteland], NECK M W:2 V:30000 C:1405 AC[0], L:28,0 INT 1 CON 1 STR -1 SPELL -1
[a piece of jewel], TREASURE [Krinlor], NECK G W:1 V:5850 C:155 L:0,0 PARA -3 PETRI 2
[a polished stone necklace], WORN [KrummForest], NECK W:2 V:16000 C:2155 L:10,0 ARM -2 HIT 7 MANA 4 MOVE 4
[a purple cloak], ARMOR [Sewers], NECK M W:20 V:5000 C:2365 AC[0], L:10,0 SPELL 1 ARM -7
[a red silk scarf], WORN [ImmoRooms], NECK G M B QUEST W:1 V:1 C:1625 L:25,0 CON 1 STR 1 HR 1 DR -1
[a shimmering blue druid's cloak], WORN [Illkore], NECK G !E W:2 V:25000 C:1485 L:24,0 DEX -2 CON 1 HIT 20 HIT_REGEN 5
[a short feather cape], OTHER [Holt], NECK G NL W:1 V:0 C:5425 L:0,0 DEX 2 ARM -14
[a silvernecklace set with a moonstone], WORN [Dyarman], NECK E M !G NL W:5 V:150000 C:4825 L:50,0 MANA 10 ARM -6
[a silvery necklace], TREASURE [Dyarman], NECK NL W:12 V:25000 C:25 L:0,0
[a skull-shaped brooch], OTHER [PirateShip], NECK G W:1 V:20000 C:1825 L:17,0 DEX 1 ARM -4
[a small amulet], OTHER [Navadin], NECK !M W:10 V:10000 C:1675 L:18,0 ARM -3 HIT 25
[a small key on a chain], KEY [BastiliaSewers], NECK BREAK W:1 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 9 L:0,0
[a small silver chain], WORN [KrummForest], NECK G !E !TW W:1 V:1400 C:1015 L:6,0 MANA 3 HIT 3
[a soldier's ID tag], WORN [Celephais], NECK W:2 V:1 C:25 L:0,0
[a strange amulet], WORN [Plains], NECK M ND W:1 V:500 C:-25 L:0,0 ROD 5
[a studded dog collar], OTHER [Lagamore], NECK M W:10 V:3000 C:2425 L:17,0 ARM -8
[a white cape of hope], ARMOR [Wasteland], NECK M !E NL !M W:16 V:100000 C:4475 AC[0], L:43,0 ARM -14
[a white cloak of the order of the frog], ARMOR [FrogTemple], NECK M W:5 V:5500 C:2375 AC[0], L:23,0 ARM -7
[a wide black cape], WORN [Dyarman], NECK D !G !M W:15 V:20000 C:3925 L:40,0 STR 1 ARM -11
[an amarrishi amulet], OTHER [DemonCity], NECK M NO_DUST !CTW W:30 V:50 C:25 L:25,0 HIT 50 ARM 25
[an amber amulet], ARMOR [Pyramid], NECK G W:1 V:5300 C:1975 AC[0], L:11,0 HIT 10 ARM -5 DR -1
[an amulet made of leather], WORN [PlainsVillage], NECK M B W:1 V:15000 C:2725 L:21,0 MANA 9
[an ancient silver collar], ARMOR [DemonCity], NECK M !G W:15 V:6000 C:1175 AC[0], L:0,0 DEX 1 ARM -1
[an icecold cape], ARMOR [ValemonsKingdom], NECK !M W:8 V:11000 C:3695 AC[0], L:28,0 STR 1 ARM -10 MANA -3
[an icy blue cloak], OTHER [Navadin], NECK !E W:10 V:15000 C:2425 L:19,0 ARM -8
[an old key], KEY [BastiliaSewers], NECK D NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 9 L:0,0
[an onyx pendant], WORN [ImmoRooms], NECK !GN NL QUEST !TW W:2 V:50000 C:2905 L:30,0 MANA 10 MOVE -20
[Blue rose wreath], TREASURE [CloudCastle], NECK M W:2 V:10000 C:625 L:5,0 INT 1
[Cape of the Trolls], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], NECK E B !GN QUEST !MC W:10 V:1000 C:4175 AC[0], L:41,0 ARM -10 HIT_REGEN 9
[Crusaders Cross], ARMOR [EnchantedForest], NECK G H M B !E !M W:20 V:25000 C:1275 AC[0], L:42,0 WIS 1 DR 1 HR -1
[decaying leather collar], ARMOR [CastleRavenloft], NECK !G SPEC W:5 V:7000 C:1075 AC[4], L:20,0 AGE 3 HR -1
[Key on a chain], KEY [CloudCastle], NECK W:15 V:3000 C:505 Keytype: 23706 L:5,0 ARM -2 MANA -2
[Necklace with many beads], WAND [Pyramid], NECK M W:1 V:10000 C:2000 Has 6 charge(s),with 6 charge(s) left. Level 17 spell of: magic missile L:0, 0
[scarab of Protection], ARMOR [Pyramid], NECK W:4 V:22000 C:725 AC[5], L:0,0 ROD -2 PETRI -2 BREATH -2 SPELL -3
[Strange coloured cloak], SCROLL [Pyramid], NECK M W:1 V:15000 C:3000 Level 12 spell(s) of: invisibility L:0,0
[the Albatross], OTHER [PirateShip], NECK ND W:20 V:0 C:-575 L:0,0 STR -5
[the amulet of the flame], OTHER [FirePlane], NECK H M W:30 V:200 C:1105 L:0,0 STR 2 DEX -1
[the Amulet of the Magi], OTHER [ShadowCastle], NECK H D LOCK E I NL SPEC !CTW W:2 V:15000 C:4275 L:48,0 MANA 15 HIT_REGEN -10 MOVE_REGEN 5 ARM 5
[the amulet], ARMOR [GreatEasternDesert], NECK M !M W:2 V:1500 C:875 AC[0], L:0,0 CON 1
[the Ancient Cape of the Gods], ARMOR [Zubas], NECK G H !M W:20 V:50000 C:3175 AC[0], L:38,0 ARM -8 HR 1
[the cloak of evilness], ARMOR [KhazadDum], NECK D !GN !CTW W:3 V:300000 C:4775 AC[0], L:50,0 ARM -10 MANA_REGEN 3
[the darkened cape], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], NECK E !G NL !M W:16 V:0 C:4475 AC[0], L:50,0 ARM -14
[the Eye of the Witch], WORN [RiversEdge], NECK G NL SPEC NO_SCAVENGER !MTW W:3 V:750000 C:4425 L:45,0 MANA 12 DR -1 HIT_REGEN -5 MANA_REGEN 2
[the Medal of Durin-Din], WORN [WorthanForest], NECK W:3 V:20000 C:1525 L:12,0 HIT 10 INT 1 WIS 1
[the Seadrake pendant], WORN [Dyarman], NECK M NL W:5 V:150000 C:3325 L:50,0 ARM -11 HR -3 PARA -3 SPELL -3
[the shadow cape], ARMOR [UndergroundEmpire], NECK D E !G NL !M W:20 V:365745 C:2055 AC[0], L:45,0 ARM -5 DR 1 HR -1 HIT -20
[the Sun Cloak], ARMOR [SteelTown], NECK G H M B NL W:10 V:70000 C:3275 AC[0], L:30,0 ARM -10
[Yellow rose wreath], TREASURE [CloudCastle], NECK M W:2 V:10000 C:625 L:5,0 WIS 1
[Back to the top]
Worn as Shield
[a Black Eog Shield], ARMOR [Dyarman], SHIELD D E M !G NL W:25 V:200000 C:975 AC[10], L:50,0 ARM -3 DR -1 BREATH -2 MANA -20
[a bone shield], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], SHIELD M !G NL QUEST W:10 V:45000 C:2125 AC[2], L:38,0 HR 1 MANA 5 HIT -25
[a brass shield], ARMOR [Midgaard], SHIELD W:25 V:250 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0
[a buckler shield], ARMOR [DrowForest], SHIELD M W:15 V:10000 C:675 AC[2], L:0,0 BREATH -2 HIT 10
[a Golden Shield], ARMOR [Solom], SHIELD G I M !E NL W:50 V:30000 C:2595 AC[11], L:37,0 HIT -30 HR 2
[a grey metal shield], ARMOR [LichTower], SHIELD E M !G W:10 V:30000 C:1875 AC[10], L:44,0 ARM -2
[a heavy black dragon-scale shield], ARMOR [UnderWorld], SHIELD !G W:110 V:60000 C:1775 AC[11], L:30,0
[a large black shield], ARMOR [Thalos], SHIELD W:3 V:100 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[a large dark rock], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], SHIELD E !G NL W:50 V:0 C:2595 AC[11], L:50,0 HIT -30 HR 2
[a large dusty leather shield], ARMOR [Bastilia], SHIELD W:8 V:340 C:275 AC[5], L:0,0
[a large shield], ARMOR [UndergroundEmpire], SHIELD W:15 V:52750 C:1275 AC[10], L:28,0
[a large stone shield], ARMOR [Wasteland], SHIELD !MC W:36 V:50000 C:1275 AC[10], L:27,0
[a magenta shield], ARMOR [Atraktos], SHIELD M !TW W:18 V:1 C:1315 AC[8], L:14,0 MANA -2 MOVE 22
[a mystic shield], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], SHIELD G M !GE QUEST !CTW W:10 V:60000 C:4175 AC[2], L:21,0 ARM -3 MANA 10
[a plain target shield], ARMOR [Celephais], SHIELD W:15 V:1000 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0
[a red dragon-hide shield], ARMOR [RqyanTower], SHIELD M !G NL !MT W:15 V:6000 C:2275 AC[12], L:0,0
[a shadow shield], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], SHIELD D E I M !GN QUEST !MCW W:5 V:25000 C:1675 AC[10], L:35,0 HR 1 DR 1 HIT -50 MOVE -50
[a shield of the lion], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], SHIELD G M B NL QUEST !C !T W:50 V:75000 C:2375 AC[11], L:32,0 CON 1
[a shield of the skull], ARMOR [PirateShip], SHIELD G !G W:6 V:10000 C:725 AC[6], L:14,0 HIT 15
[a shield], ARMOR [Midgaard], SHIELD W:3 V:100 C:275 AC[1], L:0,0
[a silver dragon scale shield], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], SHIELD B !EN QUEST !M W:25 V:75000 C:1975 AC[11], L:45,0 HIT -50 DR 1
[a small granite shield], ARMOR [StormGiantCastle], SHIELD M NL P !CTW W:20 V:25000 C:3275 AC[2], L:43,0 ARM -10
[a small shield of ivory and silver], ARMOR [KoselbruchMill], SHIELD G I M !C W:10 V:500000 C:3275 AC[0], L:0,0 MANA 3 ARM -7
[a small silver shield], ARMOR [Bastilia], SHIELD D I NL !TW W:6 V:50000 C:1375 AC[2], L:50,0 HR 1 DR 1 SPELL -2
[a small steel shield], ARMOR [Bastilia], SHIELD W:15 V:10000 C:1025 AC[9], L:0,0
[a spectral shield], ARMOR [Swamps], SHIELD G I M W:8 V:90000 C:1025 AC[8], L:29,0 SPELL -5
[a steel shield], ARMOR [Dyarman], SHIELD W:35 V:5000 C:1275 AC[10], L:27,0
[a sturdy iron shield], ARMOR [Thalos], SHIELD M ND W:5 V:500 C:475 AC[3], L:0,0 PARA -2 ROD -2
[a Toy shield], ARMOR [ElvenTown], SHIELD W:1 V:1 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[a Toy shield], ARMOR [ElvenTown], SHIELD W:1 V:1 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[an escutcheon], ARMOR [Navadin], SHIELD G W:25 V:10000 C:1005 AC[7], L:12,0 CON -1 STR 1
[an ornamental wall shield], ARMOR [FrogTemple], SHIELD M !GN !C !T W:15 V:12750 C:2405 AC[11], L:35,0 HIT 25 DEX -1
[Ladybug shell], ARMOR [CloudCastle], SHIELD B W:35 V:50000 C:1855 AC[7], L:30,0 ARM -2 SPELL -5 STR -1 CON 1
[Large pink rose], ARMOR [CloudCastle], SHIELD M W:3 V:25000 C:875 AC[2], L:20,0 HIT 20
[metallic shield], ARMOR [ErshteepRoad], SHIELD W:10 V:1945 C:855 AC[5], L:0,0 STR 1 SPELL 2
[Shield of Sargas], ARMOR [MinotaurCity], SHIELD G M !GN NL !TW W:3 V:200040 C:2275 AC[2], L:50,0 MANA 5 HR 1
[the Aegis of the Gods], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], SHIELD G M B !E QUEST W:50 V:75000 C:1275 AC[2], L:30,0 HIT 30 SPELL -2
[the Angerboda], ARMOR [SteelTown], SHIELD M B NL !C W:20 V:30000 C:2775 AC[13], L:49,0
[the athridon shield], ARMOR [DemonCity], SHIELD M W:55 V:25000 C:1025 AC[9], L:22,0
[the dark shield], ARMOR [UndergroundEmpire], SHIELD !GN NL !C !T W:50 V:425000 C:1155 AC[3], L:50,0 CON -1 DR 1 HR 1
[the high-elven shield of King Cron], ARMOR [Illkore], SHIELD I M B !EN NL SPEC !MC W:15 V:500000 C:1863 AC[11], L:41,0 HIT -67 DR 1 BREATH 1
[the POWERMAD HEADBANGER button], ARMOR [POWERMADs], SHIELD M NO_RENT NL W:1 V:1 C:31275 AC[40], L:0,0 HIT 125 HIT 125 HIT 125 HIT 125
[the POWERMAD HEADBANGER button], ARMOR [POWERMADs], SHIELD M NO_RENT NL W:1 V:1 C:31275 AC[40], L:0,0 HIT 125 HIT 125 HIT 125 HIT 125
[the shield of the rose], ARMOR [RedfernesResidence], SHIELD M B !EN W:60 V:15000 C:1275 AC[10], L:28,0
[the shield of the shapechanger], ARMOR [Wasteland], SHIELD M W:11 V:60000 C:1635 AC[8], L:29,0 STR 1 HIT -40 DR 1
[titanium shield], ARMOR [Pyramid], SHIELD W:2 V:50000 C:1775 AC[11], L:35,0
[Back to the top]
[a bearskin belt], WORN [ImmoRooms], WAIST M B QUEST W:20 V:10000 C:1605 L:15,0 STR 1 CON 1 DEX -1 DR 1
[a belt of Divine Might], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], WAIST G B !EN NL QUEST !TW W:5 V:5000 C:2875 AC[3], L:32,0 DR 1 MANA 7
[a belt of lion's teeth], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], WAIST ND NL QUEST !MC W:16 V:95000 C:2275 AC[0], L:25,0 ARM -5 DR 1
[a belt of woven mist], ARMOR [Illkore], WAIST E M NL !MCW W:5 V:80000 C:4025 AC[3], L:47,0 ARM -10 HR 1 MOVE_REGEN 5
[a belt pouch], CONTAINER [GnollCaves], WAIST W:5 V:2000 C:1735 Max: 15 L:0,0 ARM -5 HIT 7
[a Belt pouch], CONTAINER [Quon], WAIST W:20 V:200 C:25 Max: 50 Locktype: CLOSEABLE L:0,0
[a black belt], ARMOR [UnderWorld], WAIST G !E !M W:2 V:70000 C:2775 AC[2], L:29,0 BREATH -2 ARM -8
[a black cloth belt], CONTAINER [ShadowCastle], WAIST W:1 V:850 C:2425 Max: 25 Locktype: PICKPROOF L:35,0 MOVE 10 ARM -7
[a Black Cotton Belt], OTHER [Lagamore], WAIST W:5 V:10000 C:1825 L:9,0 ARM -6
[a black demonscale belt with a silvery elfhead buckle], BOAT [Underdark], WAIST D E M !GN NL !MC W:1 V:300000 C:3575 L:50,0 ARM -11 MOVE_REGEN 5
[a blackish dragonskin belt with a silverclasp], ARMOR [Dyarman], WAIST D NL W:10 V:4000 C:1275 AC[5], L:50,0 DR 2
[a blue belt], OTHER [Navadin], WAIST M W:5 V:8000 C:1605 L:8,0 ARM -4 DEX 1 DR -1 INT -1
[a broad silver belt], ARMOR [QuifaelCustomRooms], WAIST M W:4 V:5000 C:1805 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -5 HIT 1
[a brown belt], OTHER [Navadin], WAIST M !M W:5 V:6000 C:2125 L:12,0 STR 1 HIT 20 ARM -3
[a crystal-studded leather belt], WORN [RiversEdge], WAIST !N W:3 V:12500 C:2083 L:19,0 INT 1 MANA 5 HIT -7
[a fine leather belt], ARMOR [Krinlor], WAIST W:2 V:300 C:875 AC[2], L:0,0 ARM -2
[a glowing ribbon], ARMOR [WitchesOfMidgaard], WAIST G M !G !CTW W:5 V:100 C:2225 AC[0], L:42,0 MANA 5 HIT 15
[a Golden Belt], WORN [HolyLands], WAIST G H NL W:5 V:70000 C:2495 L:41,0 HR 2 MANA 5 ARM 0 HIT -5
[a green silk sash], WORN [Bandits], WAIST I M B !TW W:1 V:5000 C:1525 L:12,0 MANA 5
[a huge belt], ARMOR [Navadin], WAIST M NL !MC W:10 V:2500 C:4175 AC[0], L:41,0 ARM -11 STR 1
[a human skin belt], ARMOR [Abyss], WAIST W:2 V:20000 C:875 AC[0], L:0,0 CON 1
[a large amber belt], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], WAIST G NL QUEST !TW W:5 V:25000 C:4955 AC[0], L:34,0 ARM -4 MANA 10 STR 1 DEX -1
[a leather belt], WORN [Celephais], WAIST W:5 V:800 C:625 L:0,0 ARM -2
[a red,silk belt], OTHER [Navadin], WAIST I M W:5 V:2000 C:2125 L:15, 0 CON 1 ARM -5
[a silver belt], ARMOR [Bastilia], WAIST G M !MC W:8 V:300000 C:3775 AC[5], L:45,0 ARM -10 DR 1
[a slice of human skin], TRASH [WitchesOfMidgaard], WAIST ND !GN !CTW W:5 V:100 C:1175 L:30,0 HIT 5 MANA_REGEN 2
[a snakeskin belt], ARMOR [Solom], WAIST I W:10 V:5000 C:2435 AC[4], L:16,0 INT -2 CON 1 ARM -6
[a succubus' girding], ARMOR [RqyanTower], WAIST W:6 V:3500 C:1125 AC[4], L:0,0 SPELL 5 ARM -3
[a twisted leather belt], ARMOR [KhazadDum], WAIST G NL W:1 V:3000 C:515 AC[2], L:32,0 HIT 8
[a weaponbelt of black leather], WORN [Dyarman], WAIST SPEC W:5 V:200 C:25 L:0,0
[an iron girth], ARMOR [Thalos], WAIST W:6 V:4200 C:1475 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -4
[an ivory belt], WORN [ImmoRooms], WAIST G I M QUEST !TW W:20 V:100000 C:5525 L:44,0 MANA 10 ARM -8 SPELL -2
[belt of the Ancients], BOAT [Goltraung], WAIST NL !M W:0 V:1000000 C:1025 L:50,0 DR 2
[Emerald belt], ARMOR [Pyramid], WAIST NL !M W:10 V:4000 C:1275 AC[5], L:22,0 DR 2
[Girdle of giant strength], ARMOR [CloudCastle], WAIST M !MC !T W:20 V:10000 C:1355 AC[0], L:3,0 STR 2 DEX -1
[some purple undies], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], WAIST G W:1 V:0 C:275 AC[0], L:0,0
[the phantom belt], ARMOR [Swamps], WAIST G I M NL W:4 V:60000 C:3775 AC[0], L:43,0 ARM -10 HR 1
[Back to the top]
[a bag of holding], CONTAINER [Pyramid], HOLD M NL W:12 V:5000 C:25 Max: 115 L:0,0
[a bag of pepper], FOOD [Bastilia], HOLD W:5 V:400 C:25 Full:1 L:0,0
[a bag of Power], CONTAINER [RiversEdge], HOLD G NL !M W:2 V:100 C:525 Max: 100 L:0,0 HR 1
[a bag of Power], CONTAINER [StormGiantCastle], HOLD G NL !M W:2 V:100 C:525 Max: 100 L:0,0 HR 1
[a bag], CONTAINER [Illkore], HOLD W:2 V:20 C:25 Max: 50 L:0,0
[a bag], CONTAINER [Midgaard], HOLD W:2 V:20 C:25 Max: 50 L:0,0
[a bag], CONTAINER [SkullValley], HOLD W:2 V:20 C:25 Max: 50 L:0,0
[a bag], CONTAINER [TrellinsKeep], HOLD W:2 V:20 C:25 Max: 50 L:0,0
[a ball of ice shines with a bright white light!], LIGHT [ValemonsKingdom], HOLD W:20 V:120000 C:4185 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:42,0 MANA 7 HR 1 DEX -3 HIT -10
[a Ball of Void], KEY [Lagamore], HOLD G M NO_RENT W:1 V:1000 C:2425 Keytype: 0 L:12,0 WIS 1 AGE 3 HIT 30
[a black book], SCROLL [DemonCity], HOLD M W:3 V:5000 C:4000 Level 15 spell(s) of: blast fireball L:0,0
[a black book], SCROLL [SkullValley], HOLD M ND W:1 V:0 C:7500 Level 50 spell(s) of: teleport with error poison wither L:10,0
[a black key], KEY [CloudCastle], HOLD NO_RENT NL BREAK W:550 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 23613 L:0,0
[a black leather tome with silvery drow runes inscribed], TOME [Underdark], HOLD M NL P SPEC W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: floating disc L:40,0
[a black quest flag], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 L:0,0
[a black tome of necromancy], TOME [Mordor], HOLD M NL P !TW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: detect undead invisibility to undead animate dead L:20,0
[a black tome], TOME [Abyss], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:40000 It contains 95 practice on: earth bolt L:25,0
[a black tome], TOME [ImmoRooms], HOLD M NL P SPEC W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 40 practice on: fire mastery L:30,0
[a black wax candle], LIGHT [Marshlands], HOLD M W:10 V:1000 C:615 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [0], L:10,0 ARM -1 HIT 10
[a blow drier], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HOLD G W:1 V:0 C:275 AC[0], L:0,0
[a blue and silver box], CONTAINER [Bastilia], HOLD W:10 V:500000 C:25 Max: 30 Locktype: CLOSEABLE CLOSED L:0,0
[a blue and silver key], KEY [Bastilia], HOLD G M NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:1000000 C:2025 Keytype: 23168 L:0,0 DR 2 HR 2
[a blue quest flag], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 L:0,0
[a blue tome with white borders], TOME [PirateShip], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: water bolt L:25,0
[a blue wand], WAND [RqyanTower], HOLD I M W:10 V:12250 C:32000 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 30 spell of: lava storm L:0, 0
[a blueish whip], WEAPON [MainMatrix], WIELD HOLD G H W:1 V:100 C:7155 PHYSICAL 1D20 WHIP L:0,0 DR -1
[a bluish holy symbol], SYMBOL [Bastilia], HOLD W:3 V:5 C:6605 20 L:25,0 MANA 20 WIS 1
[a bone from a frost dragon], WAND [RiversEdge], HOLD M W:6 V:8000 C:125000 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: cold blast L:0, 0
[a bone key], KEY [Aztec], HOLD G NO_RENT W:5 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 16 L:0,0
[a bone key], KEY [GnollCaves], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a bone key], KEY [Swamps], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a bone stick], KEY [Aztec], HOLD G NO_RENT W:5 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 16 L:0,0
[a bone], FOOD [GnollCaves], HOLD W:1 V:1 C:25 Full:4P L:0,0
[a bone], WEAPON [MainMatrix], WIELD HOLD W:5 V:2 C:555 PHYSICAL 1D4 BLUDGEON L:0,0 HR -1
[a bottle of red wine], LIQUID CONTAINER [BastiliaSewers], HOLD W:5 V:2 C:25 Max: 5 Contains: 5 Liquid: wine L:0,0
[a bottle of reddish ointment], WAND [Pyramid], HOLD M W:1 V:13000 C:3000 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 20 spell of: invisibility L:0, 0
[a bottomless bag], CONTAINER [FrogTemple], HOLD I M NL W:10 V:25000 C:25 Max: 500 L:0,0
[a box], CONTAINER [Midgaard], HOLD W:5 V:50 C:25 Max: 10 L:0,0
[a bright golden key], KEY [DwarvenKingdom], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:900 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a broken bone], TRASH [GnollCaves], HOLD W:10 V:1 C:-455 L:0,0 INT -2 WIS -2
[a broken old bag], CONTAINER [Dreamlands], HOLD W:1 V:1 C:25 Max: 1 L:0,0
[a bronze key], KEY [Lagamore], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a bronze shod staff], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD M !G QUEST !CTW W:15 V:30000 C:4305 L:41,0 HR 2 MANA 10 DEX -1 HIT_REGEN 4
[a brown tome with black borders], TOME [Navadin], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: teleport with error teleport without error teleport item L:45,0
[a burned-out wand], WAND [RqyanTower], HOLD M W:6 V:1200 C:800 Has 1 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: wither L:0, 0
[a candlestick], LIGHT [Graveyard], HOLD W:5 V:150 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [24], L:0,0
[a candle], LIGHT [Holt], HOLD G NL W:15 V:0 C:3505 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0 HIT 30 ARM -2
[a castle key], KEY [DwarvenKingdom], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:0 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a chunk of coal], TRASH [DwarvenKingdom], HOLD W:100 V:0 C:25 L:0,0
[a chunk of glass], OTHER [MainMatrix], HOLD H W:2 V:10 C:25 L:0,0
[a clear blue potion], POTION [ValemonsKingdom], HOLD NL W:1 V:180000 C:2500 Level 50 spell(s) of: vitalize vitalize vitalize L:40,0
[a clear potion], POTION [Solom], HOLD I W:1 V:1000 C:10000 Level 60 spell(s) of: heal energy drain energy drain L:0,0
[a clear stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M ND W:10 V:8900 C:-155 L:0,0 ARM 3
[a copper key], KEY [RedfernesResidence], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:2 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0
[a copper wand], WAND [Bastilia], HOLD W:1 V:10000 C:8000 Has 10 charge(s),with 10 charge(s) left. Level 20 spell of: bless L:0, 0
[a crescent-shaped talisman], WAND [Swamps], HOLD G I M NL W:8 V:25000 C:15000 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: lava blast L:30, 0
[a crossbow], OTHER [Celephais], HOLD W:25 V:1000 C:25 L:0,0
[a crowbar], KEY [WitchesOfMidgaard], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:25 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a crumbling skull], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD D E ND !GN NL QUEST !TW W:3 V:2100 C:4025 L:15,0 AGE 10 HR 2
[a crushed ribcage], TRASH [GnollCaves], HOLD W:10 V:1 C:-455 L:0,0 INT -2 WIS -2
[a crystal ball], KEY [Illkore], HOLD G NO_RENT W:2 V:1 C:985 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 STR 1 DEX 1 INT -2
[a crystal ball], TREASURE [Barovia], HOLD !E !TW W:15 V:20000 C:3625 L:0,0 MANA 10 WIS 1
[a crystal covered staff], STAFF [KhazadDum], HOLD W:1 V:1000 C:250 Has 5 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 30 spell of: neutralize poison L:5, 0
[a crystal key], KEY [KhazadDum], HOLD G I BREAK W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 1 L:50,0
[a crystal tipped rod], WAND [TrellinsKeep], HOLD H M W:3 V:15000 C:12500 Has 5 charge(s),with 5 charge(s) left. Level 17 spell of: meteor blast L:18, 0
[a crystal-tipped staff], STAFF [ShadowCastle], HOLD G NL W:10 V:200000 C:15000 Has 25 charge(s),with 10 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: vitalize L:0, 0
[a dagger-shaped key], KEY [Glacier], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:10000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a dark blue key], KEY [Bastilia], HOLD NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 23169 L:0,0
[a dark blue tome], TOME [EnchantedForest], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: heavy water L:35,0
[a dark green manual with a drawing of a tree on the front cover], TOME [HaonDor], HOLD M NL P !C W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 5 practice on: slashing weapons L:45,0
[a dark green tome], TOME [GhoulBurrows], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: recharge L:45,0
[a dark red key], KEY [Bastilia], HOLD NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 23165 L:0,0
[a dark silver key], KEY [Bastilia], HOLD G M NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 23170 L:0,0
[a dark tome which radiates evil], TOME [SkullValley], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: ray of darkness protection from good L:35,0
[a dead fish], TRASH [Rlyeh], HOLD ND W:5 V:1 C:-575 L:0,0 DEX -3 CON -2
[a deep blue wand], WAND [PirateShip], HOLD H M W:2 V:4000 C:1000 Has 2 charge(s),with 2 charge(s) left. Level 40 spell of: cone of cold L:0, 0
[a deep red stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M W:10 V:5500 C:625 L:0,0 DEX 1
[a deepblue tome], TOME [ImmoRooms], HOLD M NL P SPEC W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 40 practice on: cold mastery L:30,0
[a demon shaped key made of steel], BOAT [Goltraung], HOLD I M ND NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:0 C:25 Values 0-3: [2], [0], [0], [0], L:50,0
[a Diamond Chisel], TREASURE [SteelTown], HOLD NL !CW W:10 V:15000 C:1025 L:27,0 HR 2
[a Diirwood staff], STAFF [Dyarman], HOLD D E M !G NL W:10 V:25000 C:2000 Has 5 charge(s),with 5 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: sanctuary L:50, 0 STR 1 MANA 25 BREATH -2 SPELL -2
[a dirty dish], TRASH [MainMatrix], HOLD W:1 V:0 C:25 L:0,0
[a drinking horn of beat silver and gold], LIQUID CONTAINER [Illkore], HOLD B W:5 V:30000 C:625 Max: 56 Contains: 56 Liquid: blood L:0,0 PARA -3 ROD -3 PETRI -3 SPELL -3
[a druidish staff], OTHER [Plains], HOLD W:4 V:15 C:25 L:0,0
[a dull grey stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD W:10 V:20 C:25 L:0,0
[a dungeon key], KEY [Atraktos], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 3 L:0,0
[a dusty parchment], SCROLL [KoselbruchMill], HOLD G I NL W:1 V:200000 C:12000 Level 20 spell(s) of: word of recall L:46,0 DR 1 HR 1
[a dusty rose stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M W:10 V:9800 C:325 L:0,0 ARM -1
[a dusty tome], TOME [Bastilia], HOLD M NL P !MTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: sandstorm L:30,0
[a faun's pipes], STAFF [GnollCaves], HOLD M W:7 V:2000 C:500 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 30 spell of: aid L:0, 0
[a fish bone key], KEY [Rlyeh], HOLD NO_RENT W:3 V:1 C:925 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 MANA 3
[a fishing rod], OTHER [Dreamlands], HOLD SPEC W:3 V:1000 C:25 L:0,0
[a fizzy potion], POTION [RiversEdge], HOLD W:1 V:100 C:350 Level 40 spell(s) of: vitalize L:0,0
[a flaming ankh], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD G M !E QUEST W:4 V:25000 C:1025 L:41,0 DR 2
[a Flaming Hand], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD G !EN QUEST !C W:10 V:50000 C:2855 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:48,0 DR 1 HR 1 HIT -25
[a flaming sceptre], LIGHT [FrogTemple], HOLD G H E M !GN NL SPEC W:35 V:58500 C:3005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:50,0 DR 2
[a flashy key], KEY [Lagamore], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a flask of carrot juice], POTION [RabbitWarren], HOLD M W:1 V:400 C:50 Level 12 spell(s) of: detect invisibility L:0,0
[a flask], LIQUID CONTAINER [Bastilia], HOLD W:5 V:500 C:25 Max: 24 Contains: 24 Liquid: water L:0,0
[a flower of power], LIGHT [KoselbruchMill], HOLD G M !E !C !T W:1 V:100000 C:2705 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:50,0 HR 1 DR 1 HIT -50
[a frosty tome with a hand drawn on the cover], TOME [StormGiantCastle], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:55000 It contains 95 practice on: freezing hands cold ray cold blast L:25,0
[a frozen armband], WORN [ValemonsKingdom], WRIST HOLD W:15 V:12050 C:985 L:0,0 DEX -2 INT 2
[a frozen necklace], WORN [ValemonsKingdom], NECK HOLD W:3 V:8000 C:985 L:0,0 WIS 2 CON -1 STR -1
[a gaseous key], KEY [SteelTown], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0
[a GateKey], KEY [Lagamore], HOLD NO_RENT W:5 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a Glowing blue staff], STAFF [Bastilia], HOLD G I M B NL W:5 V:500000 C:5000 Has 10 charge(s),with 10 charge(s) left. Level 80 spell of: sleep L:40, 0
[a glowing chalice], OTHER [Navadin], HOLD G M !GN W:20 V:300000 C:25 L:0,0
[a glowing potion], POTION [Abyss], HOLD M W:1 V:2500 C:3000 Level 30 spell(s) of: cause critic wounds chant regenerate L:0,0
[a glowing silver orb], WAND [Bastilia], HOLD G M B NL !CTW W:0 V:800000 C:1400 Has 999 charge(s),with 999 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: teleport with error L:50, 0 MANA_REGEN 5 MANA 20 INT 2 STR -5
[a gnarled old staff], STAFF [Bastilia], HOLD M W:3 V:10000 C:1 Has 25 charge(s),with 5 charge(s) left. Level 10 spell of: vitalize L:0, 0 MOVE 15
[a gold key], KEY [ErshteepRoad], HOLD NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0
[a Gold-Plated Staff], TREASURE [SteelTown], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:15 V:80000 C:6325 L:37,0 MANA 20 HIT 10
[a golden apple], LIGHT [WelmarsCastle], HOLD M !E W:5 V:8000 C:2005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0
[a golden harp], WAND [Thalos], HOLD M W:100 V:2500 C:6700 Has 1 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 18 spell of: fireball L:0, 0
[a golden key-chain], KEY [ElvenTown], HOLD G W:10 V:100 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a golden key], KEY [ElvenForest], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 3 L:0,0
[a golden key], KEY [MoriaAncientDragon], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 15 L:0,0
[a golden key], KEY [PirateShip], HOLD I NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:50 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a golden potion], POTION [MoriaAncientDragon], HOLD M NL W:1 V:10000 C:10000 Level 30 spell(s) of: heal heal L:0,0
[a golden sceptre], OTHER [WelmarsCastle], HOLD M !E NL W:20 V:15000 C:1025 L:41,0 HR 2
[a golden staff], STAFF [Krinlor], HOLD M NO_RENT NL W:15 V:11800 C:40000 Has 2 charge(s),with 2 charge(s) left. Level 60 spell of: lava storm L:30, 0
[a golden tome], TOME [Dyarman], HOLD M NL P !MTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: lifetransfer L:25,0
[a golden wand], WAND [FrogTemple], HOLD G M NL W:2 V:12500 C:4500 Has 5 charge(s),with 5 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: ray of darkness L:39, 0
[a gray tome], TOME [Mordor], HOLD M NL P !MTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: cure blindness neutralize poison powercure L:30,0
[a gray wand], WAND [Krinlor], HOLD !G W:5 V:7500 C:6500 Has 5 charge(s),with 5 charge(s) left. Level 14 spell of: energy drain L:0, 0
[a greasy iron pot], CONTAINER [Voodoo], HOLD NO_RENT W:14 V:10000 C:25 Max: 40 L:50,0
[a green manual with a claw drawn on the cover], TOME [Swamps], HOLD M NL P !MCW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: track L:27,0
[a green potion of Cure Light Wounds], POTION [SkullValley], HOLD M W:1 V:300 C:40 Level 20 spell(s) of: cure light wounds L:0,0
[a green potion], POTION [SkullValley], HOLD M W:1 V:300 C:40 Level 20 spell(s) of: cure light wounds L:0,0
[a green quest flag], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 L:0,0
[a green serpentine staff], STAFF [Thalos], HOLD I M W:12 V:6600 C:1300 Has 2 charge(s),with 2 charge(s) left. Level 15 spell of: earthquake L:0, 0
[a green speckled potion], POTION [Bastilia], HOLD W:1 V:5000 C:1 Level 5 spell(s) of: bless strength detect good L:0,0
[a green tome], TOME [TrellinsKeep], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: stinking cloud L:30,0
[a greenwood staff], STAFF [Bastilia], HOLD B NL W:5 V:10000 C:500 Has 10 charge(s),with 10 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: cure blindness L:0, 0
[a grey key], KEY [DrowForest], HOLD LIGHT-SOURCE NO_RENT W:1 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 15 L:0,0
[a grim skeletal hand,made of bones], OTHER [FirePlane], HOLD M B !EN !MTW W:15 V:1 C:-195 L:34, 0 HR 4 ARM 37
[a half-digested frosty tome], TOME [Rlyeh], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: ice storm L:33,0
[a heavy ingot of Druid Copper], TREASURE [Illkore], HOLD H W:10 V:37000 C:25 Values 0-3: [37000], [0], [0], [0], L:0,0
[a heavy leatherbound tome], TOME [ImmoRooms], HOLD M NL P SPEC W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 40 practice on: fire mastery L:50,0
[a heavy scroll book], SCROLL [Marshlands], HOLD W:1 V:1 C:1 Level 20 spell(s) of: detect evil detect invisibility detect magic L:0,0
[a heavy tome with a white cross drawn on the cover], TOME [Glacier], HOLD M NL P !MTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: cure blindness neutralize poison restoration L:30,0
[a holy symbol], SYMBOL [Midgaard], HOLD W:1 V:250 C:5 0 L:0,0
[a holy tome with a cross drawn on the cover], TOME [Wasteland], HOLD M NL P !MTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: detect undead dispel evil starfire L:25,0
[a holy tome with a skeleton drawn on the cover], TOME [MoriaAncientDragon], HOLD M NL P !MTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: detect undead invisibility to undead L:25,0
[a holy tome with a skull drawn on the cover], TOME [Aztec], HOLD M NL P !MTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: protection from evil sanctuary turn undead L:25,0
[a hooded brass lantern], LIGHT [HaonDor], HOLD W:4 V:60 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [100], L:0,0
[a huge black key], KEY [CloudCastle], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:25 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 23614 L:0,0
[a huge black key], KEY [DemonCity], HOLD NL W:1 V:12 C:2625 Keytype: 0 L:50,0 ARM -2 HR 2 DR 2
[a huge black key], KEY [Swamps], HOLD G H I M NO_RENT NL W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a huge emerald], WAND [Dyarman], HOLD W:4 V:150000 C:10000 Has 5 charge(s),with 5 charge(s) left. Level 70 spell of: cold ray L:35, 0 DEX 1
[a huge key], KEY [WelmarsCastle], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 7 L:0,0
[a huge stone key], KEY [StormGiantCastle], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:7500 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a Human Brain], FOOD [Dreamlands], HEAD HOLD W:6 V:0 C:25 Full:5 L:0,0
[a jewel box], CONTAINER [SteelSewers], HOLD W:2 V:20 C:25 Max: 10 L:0,0
[a journey book], TRASH [KrummForest], HOLD W:1 V:1 C:625 L:0,0 WIS 1
[a key chain], CONTAINER [Bandits], HOLD W:1 V:0 C:25 Max: 3 L:0,0
[a key of dragon silver], KEY [Illkore], HOLD NL BREAK W:1 V:5000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a keychain,holding a picture], KEY [CloudCastle], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 23615 L:0, 0
[a keyfold], CONTAINER [SteelSewers], HOLD W:2 V:20 C:25 Max: 10 L:0,0
[a key], KEY [DwarvenKingdom], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a key], KEY [Marshlands], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a key], KEY [Mordor], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0
[a lab key], KEY [Swamps], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0
[a lantern], LIGHT [Midgaard], HOLD W:1 V:50 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [96], L:0,0
[a large black key], KEY [Mordor], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0
[a large black tooth of opening], KEY [WitchesOfMidgaard], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a large golden key], KEY [UndergroundEmpire], HOLD NO_RENT W:10 V:25 C:25 Keytype: 1 L:0,0
[a large jeweled key], KEY [GnollCaves], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a large key], KEY [BastiliaSewers], HOLD BREAK W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 7 L:0,0
[a large key], KEY [LichTower], HOLD W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a large oak staff], STAFF [BastiliaSewers], HOLD M !CTW W:10 V:40000 C:4000 Has 2 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 70 spell of: dispel magic L:20, 0 MANA_REGEN 2
[a large scroll], SCROLL [Solom], HOLD NL W:1 V:2000 C:200000 Level 30 spell(s) of: shock bolt shock bolt holy sphere L:20,0
[a large snail shell], ARMOR [KhazadDum], HOLD G H NL W:4 V:200 C:3635 AC[0], L:34,0 MANA 10 HIT 14 MOVE -10
[a large spatula], STAFF [KoselbruchMill], HOLD H M !C W:2 V:5000 C:40 Has 100 charge(s),with 87 charge(s) left. Level 24 spell of: create food L:0, 0
[a lark's heart], WORN [KrummForest], HOLD W:1 V:1300 C:1225 L:0,0 WIS 1 INT 1
[a lavender and green stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M ND W:10 V:4700 C:225 L:0,0 SPELL -4
[a lavender potion], POTION [StormGiantCastle], HOLD NL W:2 V:4500 C:500 Level 50 spell(s) of: sanctuary bless armor L:0,0
[a leather bag], CONTAINER [Bastilia], HOLD W:1 V:5 C:25 Max: 15 Locktype: CLOSEABLE CLOSED L:0,0
[a leather satchel], CONTAINER [MainMatrix], HOLD W:2 V:20 C:25 Max: 20 L:0,0
[a lemon potion], POTION [Abyss], HOLD M W:1 V:2500 C:100 Level 15 spell(s) of: aid aid aid L:0,0
[a light blue tome], TOME [Glacier], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:40000 It contains 95 practice on: ice bolt L:35,0
[a little parachute], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD NO_RENT P W:1 V:0 C:25 L:0,0
[a little piece of paper which reads 'voodoo'], SCROLL [Abyss], HOLD M W:3 V:1500 C:400 Level 15 spell(s) of: enchant weapon L:0,0
[a little strange looking key], KEY [Mordor], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0
[a living key], KEY [Rlyeh], HOLD I NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:-475 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 HR -5
[a lockpick], LOCKPICK [Midgaard], HOLD NL W:1 V:100 C:25 Max strength: 10 Strength: 10 Add to skill: 0 Magic: No L:0,0
[a long,grey branch], LIGHT [HaonDor], HOLD W:20 V:1 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [25], L:0, 0
[a mage orb], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD D E I M !GN NL QUEST !CTW W:3 V:25000 C:8835 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [0], L:28,0 MANA 30 HIT -30
[a mahogany staff], STAFF [RqyanTower], HOLD M NL W:10 V:2400 C:2250 Has 8 charge(s),with 8 charge(s) left. Level 40 spell of: cure critic wounds L:0, 0
[a maize cake], FOOD [Aztec], HOLD W:1 V:10 C:25 Full:17 L:0,0
[a mandolin], STAFF [Thalos], HOLD M W:20 V:3000 C:5000 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 13 spell of: cure critic wounds L:0, 0
[a manual with a circle on the cover], TOME [Dyarman], HOLD M NL P !MC !T W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 40 practice on: void L:25,0
[a manual with a leaf drawn on the cover], TOME [DemonCity], HOLD M NL P !MC W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 10 practice on: scout L:30,0
[a manual with a symbol of the cleric guild], TOME [Midgaard], HOLD M NL P !MTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 5 practice on: evaluate L:25,0
[a manual with a symbol of the mage guild], TOME [Midgaard], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 8 practice on: evaluate L:25,0
[a manual with a symbol of the thief guild], TOME [Midgaard], HOLD M NL P !MCW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 8 practice on: evaluate L:25,0
[a manual with a symbol of the warrior guild], TOME [Midgaard], HOLD M NL P !MC !T W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 8 practice on: evaluate L:25,0
[a manual with a tornado on the cover], TOME [ShadowCastle], HOLD M NL P !MC !T W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 35 practice on: whirlwind L:25,0
[a map of bastilia], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD W:1 V:0 C:0 L:0,0
[a map of River's Edge], OTHER [RiversEdge], HOLD W:1 V:0 C:25 L:0,0
[a map of the great pyramid's entrance], OTHER [RiversEdge], HOLD NL W:1 V:245000 C:25 L:0,0
[a map of the lower floors of Illkore Keep], OTHER [RiversEdge], HOLD NL W:1 V:65000 C:25 L:0,0
[a map of the sea and caves near Illkore], OTHER [RiversEdge], HOLD NL W:1 V:65000 C:25 L:0,0
[a map of the sewers below Bastilia], OTHER [RiversEdge], HOLD NL W:1 V:75000 C:25 L:0,0
[a map of the upper floors of Illkore Keep], OTHER [RiversEdge], HOLD NL W:1 V:75000 C:25 L:0,0
[a map of the upper floors of the great pyramid], OTHER [RiversEdge], HOLD NL W:1 V:275000 C:25 L:0,0
[a Mathematics Book], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD QUEST W:3 V:135000 C:1825 L:8,0 INT 1 WIS 1 CON 1
[a metal key], KEY [Swamps], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 15 L:0,0
[a mighty staff of power], OTHER [Pyramid], HOLD !TW W:15 V:75000 C:1225 L:18,0 HIT 15 MOVE 25
[a milky-coloured tome], TOME [ElvenTown], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: poison arrow L:20,0
[a Moneyclip], TREASURE [SteelTown], HOLD W:2 V:2000 C:25 L:0,0
[a mop], OTHER [RiversEdge], HOLD W:5 V:20 C:25 L:0,0
[a mug of beer], LIQUID CONTAINER [BastiliaSewers], HOLD W:6 V:6 C:25 Max: 6 Contains: 6 Liquid: beer L:0,0
[a multicoloured tome], TOME [CloudCastle], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:350000 C:85000 It contains 95 practice on: earth bolt water bolt elemental blast L:28,0
[a murky potion], POTION [TrellinsKeep], HOLD M W:1 V:2500 C:1100 Level 16 spell(s) of: energy drain cure critic wounds curse L:0,0
[a mushroom], FOOD [Moria], HOLD W:1 V:9 C:25 Full:2P L:0,0
[a musty tome with fog-like symbols], TOME [CastleRavenloft], HOLD M NL P !TW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: detect magic dispel magic L:45,0
[a mystic potion], POTION [Solom], HOLD I W:1 V:1000 C:2000 Level 40 spell(s) of: armor strength teleport with error L:0,0
[a nether key], KEY [ShadowCastle], HOLD ND NO_RENT W:900 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:1,0
[a newbie manual (READ MANUAL)], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD W:5 V:0 C:0 Values 0-3: [0], [-1], [-1], [-1], L:0,0 INT 2 WIS 2
[a nice looking lantern], LIGHT [UndergroundEmpire], HOLD G B !E NL W:5 V:195000 C:3005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:47,0 HR 2
[a pale blue stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M W:10 V:5500 C:625 L:0,0 STR 1
[a pale green stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M ND W:10 V:7100 C:-475 L:0,0 DR -5
[a pale lavender stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M ND W:10 V:4300 C:125 L:0,0 SPELL -2
[a Paper Airplane], NOTE [ImmoRooms], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:0 C:25 Tongue: 0 L:0,0
[a parchment], SCROLL [Krinlor], HOLD W:3 V:6500 C:2000 Level 20 spell(s) of: enchant weapon L:0,0
[a pearl key], KEY [Swamps], HOLD NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0
[a pearly white stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M W:10 V:8700 C:55 L:0,0 HIT 1
[a piece of half-rotten meat], FOOD [GhoulBurrows], HOLD W:3 V:3 C:25 Full:4P L:0,0
[a piece of lichen], LIGHT [Swamps], HOLD G W:1 V:5 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [10], L:0,0
[a piece of paper which reads 'nopaew'], SCROLL [DemonCity], HOLD M W:1 V:1500 C:500 Level 30 spell(s) of: enchant weapon L:0,0
[a pile of bones], TRASH [GnollCaves], HOLD W:10 V:1 C:-455 L:0,0 INT -2 WIS -2
[a pinewood staff], STAFF [Swamps], HOLD M NL W:5 V:18000 C:10000 Has 10 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 35 spell of: regenerate L:0, 0
[a pink and green stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M ND W:10 V:6600 C:-475 L:0,0 HR -5
[a pink stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M W:10 V:5500 C:625 L:0,0 CON 1
[a Pint Mug], OTHER [Lagamore], HOLD M W:1 V:10000 C:625 L:0,0 CHAR_WEIGHT 50 WIS 1
[a pipe], OTHER [Navadin], HOLD G W:2 V:10 C:175 L:0,0 SPELL -3
[a plain staff], STAFF [Marshlands], HOLD M W:3 V:4000 C:450 Has 2 charge(s),with 2 charge(s) left. Level 15 spell of: blast fireball L:0, 0
[a platinum wand], WAND [GreatEasternDesert], HOLD H W:8 V:1900 C:900 Has 10 charge(s),with 10 charge(s) left. Level 30 spell of: cone of cold L:12, 0
[a potion of dragonsight], POTION [ElvenTown], HOLD M W:1 V:100000 C:50 Level 100 spell(s) of: detect invisibility L:0,0
[a potion of flower juice], POTION [RiversEdge], HOLD W:1 V:500 C:500 Level 40 spell(s) of: regenerate L:0,0
[a potion of practical joking], POTION [GhoulBurrows], HOLD I NL P W:1 V:1575 C:550 Level 50 spell(s) of: feeblemind powerheal harm L:0,0
[a purple potion], POTION [Moria], HOLD NL W:1 V:500 C:8000 Level 17 spell(s) of: sanctuary poison sleep L:0,0
[a purple tome with an eye drawn on the cover], TOME [Thalos], HOLD M NL P !TW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: detect evil detect good detect invisibility L:8,0
[a ranger's torch], LIGHT [KrummForest], HOLD G H W:5 V:1600 C:2005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0
[a ray of sunlight], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD G M W:0 V:0 C:0 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [1000], L:1,15 HIT 7 MOVE 10
[a red and blue key], KEY [DwarvenKingdom], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a red manual], TOME [DemonCity], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: assist second attack third attack L:48,0
[a red potion], POTION [WorthanForest], HOLD G NL W:2 V:50000 C:50000 Level 50 spell(s) of: armor L:41,0
[a red quest flag], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 L:0,0
[a red ruby], TREASURE [DemonCity], HOLD M W:2 V:3000 C:-1575 L:0,0 HIT -100 DR -10
[a red steel key], KEY [Illkore], HOLD H BREAK W:2 V:20000 C:985 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 INT 2 WIS -2
[a red tome with a pentagram on the cover], TOME [RedfernesResidence], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: utterlight L:30,0
[a red twenty-sided dice], OTHER [FirePlane], HOLD I M W:5 V:2000 C:505 L:0,0 HR 1 SPELL 2
[a redwood rod], STAFF [ImmoRooms], HOLD M B NL QUEST !MC W:15 V:320000 C:890 Has 3 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 100 spell of: word of recall L:50, 0 DR 2 HIT -30 ARM 10
[a redwood staff], STAFF [Bastilia], HOLD B NL W:5 V:10000 C:2000 Has 5 charge(s),with 5 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: remove curse L:0, 0
[a rock key], KEY [ShadowCastle], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:1,0
[a rope with a grappling hook], OTHER [Goltraung], HOLD NL W:35 V:3500 C:25 L:10,0
[a rosewood staff], STAFF [RiversEdge], HOLD M W:5 V:10000 C:1250 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 40 spell of: cure blindness L:25, 0
[a runed key], KEY [Glacier], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:10000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a rusty key], KEY [GhoulBurrows], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:1 C:1395 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 HR 4 STR -2 DEX -2 HIT -25
[a Rusty Key], KEY [Solom], HOLD I NO_RENT BREAK W:5 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0
[a sacred chalice of worked dragon silver], LIGHT [Illkore], HOLD G B !EN NL !TW W:10 V:45000 C:6715 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [0], L:45,0 MANA_REGEN 5 MANA 15 DR -3
[a scarlet and blue stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M W:10 V:5500 C:625 L:0,0 INT 1
[a scroll entitled 'qvojti'], SCROLL [Swamps], HOLD M NL W:3 V:6000 C:1000 Level 100 spell(s) of: earthquake earthquake word of recall L:0,0
[a scroll entitled 'Winter Death'], SCROLL [RiversEdge], HOLD M W:1 V:50000 C:250000 Level 50 spell(s) of: ice storm ice storm ice storm L:0,0
[a scroll named 'ful'], SCROLL [BastiliaSewers], HOLD M W:3 V:100000 C:250000 Level 80 spell(s) of: lava blast lava blast L:0,0
[a scroll named 'ram'], SCROLL [BastiliaSewers], HOLD M W:3 V:100000 C:250000 Level 80 spell(s) of: group heal L:0,0
[a scroll named 'yah'], SCROLL [BastiliaSewers], HOLD M W:3 V:100000 C:250000 Level 80 spell(s) of: ice storm ice storm L:0,0
[a scroll of identify], SCROLL [Midgaard], HOLD M W:1 V:2000 C:50 Level 12 spell(s) of: identify L:0,0
[a scroll of newbierecall], SCROLL [Midgaard], HOLD M W:1 V:200 C:100 Level 12 spell(s) of: word of recall L:0,15
[a scroll of recall], SCROLL [Midgaard], HOLD M W:1 V:2000 C:100 Level 12 spell(s) of: word of recall L:0,0
[a scroll of remembering], SCROLL [Dreamlands], HOLD M W:2 V:100000 C:10000 Level 40 spell(s) of: REMEMBERING L:0,0
[a scroll reading 'efil'], SCROLL [ShadowCastle], HOLD B NL W:1 V:150000 C:62500 Level 50 spell(s) of: group heal group heal powercure L:0,0
[a scroll with the words "Drizzt"], SCROLL [PirateShip], HOLD M ND NL W:1 V:5000 C:100001 Level 50 spell(s) of: lava storm L:30,0
[a scroll], SCROLL [Marshlands], HOLD W:1 V:1 C:1 Level 20 spell(s) of: blindness blindness blindness L:0,0
[a seer stone], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD G M !GN QUEST W:10 V:50000 C:2005 L:49,0 HR 3 ARM -2 CON -1
[a set of questmob docs], OTHER [RiversEdge], HOLD W:1 V:1 C:25 L:0,0
[a seven-sided shimmering black die], OTHER [HolyLands], HOLD I B W:7 V:777777 C:1445 L:7,0 HIT 7 MOVE 7 HR 1 DR 1
[a shimmering celtic figurine of the goddess Rhiannon], WORN [Illkore], HOLD M B !E NL !C W:1 V:40000 C:8275 L:39,0 MANA 25 MOVE 25
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 CON 1 INT 1
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 CON 1 WIS 1
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 CON 2
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 DEX 1 CON 1
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 DEX 1 INT 1
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 DEX 1 WIS 1
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 DEX 2
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 INT 1 WIS 1
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 INT 2
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 STR 1 CON 1
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 STR 1 DEX 1
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 STR 1 INT 1
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 STR 1 WIS 1
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 STR 2
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 WIS 2
[a shiny key], KEY [FreddiesStronghold], HOLD LOCK I NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a shopping basket], CONTAINER [Celephais], HOLD W:5 V:100 C:25 Max: 60 Locktype: CLOSEABLE L:0,0
[a shrubbery], OTHER [GnollCaves], HOLD NO_RENT W:50 V:0 C:-635 L:0,0 DEX -3 MOVE -50
[a silver flute], STAFF [Thalos], HOLD G M W:6 V:10500 C:3500 Has 1 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 17 spell of: charm person L:0, 0
[a silver key], KEY [UnderWorld], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:3 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a silver metallic key], KEY [Atraktos], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:4 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a silver quill], PEN [FrogTemple], HOLD G I !G W:1 V:22500 C:875 L:40,0 BREATH -5 ARM -2
[a silver staff], STAFF [Krinlor], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:8 V:7500 C:15000 Has 2 charge(s),with 2 charge(s) left. Level 15 spell of: sanctuary L:0, 0
[a silver tome with a lightning symbol], TOME [Marshlands], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: shocking grasp shock bolt lightning bolt L:20,0
[a silver wand], WAND [KhazadDum], HOLD H NL W:1 V:100 C:7500 Has 4 charge(s),with 4 charge(s) left. Level 20 spell of: lava blast L:2, 0
[a silver whistle], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD I QUEST !M W:1 V:35000 C:1325 L:50,0 HR 1 DR 1 ARM -1
[a silvery blue wand], WAND [DrowCity], HOLD M W:1 V:4000 C:1600 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 10 spell of: shock bolt L:0, 0
[a silvery potion], POTION [Bastilia], HOLD W:1 V:15000 C:1 Level 60 spell(s) of: darkvision L:0,0
[a sinister scroll], TRASH [Swamps], HOLD E W:5 V:100 C:25 L:0,0
[a Skeletal Key], KEY [Solom], HOLD I NO_RENT BREAK W:5 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0
[a skeleton key], KEY [Swamps], HOLD G H E I M NO_RENT NL W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 1 L:0,0
[a skull], TRASH [GnollCaves], HOLD W:3 V:1 C:-455 L:0,0 INT -2 WIS -2
[a sliver of glowing green mist], KEY [Illkore], HOLD BREAK W:1 V:5000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a small blue sapphire], LIGHT [Bastilia], HOLD G M W:1 V:26000 C:2005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:8,0
[a small brass key], KEY [RedfernesResidence], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 7910 L:0,0
[a small clear blue potion], POTION [ValemonsKingdom], HOLD NL W:1 V:10000 C:5000 Level 50 spell(s) of: vitalize vitalize L:40,0
[a small dark key], KEY [Bastilia], HOLD NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 23164 L:0,0
[a small glowing stone], LIGHT [BastiliaSewers], HOLD G M W:2 V:10000 C:3005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:41,0 HR 2
[a small iron key], KEY [UndergroundEmpire], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:25 C:25 Keytype: 1 L:0,0
[a small key], KEY [WelmarsCastle], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 10 L:0,0
[a small metal bottle], POTION [KrummForest], HOLD W:1 V:1500 C:3000 Level 10 spell(s) of: bless armor strength L:0,0
[a small metal key], KEY [GnollCaves], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a small red key], KEY [GhoulBurrows], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a small scroll], SCROLL [RqyanTower], HOLD M W:1 V:1500 C:7500 Level 15 spell(s) of: wither L:0,0
[a small silver dagger], KEY [ShadowCastle], HOLD NO_RENT NL BREAK W:5 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:45,0
[a small staff], STAFF [Krinlor], HOLD M W:4 V:9800 C:4200 Has 15 charge(s),with 15 charge(s) left. Level 12 spell of: create food L:0, 0
[a small stick], LIGHT [RedfernesResidence], HOLD W:4 V:200 C:1765 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0 AGE -4
[a small strip of aluminum], KEY [MainMatrix], HOLD W:0 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a Small Tower], CONTAINER [ImmoRooms], HOLD M NO_RENT NL P SPEC W:2 V:20 C:25 Max: 4 Locktype: CLOSED L:0,0
[a small wooden doll], OTHER [Voodoo], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1000 C:25 L:50,0
[a smooth quartz ball], LIGHT [Thalos], HOLD M W:30 V:3050 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [72], L:0,0
[a snake-shaped key], KEY [Glacier], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:10000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a spellbook of Create Undead], SCROLL [FreddiesStronghold], HOLD NO_RENT SPEC NO_DUST W:10 V:10000 C:1 Level 0 spell(s) of: L:0,0
[a staff carved from a branch of the tangler tree], STAFF [Illkore], HOLD M ND NL !MTW W:12 V:50000 C:300000 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: powerheal L:39, 0
[a staff of sleep], STAFF [Midgaard], HOLD M W:7 V:5000 C:100 Has 1 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 12 spell of: sleep L:0, 0
[a Starlight potion], POTION [ShadowCastle], HOLD G NL W:1 V:25000 C:15000 Level 50 spell(s) of: sanctuary prayer detect invisibility L:0,0
[a steel wand], WAND [Bastilia], HOLD W:2 V:2000 C:3100 Has 12 charge(s),with 12 charge(s) left. Level 20 spell of: magic missile L:5, 0
[a stick], STAFF [DwarvenKingdom], HOLD W:1 V:100 C:50000 Has 10 charge(s),with 10 charge(s) left. Level 5 spell of: curse L:0, 0
[a stone bottle], POTION [KrummForest], HOLD W:1 V:500 C:4000 Level 50 spell(s) of: vitalize vitalize sleep L:0,0
[a stone cup], POTION [KrummForest], HOLD NO_RENT NL P W:1 V:1 C:1 Level 50 spell(s) of: sanctuary armor earthquake L:0,0 HIT -125 HIT -125 HIT -125 HIT -125
[a Stone Key], KEY [Pyramid], HOLD I NO_RENT W:5 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0
[a Stone Key], KEY [Pyramid], HOLD I NO_RENT W:5 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0
[a stone key], KEY [Swamps], HOLD I NO_RENT NL W:5 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0
[a stone of sorcerous might], OTHER [Goltraung], HOLD G I M !GN NL !C W:10 V:400000 C:8125 L:50,0 MANA 20 HIT_REGEN -10 HR -2 MANA_REGEN 5
[a strange cylinder], KEY [FirePlane], HOLD G NO_RENT W:5 V:24 C:-595 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 ARM 10 ROD 2
[a strange template], SCROLL [Plains], HOLD M W:1 V:15000 C:5000 Level 15 spell(s) of: sleep blindness fireball L:0,0
[a sword-shaped key], KEY [Glacier], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:10000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a syrupy potion], POTION [ShadowCastle], HOLD NL W:1 V:30000 C:16000 Level 50 spell(s) of: powerheal cure blindness L:0,0
[a thatch basket], CONTAINER [Aztec], HOLD W:20 V:4000 C:25 Max: 40 Locktype: CLOSEABLE L:0,0
[a thief's bag], CONTAINER [Atraktos], HOLD !MCW W:1 V:1 C:265 Max: 69 Locktype: CLOSEABLE PICKPROOF L:10,0 HIT 8
[a thin scroll], SCROLL [FrogTemple], HOLD M W:1 V:8600 C:12000 Level 50 spell(s) of: cold blast ice bolt L:0,0
[a tiny key], KEY [PirateShip], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a tome bound with elfskin], TOME [ImmoRooms], HOLD M NL P SPEC W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 40 practice on: cold mastery L:50,0
[a tome with a brown cover], TOME [BastiliaSewers], HOLD P !MCW W:14 V:1000000 C:150000 It contains 1 practice on: dodge L:0,0
[a tome with a cross drawn on the cover], TOME [Marshlands], HOLD M NL P !TW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: detect undead L:10,0
[a tome with a holy symbol drawn on the cover], TOME [EnchantedForest], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: power word holiness protection from evil L:35,0
[a tome with a picture resembling an eye drawn on the cover], TOME [Barovia], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: detect invisibility detect magic scry L:25,0
[a tome with a rainbow drawn on the cover], TOME [Mordor], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: prismatic beam L:37,0
[a tome with a red symbol on the cover], TOME [BastiliaSewers], HOLD P !MTW W:14 V:1000000 C:150000 It contains 95 practice on: endure heat L:0,0
[a tome with a web drawn on the cover], TOME [DrowCity], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: curse ottos irresistible dance L:25,0
[a tome with granite bindings], TOME [Bastilia], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: stoneskin L:25,0
[a tome with two overlapping rainbows drawn on the cover], TOME [Mordor], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: prismatic beam prismatic storm L:25,0
[a torch], LIGHT [Midgaard], HOLD W:1 V:10 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [24], L:0,0
[a tower key], KEY [Swamps], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a treasure room key], KEY [Atraktos], HOLD NO_RENT W:5 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 5 L:0,0
[a true blue bottle], POTION [ValemonsKingdom], HOLD NL W:1 V:180000 C:2500 Level 50 spell(s) of: heal heal regenerate L:40,0
[a twisted key], KEY [ShadowCastle], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:1,0
[a velvet tome], TOME [CloudCastle], HOLD M NL P !MTW W:1 V:200000 C:35000 It contains 95 practice on: channel L:28,0
[a vial of magic sand], OTHER [RiversEdge], HOLD !E W:1 V:150 C:3283 L:8,0 HIT -7 MANA 10 MOVE 10
[a vial with a strange liquid], POTION [LichTower], HOLD W:1 V:1 C:1 Level 50 spell(s) of: protection from lightning L:0,0
[a vibrant purple stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M ND W:10 V:10200 C:-95 L:0,0 HIT -20
[a violet potion], POTION [PirateShip], HOLD M NL W:1 V:400 C:10000 Level 50 spell(s) of: regenerate powerheal darkvision L:0,0
[a violet tome with an oval symbol on the cover], TOME [TrellinsKeep], HOLD M NL P !TW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: teleport with error teleport without error create portal L:49,0
[a voodoo quest], OTHER [Voodoo], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:50 C:25 L:50,0
[a walking stick], OTHER [SteelTown], HOLD M !E NL !TW W:1 V:5000 C:975 L:0,0 MOVE 15 MOVE_REGEN 10
[a walking stick], WEAPON [Pyramid], WIELD HOLD M W:1 V:5000 C:1105 PHYSICAL 1D5 BLUDGEON L:0,0 MOVE 15
[a wand of fireballs], WAND [DwarvenKingdom], HOLD W:2 V:8000 C:6000 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 16 spell of: fireball L:0, 0
[a wand of invisibility], WAND [Midgaard], HOLD M W:2 V:4000 C:100 Has 2 charge(s),with 2 charge(s) left. Level 12 spell of: invisibility L:0, 0
[a Wand of Power], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD G H D E I B !EN NL P SPEC !MT W:2 V:25000 C:3105 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:31,0 HR 1 ARM -2
[a wand with a key-head], KEY [Glacier], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:10000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a white quest flag], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 L:0,0
[a wildly flaming bow named 'DESPAIR'], WAND [Illkore], HOLD D E M !CTW W:11 V:1000000 C:25000 Has 5 charge(s),with 5 charge(s) left. Level 47 spell of: flame arrow L:45, 0 DEX -2 MOVE 13
[a woman's garter], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD B NL QUEST W:1 V:25000 C:925 L:10,0 ARM -1 HIT 20
[a wooden key], KEY [Midgaard], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[a wriggling key], KEY [ShadowCastle], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:1,0
[a yellow and green ring], ARMOR [Moria], FINGER HOLD W:1 V:50 C:35 AC[0], L:0,0 STR -2
[a yellow quest flag], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 L:0,0
[a yellow tome], TOME [Swamps], HOLD M NL P !M !W W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 50 practice on: anatomy L:25,0
[Aaron's Rod], WAND [MinotaurosLabyrinth], HOLD G NL W:1 V:100000 C:1 Has 999 charge(s),with 999 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: waterwalking L:50, 0 ARM -3
[an age darkened copper key], KEY [Illkore], HOLD H NL BREAK W:1 V:5000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[an ancient piece of paper which reads 'llik'], SCROLL [DemonCity], HOLD M NL W:1 V:2500 C:250001 Level 100 spell(s) of: lava storm lava storm lava storm L:34,0
[an ancient potion], POTION [Rlyeh], HOLD M NL W:1 V:38000 C:15000 Level 60 spell(s) of: armor poison harm L:0,0
[an ancient scroll], SCROLL [Dyarman], HOLD NL W:1 V:2500 C:250001 Level 50 spell(s) of: ice storm ice storm ice storm L:50,0
[an ancient withered tome], TOME [ImmoRooms], HOLD M NL P SPEC W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 40 practice on: way of the force L:30,0
[an arcane tome], TOME [ImmoRooms], HOLD M NL P SPEC W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 40 practice on: way of the force L:50,0
[an ashtray], OTHER [Navadin], HOLD G NO_DUST W:2 V:10 C:175 L:0,0 SPELL -3
[an elven lantern], LIGHT [Krinlor], HOLD G M W:15 V:2500 C:2005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0
[an emerald ioun stone], OTHER [Pyramid], HOLD W:10 V:18000 C:525 L:0,0 DR 1
[an emerald potion], POTION [Illkore], HOLD I ND NL W:10 V:10000 C:40000 Level 50 spell(s) of: heal heal L:20,0
[an engraved ebony seal], KEY [Thalos], HOLD W:2 V:500 C:25 Keytype: 30 L:0,0
[an engraved ivory seal], KEY [Thalos], HOLD W:2 V:500 C:25 Keytype: 31 L:0,0
[an ice screw], OTHER [Glacier], HOLD W:1 V:10 C:625 L:0,0 STR 1
[an icecold scroll named 'drom'], SCROLL [ValemonsKingdom], HOLD W:1 V:20000 C:62500 Level 40 spell(s) of: ice storm ice storm L:40,0
[an icecold tome], TOME [Quon], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: cone of cold cold ray cold blast L:30,0
[an icy bottle], POTION [ValemonsKingdom], HOLD W:1 V:180000 C:2500 Level 50 spell(s) of: cure blindness neutralize poison remove curse L:40,0
[an incandescent blue stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M W:10 V:5500 C:625 L:0,0 WIS 1
[an indigo potion of see invisible], POTION [Midgaard], HOLD M W:1 V:400 C:50 Level 12 spell(s) of: detect invisibility L:0,0
[an ingot of dragon silver], TREASURE [Illkore], HOLD G W:1 V:110000 C:25 Values 0-3: [110000], [0], [0], [0], L:0,0
[an ingot of rose gold], TREASURE [Illkore], HOLD B W:1 V:50000 C:25 Values 0-3: [50000], [0], [0], [0], L:0,0
[an iridescent stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M ND W:10 V:3700 C:-575 L:0,0 HIT -100
[an iron key], KEY [Goltraung], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:100 C:25 Keytype: 1 L:0,0
[an iron key], KEY [LichTower], HOLD W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[an iron sceptre], LIGHT [HaonDor], HOLD M W:10 V:5000 C:2005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0
[an iron wand], WAND [RqyanTower], HOLD M W:7 V:3200 C:3500 Has 10 charge(s),with 10 charge(s) left. Level 15 spell of: flame strike L:0, 0
[an oak staff], STAFF [FrogTemple], HOLD M !G W:10 V:9750 C:25000 Has 1 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 75 spell of: prismatic storm L:0, 0
[an oak staff], STAFF [RqyanTower], HOLD M NL W:9 V:2350 C:2200 Has 5 charge(s),with 5 charge(s) left. Level 40 spell of: teleport without error L:0, 0
[an obsidian key], KEY [TrellinsKeep], HOLD NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0
[an old book of legends], SCROLL [Dreamlands], HOLD W:5 V:300 C:150 Level 10 spell(s) of: armor L:0,0
[an old brass key], KEY [Midgaard], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[an old felt hat], ARMOR [KhazadDum], HEAD HOLD G !EN NL !C W:16 V:40000 C:3575 AC[2], L:40,0 MANA 10 HIT 10
[an old key], KEY [ErshteepRoad], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0
[an old rusty key], KEY [LichTower], HOLD W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[an old scrollbook], SCROLL [BastiliaSewers], HOLD M W:1 V:10000 C:100000 Level 70 spell(s) of: meteor blast meteor blast meteor blast L:0,0
[an old shoe], STAFF [DemonCity], HOLD M W:16 V:30000 C:15000 Has 4 charge(s),with 4 charge(s) left. Level 15 spell of: harm L:0, 0
[an old tome], TOME [Pyramid], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: acid arrow acid spray L:25,0
[an opal potion], POTION [ErshteepRoad], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:1000 C:2000 Level 15 spell(s) of: sanctuary neutralize poison heal L:0,0 ARM 5
[an orange quest flag], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 L:0,0
[an orb of life], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD G I M !E QUEST W:4 V:25000 C:1825 L:25,0 HIT 50 CON 1 DR -3
[an ornate blue key], KEY [StormGiantCastle], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:7500 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[Arm of a scarecrow], WAND [CloudCastle], HOLD G H M !E W:5 V:5000 C:800 Has 10 charge(s),with 10 charge(s) left. Level 10 spell of: shock bolt L:10, 0
[bag of many pockets], CONTAINER [POWERMADs], HOLD NL W:10 V:50 C:25 Max: 200 L:0,0
[beer mug], LIQUID CONTAINER [Barovia], HOLD B W:18 V:6 C:25 Max: 17 Contains: 17 Liquid: beer L:0,0
[Black Ruby], TREASURE [EnchantedForest], HOLD G D LOCK !G NL !MC W:2 V:10000 C:1125 L:50,0 ARM -2 HR 1
[Book of Magics], OTHER [Krinlor], HOLD G W:35 V:1200 C:25 L:0,0
[Corpse of Kell], CONTAINER [Illkore], HOLD W:50 V:30000 C:625 Max: 0 L:15,0 STR 1
[Corpse of Snowball], CONTAINER [Illkore], HOLD W:30 V:3000 C:-215 Max: 0 L:15,0 INT -2
[cup of wine], LIQUID CONTAINER [BastiliaSewers], HOLD W:2 V:2 C:25 Max: 2 Contains: 2 Liquid: wine L:0,0
[Eye of the Devourer], FOOD [Swamps], HOLD I M NL W:2 V:50000 C:1625 Full:0 L:42,0 HR 1 DR 1 ARM -2
[Fire opal], WAND [CloudCastle], HOLD G M SPEC W:5 V:5000 C:1000 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: elemental blast L:30, 0
[Fire opal], WAND [CloudCastle], HOLD G M SPEC W:5 V:5000 C:1000 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: starfire L:30, 0
[Fire opal], WAND [CloudCastle], HOLD G M W:5 V:5000 C:1000 Has 1 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: blast fireball L:30, 0
[Fire opal], WAND [CloudCastle], HOLD G M W:5 V:5000 C:1000 Has 1 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: flame strike L:30, 0
[Fire opal], WAND [CloudCastle], HOLD G M W:5 V:5000 C:1000 Has 1 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: lava blast L:30, 0
[Flaming acorn], WAND [CloudCastle], HOLD G M W:1 V:500 C:500 Has 1 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: fire seeds L:8, 0
[Horn of the Minotaur Priest], SYMBOL [MinotaurCity], HOLD G !GN NL !MTW W:4 V:350000 C:1385 20 L:50,0 HR 2 DR 1 CON -1
[key chain], KEY [ErshteepRoad], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0
[Lich's Phylactery], OTHER [RqyanTower], HOLD G I M !GN NL !MTW W:7 V:25000 C:8965 L:0,0 MANA 30 HIT -10
[long,black stick], LIGHT [DwarvenKingdom], HOLD W:1 V:0 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [0], L:0, 0
[long,black stick], STAFF [DwarvenKingdom], HOLD W:1 V:100 C:10 Has 10 charge(s), with 10 charge(s) left. Level 4 spell of: cure light wounds L:0, 0
[Mahatma's diary], TOME [Arachnos], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 25 practice on: observation L:15,0
[Mistress' Underwear], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD B NL QUEST W:7 V:9000 C:1625 L:30,0 STR 1 HR 1 DR 1
[Moonstone], TREASURE [RqyanTower], HOLD G M !E NL W:10 V:12250 C:925 L:0,0 AGE -10 ARM -5
[orb of power], ARMOR [Pyramid], HOLD !TW W:20 V:50000 C:8675 AC[0], L:0,0 MANA 30 HIT -100
[Peach rose], TREASURE [CloudCastle], HOLD M W:1 V:15000 C:625 L:45,0 ARM -2
[potion of health], POTION [Pyramid], HOLD I M W:5 V:2000 C:2000 Level 40 spell(s) of: remove curse neutralize poison L:0,0
[quartz ball], OTHER [Pyramid], HOLD !MCW W:25 V:75000 C:1315 L:27,0 HIT -35 HR 3
[Rainbow rose], WAND [CloudCastle], HOLD G M B W:1 V:10000 C:1000 Has 10 charge(s),with 10 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: word of recall L:10, 0
[Rubber Ducky of Chaos], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD M NL !MTW W:1 V:12 C:2625 L:50,0 ARM -2 HR 2 DR 2
[Sceptre of Light], LIGHT [WorthanForest], HOLD G NL !M W:8 V:70000 C:2705 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:26,0 HR 1 HIT_REGEN 2
[scroll of restoration], SCROLL [Pyramid], HOLD M W:5 V:2000 C:1500 Level 40 spell(s) of: remove curse neutralize poison restoration L:0,0
[shadow's diary], TOME [Bastilia], HOLD M NL P !MC W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 10 practice on: piercing weapons scout evaluate L:48,0
[some magic owl eyes], LIGHT [Holt], HOLD M W:20 V:1 C:1645 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0 CHAR_WEIGHT -40 AGE -6
[some sort of container], POTION [KrummForest], HOLD W:1 V:1 C:1 Level 50 spell(s) of: armor sanctuary L:0,0
[some tentacles], FOOD [Marshlands], HOLD W:1 V:100 C:1025 Full:10P L:41,0 HR 2
[something], KEY [GnollCaves], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[Sprite's Staff], STAFF [WorthanForest], HOLD G NO_RENT W:5 V:1 C:1 Has 0 charge(s),with 0 charge(s) left. Level 1 spell of: L:5, 0 HIT_REGEN 1
[Sturdy iron wand], WAND [KhazadDum], HOLD W:1 V:1000 C:250 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 30 spell of: fire seeds L:20, 0
[Sunflower seed], LIGHT [CloudCastle], HOLD G W:1 V:500 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [200], L:2,0
[the ace of clubs], TRASH [KrummForest], HOLD W:0 V:1 C:25 L:0,0
[the ace of diamonds], TRASH [KrummForest], HOLD W:0 V:1 C:25 L:0,0
[the ace of hearts], TRASH [KrummForest], HOLD W:0 V:1 C:25 L:0,0
[the ace of spades], TRASH [KrummForest], HOLD W:0 V:1 C:25 L:0,0
[the Ancient chest], CONTAINER [Zubas], HOLD NO_RENT W:500 V:100000 C:25 Max: 1000 Locktype: CLOSEABLE PICKPROOF CLOSED L:0,0
[the Ancient key], KEY [Zubas], HOLD G NO_RENT W:2 V:200 C:325 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 HR -2 DR 1
[the Ancient Pencil], ARMOR [Zubas], HOLD G W:2 V:5000 C:775 AC[0], L:0,0 DR 1
[the Ancient scroll of Fear], SCROLL [Zubas], HOLD NL W:2 V:2000 C:250001 Level 50 spell(s) of: lava storm lava storm meteor swarm L:32,0
[the battle banner of the sindona], WORN [Illkore], HOLD G M ND B !GE NL SPEC !MC W:15 V:190000 C:1509 L:50,0 HIT -11 HR 1 DR 2 BREATH -1
[the blue keychain], KEY [StormGiantCastle], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:5000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[the Book of Gates], TREASURE [RqyanTower], HOLD M !GN NL !CTW W:25 V:7500 C:7525 L:0,0 MANA 25
[the Book of the Fist], TOME [RiversEdge], HOLD M P W:1 V:50000 C:10000 It contains 5 practice on: bludgeon weapons L:25,0
[the Butler's key], KEY [WelmarsCastle], HOLD NO_RENT W:3 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 9 L:0,0
[the City Key], KEY [Midgaard], HOLD W:10 V:10000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[the Code of Laws], NOTE [SteelTown], HOLD B !E W:1 V:2000 C:625 Tongue: 0 L:0,0 INT 1
[the Crescent of the Eclipse], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD D I M QUEST W:10 V:1 C:965 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [0], L:30,0 HIT -25 HR 1 ARM -2
[the crystal ball], WAND [LichTower], HOLD M SPEC W:2 V:4000 C:100 Has 100 charge(s),with 100 charge(s) left. Level 100 spell of: L:0, 0
[the Crystal Blue Wand], WAND [Mordor], HOLD G H I M !GN NL !CTW W:20 V:50000 C:1000 Has 0 charge(s),with 0 charge(s) left. Level 0 spell of: L:30, 0 HIT 40 ARM 15 SPELL 5
[the Dragon Gem], TREASURE [ShadowCastle], HOLD G M NL W:5 V:350000 C:1125 L:40,0 HR 1 DR 1 SPELL -2
[the dungeon cell key], KEY [Atraktos], HOLD NO_RENT W:5 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 8 L:0,0
[the gem of life], WAND [Dyarman], HOLD G M !E W:10 V:100000 C:500 Has 10 charge(s),with 10 charge(s) left. Level 20 spell of: vitalize L:45, 0 MANA 20
[the Gem of Power], LIGHT [Dyarman], HOLD G M NL W:80 V:600000 C:10885 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:50,0 MANA 30 HIT -20
[the Guardian Key], KEY [Swamps], HOLD M NO_RENT NL W:18 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0
[the handbook of Active Eyes], TOME [LichTower], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 75 practice on: observation evaluate L:15,0
[the Head of the Witch], TRASH [WitchesOfMidgaard], HOLD H M ND !GN !TW W:15 V:1 C:1225 L:44,0 INT -1 AGE -3 HR 3
[the heart of the shapechanger], OTHER [Wasteland], HOLD I W:1 V:12000 C:6025 L:30,0 MANA 20
[the horn of siege], STAFF [DemonCity], HOLD E !G NL W:50 V:100000 C:8000 Has 5 charge(s),with 5 charge(s) left. Level 30 spell of: earthquake L:28, 0 HR 1 DR 1
[the jail key], KEY [Swamps], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:2 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0
[the key of Q], KEY [Illkore], HOLD G NO_RENT W:1 V:5000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[the Key of V], KEY [Swamps], HOLD NO_RENT NL BREAK W:5 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0
[the Key to the Titanium Labyrinth], KEY [MinotaurosLabyrinth], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[the Lighthouse Torch], LIGHT [PirateShip], HOLD H W:2 V:10000 C:2505 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:14,0 DR 1
[the Master Key], KEY [Swamps], HOLD I NO_RENT NL W:3 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0
[the master key], KEY [Voodoo], HOLD ND NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:100 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:50,0
[the Master's Key], KEY [DrowTower], HOLD H NO_RENT W:2 V:5000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[the Nightshade Blossom], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD I !GN QUEST !MTW W:4 V:85000 C:2505 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:45,0 HR 1 DR 1 MANA_REGEN -5
[the One Key], KEY [Mordor], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0
[the Orb of Night], LIGHT [Swamps], HOLD E M ND !G NL W:3 V:20000 C:1015 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [1], L:41,0 HR 2
[the Pebble of Ancients], TREASURE [TrellinsKeep], HOLD G M B !W W:2 V:10000 C:1105 L:17,0 INT 1 WIS 1 CON -1
[the potion of Life], POTION [Dyarman], HOLD NL W:5 V:60000 C:500 Level 40 spell(s) of: vitalize vitalize vitalize L:50,0
[the prayerbook of life and energy], TOME [RiversEdge], HOLD M P W:1 V:50000 C:10000 It contains 50 practice on: dispel magic restoration L:25,0
[the red-eyed jewel], TREASURE [GreatEasternDesert], HOLD ND W:30 V:35000 C:-215 L:0,0 INT -2
[the sceptre of the sun], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD G M B QUEST !C W:10 V:1 C:3065 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:43,0 DR 3 DEX -2 HR -2
[the Scroll of Life], SCROLL [SkullValley], HOLD G M B !E NO_RENT NL P SPEC W:2 V:20 C:500000 Level 0 spell(s) of: L:35,0
[the shaman's key], KEY [Glacier], HOLD NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:10000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[the sign], WEAPON [MainMatrix], WIELD HOLD W:200 V:10 C:4655 PHYSICAL 2D8 BLUDGEON L:0,0 HR -2
[the silver candle], LIGHT [Swamps], HOLD G I M NL !C W:3 V:100000 C:3405 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:31,0 DR -1 ARM -5
[the Skull of Rie-Talin], OTHER [Dyarman], HOLD D M ND !GN NL SPEC !W W:5 V:150000 C:-375 L:50,0 ARM 40 HR 4
[the slick,wet, red skull of Michelle, the equinolich], LIGHT [Illkore], HOLD B NL SPEC !MC W:20 V:500000 C:3215 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:48, 0 HIT -65 ARM -4 DR 1 HR -1
[the Speaker's Key], KEY [RiversEdge], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 18 L:50,0
[the stable key], KEY [Goltraung], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:100 C:25 Keytype: 1 L:0,0
[the Store Room Key], KEY [DrowTower], HOLD NO_RENT W:2 V:5000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[the tail of a lamp eft], LIGHT [Dreamlands], HOLD W:2 V:2000 C:-105 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [48], L:0,0 WIS -1
[the Tiger Jewel], TREASURE [GreatEasternDesert], HOLD B W:23 V:43000 C:625 L:0,0 DEX 1
[the Tome of Atlantis], STAFF [ImmoRooms], HOLD M NL QUEST !CTW W:20 V:100000 C:20000 Has 1 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 100 spell of: heavy water L:30, 0 MANA 25 DEX -1
[the Tooth of the Kraken], OTHER [PirateShip], HOLD G NL W:1 V:20000 C:2225 L:48,0 STR 2 HR 2
[the Tooth of the Kraken], OTHER [PirateShip], HOLD G W:1 V:20000 C:625 L:0,0 STR 1
[the Tower key], KEY [ShadowCastle], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:1,0
[the treasure key], BOAT [Goltraung], HOLD I M ND NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:0 C:25 Values 0-3: [2], [0], [0], [0], L:50,0
[the Vault Key], KEY [DrowTower], HOLD I NO_RENT W:2 V:5000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0
[the wand of starlight], LIGHT [Thalos], HOLD G W:15 V:50000 C:3505 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:21,0 ARM -2 HIT 30
[the Watchman's key], KEY [ShadowCastle], HOLD H NO_RENT NL W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:1,0
[the Wizard's Satchel], CONTAINER [Mordor], HOLD G I B NL W:100 V:5000 C:25 Max: 175 L:0,0
[the wooden staff], STAFF [DemonCity], HOLD M !E NL W:10 V:20000 C:40000 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 30 spell of: heal L:0, 0 SPELL -1 ARM -1
[tome of the acolyte], WORN [KrummForest], HOLD !MTW W:1 V:6000 C:1525 L:6,0 MANA 5
[turquoise potion], POTION [StormGiantCastle], HOLD NL W:2 V:6000 C:750 Level 35 spell(s) of: powerheal L:0,0
[Valemon's tome of ice magic], TOME [ValemonsKingdom], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:55000 It contains 95 practice on: freezing hands cold blast snowstorm L:50,0
[Wand of protecting], WAND [KhazadDum], HOLD G W:2 V:20000 C:200 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 15 spell of: earth bolt L:1, 0
[White rose], LIGHT [CloudCastle], HOLD G M W:1 V:15000 C:1405 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:5,0 AGE -10
[wild flowers], WORN [Ofcol], HEAD HOLD !E W:1 V:10 C:25 L:0,0
[wild flowers], WORN [Plains], HEAD HOLD !E W:1 V:10 C:25 L:0,0
[Back to the top]
[a pair of age-darkened copper bracers], ARMOR [Illkore], ARMS D M !GE NL !MC W:12 V:50000 C:2375 AC[11], L:36,0 HIT 30 MOVE -75 BREATH -3
[a pair of armgreaves made of mithril], ARMOR [Dyarman], ARMS M W:20 V:75000 C:1675 AC[12], L:45,0 MANA -10
[a pair of bracers], ARMOR [DrowCity], ARMS G M W:15 V:2000 C:275 AC[5], L:0,0
[a pair of bronze sleeves], ARMOR [Midgaard], ARMS W:8 V:1750 C:275 AC[6], L:0,0
[a pair of chain-mail sleeves], ARMOR [Celephais], ARMS W:10 V:800 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0
[a pair of crystal chain sleeves], ARMOR [Swamps], ARMS I M B !CTW W:7 V:85000 C:1475 AC[2], L:37,0 ARM -4
[a pair of crystalline sleeves], ARMOR [MinotaurCity], ARMS G M !GN NL !CTW W:2 V:240000 C:775 AC[2], L:50,0 HR 1
[a pair of dusty leather sleeves], ARMOR [Bastilia], ARMS W:1 V:105 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0
[a pair of glowing sleeves], ARMOR [MinotaurCity], !TAKE ARMS G H I M !G !TW W:5 V:362300 C:3275 AC[0], L:45,0 MANA 10
[a pair of grey metal arm greaves], ARMOR [LichTower], ARMS E M !G W:20 V:30000 C:1875 AC[10], L:45,0 ARM -2
[a pair of jet black sleeves], ARMOR [PirateShip], ARMS G W:2 V:8000 C:1375 AC[8], L:19,0 MANA 2
[a pair of large sleeves], ARMOR [Solom], ARMS W:8 V:10000 C:2105 AC[9], L:33,0 STR 1 INT -1 ARM -2
[a pair of leather sleeves], ARMOR [Midgaard], ARMS W:4 V:75 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[a pair of red scale sleeves], ARMOR [BastiliaSewers], ARMS G M W:20 V:30000 C:2675 AC[10], L:40,0 MANA_REGEN 2 HIT_REGEN 4
[a pair of shadow sleeves], ARMOR [Bastilia], ARMS D M NL !MCW W:5 V:50000 C:3275 AC[13], L:50,0 HR 1
[a pair of Silver Sleeves], ARMOR [DrowTower], ARMS G W:11 V:24000 C:1475 AC[0], L:20,0 HIT 20 AGE 2
[a set of spectral arm plates], ARMOR [Swamps], ARMS G I M W:5 V:70000 C:1025 AC[8], L:27,0 SPELL -5
[a transparent armband], ARMOR [Atraktos], ARMS !E !TW W:8 V:1 C:1475 AC[6], L:20,0 MANA 4
[adamantium sleeves], ARMOR [CloudCastle], ARMS NL !C W:150 V:150000 C:1285 AC[9], L:50,0 DR 1 DEX -2
[blue chainy sleeves], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], ARMS G M NL QUEST !CTW W:15 V:40000 C:1475 AC[2], L:25,0 ARM -2 STR 1
[Chainmail sleeves], ARMOR [Navadin], ARMS W:10 V:9000 C:875 AC[2], L:15,0 ARM -2
[polymimenic sleeves], ARMOR [ShadowCastle], ARMS NL !W W:5 V:25000 C:1715 AC[10], L:43,0 HR 1 HIT -10
[scale sleeves], ARMOR [Pyramid], ARMS W:10 V:7000 C:275 AC[5], L:0,0
[sleeves of the death knight], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], ARMS D I ND !GN NL QUEST !MC !T W:30 V:10000 C:1975 AC[11], L:45,0 HR 1 HIT -50
[sleeves of the efreeti], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], ARMS G H I M ND !G NL QUEST !M W:15 V:40000 C:2725 AC[9], L:41,0 HR 1 DEX 1 HIT -50 MOVE 30
[sleeves of the salamander], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], ARMS D E I M !GN QUEST !CTW W:15 V:40000 C:3655 AC[2], L:41,0 HR 1 HIT -20 MANA 10
[some arm plates], ARMOR [RedfernesResidence], ARMS M B !EN W:40 V:12500 C:775 AC[8], L:16,0
[some Blackend Mithril Sleeves], ARMOR [Dyarman], ARMS !C W:30 V:30000 C:2275 AC[12], L:45,0
[some blackish dragonscale sleeves], ARMOR [Dyarman], ARMS D NL W:10 V:2450 C:1125 AC[7], L:50,0 HR -4 DR 2
[some brass sleeves], ARMOR [Midgaard], ARMS W:25 V:250 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0
[some darkened sleeves], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], ARMS E NL W:12 V:0 C:2775 AC[13], L:50,0
[some dragon scale sleeves], ARMOR [KhazadDum], ARMS H D NL !CTW W:3 V:46000 C:2375 AC[2], L:50,0 MOVE 10 MANA_REGEN 4 HR -2
[some glinting bracers], ARMOR [Holt], ARMS G W:10 V:5000 C:345 AC[7], L:8,0 AGE -3
[some golden sleeves], ARMOR [Swamps], ARMS G I M NL !C W:12 V:130000 C:2775 AC[13], L:50,0
[some iron sleeves], ARMOR [Thalos], ARMS W:10 V:2450 C:1125 AC[7], L:0,0 HR -4 DR 2
[some sleeves made of a greyish metal], ARMOR [Dyarman], ARMS W:30 V:30000 C:2275 AC[12], L:45,0
[some steel arm plates], ARMOR [Bastilia], ARMS W:8 V:10000 C:775 AC[8], L:13,0
[the athridon arm greaves], ARMOR [DemonCity], ARMS M W:55 V:12500 C:1025 AC[9], L:21,0
[titanium sleeves], ARMOR [Pyramid], ARMS NL !M W:2 V:50000 C:1775 AC[11], L:33,0
[woven brass sleeves], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], ARMS I M NL QUEST !M W:18 V:89000 C:1275 AC[9], L:41,0 DR 1 HR -1 HIT -25
[Back to the top]
[a ball of ice shines with a bright white light!], LIGHT [ValemonsKingdom], HOLD W:20 V:120000 C:4185 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:42,0 MANA 7 HR 1 DEX -3 HIT -10
[a black wax candle], LIGHT [Marshlands], HOLD M W:10 V:1000 C:615 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [0], L:10,0 ARM -1 HIT 10
[a candlestick], LIGHT [Graveyard], HOLD W:5 V:150 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [24], L:0,0
[a candle], LIGHT [Holt], HOLD G NL W:15 V:0 C:3505 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0 HIT 30 ARM -2
[a Flaming Hand], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD G !EN QUEST !C W:10 V:50000 C:2855 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:48,0 DR 1 HR 1 HIT -25
[a flaming sceptre], LIGHT [FrogTemple], HOLD G H E M !GN NL SPEC W:35 V:58500 C:3005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:50,0 DR 2
[a flower of power], LIGHT [KoselbruchMill], HOLD G M !E !C !T W:1 V:100000 C:2705 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:50,0 HR 1 DR 1 HIT -50
[a golden apple], LIGHT [WelmarsCastle], HOLD M !E W:5 V:8000 C:2005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0
[a grey key], KEY [DrowForest], HOLD LIGHT-SOURCE NO_RENT W:1 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 15 L:0,0
[a hooded brass lantern], LIGHT [HaonDor], HOLD W:4 V:60 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [100], L:0,0
[a jar of lightning bugs], LIGHT [Atraktos], W:6 V:1 C:2851 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:13,0 MANA 3 HIT -9
[a lantern], LIGHT [Midgaard], HOLD W:1 V:50 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [96], L:0,0
[a Lightstone], LIGHT [ShadowCastle], !W W:3 V:12500 C:2865 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:30,0 HR 1 ARM -2 HIT -40
[a long,grey branch], LIGHT [HaonDor], HOLD W:20 V:1 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [25], L:0, 0
[a mage orb], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD D E I M !GN NL QUEST !CTW W:3 V:25000 C:8835 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [0], L:28,0 MANA 30 HIT -30
[a nice looking lantern], LIGHT [UndergroundEmpire], HOLD G B !E NL W:5 V:195000 C:3005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:47,0 HR 2
[a piece of lichen], LIGHT [Swamps], HOLD G W:1 V:5 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [10], L:0,0
[a ranger's torch], LIGHT [KrummForest], HOLD G H W:5 V:1600 C:2005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0
[a ray of sunlight], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD G M W:0 V:0 C:0 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [1000], L:1,15 HIT 7 MOVE 10
[a sacred chalice of worked dragon silver], LIGHT [Illkore], HOLD G B !EN NL !TW W:10 V:45000 C:6715 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [0], L:45,0 MANA_REGEN 5 MANA 15 DR -3
[a small blue sapphire], LIGHT [Bastilia], HOLD G M W:1 V:26000 C:2005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:8,0
[a small glowing stone], LIGHT [BastiliaSewers], HOLD G M W:2 V:10000 C:3005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:41,0 HR 2
[a small stick], LIGHT [RedfernesResidence], HOLD W:4 V:200 C:1765 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0 AGE -4
[a smooth quartz ball], LIGHT [Thalos], HOLD M W:30 V:3050 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [72], L:0,0
[a Thunder Hammer], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD G H M !GE NL QUEST !MT W:15 V:90000 C:10955 LIGHTNING 7D3 BLUDGEON L:27,0 HR 5 STR 1
[a Thunder Hammer], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD G H M !GE NL QUEST !MT W:15 V:90000 C:10955 LIGHTNING 7D3 BLUDGEON L:27,0 HR 5 STR 1
[a torch], LIGHT [Midgaard], HOLD W:1 V:10 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [24], L:0,0
[a Wand of Power], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD G H D E I B !EN NL P SPEC !MT W:2 V:25000 C:3105 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:31,0 HR 1 ARM -2
[a yellow crystal], LIGHT [KhazadDum], NL W:1 V:200000 C:2005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:5,0
[an Arena Torch], LIGHT [MinotaurCity], G I M !G NL !C !T W:5 V:350000 C:2995 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:50,0 DR 1 HR 1 HIT -60 MOVE_REGEN 7
[an elven lantern], LIGHT [Krinlor], HOLD G M W:15 V:2500 C:2005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0
[an iron sceptre], LIGHT [HaonDor], HOLD M W:10 V:5000 C:2005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0
[long,black stick], LIGHT [DwarvenKingdom], HOLD W:1 V:0 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [0], L:0, 0
[Sceptre of Light], LIGHT [WorthanForest], HOLD G NL !M W:8 V:70000 C:2705 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:26,0 HR 1 HIT_REGEN 2
[some magic owl eyes], LIGHT [Holt], HOLD M W:20 V:1 C:1645 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0 CHAR_WEIGHT -40 AGE -6
[Sunflower seed], LIGHT [CloudCastle], HOLD G W:1 V:500 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [200], L:2,0
[the Crescent of the Eclipse], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD D I M QUEST W:10 V:1 C:965 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [0], L:30,0 HIT -25 HR 1 ARM -2
[the Firefly Orb], LIGHT [Bandits], G M NL !C W:2 V:500000 C:6955 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:47,0 MANA_REGEN 3 MOVE_REGEN 15 MANA 10 HR -3
[the Flame of Hope], LIGHT [Bandits], HOLD G !E NL !MTW W:2 V:100000 C:2765 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:49,0 DR 1 HR 1 HIT -40
[the Gem of Power], LIGHT [Dyarman], HOLD G M NL W:80 V:600000 C:10885 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:50,0 MANA 30 HIT -20
[the Lighthouse Torch], LIGHT [PirateShip], HOLD H W:2 V:10000 C:2505 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:14,0 DR 1
[the Nightshade Blossom], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD I !GN QUEST !MTW W:4 V:85000 C:2505 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:45,0 HR 1 DR 1 MANA_REGEN -5
[the Orb of Night], LIGHT [Swamps], HOLD E M ND !G NL W:3 V:20000 C:1015 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [1], L:41,0 HR 2
[the sceptre of the sun], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD G M B QUEST !C W:10 V:1 C:3065 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:43,0 DR 3 DEX -2 HR -2
[the silver candle], LIGHT [Swamps], HOLD G I M NL !C W:3 V:100000 C:3405 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:31,0 DR -1 ARM -5
[the slick,wet, red skull of Michelle, the equinolich], LIGHT [Illkore], HOLD B NL SPEC !MC W:20 V:500000 C:3215 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:48, 0 HIT -65 ARM -4 DR 1 HR -1
[the tail of a lamp eft], LIGHT [Dreamlands], HOLD W:2 V:2000 C:-105 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [48], L:0,0 WIS -1
[the wand of starlight], LIGHT [Thalos], HOLD G W:15 V:50000 C:3505 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:21,0 ARM -2 HIT 30
[White rose], LIGHT [CloudCastle], HOLD G M W:1 V:15000 C:1405 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:5,0 AGE -10
[Back to the top]
[a Black Armband], WORN [SteelTown], WRIST M W:1 V:5000 C:1425 L:8,0 ARM -3 HR 1
[a Black Eog Bracelet], WORN [Dyarman], WRIST D E M !G NL !MC W:5 V:150000 C:3425 L:50,0 ARM -8 HR 2
[a copper bracelet], ARMOR [GreatEasternDesert], WRIST M ND W:10 V:23000 C:575 AC[6], L:9,0 HIT 10
[a dull jade bracelet], OTHER [Aztec], WRIST M B !E W:3 V:12500 C:1525 L:20,0 HR 2 DR 1
[a frozen armband], WORN [ValemonsKingdom], WRIST HOLD W:15 V:12050 C:985 L:0,0 DEX -2 INT 2
[a golden armband], TREASURE [Dyarman], WRIST NL W:12 V:33000 C:25 L:0,0
[a golden bracelet shaped like a curled snake], TREASURE [Dyarman], WRIST NL W:20 V:50000 C:25 L:0,0
[a golden bracelet], TREASURE [Dyarman], WRIST NL W:12 V:15000 C:25 L:0,0
[a jeweled bracelet], TREASURE [Dyarman], WRIST NL W:20 V:50000 C:25 L:0,0
[a jeweled bracer], TREASURE [Swamps], WRIST W:3 V:20000 C:25 L:0,0
[a leather wristband], ARMOR [DrowForest], WRIST G M B !W W:1 V:500 C:2545 AC[0], L:0,0 MANA 8 SPELL 1 STR -1
[a lucky wrist-chain], WORN [RiversEdge], WRIST B W:1 V:250 C:835 L:5,0 WIS 1 MOVE 7
[a metal bracelet], WORN [Celephais], WRIST W:5 V:500 C:625 L:0,0 ARM -2
[a mithril bracelet], ARMOR [Krinlor], WRIST M NL W:3 V:35500 C:3175 AC[5], L:38,0 ARM -8 DR 1
[a mountain armband], ARMOR [ValemonsKingdom], WRIST W:5 V:13400 C:2975 AC[3], L:27,0 ARM -7 DEX 1
[a nebb-shaped bracelet], ARMOR [Holt], WRIST W:10 V:5000 C:1655 AC[4], L:0,0 ARM -5 AGE -2
[a pair of metal bracers], WORN [FrogTemple], WRIST E I M !GN !MC !T W:15 V:24500 C:3525 L:50,0 HR 3 HIT_REGEN 5 ARM -5
[a sheep skin bracer], WORN [ImmoRooms], WRIST M !GE QUEST !TW W:8 V:250000 C:4525 L:31,0 HR 2 DR 1 MANA 10
[a silver armband], WORN [ImmoRooms], WRIST NL QUEST W:3 V:10000 C:3325 L:41,0 ARM -8 HR 2 DR -1
[a silver bracelet], TREASURE [Bastilia], WRIST M W:1 V:1000 C:1025 L:10,0 HR 1 DR 1
[a silvery armband], TREASURE [Dyarman], WRIST NL W:35 V:13000 C:25 L:0,0
[a slim silver band of tears], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], WRIST I M !E QUEST !TW W:1 V:250000 C:3275 AC[2], L:36,0 MANA 8 MOVE_REGEN 12
[a steel bracer], ARMOR [Bastilia], WRIST !M W:2 V:4000 C:1175 AC[5], L:5,0 ARM -3
[a stone armband], WORN [KrummForest], WRIST W:10 V:4500 C:1815 L:8,0 ARM -3 HIT 3 HR 1 AGE 1
[a stone bracelet], WORN [KrummForest], WRIST W:10 V:4500 C:1875 L:8,0 ARM -3 HR 1 MOVE 5 AGE 1
[a thin chain], TREASURE [GnollCaves], WRIST W:1 V:8000 C:925 L:0,0 CON 1 HIT 10
[a white gold bracer], ARMOR [Swamps], WRIST M NL !C W:4 V:130000 C:3275 AC[3], L:40,0 ARM -10
[an age darkened bracelet of bronze and leather], WORN [Illkore], WRIST M B !E NL !C W:5 V:50000 C:3025 L:30,0 STR 1 MANA 8
[an Armband of Power], WORN [ImmoRooms], WRIST G M QUEST !TW W:10 V:50000 C:4015 L:29,0 DR 2 MANA 10 SPELL 1
[an ivory bracelet], ARMOR [PoseidonsForest], WRIST I W:5 V:500 C:1775 AC[5], L:11,0 ARM -5
[an obsidian bracelet], WORN [ImmoRooms], WRIST D M NL QUEST !MC W:3 V:10000 C:1325 L:41,0 DR 3 HR -2
[Armband of the triton], BOAT [CloudCastle], WRIST W:5 V:50000 C:1105 L:15,0 ARM -2 DEX 1 CON -1
[Bone-Bracelet], ARMOR [Zubas], WRIST G I !TW W:5 V:25000 C:775 AC[0], L:31,0 DEX 1 DR -1
[bracelet of magic], ARMOR [CastleRavenloft], WRIST M !TW W:5 V:60000 C:6665 AC[0], L:50,0 MANA 15 HIT 25 STR -3 MANA_REGEN 3
[Bracelets Of Darkness], ARMOR [Mordor], WRIST D I M !GE NL !C W:30 V:100000 C:3215 AC[0], L:50,0 HR -1 DR -2 ARM -12 HIT -60
[Bracers of defense], ARMOR [Pyramid], WRIST I W:3 V:16300 C:1475 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -4
[Bracers of defense], ARMOR [Pyramid], WRIST I W:3 V:8100 C:875 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -2
[Bracers of Deflection], ARMOR [RqyanTower], WRIST I M W:3 V:2500 C:3275 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -10
[emerald bracelet], ARMOR [Pyramid], WRIST W:5 V:25000 C:1275 AC[0], L:28,0 DR 2
[jade bracelet], ARMOR [Pyramid], WRIST !TW W:5 V:25000 C:1955 AC[0], L:0,0 MANA 7 AGE -5 HIT -20
[opal bracelet], ARMOR [ErshteepRoad], WRIST NL W:1 V:20000 C:1975 AC[0], L:35,0 CON 2 DR 1
[remembrance of hope], WORN [ImmoRooms], WRIST G NL QUEST W:5 V:950000 C:2425 L:28,0 ARM -4 STR 1 CON 1
[some blue bracers], WORN [KrummForest], WRIST !MCW W:3 V:8100 C:1225 L:6,0 ARM -4
[the Black Bracelet], ARMOR [Solom], WRIST I !M W:10 V:20000 C:3155 AC[3], L:29,0 STR -1 ARM -7 HR -1 DR 2
[the Black Steel Bracelet], ARMOR [SteelTown], WRIST H M W:1 V:15000 C:1625 AC[0], L:24,0 HIT 25 ARM -2
[the blood bracelet], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], WRIST M NL W:3 V:35500 C:3175 AC[5], L:50,0 ARM -8 DR 1
[the bracelet of Kawfigu], WORN [Dyarman], WRIST !G !CW W:5 V:150000 C:2625 L:50,0 ARM -10 HR -2 DR -2
[the bracelet of Skull Valley], TREASURE [SkullValley], WRIST G M B NL P W:1 V:1500 C:3425 L:40,0 CON 1 HR 2 ARM -6
[the bracers of death], ARMOR [Graveyard], WRIST E I M !GN W:4 V:1000 C:1925 AC[0], L:11,0 HIT 5 ARM -5
[the onyx bracelet], ARMOR [FirePlane], WRIST H LOCK I B !W W:5 V:20 C:1475 AC[0], L:14,0 STR 2
[the Wyrmskin Bracelet], ARMOR [Swamps], WRIST G I M NL !MT W:5 V:100000 C:3315 AC[0], L:50,0 HIT -60 ARM -8 DR 2
[Back to the top]
[a battered iron breast plate], ARMOR [Thalos], BODY W:125 V:13000 C:-325 AC[5], L:0,0 HR -6
[a black breast plate], ARMOR [UnderWorld], BODY G !E W:40 V:130000 C:1775 AC[11], L:30,0
[a black clouded plate], ARMOR [KrummForest], BODY !CW W:20 V:10000 C:675 AC[7], L:6,0 MOVE 5
[a black coat of mail], ARMOR [Wasteland], BODY !MC W:16 V:75000 C:1775 AC[11], L:31,0
[a black dragon scale shirt], ARMOR [QuifaelCustomRooms], BODY M W:10 V:10000 C:275 AC[6], L:0,0
[a Black Eog Chainshirt], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY D E M !GN NL SPEC !W W:35 V:450000 C:1595 AC[6], L:47,0 DR 2 HR 1 HIT -30
[a black mithril mail], ARMOR [KhazadDum], BODY H D W:200 V:400000 C:2935 AC[10], L:50,0 HR 2 WIS -2 HIT 30
[a black ornate robe], ARMOR [Marshlands], BODY G !GN !CTW W:8 V:7000 C:7775 AC[0], L:41,0 ARM -15 MANA 10
[a black robe], ARMOR [Marshlands], BODY G !GN !CTW W:8 V:3000 C:4775 AC[0], L:35,0 ARM -10 MANA 5
[a black scale armour], ARMOR [GnollCaves], BODY W:30 V:20000 C:775 AC[8], L:0,0
[a black silk Ghi embroidered with silvery runes], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY D E M !G NL W:5 V:50000 C:2875 AC[2], L:50,0 HR 1 MANA 7
[a black silk shirt], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY SPEC W:5 V:2000 C:875 AC[1], L:0,0 ARM -2
[a black silkrobe with silvertrim], WORN [Dyarman], BODY D M !G W:5 V:25000 C:3025 L:40,0 ARM -10
[a black steel suit of chain mail], ARMOR [ShadowCastle], BODY NL !C W:25 V:45000 C:1875 AC[10], L:38,0 CON 1
[a black velvet dress], ARMOR [Holt], BODY NL W:15 V:0 C:2375 AC[2], L:0,0 ARM -7
[a Blackend Mithril Breastplate], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY W:75 V:100000 C:2175 AC[13], L:45,0 MANA -10
[a Blacklacquered Breastplate], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY W:75 V:100000 C:1775 AC[11], L:35,0
[a blood covered mithril chainmail], ARMOR [KhazadDum], BODY G NL !C W:80 V:130000 C:3975 AC[13], L:48,0 HIT_REGEN 12
[a blue and silver plate], ARMOR [Bastilia], BODY H M !G NL !TW W:30 V:500000 C:5255 AC[12], L:50,0 MANA_REGEN 5 CON 1 STR -1
[a blue clouded plate], ARMOR [KrummForest], BODY !C !T W:20 V:10000 C:525 AC[7], L:6,0
[a blue dress], ARMOR [Celephais], BODY W:5 V:100 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[a brand new mail], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], BODY B W:1 V:500 C:0 AC[2], L:0,0 ARM -2 HIT 5
[a brass plate], ARMOR [Midgaard], BODY W:70 V:1000 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0
[a breast plate], ARMOR [Midgaard], BODY W:100 V:18000 C:525 AC[7], L:0,0
[a breastplate made of greyish metal], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY !C W:75 V:100000 C:2775 AC[13], L:45,0
[a breastplate], ARMOR [FrogTemple], BODY W:35 V:19500 C:1025 AC[9], L:12,0
[a bright blue robe], ARMOR [Dreamlands], BODY !MTW W:10 V:45000 C:8135 AC[4], L:40,0 MANA 25 MOVE -40 AGE 2
[a bright red robe], ARMOR [Dreamlands], BODY !CTW W:10 V:45000 C:8195 AC[2], L:40,0 MANA 25 MOVE -30 AGE 2
[a Broken breast plate], ARMOR [Dreamlands], BODY W:20 V:100 C:-685 AC[3], L:0,0 ARM 10 DEX -3
[a bronze breast plate], ARMOR [Midgaard], BODY W:80 V:7000 C:275 AC[6], L:0,0
[a brown robe], ARMOR [Celephais], BODY W:10 V:500 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[a burning breast plate], ARMOR [Dreamlands], BODY !G NL !C W:60 V:150000 C:3175 AC[13], L:44,0 HR 1 DR -1
[a chain mail shirt], ARMOR [Midgaard], BODY NO_SCAVENGER W:60 V:2500 C:275 AC[5], L:0,0
[a chain-mail armour], ARMOR [SylvanForest], BODY B NO_SCAVENGER W:50 V:5000 C:275 AC[5], L:0,0
[a chainmail made of blackened mithril], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY D !G W:55 V:100000 C:1775 AC[11], L:31,0
[a chequered shirt], ARMOR [Celephais], BODY W:5 V:100 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[a chequered shirt], ARMOR [HaonDor], BODY W:2 V:20 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[a chequered shirt], SCROLL [HaonDor], BODY G M B NL W:10 V:10 C:1000000 Level 100 spell(s) of: prismatic beam prismatic beam prismatic beam L:50,0 INT 10
[a Coat of Ice], ARMOR [SteelTown], BODY M W:15 V:20000 C:1975 AC[10], L:31,0 STR 1 SPELL -2
[a crystal breastplate], ARMOR [Swamps], BODY G I M NL W:45 V:500000 C:3035 AC[12], L:41,0 HIT -40 DR 2
[a dark blue dress], ARMOR [ShadowCastle], BODY !C W:3 V:9500 C:3575 AC[2], L:35,0 MANA 10 HIT 20 ARM 5
[a decaying leather jacket], ARMOR [Marshlands], BODY W:6 V:10 C:275 AC[1], L:0,0
[a demonscale hauberk], ARMOR [TrellinsKeep], BODY M !G !W W:15 V:15000 C:3275 AC[2], L:36,0 ARM -10
[a dented breastplate], ARMOR [Marshlands], BODY M W:34 V:2400 C:1725 AC[7], L:15,0 ARM -4
[a dirty ringmail vest], ARMOR [UndergroundEmpire], BODY W:10 V:65800 C:1025 AC[9], L:26,0
[a dragonscale mail], ARMOR [Abyss], BODY W:60 V:30000 C:385 AC[7], L:0,0 CON -1 BREATH 2
[a drow chain mail], ARMOR [DrowForest], BODY M !G W:15 V:10000 C:875 AC[2], L:0,0 ARM -2
[a dusty leather jerkin], ARMOR [Bastilia], BODY M W:12 V:900 C:2075 AC[5], L:0,0 ARM -6
[a dusty leather shirt], ARMOR [Bastilia], BODY W:4 V:150 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0
[a field plate armour], ARMOR [FirePlane], BODY M W:20 V:10000 C:1475 AC[6], L:10,0 CON 1 ARM -2
[a fish-scale mail], ARMOR [Rlyeh], BODY !G !M W:30 V:12500 C:-145 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM 5 INT -1
[a flowing red robe], ARMOR [BastiliaSewers], BODY !CTW W:5 V:10000 C:4835 AC[2], L:30,0 ARM -10 MANA_REGEN 3 HIT 2
[a full plate armour], ARMOR [FirePlane], BODY I M !T W:25 V:14000 C:2325 AC[7], L:20,0 CON 1 ARM -2 STR 1
[a glowing suit of banded mail], ARMOR [GreatEasternDesert], BODY G M W:0 V:75000 C:1125 AC[7], L:18,0 DEX 1
[a golden breastplate], ARMOR [Solom], BODY I M W:20 V:10000 C:1275 AC[10], L:31,0
[a grey metal breastplate], ARMOR [LichTower], BODY E M !G W:60 V:100000 C:3975 AC[10], L:45,0 ARM -9
[a grey silk shirt], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY SPEC W:5 V:2000 C:875 AC[1], L:0,0 ARM -2
[a grey silk tunic], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY M W:10 V:5000 C:1775 AC[1], L:0,0 ARM -5
[a guard's chain mail hauberk], ARMOR [WelmarsCastle], BODY W:60 V:2000 C:275 AC[5], L:0,0
[a heavy purple robe lined with golden threads], WORN [Dyarman], BODY M !E !C W:10 V:25000 C:5625 L:40,0 ARM -8 MANA 10 SPELL -2 BREATH -2
[a large platemail], ARMOR [UndergroundEmpire], BODY W:20 V:75365 C:1275 AC[10], L:29,0
[a large stone breastplate], ARMOR [Wasteland], BODY NL !MC W:70 V:150000 C:2775 AC[13], L:42,0
[a leather apron], WORN [Dyarman], BODY W:25 V:50000 C:25 L:25,0
[a leather armour], ARMOR [SylvanForest], BODY !M W:15 V:500 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[a leather jacket], ARMOR [Midgaard], BODY W:10 V:200 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[a mithril breastplate with a drow-elf head engraved], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY W:45 V:300000 C:2675 AC[13], L:50,0 DR -1
[a mithril breastplate], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY !C W:45 V:300000 C:2775 AC[13], L:45,0
[a piece of old torn cloth], ARMOR [BastiliaSewers], BODY W:2 V:10 C:275 AC[1], L:0,0
[a purple bra], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], BODY G W:1 V:0 C:275 AC[0], L:0,0
[a radiant coat of mail], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], BODY G E QUEST !MC W:40 V:950000 C:2275 AC[11], L:32,0 HR 1
[a red and yellow robe], ARMOR [FirePlane], BODY G M W:10 V:10000 C:6275 AC[0], L:22,0 ARM -10 MANA 10
[a ringmail vest], ARMOR [Thalos], BODY G M W:60 V:12000 C:575 AC[4], L:0,0 ARM -1
[a Robe of Elven Might], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], BODY G M B !EN QUEST !CTW W:1 V:100000 C:1375 AC[1], L:44,0 DR 1 STR 1
[a robe], ARMOR [Marshlands], BODY !GN !MTW W:5 V:10000 C:2975 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -11 MANA -10
[a rusty chainmail], ARMOR [RqyanTower], BODY W:25 V:0 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[a rusty old platemail], ARMOR [GhoulBurrows], BODY W:35 V:1000 C:775 AC[8], L:30,0
[a rusty scale mail suit], ARMOR [Swamps], BODY E M W:33 V:100 C:785 AC[7], L:0,0 DEX -3 MOVE -30 HR -2 DR 2
[a sailor's shirt with spew on it], ARMOR [Celephais], BODY W:5 V:1 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[a sailor's shirt], ARMOR [Celephais], BODY W:10 V:300 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[a scale mail jacket], ARMOR [Midgaard], BODY W:40 V:1000 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0
[a shark skin shirt], ARMOR [PirateShip], BODY W:40 V:6000 C:525 AC[7], L:0,0
[a shiny white blouse], WORN [KrummForest], BODY H !E !TW W:1 V:5000 C:2515 L:6,0 MANA 2 HIT 3 ARM -6
[a silvery breast plate], ARMOR [RedfernesResidence], BODY M B !EN W:70 V:25000 C:1975 AC[11], L:37,0 MOVE -50 HR 1
[a silvery tiara set with diamonds], TREASURE [Dyarman], BODY NL W:20 V:100000 C:25 L:0,0
[a snake skin jacket], ARMOR [POWERMADs], BODY M NO_RENT NL W:1 V:1 C:62525 AC[40], L:0,0 INT 25 WIS 25 CON 25 SPELL -25
[a snakeskin jacket], ARMOR [KoselbruchMill], BODY G M NL !CTW W:15 V:70000 C:1535 AC[2], L:43,0 DEX 1 ARM -3 HIT -40
[a splint mail jacket], ARMOR [PirateShip], BODY G W:100 V:18000 C:775 AC[8], L:17,0
[a steel breastplate], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY W:55 V:5000 C:1275 AC[10], L:25,0
[a steel plate], ARMOR [Bastilia], BODY W:25 V:30000 C:775 AC[8], L:13,0
[a studded leather jacket], ARMOR [Midgaard], BODY W:20 V:500 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0
[a suit of chain mail], ARMOR [Marshlands], BODY ND !G NO_SCAVENGER W:20 V:2000 C:525 AC[7], L:6,0
[a suit of chainmail], ARMOR [Celephais], BODY W:15 V:1000 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0
[a suit of dragon plate], ARMOR [Mordor], BODY I M !GN NL !MCW W:55 V:100000 C:1875 AC[10], L:36,0 DEX 1
[a suit of mithril chainmail], ARMOR [Celephais], BODY !EN W:30 V:10000 C:1475 AC[0], L:27,0 DEX 1 WIS 1
[a suit of mithril scale mail], ARMOR [Dreamlands], BODY !T W:40 V:35000 C:1725 AC[10], L:25,0 MOVE 15
[a suit of ring-mail armour], ARMOR [SylvanForest], BODY W:35 V:4000 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0
[a suit of shadow chainmail], ARMOR [TrellinsKeep], BODY D M W:35 V:12500 C:1975 AC[10], L:25,0 MOVE 20 SPELL -2
[a thick hide armour], ARMOR [GnollCaves], BODY W:14 V:1500 C:275 AC[5], L:0,0
[a troll chainmail], ARMOR [KhazadDum], BODY !GN !MC W:53 V:80000 C:2475 AC[11], L:38,0 HIT_REGEN 7
[a turquoise robe], ARMOR [Celephais], BODY !MTW W:10 V:75000 C:4775 AC[2], L:32,0 MANA 15
[a violet crystal full-plate armour], ARMOR [Illkore], BODY M B !EN NL !MC W:100 V:250000 C:1945 AC[11], L:37,0 HIT -55 DR 1
[a white silkrobe with golden embroidments], WORN [Dyarman], BODY D M !G W:5 V:25000 C:3025 L:30,0 ARM -10
[a wolf fur], WORN [Quon], BODY W:35 V:100000 C:-455 L:12,0 ARM 8
[adamantium chain mail], ARMOR [CloudCastle], BODY NL !C W:150 V:125000 C:1775 AC[11], L:40,0 ARM -1 HIT -50
[adamantium plate], ARMOR [CloudCastle], BODY NL !C W:450 V:250000 C:3375 AC[13], L:50,0 ARM -2
[an elven chain mail], ARMOR [Krinlor], BODY M W:45 V:14000 C:875 AC[6], L:17,0 DEX 1
[an Elven chain-mail], ARMOR [ElvenTown], BODY M NO_SCAVENGER W:15 V:20000 C:875 AC[5], L:0,0 DEX 1
[an elven mithril chain-mail], ARMOR [ElvenTown], BODY M B W:15 V:40000 C:1875 AC[10], L:35,0 DEX 1
[an Elven Plate], ARMOR [ElvenTown], BODY W:20 V:3000 C:525 AC[7], L:0,0
[an expensive fur cape], TREASURE [Celephais], BODY !M W:10 V:30000 C:925 L:0,0 ARM -3
[an old grey robe], ARMOR [GhoulBurrows], BODY !CTW W:8 V:5000 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0
[an old striped shirt], ARMOR [FreddiesStronghold], BODY G !MTW W:45 V:500000 C:-765 AC[2], L:41,0 ARM 30 DR 2 HIT -40
[Ancient Plate of the Gods], ARMOR [Zubas], BODY G !E NL !W W:15 V:55000 C:1785 AC[9], L:32,0 HR 2 STR -2
[Black rose pinned to a shirt], ARMOR [CloudCastle], BODY M W:1 V:50000 C:225 AC[2], L:30,0 HR 1 MANA -10 ROD -1
[Blessed Plate Mail], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], BODY G M B !EN NL QUEST !TW W:25 V:100000 C:2595 AC[12], L:41,0 HR 1 MOVE -30
[breast plate of the Black rose], ARMOR [CastleRavenloft], BODY H M !G !MC !T W:20 V:100000 C:1775 AC[10], L:33,0 DR 1
[Breastplate], ARMOR [RqyanTower], BODY W:50 V:4500 C:525 AC[7], L:0,0
[Bronze Armour], ARMOR [DrowTower], BODY W:25 V:5000 C:525 AC[7], L:0,0
[Chainmail], ARMOR [Navadin], BODY W:15 V:13000 C:1475 AC[2], L:18,0 ARM -4
[decaying leather armour], ARMOR [CastleRavenloft], BODY !G SPEC W:12 V:13000 C:1675 AC[8], L:24,0 AGE 3
[Drow chainmail], ARMOR [RqyanTower], BODY M !GN NL !CTW W:45 V:12500 C:1475 AC[2], L:0,0 ARM -4
[dwarven plate mail], ARMOR [DwarvenKingdom], BODY NO_SCAVENGER W:4 V:4500 C:275 AC[5], L:0,0
[giant-sized chainmail], ARMOR [StormGiantCastle], BODY W:25 V:15000 C:955 AC[7], L:13,0 MOVE -10 SPELL 1 HR 1
[giant-sized cloud mail], ARMOR [StormGiantCastle], BODY G H I M B !E NL !C W:45 V:100000 C:2915 AC[14], L:50,0 HIT -60
[giant-sized granite mail], ARMOR [StormGiantCastle], BODY NL W:35 V:40000 C:1775 AC[10], L:32,0 MOVE 20 HR -1
[giant-sized obsidian mail], ARMOR [StormGiantCastle], BODY W:35 V:25000 C:1355 AC[9], L:25,0 MOVE -25 SPELL 2 DR 1
[Huge ringmail], ARMOR [KhazadDum], BODY G !E !W W:20 V:20000 C:1375 AC[8], L:30,0 HIT 20
[Iron Maiden], ARMOR [LichTower], BODY P SPEC W:1 V:1 C:-4885 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM 50 STR -10 CON -3 DEX -5
[Marcus' dark red robe], ARMOR [SkullValley], BODY M !G NL W:8 V:35000 C:3275 AC[2], L:20,0 INT 1 AGE 4 ARM -4
[Mithril mail], ARMOR [Krinlor], BODY M B !E NL W:70 V:75500 C:2875 AC[11], L:39,0 HIT 40 DR -1
[Robe Of The Arch-Magi], ARMOR [LichTower], BODY G M !GN P W:4 V:45000 C:7475 AC[2], L:50,0 INT 1 MANA 10 ARM -12
[robe of the ArchMagi], ARMOR [Pyramid], BODY !CTW W:10 V:75000 C:4775 AC[2], L:31,0 MANA 15
[Robe of the Magi], ARMOR [Swamps], BODY I M !CTW W:20 V:200000 C:1475 AC[0], L:0,0 AGE -5 ARM -5
[Soft black robes], WORN [WesternRoad], BODY D W:2 V:25000 C:6025 L:28,0 ARM -15 MOVE 25 MOVE_REGEN 15
[some filthy rags], ARMOR [RqyanTower], BODY W:5 V:95 C:275 AC[-2], L:0,0
[spectral plate mail], ARMOR [Swamps], BODY G I M W:10 V:80000 C:1025 AC[8], L:25,0 SPELL -5
[the athridon breastplate], ARMOR [DemonCity], BODY M W:55 V:50000 C:1025 AC[9], L:23,0
[the Plate of Eternal Protection], ARMOR [Mordor], BODY D E I M !N NL !C !T W:20 V:150000 C:3495 AC[14], L:50,0 HIT -30 DR -1 HR 1
[the Rainbow Plate Mail], ARMOR [FirePlane], BODY I M W:40 V:20000 C:1975 AC[8], L:23,0 STR 2
[the shogun's armour], ARMOR [ShadowCastle], BODY !GEN NL !MCTW W:25 V:50000 C:18775 AC[15], L:45,0 ARM -50
[White robe], ARMOR [EnchantedForest], BODY G !EN NL !CTW W:15 V:8000 C:3665 AC[0], L:30,0 MANA 10 HIT 25 STR -3
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