Grimne eqLIST online by BDSK


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Worn about body

Worn as light

Worn on body

Worn on arms

Worn on feet

Worn on legs

Worn on fingers

Worn on hands

Worn about neck

Worn about waist

Worn around wrists

Worn as shield

Wielded as weapons

Held items

Worn about body

[a backpack], CONTAINER [Bastilia], ABOUT W:5 V:50 C:1525 Max: 30 Locktype: CLOSEABLE CLOSED L:0,0 ARM -5 
[a beautiful skin of a fox], ARMOR [KrummForest], ABOUT W:8 V:1100 C:1865 AC[0], L:6,0 HIT 3 MOVE 10 ARM -4 
[a beaver pelt], ARMOR [Lagamore], ABOUT W:3 V:600 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0 
[a black silk robe], ARMOR [Thalos], ABOUT W:6 V:1300 C:575 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -1 
[a black,hooded cloak], ARMOR [QuifaelCustomRooms], ABOUT M W:20 V:8000 C:1695 AC[0], L:8, 0 BREATH -2 ARM -4 HIT 4 
[a bloodstained cloak], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], ABOUT E NL !C W:9 V:0 C:4175 AC[3], L:50,0 ARM -13 
[a brown cloak], ARMOR [SylvanForest], ABOUT W:20 V:1000 C:1675 AC[3], L:0,0 ARM -4 HIT 5 PARA -1 
[a cape of feathers], ARMOR [Holt], ABOUT I W:5 V:1000 C:1235 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -4 AGE -4 
[a cityguard's tunic], WORN [Celephais], ABOUT W:1 V:1 C:1225 L:0,0 ARM -4 
[a cloak of chivalry], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], ABOUT G M B !EN NL QUEST W:10 V:50000 C:4075 AC[3], L:41,0 ARM -9 STR 1 HR 1 
[a cloak of displacement], ARMOR [Pyramid], ABOUT H I W:8 V:7600 C:875 AC[0], L:0,0 DEX 1 
[a dark grey cloak], ARMOR [RqyanTower], ABOUT M W:5 V:4650 C:-925 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM 10 AGE -10 
[a Displacer Cloak], ARMOR [Swamps], ABOUT M NL W:15 V:80000 C:2735 AC[4], L:34,0 HIT -40 ARM -8 SPELL -6 
[a drowskin tunic trimmed with silver], WORN [Underdark], ABOUT W:18 V:11000 C:1275 L:50,0 HR 2 MOVE_REGEN 5 
[a formal shroud], ARMOR [Glacier], ABOUT G M W:20 V:5000 C:2975 AC[0], L:25,0 ARM 5 MANA 10 
[a glistening black shroud of shattered hope], CONTAINER [Illkore], ABOUT D E M NL !MC W:10 V:85000 C:4315 Max: 78  L:50,0 MOVE 13 ARM -13 
[a glowing blue robe], ARMOR [Bastilia], ABOUT G M !CTW W:8 V:150000 C:5855 AC[0], L:48,0 MANA 13 ARM -6 MOVE -15 HIT -5 
[a grey silk robe], ARMOR [Swamps], ABOUT I M NL !C W:9 V:10000 C:4175 AC[3], L:49,0 ARM -13 
[a holy cloak], OTHER [Navadin], ABOUT W:10 V:6000 C:1125 L:0,0 ARM -3 SPELL -4 
[a huge cloak], ARMOR [Navadin], ABOUT M NL !M W:10 V:2500 C:3875 AC[3], L:44,0 ARM -10 DEX 1 
[a hunter's cape], WORN [KrummForest], ABOUT W:2 V:11000 C:1485 L:16,0 ARM -3 HR 1 HIT -5 MOVE 3 
[a long black robe], ARMOR [Bastilia], ABOUT D E M !G NL !CTW W:5 V:150000 C:3875 AC[0], L:50,0 ARM -10 DEX 1 
[a marine's tunic], WORN [Celephais], ABOUT W:1 V:1 C:1225 L:0,0 ARM -4 
[a Medusan cloak], ARMOR [Solom], ABOUT !GN NL !MC W:10 V:25000 C:3775 AC[0], L:39,0 MOVE 10 ARM -9 DR 1 
[a pair of butterfly wings], WORN [Dreamlands], ABOUT W:8 V:25000 C:3445 L:5,0 MANA 10 AGE -1 INT 1 DEX -1 
[a quiver], CONTAINER [Celephais], ABOUT W:10 V:1000 C:25 Max: 50 Locktype: CLOSEABLE L:0,0 
[a red robe of godly magic power], WORN [Celephais], ABOUT W:1 V:1 C:38305 L:0,0 AGE 80 MANA -12 INT 25 
[a silver-white robe], WORN [WesternRoad], ABOUT G M !EN NL !CTW W:1 V:5000000 C:3725 L:39,0 MANA_REGEN 3 MANA 10 HR -4 DR -4 
[a Skull Valley cloak], ARMOR [SkullValley], ABOUT W:4 V:200 C:275 AC[3], L:5,0 
[a thick,padded jacket], WORN [RiversEdge], ABOUT W:7 V:2000 C:2275 L:0, 0 HIT 10 MOVE 5 ARM -6 
[a Tigerfur Cape], WORN [Quon], ABOUT W:18 V:11000 C:405 L:0,0 HIT -20 DR 1 
[a Vest woven in Gold], WORN [HolyLands], ABOUT G W:5 V:70000 C:2025 L:41,0 DR 1 MANA 5 ARM 0 
[a warm light blue cape], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], ABOUT B W:1 V:250 C:0 AC[0], L:0,0 MANA 5 ARM -1 
[a white cape of horse], ARMOR [StormGiantCastle], ABOUT G M !M W:9 V:22500 C:3155 AC[0], L:20,0 MANA 5 ARM -5 DEX -1 
[a white cloak], ARMOR [WorthanForest], ABOUT G !TW W:15 V:25000 C:925 AC[0], L:19,0 HIT 5 HR 1 
[a white robe], ARMOR [FrogTemple], ABOUT !G !M !W W:6 V:5000 C:2375 AC[0], L:30,0 ARM -7 
[a white silk robe], WORN [Quon], ABOUT !E W:10 V:90000 C:2125 L:25,0 ARM -7 
[a white silk tabard], WORN [Dyarman], ABOUT E M !G NL !M W:10 V:150000 C:2425 L:50,0 ARM -13 MANA -25 
[a white silken tabard with a blackish dragon in flight depicted], ARMOR [Dyarman], ABOUT M NL W:10 V:25000 C:2955 AC[5], L:50,0 HR 2 HIT -20 ARM -6 
[a wide black cloak], ARMOR [KhazadDum], ABOUT H !MC W:7 V:200000 C:4175 AC[2], L:50,0 ARM -13 
[an elven cloak], ARMOR [ElvenTown], ABOUT M W:2 V:3000 C:2075 AC[2], L:32,0 ARM -4 DEX 1 
[an enormous heavy cloak], WORN [ImmoRooms], ABOUT H M !N QUEST !MC W:40 V:55000 C:3475 L:36,0 ARM -9 HIT 25 
[black tunic], ARMOR [ErshteepRoad], ABOUT W:5 V:100 C:275 AC[1], L:0,0 
[cape of Cthulhu], WORN [Rlyeh], ABOUT G E I !GN NL !C W:18 V:210000 C:8305 L:45,0 STR 1 CON -1 MANA 15 ARM -11 
[Cloak of Darkness], ARMOR [RqyanTower], ABOUT G E M B !GN NL W:12 V:9500 C:1925 AC[5], L:0,0 ARM -8 HIT 15 MANA -20 
[Cloak of mist], WORN [CloudCastle], ABOUT I M W:3 V:20000 C:2075 L:30,0 ARM -6 BREATH -5 
[cloak of sadness], ARMOR [CastleRavenloft], ABOUT !E !TW W:10 V:50000 C:5135 AC[0], L:44,0 MANA 15 INT 1 HIT -40 
[Cloak of Terror], WORN [ImmoRooms], ABOUT D E !GN QUEST !MC W:10 V:1500 C:4145 L:41,0 ARM -8 HR 4 DR -1 HIT -30 
[decaying cloak], ARMOR [CastleRavenloft], ABOUT !G SPEC W:8 V:10000 C:1475 AC[5], L:25,0 AGE 4 
[her flowing hair surrounds her like a feather robe], OTHER [Holt], ABOUT M NL W:20 V:0 C:2445 L:0,0 HIT 14 ARM -6 BREATH -4 
[robe of the conjurer], WORN [KrummForest], ABOUT !CTW W:8 V:3000 C:2005 L:6,0 ARM -5 HIT 3 MANA 1 MOVE 3 
[Strange green cloak], OTHER [Navadin], ABOUT H W:7 V:3000 C:925 L:0,0 ARM -3 
[the Atraktos flag], ARMOR [Atraktos], ABOUT W:3 V:50 C:1375 AC[0], L:0,0 CON 1 HR -1 ARM -2 
[the chameleon cape], ARMOR [KhazadDum], ABOUT H I NL SPEC W:14 V:200000 C:1775 AC[0], L:50,0 ARM -5 
[the Cloak of Quickness], ARMOR [SteelTown], ABOUT !MCW W:8 V:55000 C:3975 AC[0], L:28,0 DEX 1 ARM -7 HR 2 
[the devil's cloak], ARMOR [DemonCity], ABOUT E M !G W:6 V:10000 C:2075 AC[0], L:18,0 HIT 10 ARM -5 
[the Golden Fleece of Minotauros], ARMOR [MinotaurosLabyrinth], ABOUT NL W:1 V:111111 C:3075 AC[0], L:50,0 ARM -6 HR 1 DR 1 
[the grey robe of the reaper], ARMOR [Illkore], ABOUT E I !G NL !MCW W:5 V:50000 C:4175 AC[3], L:38,0 DR 1 ARM -9 HIT_REGEN 7 
[the Nightmare Mane], ARMOR [TrellinsKeep], ABOUT M W:10 V:25000 C:2955 AC[0], L:38,0 HIT -20 ARM -6 HR 2 
[the Robe Of Eternal Darkness], ARMOR [Mordor], ABOUT I M !GN NL !CTW W:20 V:50000 C:275 AC[2], L:15,0 INT 1 HIT 20 ARM 20 
[the Robe of Guidance], WORN [RiversEdge], ABOUT G !EN NL NO_SCAVENGER NO_DUST !TW W:4 V:10000 C:1425 L:50,0 HIT 15 MOVE 15 MANA_REGEN 1 
[the Robe of Guidance], WORN [RiversEdge], ABOUT G !EN NL NO_SCAVENGER NO_DUST !TW W:4 V:1000000 C:6425 L:50,0 MANA 15 HIT 15 MOVE 15 MANA_REGEN 2 
[the Robe of Multitude], CONTAINER [TrellinsKeep], ABOUT G M !G W:10 V:25000 C:1525 Max: 75  L:36,0 ARM -5 

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Worn on feet

[a couple of nice shoes], ARMOR [UndergroundEmpire], FEET B !E NL W:4 V:315400 C:1725 AC[0], L:40,0 HIT -25 STR 1 HR 2 
[a heavy pair of black boots], ARMOR [UnderWorld], FEET NL W:15 V:47000 C:1775 AC[11], L:34,0 
[a heavy pair of brown shoes], ARMOR [FreddiesStronghold], FEET NL !MCW W:1 V:1 C:2275 AC[12], L:45,0 
[a pair of athridon boots], ARMOR [DemonCity], FEET M W:55 V:25000 C:1025 AC[9], L:21,0 
[a pair of Black and Silver Boots], ARMOR [Bandits], FEET H D NL !MC W:28 V:100000 C:3075 AC[14], L:50,0 DR -1 HR -1 
[a pair of black dragonscale boots], ARMOR [Dyarman], FEET D NL W:2 V:10000 C:775 AC[2], L:50,0 DR 1 
[a pair of black dragonskin boots], ARMOR [Dyarman], FEET H E M !G NL W:15 V:200000 C:2155 AC[12], L:42,0 HIT -20 
[a pair of black leather boots], ARMOR [Dyarman], FEET SPEC W:5 V:200 C:1425 AC[7], L:0,0 MOVE 30 
[a pair of Black Riding Boots], ARMOR [Lagamore], FEET W:2 V:2000 C:875 AC[0], L:0,0 MOVE 20 
[a pair of black snakeskin boots], ARMOR [KoselbruchMill], FEET E M !GEVIL NL !C W:6 V:300000 C:2655 AC[13], L:45,0 CON -1 
[a pair of blue shoes], ARMOR [Holt], FEET B W:10 V:10000 C:95 AC[5], L:0,0 AGE -3 
[a pair of blue,hard leather boots], ARMOR [RiversEdge], FEET W:7 V:6200 C:1815 AC[8], L:31, 0 STR 1 HIT -10 HR 1 
[a pair of boots made of a greyish metal], ARMOR [Dyarman], FEET W:30 V:40000 C:1275 AC[10], L:30,0 
[a pair of Boots of Leaping], ARMOR [PirateShip], FEET H M W:1 V:10000 C:1175 AC[5], L:0,0 MOVE 30 
[a pair of boots], ARMOR [Sewers2], FEET I !G !CTW W:4 V:400 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0 
[a pair of bronze boots], ARMOR [SkullValley], FEET W:6 V:2500 C:275 AC[6], L:0,0 
[a pair of burning boots], ARMOR [Dreamlands], FEET !G NL !CW W:25 V:75000 C:1035 AC[2], L:25,0 HR 1 DR 1 DEX -1 CON -1 
[a pair of burning boots], ARMOR [Dreamlands], FEET !G NL !CW W:25 V:75000 C:1535 AC[2], L:41,0 HR 1 DR 2 DEX -1 CON -1 
[a pair of crampons], ARMOR [Glacier], FEET W:2 V:100 C:275 AC[1], L:0,0 
[a pair of decaying leather boots], ARMOR [CastleRavenloft], FEET !G SPEC W:6 V:9000 C:1175 AC[5], L:13,0 AGE 3 
[a pair of deerskin sandals], ARMOR [PoseidonsForest], FEET !E W:2 V:200 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[a pair of dusty leather boots], ARMOR [Bastilia], FEET W:1 V:78 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0 
[a pair of elven boots], ARMOR [ElvenTown], FEET M W:4 V:3500 C:875 AC[3], L:0,0 DEX 1 
[a pair of Elvenkind boots], ARMOR [Krinlor], FEET I M !E !MCW W:5 V:12750 C:1425 AC[7], L:13,0 MOVE 30 
[a pair of exquisitely crafted gold and silver boots], WORN [HolyLands], FEET G H !EN NL !MTW W:20 V:10000 C:-175 L:50,0 DEX -1 AGE -18 HR 1 DR 1 
[a pair of golden dragon scale boots], ARMOR [FrogTemple], FEET M !GN NL !MTW W:20 V:22540 C:895 AC[10], L:41,0 HR 1 DR 1 MANA -20 HIT -30 
[a pair of grey metal boots], ARMOR [LichTower], FEET E M !G W:10 V:30000 C:1695 AC[10], L:43,0 ARM -2 HIT -30 
[a pair of hard leather boots], ARMOR [Swamps], FEET W:9 V:50000 C:875 AC[2], L:33,0 ARM -2 
[a pair of heavy brown leather boots], ARMOR [Celephais], FEET W:10 V:700 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0 
[a pair of heavy plated boots], ARMOR [RedfernesResidence], FEET M B !EN W:40 V:2000 C:775 AC[8], L:16,0 
[a pair of Inferno boots], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FEET D E M !GN QUEST !C W:18 V:35000 C:1105 AC[7], L:41,0 DR 2 HIT -50 DEX -1 
[a pair of iron boots], ARMOR [Thalos], FEET W:6 V:800 C:55 AC[4], L:0,0 HR -1 DEX -1 
[a pair of king-size boots], ARMOR [DemonCity], FEET NL W:30 V:100000 C:3775 AC[15], L:50,0 
[a pair of knee-length black leather boots], ARMOR [Illkore], FEET M B !E NL !MC !T W:8 V:200000 C:1785 AC[9], L:47,0 CHAR_HEIGHT 10 DEX -1 CON -1 DR 2 
[a pair of leather boots], ARMOR [HaonDor], FEET W:4 V:60 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0 
[a pair of leatherboots], ARMOR [Dyarman], FEET W:20 V:40000 C:775 AC[8], L:20,0 
[a pair of light brown shoes], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FEET B W:1 V:150 C:0 AC[1], L:0,0 MOVE 10 CHAR_HEIGHT 1 
[a pair of magic boots], ARMOR [DwarvenKingdom], FEET M W:1 V:15000 C:1375 AC[8], L:18,0 STR 1 
[a pair of magic boots], ARMOR [Ofcol], FEET NL W:3 V:100000 C:1775 AC[0], L:0,0 MANA 5 
[a pair of Mercury sandals], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FEET M B !GE QUEST W:1 V:50000 C:1325 AC[2], L:25,0 MOVE 20 MOVE_REGEN 9 
[a pair of muddy boots], ARMOR [Sewers], FEET M W:20 V:75 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[a pair of quickling boots], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FEET D E I M !G NL QUEST W:1 V:1 C:2195 AC[6], L:25,0 HIT -30 MOVE 50 DEX 1 CHAR_HEIGHT -40 
[a pair of sandals], ARMOR [Dyarman], FEET W:5 V:500 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[a pair of small boots], ARMOR [DemonCity], FEET M NL W:12 V:17503 C:1475 AC[1], L:20,0 INT 1 WIS 1 
[a pair of Solom boots], ARMOR [Solom], FEET I W:30 V:50000 C:1775 AC[10], L:30,0 STR 1 HR -1 
[a pair of Speed boots], ARMOR [RqyanTower], FEET I M !GN NL !MCW W:10 V:20000 C:3475 AC[8], L:0,0 STR 1 DEX 1 HR 3 
[a pair of stone boots], ARMOR [Wasteland], FEET !MC W:50 V:25000 C:2005 AC[9], L:29,0 STR 1 DR 1 DEX -1 
[a pair of strange boots], ARMOR [ErshteepRoad], FEET W:2 V:3500 C:525 AC[7], L:8,0 
[a pair of studded leather boots], ARMOR [GoblinForest], FEET W:5 V:400 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0 
[a pair of thin leather boots], ARMOR [HaonDor], FEET D LOCK M B !E !CW W:2 V:50000 C:-625 AC[1], L:41,0 DR -3 MANA -20 DEX 1 
[a pair of titanium boots], ARMOR [Pyramid], FEET NL W:2 V:50000 C:2275 AC[12], L:39,0 
[a pair of winged boots], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FEET G H I M B !E NL QUEST !C W:5 V:97500 C:2655 AC[3], L:22,0 HR 2 CON -1 MOVE 50 
[a set of black metal boots], ARMOR [KrummForest], FEET !CW W:45 V:18000 C:275 AC[5], L:6,0 
[a set of blue metal boots], ARMOR [KrummForest], FEET !C !T W:45 V:18000 C:275 AC[5], L:6,0 
[a set of fiery horseshoes], ARMOR [TrellinsKeep], FEET G M W:2 V:12500 C:1355 AC[6], L:0,0 STR 2 INT -1 MOVE 10 ARM 5 
[blue thong sandals], ARMOR [Bastilia], FEET M W:1 V:50000 C:1155 AC[2], L:8,0 MOVE 10 HR 2 AGE -2 MANA -5 
[Boots of flying], ARMOR [CloudCastle], FEET H M B W:1 V:50000 C:2015 AC[2], L:15,0 DEX 1 MOVE 50 STR -2 INT -1 
[Boots of Stomping], ARMOR [ShadowCastle], FEET NL !MT W:80 V:25000 C:1625 AC[9], L:35,0 DR 1 SPELL -2 
[claws of a small bird], ARMOR [KrummForest], FEET W:1 V:60 C:875 AC[2], L:6,0 ARM -2 
[Grass Sandals], ARMOR [Abyss], FEET M W:2 V:10000 C:775 AC[2], L:0,0 DR 1 
[high heels], ARMOR [ErshteepRoad], FEET W:2 V:100 C:215 AC[1], L:0,0 CHAR_HEIGHT 20 AGE -1 
[sandals of a rubber tree], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FEET G I !GE QUEST W:4 V:95000 C:2375 AC[2], L:29,0 HIT 30 ARM -4 
[soft elkskin boots], ARMOR [KrummForest], FEET W:3 V:13000 C:835 AC[2], L:18,0 HR 1 MOVE 2 CHAR_HEIGHT 5 
[some soft skin boots], WORN [KrummForest], FEET W:3 V:1300 C:625 L:1,0 MOVE 10 ARM -1 
[some thread sandals], ARMOR [Holt], FEET M NL W:20 V:0 C:4175 AC[2], L:0,0 HIT 30 ARM -10 
[some wool lined socks], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FEET M ND QUEST !MTW W:20 V:11000 C:1105 AC[7], L:41,0 DR 1 HR 1 HIT -50 DEX -1 

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Wielded as weapon

[a bayonet], WEAPON [Atraktos], WIELD W:1 V:1 C:8355 PHYSICAL 2D8 PIERCE L:25,0 HR 3 DR 4 
[a Beryllium Baw], WEAPON [Quon], WIELD W:8 V:21000 C:3455 PHYSICAL 2D6 CRUSH L:8,0 HR 1 DR 1 
[a Beryllium Scimitar], WEAPON [Quon], WIELD W:10 V:36000 C:6055 PHYSICAL 3D6 SLASH L:15,0 
[a Black Battle-Axe], WEAPON [SteelTown], WIELD !C W:16 V:5000 C:4655 PHYSICAL 2D7 SLASH L:15,0 DR 2 
[a black dagger], WEAPON [Krinlor], WIELD !GE W:2 V:12000 C:2655 PHYSICAL 3D3 PIERCE L:10,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[a black demon blade], WEAPON [Moria], WIELD !GN W:8 V:10000 C:2455 PHYSICAL 3D4 PIERCE L:9,0 
[a black longsword], WEAPON [DrowCity], WIELD G M W:14 V:15000 C:6855 PHYSICAL 2D8 SLASH L:15,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[a black stiletto], WEAPON [SkullValley], WIELD M !G W:2 V:7000 C:2455 PHYSICAL 4D3 PIERCE L:20,0 
[a blackish Irgaak], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD W:25 V:150000 C:13755 PHYSICAL 5D5 SLASH L:43,0 HR 4 DR 3 
[a blueish whip], WEAPON [MainMatrix], WIELD HOLD G H W:1 V:100 C:7155 PHYSICAL 1D20 WHIP L:0,0 DR -1 
[a Boken], WEAPON [Lagamore], WIELD G W:17 V:30000 C:8055 PHYSICAL 2D9 SLASH L:16,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[a bone of unknown origin], WEAPON [GhoulBurrows], WIELD W:8 V:450 C:1055 PHYSICAL 2D4 BLUDGEON L:0,0 DR 1 HR -1 
[a bone], WEAPON [MainMatrix], WIELD HOLD W:5 V:2 C:555 PHYSICAL 1D4 BLUDGEON L:0,0 HR -1 
[a bone], WEAPON [RqyanTower], WIELD W:8 V:23 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D4 BLUDGEON L:0,0 
[a broad sword], WEAPON [ElvenForest], WIELD W:9 V:700 C:2455 PHYSICAL 2D6 SLASH L:6,0 
[a broadsword], WEAPON [SkullValley], WIELD W:9 V:750 C:2455 PHYSICAL 3D4 SLASH L:5,0 
[a bronze claymore], WEAPON [Illkore], WIELD NL !MC W:17 V:83022 C:7255 PHYSICAL 5D4 SLASH L:25,0 
[a broom], WEAPON [WitchesOfMidgaard], WIELD M ND !G !M W:5 V:9000 C:6255 PHYSICAL 5D3 BLUDGEON L:13,0 HR 3 DR 1 
[a brown broom], WEAPON [WitchesOfMidgaard], WIELD ND !G !M W:10 V:12000 C:4255 PHYSICAL 3D5 BLUDGEON L:16,0 
[a brown wooden staff], WEAPON [SylvanForest], WIELD W:10 V:1000 C:2455 PHYSICAL 3D4 BLUDGEON L:5,0 
[a burning sword], WEAPON [FirePlane], WIELD I M !G W:16 V:15000 C:9255 PHYSICAL 4D5 SLASH L:22,0 HR 1 DR 3 
[a butchers' knife], WEAPON [Voodoo], WIELD ND !G NL !M !W W:5 V:100000 C:9055 PHYSICAL 2D9 PIERCE L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[a cast-iron frying pan], WEAPON [Lagamore], WIELD W:3 V:5500 C:2455 PHYSICAL 2D6 BLUDGEON L:6,0 
[a chair], WEAPON [BastiliaSewers], WIELD NO_SCAVENGER W:30 V:3000 C:1255 PHYSICAL 1D10 CRUSH L:0,0 
[a Cleaver], WEAPON [SteelTown], WIELD !C W:8 V:600 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D2 SLASH L:0,0 
[a cleaver], WEAPON [Swamps], WIELD W:5 V:25 C:655 PHYSICAL 3D3 SLASH L:6,0 
[a club], WEAPON [Mordor], WIELD !N W:15 V:200 C:2455 PHYSICAL 3D4 BLUDGEON L:11,0 
[a commoner's longsword], WEAPON [DrowCity], WIELD NO_SCAVENGER W:6 V:1000 C:1655 PHYSICAL 1D8 SLASH L:0,0 HR 1 DR 1 
[a copper battle spear], WEAPON [Illkore], WIELD M !MC W:17 V:158000 C:7455 PHYSICAL 4D4 PIERCE L:19,0 STR 1 HR 2 DR 2 
[a copper knife], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD W:1 V:8 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D3 PIERCE L:0,0 
[a crowbar], WEAPON [BastiliaSewers], WIELD W:10 V:100 C:2455 PHYSICAL 1D12 CRUSH L:0,0 
[a crystal shortsword], WEAPON [KrummForest], WIELD !MCW W:15 V:30000 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D4 SLASH L:6,0 
[a crystal sword], WEAPON [Glacier], WIELD NL W:24 V:30000 C:15055 PHYSICAL 7D4 SLASH L:45,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[a curved knife], WEAPON [Mordor], WIELD !N W:10 V:5 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D2 SLASH L:0,0 
[a curved longsword], WEAPON [ShadowCastle], WIELD !MC W:12 V:700 C:6055 PHYSICAL 3D6 SLASH L:12,0 
[a curved sabre], WEAPON [RqyanTower], WIELD W:16 V:1200 C:9655 PHYSICAL 6D4 SLASH L:0,0 
[a curved scimitar], WEAPON [FrogTemple], WIELD W:14 V:7500 C:6055 PHYSICAL 3D6 SLASH L:15,0 
[a curved scimitar], WEAPON [GreatEasternDesert], WIELD !N W:6 V:600 C:1155 PHYSICAL 1D7 SLASH L:0,0 HR 1 
[a cutlass], WEAPON [PirateShip], WIELD W:5 V:800 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D9 SLASH L:0,0 
[a dagger], WEAPON [BastiliaSewers], WIELD W:1 V:100 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D4 PIERCE L:0,0 
[a dagger], WEAPON [Midgaard], WIELD W:1 V:10 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D3 PIERCE L:0,0 
[a dead-black battle axe of bronze and obsidian], WEAPON [Illkore], WIELD H D E M !GEVIL NL SPEC !MC !T W:35 V:600000 C:13155 ACID 5D5 SLASH L:40,0 HR 3 DR 4 HIT -75 MOVE -25 
[a devil's trident], WEAPON [UnderWorld], WIELD !E W:10 V:2000 C:655 PHYSICAL 3D3 PIERCE L:10,0 
[a dirk], WEAPON [BastiliaSewers], WIELD W:5 V:5000 C:2455 PHYSICAL 3D4 BITE L:0,0 
[a drow short sword], WEAPON [DrowForest], WIELD M !G W:4 V:8000 C:3055 PHYSICAL 2D6 SLASH L:10,0 DEX 1 
[a dustcleaner], WEAPON [Navadin], WIELD W:15 V:10 C:5955 PHYSICAL 1D17 WHIP L:8,0 HR 1 
[a flail], WEAPON [BastiliaSewers], WIELD W:10 V:5000 C:2455 PHYSICAL 3D4 BITE L:0,0 
[a flaming spear], WEAPON [Goltraung], WIELD M !G !M W:35 V:400000 C:14055 FIRE 7D4 SLASH L:50,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[a flaming whip], WEAPON [FirePlane], WIELD G B W:12 V:8000 C:4455 PHYSICAL 3D4 WHIP L:8,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[a gigantic sword], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD !G W:35 V:40000 C:9955 PHYSICAL 2D10 SLASH L:33,0 HR 2 DR 4 ARM 5 
[a glowing magesword], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD G M QUEST !CTW W:1 V:100000 C:10255 PHYSICAL 5D3 SLASH L:30,0 HR 4 DR 2 MANA 10 
[a glowing sword], WEAPON [SteelTown], WIELD G M NL !MC !T W:21 V:500000 C:9655 PHYSICAL 6D4 SLASH L:28,0 
[a golden sabre], WEAPON [Navadin], WIELD NL W:20 V:300000 C:12255 PHYSICAL 5D5 SLASH L:38,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[a granite sword], WEAPON [StormGiantCastle], WIELD G M !E W:26 V:175000 C:10335 PHYSICAL 3D8 SLASH L:20,0 DEX -1 HR -2 DR 2 
[a great demonsword], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD E M !G W:16 V:12000 C:5155 PHYSICAL 2D7 SLASH L:8,0 HR 1 DR 2 
[a great sword], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD M W:20 V:5000 C:8755 PHYSICAL 2D10 SLASH L:25,0 HR 3 
[a guardsman's knife], WEAPON [Wasteland], WIELD !MCW W:10 V:15000 C:6755 PHYSICAL 3D5 PIERCE L:15,0 HR 3 DR 2 
[a halberd], WEAPON [Celephais], WIELD M W:16 V:10000 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D4 SLASH L:0,0 
[a halberd], WEAPON [FrogTemple], WIELD M !G W:25 V:12500 C:11655 PHYSICAL 2D12 SLASH L:28,0 HR 3 DR 1 
[a hammer], WEAPON [DwarvenKingdom], WIELD W:3 V:5500 C:2455 PHYSICAL 2D6 BLUDGEON L:0,0 
[a Heavy Battle-Axe named "Skull Cleaver"], WEAPON [LichTower], WIELD G E !G !T W:35 V:300000 C:21882 SLAYING_UNDEAD 6D5 SLASH L:50,0 HR 3 DR 1 
[a heavy longsword], WEAPON [FrogTemple], WIELD !GN W:20 V:16500 C:7255 PHYSICAL 4D5 SLASH L:22,0 
[a huge bastard sword], WEAPON [RedfernesResidence], WIELD M !EN W:18 V:1700 C:6355 PHYSICAL 2D8 SLASH L:15,0 DR 3 
[a Huge Battle Axe], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD W:15 V:20000 C:9255 PHYSICAL 2D10 SLASH L:0,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[a Huge Battle Axe], WEAPON [UnderWorld], WIELD !N W:15 V:10000 C:7555 PHYSICAL 3D6 SLASH L:17,0 DR 3 
[a huge chainsaw], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD NL W:24 V:30000 C:15055 PHYSICAL 7D4 SLASH L:0,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[a huge club], WEAPON [Marshlands], WIELD W:20 V:2000 C:4255 PHYSICAL 3D5 CRUSH L:5,0 
[a huge club], WEAPON [SkullValley], WIELD W:16 V:150 C:2455 PHYSICAL 1D12 BLUDGEON L:9,0 
[a huge club], WEAPON [SylvanForest], WIELD W:30 V:500 C:9655 PHYSICAL 3D8 BLUDGEON L:32,0 
[a huge doublebladed axe], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD E W:35 V:50000 C:11955 PHYSICAL 3D10 SLASH L:45,0 MANA -20 HR -1 
[a huge golden sword], WEAPON [MoriaAncientDragon], WIELD M NL W:22 V:200000 C:11255 PHYSICAL 5D5 SLASH L:37,0 HR 1 DR 1 
[a huge lumber axe], WEAPON [HaonDor], WIELD H M !E NL SPEC W:40 V:150000 C:16505 PHYSICAL 2D15 SLASH L:48,0 HR 1 DR 5 ARM -1 SPELL 5 
[a huge plated club], WEAPON [SkullValley], WIELD W:18 V:5000 C:2935 PHYSICAL 1D12 BLUDGEON L:10,0 STR 1 INT -1 
[a huge spiked club], WEAPON [Underdark], WIELD W:55 V:300 C:56755 PHYSICAL 5D20 CRUSH L:50,0 DR 3 
[a huge steel sword], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD M NL W:50 V:1000 C:18382 SLAYING_DRAGON 5D5 SLASH L:50,0 DR 3 HR 3 
[a Huge Sword], WEAPON [LichTower], WIELD M W:30 V:60000 C:10855 PHYSICAL 3D7 SLASH L:15,0 HR 1 DR 5 
[a huge sword], WEAPON [StormGiantCastle], WIELD G M !E W:22 V:60000 C:5535 PHYSICAL 3D5 SLASH L:10,0 DEX -1 HR -1 DR 3 
[a hunter's knife], WEAPON [KrummForest], WIELD W:2 V:5000 C:4455 PHYSICAL 3D4 PIERCE L:18,0 HR 3 DR 1 
[a Keyboard], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD H P W:10 V:10000 C:17455 PHYSICAL 10D3 CRUSH L:51,0 STR 2 DR 3 HR 3 
[a kris dagger], WEAPON [PirateShip], WIELD !MCW W:3 V:20000 C:7255 PHYSICAL 3D5 PIERCE L:20,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[a Laen Broadsword], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD M W:15 V:150000 C:8755 PHYSICAL 4D5 SLASH L:35,0 DR 3 
[a Lance of GODDESS' Grace], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD M !EN QUEST !MC !T W:24 V:150000 C:20182 SLAYING_DRAGON 3D9 PIERCE L:35,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[a large broadsword], WEAPON [WelmarsCastle], WIELD W:14 V:1300 C:2455 PHYSICAL 2D6 SLASH L:0,0 
[a large cruel axe], WEAPON [UndergroundEmpire], WIELD W:20 V:79500 C:4855 PHYSICAL 2D8 BITE L:32,0 
[a large flaming whip], WEAPON [FirePlane], WIELD G B W:12 V:9000 C:5135 PHYSICAL 3D5 WHIP L:16,0 INT -1 DR 2 
[a large kitchen knife], WEAPON [KoselbruchMill], WIELD B W:3 V:400 C:3755 PHYSICAL 5D1 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 5 STR 1 
[a large leg bone], WEAPON [GreatEasternDesert], WIELD W:5 V:300 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D4 BLUDGEON L:0,0 
[a large longsword], WEAPON [UndergroundEmpire], WIELD W:10 V:65370 C:7855 PHYSICAL 3D7 SLASH L:31,0 
[a large longsword], WEAPON [Wasteland], WIELD !MC W:12 V:25000 C:4255 PHYSICAL 3D5 SLASH L:0,0 
[a large scimitar], WEAPON [Swamps], WIELD E M W:10 V:100 C:5255 PHYSICAL 3D5 SLASH L:10,0 HR 1 DR 1 
[a large shovel], WEAPON [Barovia], WIELD W:9 V:500 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D4 SLASH L:0,0 
[a large stone axe], WEAPON [GnollCaves], WIELD W:16 V:1500 C:2455 PHYSICAL 3D4 SLASH L:0,0 
[a large stone sword], WEAPON [Wasteland], WIELD !MC W:18 V:50000 C:9535 PHYSICAL 6D4 SLASH L:25,0 DEX -1 
[a leather riding crop], WEAPON [Lagamore], WIELD W:4 V:7500 C:2455 PHYSICAL 2D6 WHIP L:6,0 
[a light pike], WEAPON [KrummForest], WIELD !CTW W:4 V:800 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D3 PIERCE L:6,0 
[a light sabre], WEAPON [ElvenForest], WIELD M !EN NL W:4 V:17000 C:6855 PHYSICAL 7D2 SLASH L:30,0 HR 2 DR 2 STR 1 CON 1 
[a long hunting knife], WEAPON [PlainsVillage], WIELD W:2 V:5000 C:4255 PHYSICAL 3D5 PIERCE L:17,0 
[a long kynac], WEAPON [BastiliaSewers], WIELD SPEC W:5 V:45000 C:8555 PHYSICAL 1D13 PIERCE L:33,0 HR 4 DR 7 
[a long kynac], WEAPON [Goltraung], WIELD M !GN NL W:45 V:600000 C:16255 PHYSICAL 6D5 PIERCE L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[a long spear], WEAPON [Marshlands], WIELD ND !G W:10 V:20000 C:3455 PHYSICAL 3D4 PIERCE L:10,0 DR 2 
[a long sword], WEAPON [ErshteepRoad], WIELD W:8 V:600 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D8 SLASH L:0,0 
[a long sword], WEAPON [Midgaard], WIELD W:8 V:600 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D8 SLASH L:0,0 
[a long,curved sabre], WEAPON [GreatEasternDesert], WIELD !N W:7 V:1050 C:1655 PHYSICAL 1D8 SLASH L:0, 0 HR 2 
[a long,grey branch], WEAPON [HaonDor], WIELD !M W:15 V:60 C:3655 PHYSICAL 1D5 BLUDGEON L:0, 0 MANA 10 
[a long,pointed cutlass], WEAPON [GreatEasternDesert], WIELD !N W:5 V:550 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D7 SLASH L:0, 0 
[a long,slender sword], WEAPON [QuifaelCustomRooms], WIELD G M !GN W:4 V:30000 C:8055 PHYSICAL 3D6 SLASH L:18, 0 HR 2 DR 2 
[a longsword named 'Slizer'], WEAPON [KhazadDum], WIELD SPEC !M W:1 V:18000 C:8382 SLAYING_GIANT 5D3 SLASH L:25,0 HR 2 HITROLL 2 
[a longsword], WEAPON [Marshlands], WIELD M W:15 V:1000 C:2655 PHYSICAL 1D8 SLASH L:0,0 HR 4 
[a longsword], WEAPON [SylvanForest], WIELD M NO_SCAVENGER W:12 V:2000 C:1155 PHYSICAL 1D8 SLASH L:0,0 HR 1 
[a longsword], WEAPON [UndergroundEmpire], WIELD W:3 V:65370 C:9655 PHYSICAL 3D8 SLASH L:32,0 
[a longsword], WEAPON [UndergroundEmpire], WIELD W:6 V:65370 C:9655 PHYSICAL 3D8 SLASH L:32,0 
[a lumber axe], WEAPON [HaonDor], WIELD W:10 V:50 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D4 SLASH L:0,0 
[a major demonsword], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD E M !G W:12 V:1000 C:1155 PHYSICAL 1D9 SLASH L:0,0 DR 1 
[a mining pick], WEAPON [DwarvenKingdom], WIELD B W:1 V:300 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D3 PIERCE L:0,0 
[a minor demonsword], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD E !G W:9 V:400 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D7 SLASH L:0,0 
[a mithril greatsword], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD M W:19 V:250000 C:12655 PHYSICAL 3D8 SLASH L:35,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[a mithril longsword], WEAPON [Celephais], WIELD W:16 V:2000 C:1755 PHYSICAL 1D10 SLASH L:3,0 DR 1 
[a nasty spear], WEAPON [ElvenForest], WIELD W:7 V:600 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D8 PIERCE L:0,0 
[a noble's longsword], WEAPON [DrowCity], WIELD NO_SCAVENGER W:8 V:1500 C:2655 PHYSICAL 1D8 SLASH L:0,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[a pair of hedge clippers], WEAPON [Swamps], WIELD W:6 V:100 C:955 PHYSICAL 3D3 PIERCE L:0,0 HR -2 DR 1 
[a pair of Thumb screws], WEAPON [LichTower], WIELD E !GN W:8 V:42000 C:8255 PHYSICAL 2D10 CRUSH L:0,0 HR 1 DR 1 
[a pirate's hook], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD E !G NL QUEST !MC W:4 V:1 C:10335 PHYSICAL 2D11 CLAW L:35,0 HR 1 CON -1 ARM -5 
[a pitchfork], WEAPON [Navadin], WIELD W:10 V:10000 C:655 PHYSICAL 3D3 PIERCE L:11,0 
[a plain walking staff], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD M QUEST !TW W:1 V:20000 C:4105 PHYSICAL 4D2 BLUDGEON L:34,0 HR 3 MOVE_REGEN 15 ARM -4 
[a platinum dagger], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD G E M !G !CTW W:5 V:250000 C:6455 PHYSICAL 4D3 PIERCE L:40,0 HR 5 DR 3 
[a pointed harpoon], WEAPON [Rlyeh], WIELD !G W:9 V:550 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D7 PIERCE L:0,0 
[a power katana], WEAPON [ShadowCastle], WIELD G H I NL !MC W:18 V:55000 C:13255 PHYSICAL 5D5 SLASH L:41,0 HR 2 DR 4 
[a rusty broadsword], WEAPON [RqyanTower], WIELD W:15 V:0 C:1055 PHYSICAL 1D10 SLASH L:0,0 DR -2 
[a rusty old sword], WEAPON [Goltraung], WIELD W:12 V:400 C:455 FIRE 3D3 SLASH L:25,0 DR -2 
[a rusty old trident], WEAPON [Dreamlands], WIELD W:5 V:1200 C:1655 PHYSICAL 1D8 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 1 DR 1 
[a rusty spear], WEAPON [KhazadDum], WIELD NO_RENT !MC W:1 V:17000 C:13882 SLAYING_HAN 5D4 PIERCE L:40,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[a rusty spear], WEAPON [Marshlands], WIELD NL W:10 V:200 C:555 PHYSICAL 4D2 PIERCE L:0,0 HR -1 
[a rusty sword], WEAPON [SylvanForest], WIELD W:10 V:1000 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D6 SLASH L:0,0 
[a Scimitar of Power], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD M NL QUEST !MT W:16 V:75000 C:12155 PHYSICAL 11D2 SLASH L:43,0 DR 5 STR 2 
[a serrated long sword], WEAPON [Aztec], WIELD !E W:16 V:12500 C:4155 PHYSICAL 2D7 SLASH L:0,0 HR 1 
[a sharpened dagger], WEAPON [KrummForest], WIELD W:5 V:2380 C:1015 PHYSICAL 8D1 PIERCE L:6,0 STR 1 INT -2 
[a short flaming whip], WEAPON [FirePlane], WIELD G B W:12 V:4000 C:3455 PHYSICAL 4D3 WHIP L:8,0 HR 1 DR 1 
[a short sword], WEAPON [BastiliaSewers], WIELD W:10 V:5000 C:2455 PHYSICAL 3D4 BITE L:0,0 
[a short sword], WEAPON [Sewers], WIELD W:4 V:60 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D4 PIERCE L:0,0 
[a short sword], WEAPON [SylvanForest], WIELD M W:8 V:2000 C:1155 PHYSICAL 2D4 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 1 
[a short sword], WEAPON [WorthanForest], WIELD !MCW W:12 V:5000 C:2425 PHYSICAL 3D4 SLASH L:21,0 SPELL 3 
[a short,steel scimitar], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD W:12 V:20000 C:6155 PHYSICAL 2D7 SLASH L:4, 0 HR 5 
[a shortsword], WEAPON [BastiliaSewers], WIELD W:3 V:300 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D4 PIERCE L:0,0 
[a shovel], WEAPON [Swamps], WIELD W:8 V:15 C:455 PHYSICAL 2D4 BLUDGEON L:0,0 HR -2 
[a silver dagger], WEAPON [Marshlands], WIELD M NO_RENT W:1 V:100 C:3155 PHYSICAL 1D4 WHIP L:0,0 HR 5 
[a silver whip], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD E M !GN W:2 V:15000 C:9355 PHYSICAL 3D7 WHIP L:25,0 HR 1 DR 2 
[a sjambok], WEAPON [Navadin], WIELD I W:20 V:10000 C:5855 PHYSICAL 6D3 WHIP L:15,0 HR -2 
[a sledgehammer], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD !M W:35 V:50000 C:6055 PHYSICAL 6D3 SLASH L:45,0 
[a slender blade of stardust], WEAPON [RiversEdge], WIELD G !E NL SPEC !CTW W:1 V:150000 C:6255 OTHER 5D3 PIERCE L:23,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[a slim mithril dagger], WEAPON [KhazadDum], WIELD NL !MCW W:20 V:70000 C:19282 SLAYING_DRAGON 2D13 PIERCE L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[a slim silver knife], WEAPON [Swamps], WIELD G E I !G !CTW W:4 V:45000 C:7555 PHYSICAL 6D3 PIERCE L:25,0 HR 2 DR 1 
[a slingshot], WEAPON [GhoulBurrows], WIELD !M W:1 V:1 C:2155 PHYSICAL 1D1 BLUDGEON L:0,0 HR 3 
[a small evil-looking mace], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD B !MTW W:1 V:300 C:0 PHYSICAL 2D2 CRUSH L:0,0 HR 2 DR 1 
[a small knife], WEAPON [BastiliaSewers], WIELD W:1 V:100 C:655 POISON 1D5 PIERCE L:0,0 
[a small knife], WEAPON [Voodoo], WIELD ND !G NL !MT W:1 V:100000 C:7255 PHYSICAL 1D15 PIERCE L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[a small mace], WEAPON [Marshlands], WIELD M !TW W:8 V:1000 C:3155 PHYSICAL 1D5 CRUSH L:0,0 HR 5 
[a small mean dagger], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD B !CW W:1 V:300 C:0 PHYSICAL 2D2 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 2 DR 1 
[a small mining pick], WEAPON [GreatEasternDesert], WIELD !G W:3 V:600 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D9 PIERCE L:0,0 
[a small sharp sword], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD B !MC !T W:1 V:300 C:0 PHYSICAL 2D2 SLASH L:0,0 HR 2 DR 1 
[a small silver slayer], WEAPON [KrummForest], WIELD !MC !T W:8 V:600 C:2455 PHYSICAL 3D4 SLASH L:6,0 
[a small steel dagger], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD M W:1 V:5000 C:2655 PHYSICAL 3D2 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[a small sword], WEAPON [Midgaard], WIELD W:3 V:60 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D6 PIERCE L:0,0 
[a snake headed whip], WEAPON [DrowCity], WIELD G M !G W:6 V:12000 C:5815 PHYSICAL 3D6 WHIP L:13,0 STR -1 INT -1 
[a snake headed whip], WEAPON [DrowCity], WIELD G M !G W:6 V:15000 C:6775 PHYSICAL 4D5 WHIP L:13,0 STR -2 INT -2 
[a snake headed whip], WEAPON [DrowCity], WIELD G M W:0 V:15000 C:6855 PHYSICAL 2D8 WHIP L:12,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[a snake headed whip], WEAPON [DrowCity], WIELD G M W:4 V:7500 C:4455 PHYSICAL 2D6 WHIP L:8,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[a snake headed whip], WEAPON [DrowCity], WIELD G M W:6 V:13000 C:5655 PHYSICAL 2D7 WHIP L:10,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[a spade], WEAPON [Wasteland], WIELD M W:17 V:30000 C:8255 PHYSICAL 4D5 SLASH L:20,0 HR 1 DR 1 
[a spear named 'Lobotomia'], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD W:18 V:30000 C:6055 PHYSICAL 2D9 SLASH L:16,0 
[a spider shaped dagger], WEAPON [DrowCity], WIELD M !G !W W:2 V:12000 C:5455 PHYSICAL 4D3 PIERCE L:15,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[a staff of twisted thorns], WEAPON [Illkore], WIELD H D E M NL SPEC !CTW W:30 V:450000 C:12432 SLAYING_DEMON 10D2 BLUDGEON L:43,0 HIT -75 HR 2 DR 2 
[a steel dagger], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD G M W:5 V:20000 C:5455 PHYSICAL 4D3 PIERCE L:18,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[a steel halberd], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD !C W:15 V:13000 C:7255 PHYSICAL 2D10 SLASH L:16,0 
[a steel mace], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD !M W:18 V:15000 C:4255 PHYSICAL 3D5 BLUDGEON L:12,0 
[a steel short sword], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD !M W:15 V:30000 C:4255 PHYSICAL 5D3 SLASH L:10,0 
[a steel sword], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD M W:15 V:14000 C:7255 PHYSICAL 3D5 SLASH L:8,0 DR 3 HR 3 
[a steel tipped wooden staff], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD M W:5 V:900 C:3655 PHYSICAL 1D8 BLUDGEON L:0,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[a stiletto], WEAPON [UnderWorld], WIELD !N W:6 V:100 C:655 PHYSICAL 7D1 PIERCE L:10,0 
[a stone axe], WEAPON [GnollCaves], WIELD W:10 V:200 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D4 SLASH L:0,0 
[a stool], WEAPON [BastiliaSewers], WIELD NO_SCAVENGER W:30 V:3000 C:1255 PHYSICAL 1D10 CRUSH L:0,0 
[a strange bow], WEAPON [GreatEasternDesert], WIELD G H M B W:20 V:25000 C:7755 PHYSICAL 4D5 BLUDGEON L:20,0 DR 1 
[a switchblade], WEAPON [KoselbruchMill], WIELD G D !E NL W:1 V:84000 C:10655 PHYSICAL 2D12 PIERCE L:33,0 HR 2 
[a Talon-whip], WEAPON [Holt], WIELD M NL W:2 V:0 C:5955 PHYSICAL 4D3 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 4 DR 3 
[a thick heavy book], WEAPON [WorthanForest], WIELD !MTW W:15 V:1500 C:1225 PHYSICAL 1D6 CRUSH L:13,0 MOVE_REGEN -3 WIS 1 
[a thin knife], WEAPON [Navadin], WIELD W:5 V:20000 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D8 PIERCE L:0,0 
[a thin spear], WEAPON [SylvanForest], WIELD W:1 V:125 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D6 PIERCE L:0,0 
[a Thunder Hammer], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD G H M !GE NL QUEST !MT W:15 V:90000 C:10955 LIGHTNING 7D3 BLUDGEON L:27,0 HR 5 STR 1 
[a Thunder Hammer], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD G H M !GE NL QUEST !MT W:15 V:90000 C:10955 LIGHTNING 7D3 BLUDGEON L:27,0 HR 5 STR 1 
[a Toy sword], WEAPON [ElvenTown], WIELD W:1 V:1 C:3155 PHYSICAL 1D1 SLASH L:0,0 HR 5 
[a training sword], WEAPON [WelmarsCastle], WIELD W:7 V:300 C:455 PHYSICAL 1D4 SLASH L:0,0 HR -2 
[a triangular bladed dagger], WEAPON [Voodoo], WIELD ND !G NL W:4 V:100000 C:10855 PHYSICAL 7D3 PIERCE L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[a trident], WEAPON [PirateShip], WIELD W:5 V:1000 C:1255 PHYSICAL 1D10 PIERCE L:0,0 
[a two-handed dwarven axe], WEAPON [DwarvenKingdom], WIELD W:15 V:20000 C:3655 PHYSICAL 1D14 SLASH L:13,0 
[a two-handed sword], WEAPON [RedfernesResidence], WIELD M !GE W:22 V:1800 C:3055 PHYSICAL 3D4 SLASH L:10,0 ARM 15 DR 3 
[a two-handed sword], WEAPON [SkullValley], WIELD W:14 V:1250 C:4255 PHYSICAL 3D5 SLASH L:8,0 
[a two-handed sword], WEAPON [Thalos], WIELD W:24 V:55000 C:4455 PHYSICAL 1D12 SLASH L:10,0 HR 1 DR 3 
[a unicorn horn], WEAPON [ElvenForest], WIELD LOCK E I M !EN W:10 V:6000 C:4615 PHYSICAL 2D3 PIERCE L:0,0 STR -2 ARM -4 MANA 10 
[a very sharp knife], WEAPON [Arachnos], WIELD M !N W:9 V:1000 C:2155 PHYSICAL 6D1 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 3 
[a walking stick], WEAPON [Pyramid], WIELD HOLD M W:1 V:5000 C:1105 PHYSICAL 1D5 BLUDGEON L:0,0 MOVE 15 
[a warhammer], WEAPON [Midgaard], WIELD W:6 V:50 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D5 BLUDGEON L:0,0 
[a Whip of Pain], WEAPON [Swamps], WIELD E !G W:16 V:75000 C:4655 PHYSICAL 2D2 WHIP L:15,0 DR 8 
[a whip of writhing black fire], WEAPON [Illkore], WIELD D E M !GN NL SPEC !MT W:35 V:100000 C:15035 FIRE 4D7 WHIP L:45,0 HR 2 DR 3 STR 1 CON -1 
[a white eog Longsword], WEAPON [Quon], WIELD H M !E W:15 V:500000 C:10855 PHYSICAL 4D5 SLASH L:25,0 DEX 1 HR 3 DR 3 
[a wooden club], WEAPON [Midgaard], WIELD W:3 V:12 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D3 BLUDGEON L:0,0 
[a wooden staff], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD W:8 V:3000 C:2455 PHYSICAL 6D2 BLUDGEON L:5,0 
[adamantium sword], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD NL W:25 V:50000 C:13255 PHYSICAL 5D5 SLASH L:44,0 HR 2 DR 4 
[an adept's mace], WEAPON [KrummForest], WIELD W:10 V:7000 C:3155 PHYSICAL 2D4 CRUSH L:2,0 HR 4 DR 1 
[an Ancient Katana], WEAPON [Lagamore], WIELD G M NL W:18 V:50000 C:13255 PHYSICAL 5D5 SLASH L:37,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[an assassin's switchblade], WEAPON [Solom], WIELD I !G W:5 V:5000 C:5755 PHYSICAL 3D5 PIERCE L:15,0 HR 1 DR 2 
[an Astral Thunder], WEAPON [ShadowCastle], WIELD G M NL !MTW W:39 V:35000 C:17472 SLAYING_OTHER 6D4 CRUSH L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3 SPELL 1 
[an ebony morningstar], WEAPON [Swamps], WIELD E M !G !M W:15 V:30000 C:5055 PHYSICAL 6D2 CRUSH L:18,0 HR 2 DR 3 SPELL -2 
[an ebony sabre], WEAPON [Swamps], WIELD E M !G W:9 V:45000 C:6855 PHYSICAL 4D4 SLASH L:18,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[an elven longsword], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD !M W:20 V:50000 C:7855 PHYSICAL 7D3 SLASH L:37,0 
[an elven longsword], WEAPON [ElvenTown], WIELD M NO_SCAVENGER W:12 V:2500 C:1655 PHYSICAL 1D9 SLASH L:0,0 HR 2 
[an elven short sword], WEAPON [ElvenTown], WIELD M W:8 V:2000 C:1655 PHYSICAL 2D4 PIERCE L:8,0 HR 2 
[an Enchanted Broadsword], WEAPON [DrowTower], WIELD G !G !T W:15 V:100000 C:6705 PHYSICAL 3D5 SLASH L:20,0 HR 2 DR 2 CON 1 MOVE -25 
[an ice axe], WEAPON [Glacier], WIELD W:6 V:500 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D6 PIERCE L:0,0 
[an ironshod staff], WEAPON [ShadowCastle], WIELD W:10 V:700 C:4855 PHYSICAL 4D4 BLUDGEON L:14,0 
[an oaken staff of demon exorcism], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD G M !EN NL QUEST !CTW W:20 V:90000 C:8262 SLAYING_DEMON 5D3 BLUDGEON L:41,0 HR 2 DR 2 INT -1 
[an obsidian sword], WEAPON [StormGiantCastle], WIELD G M !E W:28 V:100000 C:6935 PHYSICAL 3D6 SLASH L:13,0 DEX -1 DR 2 
[Backstabber], WEAPON [RqyanTower], WIELD I M !GN NL !W W:15 V:13255 C:8555 PHYSICAL 6D3 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 2 DR 3 
[Borimar's mace], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD M B !E NL !MTW W:8 V:9000 C:9255 PHYSICAL 4D5 BLUDGEON L:28,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[Bow Staff of the Gods], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD G !EN QUEST !M W:20 V:860000 C:1675 PHYSICAL 1D7 BLUDGEON L:38,0 HIT -40 ARM -5 STR -2 
[Cat o' nine tails], WEAPON [LichTower], WIELD E !GN P SPEC W:8 V:42000 C:9755 PHYSICAL 10D2 WHIP L:50,0 HR 3 DR 2 
[Chisel], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD NO_RENT W:15 V:1000 C:2155 PHYSICAL 2D2 PIERCE L:35,0 DR 2 HR -1 INT 1 
[Dagger of Sorcery], WEAPON [ShadowCastle], WIELD SPEC !T W:3 V:40000 C:5705 M 7D2 PIERCE L:35,0 HR 3 DR 1 SPELL -1 
[Dagor the crystalsword], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD D E M !G NL W:35 V:150000 C:21682 SLAYING_DEMON 7D4 SLASH L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3 STR 1 
[Drake o' nine tails], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD E M !G !C W:40 V:30000 C:11015 PHYSICAL 4D6 WHIP L:25,0 HR 1 DR 1 CON 1 DEX -2 
[dwarven club], WEAPON [DwarvenKingdom], WIELD W:1 V:3000 C:2455 PHYSICAL 2D6 BLUDGEON L:0,0 
[Elven longsword], WEAPON [Krinlor], WIELD M W:15 V:4500 C:2255 PHYSICAL 1D10 SLASH L:0,0 HR 2 
[Fire dagger], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD G M W:10 V:10000 C:5055 FIRE 5D3 PIERCE L:30,0 HR -2 DR 2 
[Flail of the Black Dragon], WEAPON [ShadowCastle], WIELD M !G NL SPEC W:15 V:40000 C:9665 ACID 5D4 BLUDGEON L:40,0 HR 2 DR 3 HIT -15 
[Flail of the Black Dragon], WEAPON [ShadowCastle], WIELD M !G NL SPEC W:15 V:40000 C:9665 ACID 5D4 BLUDGEON L:40,0 HR 2 DR 3 HIT -15 
[frying pan], WEAPON [Barovia], WIELD W:8 V:10000 C:5075 PHYSICAL 3D5 BLUDGEON L:0,0 ARM 3 DR 2 
[God's warhammer], WEAPON [Wasteland], WIELD G H M !E NL !MTW W:15 V:250000 C:11655 PHYSICAL 6D4 CRUSH L:39,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[Half an Ethereal Slayer], WEAPON [Dreamlands], WIELD W:15 V:1500 C:1855 PHYSICAL 1D1 SLASH L:0,0 DR 3 HR -3 
[Heavy two-handed sword], WEAPON [EnchantedForest], WIELD B !EN NL !T W:50 V:120000 C:13155 SLASHING 9D3 HIT L:0,0 HR 2 DR 2 HIT -50 
[Huge purse], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD W:75 V:15000 C:7915 PHYSICAL 2D10 BLUDGEON L:18,0 HR -1 DR 2 STR -2 
[Large broadsword], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD W:40 V:8000 C:5355 PHYSICAL 2D8 SLASH L:15,0 DR 1 
[Long-bladed elven dagger], WEAPON [Krinlor], WIELD M W:7 V:5000 C:2655 PHYSICAL 3D2 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 3 DR 1 
[Machete], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD W:7 V:2000 C:2455 PHYSICAL 4D3 SLASH L:10,0 
[Mordekainen's Sword], WEAPON [MinotaurosLabyrinth], WIELD NL !W W:1 V:111111 C:2155 PHYSICAL 7D1 PIERCE L:50,0 ARM -5 
[Nimbus], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD G H M B W:35 V:1000 C:12055 PHYSICAL 5D3 PIERCE L:21,0 STR 10 DEX -5 CON -5 MANA 10 
[one of God's testing things], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD W:15 V:20000 C:3155 PHYSICAL 3D3 SLASH L:0,0 HR 2 DR 3 
[Pruners], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD W:3 V:4000 C:2455 PHYSICAL 4D3 PIERCE L:10,0 
[Quifael's global optimizer], WEAPON [QuifaelCustomRooms], WIELD W:1 V:10 C:8055 PHYSICAL 3D6 SLASH L:18,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[Sapowox's Universal Nothingness], WEAPON [WelmarsCastle], WIELD G M NL W:40 V:0 C:11655 PHYSICAL 6D4 BREATH L:51,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[Shadow whip], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD I M W:1 V:50000 C:5955 PHYSICAL 1D1 WHIP L:30,0 DR 5 HR 5 MOVE 10 
[sharp dagger], WEAPON [CastleRavenloft], WIELD NL !MCW W:40 V:100000 C:16255 PHYSICAL 3D10 PIERCE L:50,0 DR 3 HR 3 
[Sickle], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD W:5 V:2000 C:2455 PHYSICAL 4D3 SLASH L:10,0 
[small doll], WEAPON [Barovia], WIELD W:8 V:7000 C:1415 PHYSICAL 1D2 BLUDGEON L:0,0 HR 2 ARM 4 
[small wooden horse], WEAPON [Barovia], WIELD W:7 V:10000 C:1415 PHYSICAL 1D4 CRUSH L:0,0 DR 2 ARM 4 
[Staff of the Arch-Magi], WEAPON [RqyanTower], WIELD I M !GN NL !CTW W:18 V:75000 C:16455 PHYSICAL 10D2 BLUDGEON L:0,0 HR 5 DR 5 MANA 15 HIT -50 
[Sturdy oak staff], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD W:25 V:40000 C:12155 PHYSICAL 5D5 BLUDGEON L:41,0 HR 3 DR 2 MANA -10 
[sun blade], WEAPON [Pyramid], WIELD G NL !M W:18 V:100000 C:7855 FIRE 7D3 SLASH L:34,0 
[Swiftslayer], WEAPON [Krinlor], WIELD M !E !MC !T W:28 V:24500 C:11155 PHYSICAL 3D8 SLASH L:29,0 DR 3 
[Sword of Darkness], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD D M ND !G NL W:25 V:50000 C:13255 PHYSICAL 5D5 SLASH L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[sword of the Black rose], WEAPON [CastleRavenloft], WIELD H M !G SPEC !MC !T W:11 V:140000 C:15055 PHYSICAL 2D14 SLASH L:41,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[Sword of the Guardian], WEAPON [MinotaurCity], WIELD G E M !N NL !MC !T W:35 V:430000 C:16255 PHYSICAL 5D6 BREATH L:50,0 DR 3 HR 3 
[the accursed blade 'Delxvar'], WEAPON [WesternRoad], WIELD E M ND !GN NL SPEC !CTW W:3 V:0 C:-1745 PHYSICAL 1D10 PIERCE L:40,0 HR -15 DR -15 
[the Ancient Bone Slasher], WEAPON [Zubas], WIELD !M W:15 V:15000 C:6955 PHYSICAL 3D6 SLASH L:18,0 DR 2 HR -1 
[the Ancient Dagger], WEAPON [Zubas], WIELD G H M W:10 V:500 C:1755 PHYSICAL 2D5 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 1 
[the Ancient Flesh-Eater], WEAPON [Zubas], WIELD !M W:17 V:32000 C:9835 PHYSICAL 3D8 SLASH L:22,0 STR -1 HR -2 DR 1 
[the Ancient Slayer], WEAPON [Zubas], WIELD G NL !M W:18 V:50000 C:8055 PHYSICAL 9D2 SLASH L:33,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[the Ancient sword], WEAPON [Zubas], WIELD G W:14 V:10000 C:3655 PHYSICAL 2D7 PIERCE L:15,0 
[the black dagger], WEAPON [Arachnos], WIELD M NL !MCW W:4 V:80000 C:8915 PHYSICAL 1D14 PIERCE L:40,0 HR 3 DR 8 HIT -15 MOVE -25 
[the black hammer], WEAPON [Wasteland], WIELD W:18 V:30000 C:4655 PHYSICAL 7D2 CRUSH L:20,0 DR 2 
[the Black Staff of Power], WEAPON [Abyss], WIELD I M !GN NL !CTW W:8 V:30000 C:7255 PHYSICAL 5D3 BLUDGEON L:25,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[the Bonecleaver], WEAPON [GhoulBurrows], WIELD I M !GN NL W:16 V:35000 C:11135 PHYSICAL 6D4 SLASH L:25,0 HR 2 STR 1 DEX -1 
[the Chaos Blade], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD G D E ND !GN NL W:40 V:60000 C:21682 SLAYING_HAN 6D5 SLASH L:50,0 HR 3 DR 1 HIT_REGEN -10 
[the Cloudblade], WEAPON [StormGiantCastle], WIELD G H I M B !E NL W:18 V:500000 C:13455 PHYSICAL 4D7 SLASH L:40,0 HR -1 DR 3 
[the Cobra's Tongue], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD I !GN QUEST !MCW W:24 V:250000 C:8255 POISON 1D15 PIERCE L:34,0 HR 2 DR 6 
[the Crystal-Bladed Longsword], WEAPON [SteelTown], WIELD W:18 V:30000 C:8135 PHYSICAL 4D5 SLASH L:17,0 HIT -20 HR 1 DR 1 
[the dagger of death.], WEAPON [PoseidonsForest], WIELD !GN !W W:8 V:512 C:655 PHYSICAL 1D8 PIERCE L:0,0 
[the Dagger of the Void], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD G D E ND !GN NL SPEC W:5 V:60000 C:10855 PHYSICAL 7D3 PIERCE L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[the Dagger], WEAPON [MoriaAncientDragon], WIELD H M NL SPEC !MCW W:1 V:1000000 C:13855 PHYSICAL 2D13 PIERCE L:45,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[the DeathNell spear], WEAPON [Illkore], WIELD H M ND B !EN NL SPEC !MC !T W:35 V:500000 C:22822 SLAYING_ANIMAL 2D15 PIERCE L:42,0 HR 3 DR 3 PARA 3 ROD 3 
[the Defender], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD G M !EN NL QUEST !T W:4 V:1 C:7975 PHYSICAL 2D9 SLASH L:35,0 HR 3 ARM -2 MOVE -30 
[the devil rod], WEAPON [Sewers], WIELD M W:6 V:16000 C:3335 PHYSICAL 2D6 SLASH L:0,0 HR 2 STR -1 
[the ebony blade], WEAPON [RqyanTower], WIELD G M !GN NL !MC !T W:30 V:100000 C:22655 PHYSICAL 7D6 SLASH L:0,0 HR -3 DR 5 
[the ethereal slayer], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD !N NL !MT W:18 V:50000 C:19255 PHYSICAL 7D5 SLASH L:51,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[the ethereal slayer], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD !N NL !MT W:40 V:50000 C:19255 PHYSICAL 7D5 SLASH L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[the ethereal slayer], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD !N NL !T W:18 V:50000 C:15055 PHYSICAL 7D4 SLASH L:42,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[the Farmer's Sickle], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD M !GE NL QUEST !MC W:30 V:450000 C:17382 SLAYING_GOLEM 5D5 SLASH L:40,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[the Fiery Whip], WEAPON [FirePlane], WIELD G H I M !G W:18 V:20000 C:7855 PHYSICAL 4D4 WHIP L:21,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[the Fire Brand], WEAPON [PirateShip], WIELD G !G W:22 V:60000 C:7855 PHYSICAL 3D7 SLASH L:25,0 
[the flail of Meri], WEAPON [ElvenTown], WIELD H M !MTW W:18 V:50000 C:8055 PHYSICAL 6D3 CRUSH L:34,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[the flame blade], WEAPON [PlainsVillage], WIELD M NL W:15 V:200000 C:11457 FIRE 4D6 SLASH L:38,0 HR 4 HIT -33 
[the Flaming whip Cuivigurth], WEAPON [KhazadDum], WIELD D NL W:1 V:40000 C:10855 FIRE 7D3 WHIP L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[the galactic claymore], WEAPON [ErshteepRoad], WIELD W:16 V:20000 C:10205 PHYSICAL 4D6 SLASH L:25,0 WIS -3 HIT -15 HR 1 DR 1 
[the Gemstone Sword], WEAPON [Aztec], WIELD G M !E W:24 V:25000 C:9255 PHYSICAL 4D5 SLASH L:23,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[the halberd], WEAPON [GreatEasternDesert], WIELD M B W:16 V:32000 C:6255 PHYSICAL 3D5 SLASH L:15,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[the hallowed blade of Rhiannon], WEAPON [Illkore], WIELD G B !EN NL SPEC !MC W:40 V:650000 C:14832 SLAYING_UNDEAD 4D5 PIERCE L:50,0 HIT -75 HR 3 DR 7 HIT_REGEN -30 
[the Hammer of Life], WEAPON [SkullValley], WIELD G E NO_RENT NL P W:1 V:1500 C:10055 PHYSICAL 5D4 BLUDGEON L:40,0 HR -2 WIS 1 MANA 8 
[the large mace], WEAPON [Sewers], WIELD M W:10 V:1000 C:1655 PHYSICAL 1D6 BLUDGEON L:0,0 DR 2 
[the legendary Frostbrand], WEAPON [Dyarman], WIELD M W:20 V:200000 C:16255 COLD 3D10 SLASH L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[the micro snake dirk], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD M NL !MCW W:2 V:230 C:2155 PHYSICAL 1D2 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 3 
[the mighty Hellblade], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD E !GN NL W:35 V:0 C:16255 PHYSICAL 6D5 SLASH L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[the mini snake dirk], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD M NL !MCW W:2 V:300 C:2155 PHYSICAL 1D4 PIERCE L:0,0 HR 3 
[the Morgul Knife], WEAPON [Mordor], WIELD M !GN NL !MCW W:25 V:50000 C:4055 PHYSICAL 13D1 PIERCE L:30,0 HR 1 DR 1 
[the morning star 'SpiritCrusher'], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD G B !EN NL !MTW W:35 V:200000 C:17362 SLAYING_UNDEAD 6D4 CRUSH L:50,0 HR 3 DR 3 CON -1 
[the needle of power], WEAPON [Glacier], WIELD M NL W:5 V:30000 C:7495 PHYSICAL 9D2 PIERCE L:32,0 HR 3 HIT -10 
[the Nettler], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD H D E M !G NL QUEST !W W:4 V:1 C:7835 PHYSICAL 1D16 PIERCE L:35,0 HR 5 ARM -2 DEX -1 
[the Nightmare Claws], WEAPON [FreddiesStronghold], WIELD NL !MC !T W:37 V:450000 C:17015 PHYSICAL 6D5 SLASH L:50,0 DR 5 HR 3 DEX -2 
[the Phalanx Pike], WEAPON [SteelTown], WIELD B W:4 V:800 C:655 PHYSICAL 2D3 PIERCE L:0,0 
[the Poker of Joker], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD G NO_RENT W:18 V:150000 C:77755 PHYSICAL 1D100 SLASH L:57,0 HR 40 DR 5 
[the rod of eternal magic], WEAPON [Goltraung], WIELD !GN NL W:5 V:500000 C:9655 PHYSICAL 1D1 PIERCE L:50,0 MANA 20 MANA_REGEN 6 
[the Rubber Mallet of Chaos], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD G H M NL !MTW W:1 V:250000 C:11655 PHYSICAL 6D4 CRUSH L:50,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[the Scythe of Death], WEAPON [QuifaelCustomRooms], WIELD W:100 V:30000 C:55255 PHYSICAL 1D100 SLASH L:50,0 
[the Shadowshiv], WEAPON [Swamps], WIELD M !G !MCW W:5 V:200000 C:7855 PHYSICAL 4D4 PIERCE L:21,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[the sign], WEAPON [MainMatrix], WIELD HOLD W:200 V:10 C:4655 PHYSICAL 2D8 BLUDGEON L:0,0 HR -2 
[the Sigunn], WEAPON [SteelTown], WIELD M B NL !C W:15 V:60000 C:12475 PHYSICAL 4D6 SLASH L:32,0 MOVE -30 HR 3 DR 3 
[the Sledgehammer], WEAPON [SteelTown], WIELD M W:20 V:20000 C:6855 PHYSICAL 4D4 BLUDGEON L:20,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[the small mace], WEAPON [Sewers], WIELD M W:6 V:600 C:1155 PHYSICAL 1D6 BLUDGEON L:0,0 DR 1 
[the snake dirk], WEAPON [DemonCity], WIELD M NL !MCW W:2 V:30000 C:7955 PHYSICAL 1D12 PIERCE L:35,0 HR 3 DR 8 
[the Soulhammer], WEAPON [Swamps], WIELD M NL !MTW W:14 V:400000 C:9735 PHYSICAL 5D4 CRUSH L:28,0 DEX -1 WIS 1 HR 2 DR 2 
[the Spectral Mace], WEAPON [Mordor], WIELD G H I M !N NL !MTW W:30 V:75000 C:15255 PHYSICAL 6D5 CRUSH L:50,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[the staff of magius], WEAPON [ElvenTown], WIELD H M W:15 V:20000 C:4255 PHYSICAL 5D2 BLUDGEON L:35,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[the sting of Shelob], WEAPON [KhazadDum], WIELD NL !TW W:1 V:70000 C:6855 POISON 4D3 PIERCE L:35,0 HR 2 DR 2 MANA 8 
[the Sun Sword], WEAPON [SteelTown], WIELD G W:20 V:200000 C:9255 PHYSICAL 5D4 SLASH L:25,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[the sword of Aris], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD G M B !E NL SPEC !MC !T W:35 V:500000 C:16255 PHYSICAL 6D5 SLASH L:50,0 DR 3 HR 3 
[the sword of darkness], WEAPON [Bastilia], WIELD G E !G NL SPEC !MC !T W:35 V:1000000 C:16955 PHYSICAL 8D4 SLASH L:50,0 DR 2 HR 3 
[the Sword of Gullwing], WEAPON [WorthanForest], WIELD !G !MCW W:15 V:150000 C:10855 PHYSICAL 7D3 SLASH L:36,0 DR 1 HR 5 
[the Sword of Solom], WEAPON [Solom], WIELD I !G NL W:20 V:50000 C:9255 PHYSICAL 5D4 SLASH L:28,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[the Vorpal Blade], WEAPON [Swamps], WIELD G M NL !MT W:35 V:435000 C:16255 PHYSICAL 6D5 SLASH L:44,0 HR 3 DR 3 
[Thunder Hammer], WEAPON [FrogTemple], WIELD G H M B !EN NL SPEC !T W:44 V:100000 C:15105 PHYSICAL 3D10 CRUSH L:50,0 HR 1 DR 3 HIT -25 
[Two-handed six-foot Macho-Slayer], WEAPON [Midgaard], WIELD D E P !MC !T W:25 V:100000 C:19255 PHYSICAL 7D5 SLASH L:0,0 DR 3 HR 3 
[Willow switch], WEAPON [CloudCastle], WIELD !E W:5 V:30000 C:11605 PHYSICAL 5D5 WHIP L:28,0 MANA 5 SPELL -5 HR -2 DR -2 

[Back to the top]

Worn on fingers

[a black opal ring], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FINGER !GN NL QUEST W:2 V:99999 C:4775 AC[0], L:26,0 DR 1 HR 2 MANA 10 
[a black ring of protection], WORN [KrummForest], FINGER !MCW W:1 V:500 C:2025 L:6,0 ARM -5 HR 1 
[a bloodstone ring], WORN [ImmoRooms], FINGER M !G NL QUEST W:1 V:1 C:1625 L:21,0 CON 1 DR 1 HR 1 
[a blue ring of protection], WORN [KrummForest], FINGER !MC !T W:1 V:500 C:2025 L:6,0 ARM -5 HR 1 
[a blue ring], OTHER [Navadin], FINGER !E W:2 V:5000 C:2005 L:10,0 ARM -4 INT -1 WIS 1 HIT 10 
[a burning ring], ARMOR [FirePlane], FINGER G I M !G NL W:10 V:130 C:4475 AC[0], L:32,0 ARM -10 DR 3 HIT -50 
[a burning ring], OTHER [FirePlane], FINGER G M W:10 V:23 C:625 L:0,0 ARM -2 
[a copper ring], ARMOR [Pyramid], FINGER H W:1 V:8900 C:1775 AC[0], L:15,0 HR 1 DR 2 
[a crystal ring], OTHER [Glacier], FINGER W:1 V:1000 C:1975 L:16,0 ARM -5 HIT 15 
[a dark ring], ARMOR [Krinlor], FINGER E M !G NL !W W:1 V:14255 C:3275 AC[0], L:32,0 ARM -8 HIT 20 
[a diamond ring], OTHER [Glacier], FINGER W:1 V:20000 C:-575 L:0,0 AGE -20 INT 1 
[a faerie ring], TREASURE [GnollCaves], FINGER M !E W:1 V:5000 C:625 L:0,0 WIS 1 
[a fancy looking ring], ARMOR [Wasteland], FINGER M !N !TW W:1 V:15 C:2915 AC[0], L:25,0 CON -1 AGE 10 MOVE -40 
[a glinting ring of silver], ARMOR [RedfernesResidence], FINGER M W:1 V:46 C:3075 AC[0], L:16,0 ARM -6 HR 2 
[a glowing ring with a large sapphire], WORN [FrogTemple], FINGER G M !GN NL W:3 V:11200 C:2975 L:24,0 ARM -6 BREATH -3 MANA_REGEN 2 
[a gold and sapphire wedding ring], OTHER [ImmoRooms], FINGER G B W:1 V:2500 C:3625 L:0,0 AGE 2 MANA 10 
[a golden dwarven ring], ARMOR [DwarvenKingdom], FINGER NL W:1 V:1000 C:3675 AC[0], L:28,0 HR 1 DR 1 ARM -10 MANA -10 
[a golden dwarven ring], ARMOR [DwarvenKingdom], FINGER W:1 V:1000 C:1275 AC[2], L:0,0 HR 1 DR 1 
[a golden dwarven ring], ARMOR [Pyramid], FINGER W:1 V:10000 C:-85 AC[2], L:0,0 STR -3 
[a golden ring with a turquoise stone], WORN [Celephais], FINGER !MTW W:2 V:10000 C:3925 L:41,0 DR 2 HR -1 MANA 10 
[a golden ring], TRASH [RedfernesResidence], FINGER M NL W:1 V:0 C:1225 Values 0-3: [1], [0], [0], [0], L:23,0 INT 2 
[a golden sphere], ARMOR [KhazadDum], FINGER !EN !CTW W:1 V:23000 C:5155 AC[2], L:31,0 MANA 15 HR 1 DEX -1 
[a jade ring], OTHER [Aztec], FINGER M !TW W:1 V:2500 C:2575 L:15,0 MANA 7 HIT 15 
[a mithril ring], OTHER [Swamps], FINGER G H I M NL W:1 V:43000 C:1805 L:19,0 DEX 1 STR -1 ARM -5 DR -2 
[a platinum ring], ARMOR [Krinlor], FINGER G M W:1 V:1200 C:1025 AC[0], L:0,0 HIT 5 ARM -2 
[a rainbow ring], WORN [ImmoRooms], FINGER G M NL QUEST !CW W:1 V:1 C:1785 L:25,0 HR 3 DR 1 HIT -40 
[a red ring], OTHER [Navadin], FINGER !G W:5 V:5000 C:2005 L:0,0 INT 1 ARM -4 WIS -1 HIT 10 
[a ring of black feathers], ARMOR [WitchesOfMidgaard], FINGER M !G !MC W:1 V:100 C:3375 AC[0], L:14,0 ARM -7 HR 2 
[a ring of lost souls], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FINGER I !GE QUEST !M W:4 V:1000000 C:6075 AC[0], L:38,0 DR -1 HR -1 MANA 20 
[a ring of might], WORN [ImmoRooms], FINGER !GE NL QUEST W:1 V:1 C:2725 L:29,0 STR 2 DR 3 
[a Ring of Slaying], ARMOR [KoselbruchMill], FINGER M W:1 V:50000 C:2125 AC[3], L:27,0 DR 2 HR 2 HIT -25 
[a ring of the succubi], ARMOR [Swamps], FINGER G E I M !G W:1 V:1000 C:3275 AC[1], L:0,0 ARM -3 MANA 7 
[a ring of the Valkyrie], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FINGER H !E QUEST !MC W:2 V:66600 C:4545 AC[0], L:31,0 ARM -10 HIT_REGEN -7 DR 3 HIT -15 
[a ring of Wizardry], ARMOR [Pyramid], FINGER !CTW W:1 V:10000 C:4655 AC[2], L:20,0 DEX -1 MANA 15 
[a ring of Woe], OTHER [KoselbruchMill], FINGER E I W:800 V:1 C:-8025 L:0,0 SPELL 5 ARM 100 HR -10 DR -10 
[a sapphire ring], ARMOR [Swamps], FINGER E ND W:1 V:32000 C:865 AC[0], L:0,0 CON 1 SPELL 1 
[a seashell ring], BOAT [ImmoRooms], FINGER H D E I M B !G QUEST !T W:2 V:60000 C:5935 L:40,0 MANA 20 HIT -15 
[a set of false nails], OTHER [Lagamore], FINGER W:1 V:3000 C:1025 L:0,0 HR 1 DR 1 
[a shiny ring], WORN [KrummForest], FINGER W:1 V:20000 C:235 L:3,0 HIT 7 
[a small golden ring], TREASURE [Dyarman], FINGER NL W:12 V:35000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a small ring set with a large ruby], TREASURE [Dyarman], FINGER NL W:12 V:85000 C:4525 L:0,0 ARM -5 MANA 10 
[a small ring], ARMOR [Beehive], FINGER G M W:10 V:1000 C:-325 AC[0], L:0,0 STR -5 
[a small ruby ring], WORN [DrowCity], FINGER M !MTW W:1 V:20000 C:1215 L:17,0 HIT 23 HR 1 
[a small wizard ring], ARMOR [StormGiantCastle], FINGER G I M NL !C W:5 V:20000 C:7655 AC[0], L:36,0 STR -1 MANA 20 ARM -5 
[a spellbinder's ring], WORN [KrummForest], FINGER !CTW W:1 V:1 C:1825 L:6,0 MANA 5 HIT 10 
[a stone ring with a deer's face], WORN [KrummForest], FINGER W:1 V:15000 C:1485 L:10,0 ARM -2 HR 1 HIT 12 
[a tiny silver ring], WORN [WesternRoad], FINGER G M NL !TW W:1 V:50000 C:5605 L:25,0 MANA 15 INT 2 WIS -1 
[a wedding ring], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FINGER M W:1 V:0 C:275 AC[0], L:0,0 
[a Wyrmring], WORN [Dyarman], FINGER M NL W:1 V:150000 C:2725 L:50,0 ARM -11 MANA -10 
[a yellow and green ring], ARMOR [Moria], FINGER HOLD W:1 V:50 C:35 AC[0], L:0,0 STR -2 
[a zirconium ring], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FINGER M W:1 V:0 C:3075 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -6 HR 2 
[an adamantine ring], ARMOR [KhazadDum], FINGER NL W:1 V:30000 C:2275 AC[1], L:40,0 HR 1 DR 3 
[an amethyst ring], ARMOR [RqyanTower], FINGER M W:1 V:1200 C:775 AC[0], L:0,0 DR 1 
[an emerald ring], ARMOR [Pyramid], FINGER NL W:1 V:5000 C:2275 AC[0], L:29,0 HR 1 DR 3 
[an engagement ring], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FINGER M W:1 V:0 C:275 AC[0], L:0,0 
[an eternal ring], ARMOR [Marshlands], FINGER G !GN W:2 V:10000 C:3715 AC[0], L:26,0 HIT -10 ARM -10 HR 1 
[an icecold ring], WORN [ValemonsKingdom], FINGER W:5 V:9000 C:1695 L:25,0 HR 2 DR 2 INT -1 HIT -35 
[an iron ring], ARMOR [HaonDor], FINGER M W:1 V:5000 C:1775 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -5 
[an iron ring], ARMOR [Marshlands], FINGER M NL W:1 V:1 C:1175 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -3 
[an Onyx Ring], ARMOR [SteelTown], FINGER !MTW W:1 V:60000 C:3275 AC[0], L:26,0 MANA 5 HR 2 DR 1 
[opal ring], ARMOR [ErshteepRoad], FINGER !N W:1 V:2000 C:1325 AC[0], L:12,0 AGE 2 HIT 15 
[Ring of destruction], ARMOR [KhazadDum], FINGER G !GN SPEC W:101 V:90000 C:1175 AC[2], L:42,0 DR 5 HR -10 HIT -100 
[Ring of Reth'Ta Laan], WORN [Quon], FINGER M NL W:1 V:150000 C:2425 L:10,0 HR 2 DR 1 ARM -3 
[ring of spell storing], ARMOR [Pyramid], FINGER !TW W:1 V:15000 C:4595 AC[2], L:27,0 MANA 15 HIT -30 
[Ring of the Great Drake], ARMOR [Dyarman], FINGER M NL W:1 V:5000 C:2275 AC[0], L:50,0 HR 1 DR 3 
[the black opal ring of the dead], WORN [Illkore], FINGER D E M W:2 V:30000 C:1325 L:15,0 STR 1 HR 1 DR 1 MANA -5 
[the chrysoberyl ring], OTHER [ShadowCastle], FINGER G H D LOCK E M NL W:1 V:24000 C:1875 Values 0-3: [2], [0], [0], [0], L:25,0 HR 3 DR 1 HIT -25 
[the One Ring], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], FINGER M W:1 V:0 C:275 AC[0], L:0,0 
[the One Ring], OTHER [Mordor], FINGER G ND B !GE NL !CTW W:20 V:1 C:5605 L:48,0 AGE -5 MANA 10 HIT -20 ARM -10 
[the One Ring], OTHER [Mordor], FINGER G ND B !GE NL !CTW W:20 V:1 C:9225 L:48,0 AGE -5 MANA 10 MANA_REGEN 7 ARM -10 
[the ring of demonmastery], WORN [Dyarman], FINGER E M !G NL W:1 V:50000 C:7915 L:40,0 ARM -9 MANA 17 HIT -10 SPELL -3 
[the ring of life], ARMOR [Wasteland], FINGER H M W:8 V:8000 C:875 AC[3], L:0,0 CON 1 
[the ring of the Dead], ARMOR [PirateShip], FINGER !G W:1 V:150 C:2775 AC[3], L:8,0 ARM -5 DR 2 
[the shadow ring], ARMOR [UndergroundEmpire], FINGER NL W:10 V:415750 C:5475 AC[10], L:45,0 HIT -50 ARM -10 HR 2 DR 1 

[Back to the top]

Worn on hands i.e gloves

[a pair of black dragonscale gauntlets], ARMOR [Dyarman], HANDS D NL W:10 V:29000 C:2875 AC[3], L:50,0 STR 1 HR 2 DR 2 
[a pair of black leather gauntlets reinforced with mithril], ARMOR [Dyarman], HANDS NL !C W:20 V:30000 C:2775 AC[13], L:50,0 
[a pair of black satin gloves], ARMOR [KoselbruchMill], HANDS G M NL !CTW W:1 V:97000 C:2155 AC[1], L:38,0 HR 3 DR 1 HIT -20 
[a pair of bronze gauntlets], ARMOR [Midgaard], HANDS W:8 V:1750 C:275 AC[6], L:0,0 
[a pair of burning gloves], ARMOR [Dreamlands], HANDS NL !W W:1 V:1 C:1875 AC[0], L:25,0 DR 1 HR 1 DEX 1 
[a pair of dragonskin gloves], ARMOR [Solom], HANDS !G NL W:10 V:13000 C:2275 AC[11], L:38,0 DR 1 
[a pair of gardening gloves], ARMOR [Swamps], HANDS M W:2 V:5 C:1275 AC[5], L:10,0 HR 2 
[a pair of gauntlets of dexterity], ARMOR [PirateShip], HANDS G I M W:2 V:10000 C:875 AC[6], L:16,0 DEX 1 
[a pair of gauntlets], ARMOR [DrowCity], HANDS G W:2 V:10000 C:1875 AC[10], L:25,0 STR 1 
[a pair of gloves of soft leather], ARMOR [Celephais], HANDS W:5 V:1000 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0 
[a pair of gloves], ARMOR [RedfernesResidence], HANDS M B !EN W:14 V:900 C:2525 AC[9], L:32,0 HR 3 
[a pair of guardsman's gloves], ARMOR [Wasteland], HANDS W:3 V:6000 C:2275 AC[4], L:25,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[a pair of iron gauntlets], ARMOR [Thalos], HANDS W:10 V:2200 C:725 AC[7], L:0,0 HR -3 DR 1 
[a pair of leather gloves], ARMOR [Midgaard], HANDS W:3 V:75 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[a pair of mithrilplated gauntlets], ARMOR [Dyarman], HANDS !GN NL W:15 V:75000 C:1675 AC[12], L:50,0 MANA -10 
[a pair of muddy gauntlets], ARMOR [RedfernesResidence], HANDS M W:10 V:60 C:875 AC[2], L:0,0 STR 1 
[a pair of shadow gloves], ARMOR [Bastilia], HANDS G D I M NL !MCW W:2 V:20000 C:2125 AC[10], L:45,0 HR 1 DR 1 HIT -25 
[a pair of shimmering dragon-silver chainmail gauntlets], WORN [Illkore], HANDS M ND B !EN NL SPEC !C W:13 V:100000 C:4765 L:50,0 DEX -3 CHAR_WEIGHT -20 MANA 17 
[a pair of silk gloves], ARMOR [UndergroundEmpire], HANDS B !E NL W:1 V:275800 C:2005 AC[6], L:40,0 HIT -45 DR 2 HR 2 
[a pair of Silver Gloves], ARMOR [DrowTower], HANDS G W:4 V:20000 C:1325 AC[0], L:20,0 HIT 15 AGE 2 
[a pair of silver plated gloves], ARMOR [KhazadDum], HANDS D !N NL !C !T W:21 V:10000 C:2155 AC[4], L:40,0 HR 4 HIT -20 
[a pair of soft black leather gloves], ARMOR [Dyarman], HANDS D E M !G NL W:10 V:200000 C:1755 AC[2], L:50,0 ARM -2 STR -1 DR -5 MANA 5 
[a pair of steel-plated gauntlets], ARMOR [KoselbruchMill], HANDS !MC !T W:5 V:30000 C:2155 AC[10], L:35,0 DR 1 HR 1 STR -1 
[a pair of swordsman's gloves], ARMOR [Moria], HANDS !G W:1 V:1500 C:1775 AC[0], L:0,0 HR 2 DR 1 
[a pair of thin leather gloves], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HANDS B W:1 V:300 C:0 AC[2], L:0,0 HR 1 
[a pair of white silk gloves], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HANDS G M QUEST !CTW W:1 V:10000 C:4575 AC[0], L:21,0 MANA 12 INT 1 SPELL -2 
[a pair of wicked steel gauntlets], ARMOR [RiversEdge], HANDS !E !C W:4 V:2500 C:2505 AC[9], L:33,0 STR -1 CON 1 HR 2 
[a pair of wickedly spiked silver gauntlets], ARMOR [Illkore], HANDS D !GN NL !MC !T W:5 V:500000 C:2885 AC[5], L:43,0 CON -3 HR 3 DR 3 SPELL 3 
[a pair of woolen mittens], ARMOR [Lagamore], HANDS W:2 V:4000 C:755 AC[2], L:0,0 DEX 1 INT -1 
[Cuthberts Gloves], ARMOR [PirateShip], HANDS D I !G NL !TW W:1 V:10000 C:2375 AC[3], L:11,0 MANA 7 
[decaying leather gloves], ARMOR [CastleRavenloft], HANDS !G SPEC W:5 V:9000 C:1175 AC[5], L:15,0 AGE 3 
[Dwarven gloves], ARMOR [DwarvenKingdom], HANDS W:2 V:4000 C:875 AC[3], L:0,0 INT 1 
[gauntlets of dexterity], ARMOR [Pyramid], HANDS M NL !M W:0 V:40000 C:1275 AC[0], L:16,0 DEX 2 HR -1 DR -1 
[gauntlets of Ogre Power], ARMOR [Pyramid], HANDS G !M W:10 V:29000 C:2875 AC[3], L:30,0 STR 1 HR 2 DR 2 
[gauntlets of ogre strength], ARMOR [Pyramid], HANDS M NL W:3 V:40000 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[Gauntlets of Resilience], ARMOR [RqyanTower], HANDS H M !GE NL W:15 V:15000 C:1975 AC[8], L:0,0 DEX 2 
[gauntlets of The Dark Warrior], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HANDS D I M ND !GN NL QUEST !MC !T W:20 V:45000 C:1975 AC[10], L:45,0 DR 1 HR 1 HIT -50 
[Gauntlets of weapon mastery], ARMOR [CloudCastle], HANDS G M !GN !C W:7 V:50000 C:1675 AC[2], L:41,0 HR 3 DR 1 MANA -10 
[Gloves of Sorcerous Might], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HANDS G M !G QUEST !CTW W:7 V:125000 C:4225 AC[0], L:30,0 HR 2 DR 2 MANA 7 HIT -25 
[gloves of the assassin], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HANDS D E I M !G NL QUEST !CW W:5 V:50000 C:2355 AC[4], L:41,0 HR 4 DR 1 HIT -30 INT -2 
[gloves of the ogre mage], OTHER [ValemonsKingdom], HANDS W:8 V:15000 C:1925 L:40,0 MANA 11 HR -1 DR -1 ARM 20 
[gloves of the spellbinder], WORN [KrummForest], HANDS !CTW W:5 V:5000 C:1185 L:6,0 HR 1 MANA 2 HIT 2 
[some black gauntlets], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HANDS E !GN NL W:14 V:900 C:2525 AC[9], L:50,0 HR 3 
[some gauntlets made of a greyish metal], ARMOR [Dyarman], HANDS W:20 V:30000 C:2775 AC[13], L:45,0 
[some gloves of hard leather], ARMOR [Lagamore], HANDS NL !C W:5 V:40000 C:2775 AC[13], L:46,0 
[the athridon gloves], ARMOR [DemonCity], HANDS M W:55 V:25000 C:1025 AC[9], L:21,0 
[the gloves of king Valemon], ARMOR [ValemonsKingdom], HANDS !GN NL !M W:12 V:130000 C:1455 AC[1], L:49,0 CON -1 DR 2 HR 3 MANA -20 
[workman's gloves], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HANDS !GE NL QUEST W:5 V:5000 C:1975 AC[8], L:29,0 STR 2 

[Back to the top]

Worn on Head

[a bandanna], ARMOR [PirateShip], HEAD W:1 V:50 C:275 AC[1], L:0,0 
[a bishop's mitre], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HEAD G M B !EN NL QUEST !TW W:8 V:25000 C:5575 AC[10], L:43,0 MANA 10 DR -2 ARM -5 
[a black Dragonhelmet], ARMOR [Dyarman], HEAD D E M !G NL !C W:10 V:400000 C:4425 AC[12], L:45,0 HR 2 DR 2 BREATH -3 
[a black hat with a fiery-red feather in it], ARMOR [KoselbruchMill], HEAD G E M !GN !CTW W:5 V:190000 C:1275 AC[2], L:50,0 DR 1 HR 1 MANA -10 ARM -2 
[a black hat], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HEAD B W:1 V:350 C:0 AC[2], L:0,0 HIT 8 
[a Black Hood], ARMOR [SteelTown], HEAD M W:1 V:100 C:1475 AC[1], L:22,0 HIT 40 
[a black knight's visor], ARMOR [Arachnos], HEAD I M W:5 V:20000 C:1475 AC[6], L:14,0 STR 1 CON 1 
[a Blackend Mithril Helmet], ARMOR [Dyarman], HEAD !C W:30 V:30000 C:4275 AC[10], L:50,0 ARM -10 
[a blackened Helmet], ARMOR [Pyramid], HEAD G !M W:20 V:25000 C:2775 AC[10], L:27,0 HR 3 
[a Blacklacquered Helmet with a purple plum], ARMOR [Dyarman], HEAD W:25 V:100000 C:2775 AC[11], L:32,0 HR 2 
[a bloodstained skull], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HEAD NL !MC W:67 V:0 C:4275 AC[12], L:50,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[a Blue Steel helmet], ARMOR [SteelTown], HEAD W:10 V:12000 C:1575 AC[10], L:27,0 HIT 10 
[a brass helmet], ARMOR [Midgaard], HEAD W:35 V:500 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0 
[a bright red feather], OTHER [Dreamlands], HEAD W:1 V:1000 C:625 L:0,0 WIS 1 
[a bronze helmet], ARMOR [Midgaard], HEAD W:8 V:3500 C:275 AC[6], L:0,0 
[a carbon-steel helmet], ARMOR [RiversEdge], HEAD W:6 V:3000 C:3225 AC[10], L:32,0 MANA -5 HIT 25 HR 3 
[a chaos helmet], ARMOR [RedfernesResidence], HEAD M !GN W:8 V:2300 C:1975 AC[9], L:29,0 STR 1 SPELL -7 
[a crystal visor], ARMOR [Swamps], HEAD I M B NL !CTW W:10 V:120000 C:2675 AC[2], L:32,0 MANA 7 HIT 10 
[a dark horned helmet], ARMOR [Marshlands], HEAD ND !G W:5 V:15000 C:415 AC[6], L:7,0 DR 1 INT -3 
[a dwarven helmet], ARMOR [DwarvenKingdom], HEAD W:4 V:2500 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0 
[a feathered tiara], ARMOR [Holt], HEAD M NL W:1 V:0 C:1475 AC[1], L:0,0 HIT 40 
[a full helmet made of mithril], ARMOR [Dyarman], HEAD M !C W:25 V:150000 C:3775 AC[15], L:50,0 
[a golden crown], ARMOR [WelmarsCastle], HEAD M !E NL W:40 V:12000 C:11525 AC[7], L:45,0 MANA 30 MANA_REGEN 4 
[a golden feather], TREASURE [GnollCaves], HEAD M !E W:1 V:1000 C:925 L:0,0 INT 1 HIT 10 
[a grey metal helmet], ARMOR [LichTower], HEAD E M !G W:10 V:50000 C:2475 AC[10], L:44,0 ARM -4 
[a helmet made of a greyish metal], ARMOR [Dyarman], HEAD W:30 V:30000 C:775 AC[15], L:50,0 MANA -50 
[a Human Brain], FOOD [Dreamlands], HEAD HOLD W:6 V:0 C:25 Full:5 L:0,0 
[a jeweled crown], TREASURE [Dyarman], HEAD NL W:80 V:600000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a large fluffy hat], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HEAD G H M ND B !EN SPEC !CTW W:1 V:1000 C:1475 AC[1], L:22,0 HIT 40 
[a large fountain], LIQUID CONTAINER [Midgaard], !TAKE HEAD NO_DUST W:500 V:3000 C:254025 Max: Unlimited Contains: Unlimited Liquid: water L:0,0 DR 127 DAMROLL 127 DAMROLL 127 DAMROLL 127 
[a large helmet], ARMOR [RedfernesResidence], HEAD M W:5 V:4500 C:3525 AC[7], L:26,0 MANA 10 
[a large helmet], ARMOR [UndergroundEmpire], HEAD W:10 V:68500 C:1275 AC[10], L:29,0 
[a large stone helmet], ARMOR [Wasteland], HEAD NL !MC W:67 V:50000 C:4275 AC[12], L:43,0 HR 2 DR 2 
[a large,white skull], ARMOR [KoselbruchMill], HEAD M !G NL !TW W:30 V:80000 C:2095 AC[4], L:50, 0 HIT -30 HR 3 DR 1 
[a leather cap], ARMOR [Midgaard], HEAD W:3 V:150 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0 
[a magician's tophat], CONTAINER [ImmoRooms], HEAD H D LOCK E I B !GN NO_RENT NL SPEC W:1 V:25000 C:3625 Max: 71  L:21,0 MANA 10 ARM -2 
[a metal helmet], ARMOR [Moria], HEAD W:4 V:3000 C:475 AC[0], L:0,0 SPELL -2 BREATH -2 
[a moldy brown hat], ARMOR [FreddiesStronghold], HEAD G NL !CTW W:6 V:100000 C:5675 AC[2], L:50,0 DR 2 HR -1 MANA 15 
[a pair of spectacles], WORN [Celephais], HEAD !M W:2 V:1000 C:1025 L:10,0 HR 2 
[a plain helmet], ARMOR [Celephais], HEAD W:10 V:800 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0 
[a pontiff's headress], ARMOR [Arachnos], HEAD I M W:5 V:20000 C:1475 AC[1], L:0,0 WIS 2 
[a red rose], WORN [KrummForest], HEAD G H B !E !TW W:1 V:2000 C:865 L:6,0 HIT 3 MANA 2 MOVE 5 
[a rusty helmet with engravings], ARMOR [KhazadDum], HEAD ND W:1 V:10 C:1375 AC[1], L:15,0 CON 2 HR -1 
[a servant's white cloth cap], WORN [RiversEdge], HEAD B !E W:1 V:2500 C:3175 L:17,0 MANA 10 HIT 5 
[a set of stone horns], ARMOR [KrummForest], HEAD W:15 V:16000 C:1815 AC[4], L:18,0 HIT 8 HR 2 AGE 1 
[a shiny helmet], ARMOR [Swamps], HEAD NL W:4 V:50000 C:1775 AC[2], L:35,0 ARM -5 
[a shogun's helmet], ARMOR [ShadowCastle], HEAD !GEN NL !MCTW W:25 V:45000 C:18775 AC[15], L:41,0 ARM -50 
[a silk tophat], ARMOR [Lagamore], HEAD W:5 V:100 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[a silver tiara named 'The Three-headed Monster'], WORN [Illkore], HEAD D E M !GN NL SPEC !MTW W:10 V:250000 C:3075 L:43,0 HIT -75 HR 2 DR 2 MANA 5 
[a silvery headband], WORN [Celephais], HEAD NL !MTW W:5 V:20000 C:4625 L:41,0 MANA 15 ARM 15 HR 1 DR 1 
[a silvery helmet], ARMOR [RedfernesResidence], HEAD M B !EN NL !C W:35 V:9000 C:3775 AC[15], L:50,0 
[a small bright green hat], WORN [DrowCity], HEAD ND !GE W:1 V:2000 C:-275 L:0,0 AGE -15 ARM -2 
[a small helmet], ARMOR [DrowCity], HEAD M W:5 V:6000 C:1475 AC[1], L:0,0 INT 2 
[a spellbinder's hat], WORN [KrummForest], HEAD !CTW W:5 V:20000 C:2425 L:6,0 AGE 3 MANA 5 
[a spiked helm], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HEAD D E !G NL QUEST !C !T W:30 V:90000 C:7715 AC[22], L:43,0 DR 3 HR 1 ARM 26 
[a strange white skull], ARMOR [Sewers], HEAD M ND W:30 V:0 C:-205 AC[1], L:0,0 DEX -4 
[a studded leather helmet], ARMOR [GoblinForest], HEAD M W:3 V:1500 C:775 AC[4], L:0,0 HR 1 
[a thick padded turban], ARMOR [GreatEasternDesert], HEAD M ND W:15 V:4300 C:215 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM 1 
[a visored steel helmet], ARMOR [FrogTemple], HEAD M !GE NL !W W:30 V:20000 C:2025 AC[13], L:45,0 MANA -25 HIT 5 ARM -2 
[a weird looking helmet], ARMOR [DemonCity], HEAD G H M W:10 V:6789 C:935 AC[6], L:8,0 CON 1 HIT 2 
[a weird looking helmet], ARMOR [DemonCity], HEAD G H M W:10 V:6789 C:935 AC[6], L:8,0 DEX 1 HIT 2 
[a weird looking helmet], ARMOR [DemonCity], HEAD G H M W:10 V:6789 C:935 AC[6], L:8,0 INT 1 HIT 2 
[a weird looking helmet], ARMOR [DemonCity], HEAD G H M W:10 V:6789 C:935 AC[6], L:8,0 STR 1 HIT 2 
[a weird looking helmet], ARMOR [DemonCity], HEAD G H M W:10 V:6789 C:935 AC[6], L:8,0 WIS 1 HIT 2 
[a white eog Circlet], WORN [Quon], HEAD G !EN W:5 V:350000 C:5425 L:40,0 DEX 1 MANA 10 ARM -6 
[a whitegold tiara set with rubies], WORN [Dyarman], HEAD E M !G NL W:5 V:400000 C:5425 L:40,0 ARM -7 SPELL -3 BREATH -3 MANA 10 
[a wizard's hat], ARMOR [Arachnos], HEAD I M W:5 V:20000 C:1475 AC[1], L:0,0 INT 2 
[an apple], FOOD [ImmoRooms], HEAD W:2 V:10 C:25 Full:1P L:0,0 
[an eye patch], ARMOR [PirateShip], HEAD W:1 V:7000 C:275 AC[6], L:0,0 
[an iron crown], ARMOR [HaonDor], HEAD M W:10 V:5000 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0 
[an iron helm], ARMOR [Thalos], HEAD W:10 V:5000 C:325 AC[7], L:0,0 HR -2 
[an old felt hat], ARMOR [KhazadDum], HEAD HOLD G !EN NL !C W:16 V:40000 C:3575 AC[2], L:40,0 MANA 10 HIT 10 
[an old helmet], ARMOR [Marshlands], HEAD NL W:15 V:300 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0 
[an ornamented tiara], ARMOR [RqyanTower], HEAD M W:2 V:3000 C:1375 AC[8], L:0,0 HIT 20 
[decaying leather helmet], ARMOR [CastleRavenloft], HEAD !G SPEC W:6 V:10000 C:1175 AC[5], L:10,0 AGE 3 
[Helmet of Pegasus], ARMOR [RqyanTower], HEAD I M B !EN NL W:12 V:10000 C:1625 AC[9], L:0,0 HIT 20 
[purple earrings], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HEAD G W:1 V:0 C:275 AC[0], L:0,0 
[Red rose garland], ARMOR [CloudCastle], HEAD M W:1 V:20000 C:3275 AC[2], L:25,0 MANA 10 
[scalp of a krumm-elk], WORN [KrummForest], HEAD W:20 V:9000 C:2275 L:6,0 HIT 15 ARM -6 
[the athridon helmet], ARMOR [DemonCity], HEAD M W:55 V:25000 C:1025 AC[9], L:21,0 
[the black helm of the damned], ARMOR [Illkore], HEAD D E I ND !G NL !MC W:15 V:75000 C:4475 AC[12], L:45,0 HR 2 DR 2 MOVE_REGEN 4 
[the Crown], ARMOR [Mordor], HEAD I M !GN NL !TW W:15 V:120000 C:4055 AC[2], L:30,0 MANA 10 HIT 10 ARM -2 DEX -1 
[the Crystal Headband], ARMOR [Abyss], HEAD I M !E !CTW W:5 V:20000 C:3575 AC[0], L:18,0 AGE 3 ARM 10 MANA 10 
[the dark helmet], ARMOR [UndergroundEmpire], HEAD NL W:35 V:398500 C:2775 AC[13], L:50,0 MANA_REGEN -15 DR 1 HR 2 
[the evil helmet], ARMOR [DemonCity], HEAD E M !GN W:10 V:60000 C:4025 AC[11], L:32,0 BREATH -3 HIT 20 HR 2 DR 1 
[the Helm of Might], ARMOR [PirateShip], HEAD W:8 V:10000 C:1235 AC[6], L:18,0 STR 2 INT -2 
[the Lich Crown], WORN [LichTower], HEAD G E I M !GN NL !CTW W:5 V:750000 C:6215 L:50,0 DR -2 MANA 12 HIT -35 MANA_REGEN 6 
[the POWERMAD HEADBANGER button], ARMOR [POWERMADs], SHIELD M NO_RENT NL W:1 V:1 C:31275 AC[40], L:0,0 HIT 125 HIT 125 HIT 125 HIT 125 
[the POWERMAD HEADBANGER button], ARMOR [POWERMADs], SHIELD M NO_RENT NL W:1 V:1 C:31275 AC[40], L:0,0 HIT 125 HIT 125 HIT 125 HIT 125 
[wild flowers], WORN [Ofcol], HEAD HOLD !E W:1 V:10 C:25 L:0,0 
[wild flowers], WORN [Plains], HEAD HOLD !E W:1 V:10 C:25 L:0,0 

[Back to the top]

Worn on legs

[a bear skin kilt], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], LEGS B !E NL QUEST !C W:8 V:4000 C:-425 AC[2], L:38,0 DR 1 MANA -20 
[a black dragon scale skirt], ARMOR [QuifaelCustomRooms], LEGS M W:8 V:5000 C:275 AC[6], L:0,0 
[a blue hakama], ARMOR [Lagamore], LEGS G M W:20 V:25000 C:775 AC[2], L:0,0 HR 1 
[a blue traditional skirt], WORN [KrummForest], LEGS H !E !TW W:3 V:7800 C:505 L:6,0 MANA 2 ARM 2 
[a blue woven kirtle], ARMOR [KrummForest], LEGS H M B !E NL !TW W:3 V:31000 C:2485 AC[0], L:40,0 HR 1 MANA 5 MOVE 10 HIT -15 
[a pair of black dragonscale leggings], ARMOR [Dyarman], LEGS H E M !G NL W:15 V:200000 C:2275 AC[12], L:45,0 
[a pair of black pants], ARMOR [UnderWorld], LEGS !E NL W:5 V:45000 C:1775 AC[11], L:33,0 
[a pair of black scale leggings], ARMOR [GnollCaves], LEGS W:23 V:10000 C:775 AC[8], L:0,0 
[a pair of black silken trousers], ARMOR [Dyarman], LEGS SPEC W:5 V:2000 C:875 AC[1], L:0,0 ARM -2 
[a pair of Blackend Mithril Greaves], ARMOR [Dyarman], LEGS !C W:40 V:75000 C:2475 AC[10], L:45,0 ARM -4 
[a pair of boxer shorts], ARMOR [PirateShip], LEGS H W:1 V:200 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[a pair of bronze leggings], ARMOR [Midgaard], LEGS W:8 V:3500 C:275 AC[6], L:0,0 
[a pair of burning leggings], ARMOR [Dreamlands], LEGS !G NL !C W:30 V:30000 C:2275 AC[12], L:40,0 
[a pair of chain-mail leggings], ARMOR [Celephais], LEGS W:10 V:800 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0 
[a pair of crystal chain leggings], ARMOR [Swamps], LEGS I M B !N !CTW W:7 V:85000 C:1235 AC[2], L:36,0 AGE -4 ARM -4 
[a pair of decaying leather pants], ARMOR [Marshlands], LEGS W:6 V:10 C:275 AC[1], L:0,0 
[a pair of dream-silk pants], TREASURE [Celephais], LEGS W:10 V:15000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a pair of dusty leather pants], ARMOR [Bastilia], LEGS W:3 V:100 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0 
[a pair of enruned mithril greaves], ARMOR [Dyarman], LEGS !C W:35 V:2000 C:2275 AC[12], L:45,0 
[a pair of golden leggings], ARMOR [KhazadDum], LEGS W:2 V:85000 C:2575 AC[2], L:41,0 MANA 5 MANA_REGEN 2 HR -2 
[a pair of grey metal leggings], ARMOR [LichTower], LEGS E M !G W:30 V:50000 C:2475 AC[10], L:41,0 ARM -4 
[a pair of grey silk pants], ARMOR [Dyarman], LEGS W:5 V:2000 C:1775 AC[1], L:0,0 ARM -5 
[a pair of grey silken trousers], ARMOR [Dyarman], LEGS SPEC W:5 V:2000 C:35 AC[1], L:0,0 ARM 4 
[a pair of leather pants], ARMOR [Midgaard], LEGS W:5 V:150 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0 
[a pair of leg greaves made of a greyish metal], ARMOR [Dyarman], LEGS !C W:50 V:75000 C:2275 AC[12], L:45,0 
[a pair of navy blue pants], ARMOR [Celephais], LEGS W:5 V:100 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[a pair of plain grey pants], ARMOR [Celephais], LEGS W:5 V:100 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[a pair of red scale leggings], ARMOR [BastiliaSewers], LEGS G M W:30 V:50000 C:2675 AC[10], L:41,0 MANA_REGEN 2 HIT_REGEN 4 
[a pair of shadow leggings], ARMOR [Bastilia], LEGS D M !MCW W:5 V:50000 C:2375 AC[12], L:50,0 SPELL -2 
[a pair of trousers,made of skin], WORN [KrummForest], LEGS W:1 V:2100 C:625 L:0, 0 ARM -2 
[a pair of waterproof,steel chain pants], ARMOR [RiversEdge], LEGS W:9 V:3000 C:545 AC[2], L:5, 0 HIT -5 MOVE 10 
[a set of iron leggings], ARMOR [Thalos], LEGS W:10 V:5400 C:-135 AC[7], L:0,0 HR -3 DEX -3 
[a set of spectral leg plates], ARMOR [Swamps], LEGS G I M W:5 V:70000 C:1025 AC[8], L:26,0 SPELL -5 
[a white pair of steel mesh pants], ARMOR [RiversEdge], LEGS W:12 V:7500 C:1325 AC[2], L:11,0 DEX 1 MOVE 15 
[an ancient loin cloth], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], LEGS M QUEST !CTW W:1 V:9100 C:3875 AC[2], L:36,0 ARM -2 MANA 10 
[Basalt leggings], ARMOR [CloudCastle], LEGS W:100 V:30000 C:1825 AC[9], L:30,0 STR 1 CON 1 MOVE -50 HR -1 
[blue chainy leggings], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], LEGS G M NL QUEST !CTW W:15 V:40000 C:1475 AC[2], L:25,0 ARM -2 STR 1 
[Chainmail leggings], ARMOR [Navadin], LEGS W:10 V:9000 C:875 AC[2], L:15,0 ARM -2 
[decaying leather leggings], ARMOR [CastleRavenloft], LEGS !G SPEC W:5 V:10000 C:1175 AC[4], L:15,0 AGE 3 
[feathered thread leggings], ARMOR [Holt], LEGS NL W:10 V:0 C:2675 AC[2], L:0,0 DEX 1 ARM -6 
[Leggings of Elemental Earth], ARMOR [ShadowCastle], LEGS NL SPEC W:10 V:10000 C:3825 AC[10], L:49,0 MANA 5 HIT 15 MOVE 20 
[ostrich-feather pants], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], LEGS M QUEST !C W:1 V:1 C:1375 AC[1], L:41,0 DR 1 MOVE 20 
[Silk Pantalons], ARMOR [Abyss], LEGS M W:2 V:20000 C:2375 AC[0], L:13,0 MANA 5 ARM -2 
[Silver Chain Leggings], ARMOR [DrowTower], LEGS G !E NL W:7 V:32000 C:35 AC[0], L:24,0 CON 1 STR -1 AGE -2 ARM 10 
[some black stone leggings], ARMOR [KrummForest], LEGS !CW W:40 V:15000 C:525 AC[7], L:6,0 
[some blackish dragonscaled leggings], ARMOR [Dyarman], LEGS D NL W:20 V:25000 C:775 AC[2], L:50,0 HR 1 
[some blue stone leggings], ARMOR [KrummForest], LEGS !C !T W:40 V:15000 C:525 AC[7], L:6,0 
[some brass leggings], ARMOR [Midgaard], LEGS W:35 V:500 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0 
[some darkened leggings], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], LEGS E NL !MC W:60 V:0 C:2275 AC[12], L:50,0 
[some deerskin leggings], ARMOR [KrummForest], LEGS W:5 V:8000 C:1895 AC[0], L:6,0 ARM -4 HIT 7 MOVE 7 
[some leg plates], ARMOR [RedfernesResidence], LEGS M B !EN W:40 V:12500 C:775 AC[8], L:15,0 
[some lionscale leggings], ARMOR [Solom], LEGS !G W:10 V:5000 C:1025 AC[9], L:23,0 
[some mithril leggings], ARMOR [Dyarman], LEGS !C W:35 V:2000 C:2275 AC[12], L:41,0 
[some steel leg plates], ARMOR [Bastilia], LEGS W:12 V:12000 C:775 AC[8], L:13,0 
[some steel leggings with silver engravings], ARMOR [KhazadDum], LEGS H NL !MC W:7 V:100000 C:2775 AC[12], L:50,0 MOVE_REGEN 10 
[some steel leggings], ARMOR [Dyarman], LEGS W:55 V:2000 C:1025 AC[9], L:25,0 
[some stone leggings], ARMOR [Wasteland], LEGS NL !MC W:60 V:25000 C:2275 AC[12], L:40,0 
[the athridon leg greaves], ARMOR [DemonCity], LEGS M W:55 V:12500 C:1025 AC[9], L:21,0 
[the Greaves of War], ARMOR [Swamps], LEGS M NL !MC !T W:35 V:130000 C:1525 AC[9], L:38,0 DR 1 
[the leggings of The Great Lord of the Dark], ARMOR [Illkore], LEGS H D E M !GN NL !MCW W:100 V:500000 C:975 AC[8], L:49,0 DR 1 MOVE -50 
[titanium leggings], ARMOR [Pyramid], LEGS !M W:2 V:50000 C:1275 AC[10], L:29,0 

[Back to the top]

Worn about neck

[a beautiful crystalline pendant], ARMOR [Dyarman], NECK M !G NL !T W:7 V:55000 C:3475 AC[0], L:50,0 ARM -9 DR 1 
[a beautiful red pendant], ARMOR [EnchantedForest], NECK B W:4 V:25000 C:1475 AC[0], L:0,0 HIT 10 ARM -3 
[a black cape], ARMOR [UnderWorld], NECK G !E NL W:12 V:90000 C:3875 AC[3], L:31,0 ARM -12 
[a black eog key on a chain], BOAT [Goltraung], NECK I M ND NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:0 C:25 Values 0-3: [2], [0], [0], [0], L:50,0 
[a black silver cape], ARMOR [Bastilia], NECK G M NL !CTW W:3 V:250000 C:1375 AC[2], L:50,0 HR 1 HIT 20 
[a black,velvet cape], ARMOR [KoselbruchMill], NECK D E I !G !CW W:12 V:30000 C:2755 AC[1], L:33, 0 HR 1 MOVE 10 ARM -6 INT -1 
[a blood red cloak], OTHER [Navadin], NECK !G W:5 V:5000 C:1825 L:8,0 ARM -6 
[a blue cape of hope], ARMOR [KrummForest], NECK !MC !T W:10 V:5000 C:1475 AC[0], L:6,0 ARM -4 
[a blue cape with white roses], WORN [KrummForest], NECK H !E !TW W:1 V:1 C:1315 L:6,0 MANA 2 HIT 3 ARM -2 
[a blue silk scarf], WORN [ImmoRooms], NECK G M B NL QUEST W:1 V:50000 C:1025 L:30,0 STR 1 HR -1 DR 1 
[a cloak of protection], ARMOR [Pyramid], NECK G W:7 V:15000 C:2675 AC[0], L:26,0 ARM -10 MANA -10 
[a cloak of woven fire], WORN [Illkore], NECK M B !EN !CTW W:5 V:75000 C:3425 L:45,0 MANA_REGEN 3 MANA 7 DR -2 
[a coral choker], WORN [ImmoRooms], NECK G M B QUEST !M !W W:1 V:1 C:3925 L:38,0 MANA 12 HIT 10 
[a dark cape], ARMOR [BastiliaSewers], NECK M W:5 V:5000 C:1775 AC[2], L:0,0 ARM -5 
[a dark cloak], ARMOR [BastiliaSewers], NECK M W:12 V:14500 C:2465 AC[0], L:18,0 ARM -5 HIT 23 
[a dark green cloak], ARMOR [Thalos], NECK G M W:12 V:14500 C:2345 AC[0], L:17,0 HIT 19 ARM -5 
[a demon-faced talisman], ARMOR [Thalos], NECK G M ND W:11 V:2500 C:-1885 AC[5], L:0,0 STR -10 DEX -8 
[a feathered cape], ARMOR [Aztec], NECK M !E W:20 V:50000 C:3075 AC[0], L:22,0 ARM -9 SPELL -2 
[a flowing ebony cape], ARMOR [Swamps], NECK M !G NL !T W:7 V:45000 C:3475 AC[0], L:45,0 ARM -9 DR 1 
[a forest green cloak], ARMOR [SylvanForest], NECK W:10 V:1000 C:1775 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -5 
[a frozen necklace], WORN [ValemonsKingdom], NECK HOLD W:3 V:8000 C:985 L:0,0 WIS 2 CON -1 STR -1 
[a gold necklace], WORN [ImmoRooms], NECK M !G NL QUEST W:5 V:65000 C:345 L:22,0 HR 1 HIT -30 
[a green crystal pendant], WORN [RiversEdge], NECK M !CTW W:3 V:500 C:3025 L:3,0 MANA 7 ARM -3 
[a green silk scarf], WORN [ImmoRooms], NECK G M B NL QUEST W:1 V:1 C:1225 L:25,0 HIT 40 
[a grey cloak], ARMOR [DrowForest], NECK !G W:8 V:400 C:2355 AC[0], L:9,0 BREATH 2 ARM -7 
[a grey wool cape], WORN [Celephais], NECK W:8 V:800 C:625 L:0,0 ARM -2 
[a heavy gold-chain], ARMOR [KoselbruchMill], NECK G M !E NL !TW W:20 V:100000 C:1255 AC[3], L:35,0 CON 1 HR 1 STR -1 
[a hooded black velvet cloak with silvertrim], WORN [Dyarman], NECK D E M !G NL !M W:15 V:100000 C:4225 L:45,0 ARM -14 
[a jewelry necklace], TREASURE [RqyanTower], NECK M !G W:3 V:7500 C:3025 L:0,0 MANA 10 
[a key on a chain], KEY [Goltraung], NECK NO_RENT NL W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:1,0 
[a large gold necklace], TREASURE [Bastilia], NECK W:1 V:40000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a lovely diamond pendant], OTHER [ShadowCastle], NECK !N W:5 V:10000 C:2115 L:30,0 CON 1 MANA 5 SPELL 1 
[a necklace with a small locket], TREASURE [Dyarman], NECK NL W:12 V:35000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a necklace], OTHER [Navadin], NECK M W:10 V:3000 C:1525 L:0,0 ARM -5 
[a pearl necklace], TREASURE [Dyarman], NECK NL W:10 V:75000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a pearly necklace], ARMOR [Wasteland], NECK M W:2 V:30000 C:1405 AC[0], L:28,0 INT 1 CON 1 STR -1 SPELL -1 
[a piece of jewel], TREASURE [Krinlor], NECK G W:1 V:5850 C:155 L:0,0 PARA -3 PETRI 2 
[a polished stone necklace], WORN [KrummForest], NECK W:2 V:16000 C:2155 L:10,0 ARM -2 HIT 7 MANA 4 MOVE 4 
[a purple cloak], ARMOR [Sewers], NECK M W:20 V:5000 C:2365 AC[0], L:10,0 SPELL 1 ARM -7 
[a red silk scarf], WORN [ImmoRooms], NECK G M B QUEST W:1 V:1 C:1625 L:25,0 CON 1 STR 1 HR 1 DR -1 
[a shimmering blue druid's cloak], WORN [Illkore], NECK G !E W:2 V:25000 C:1485 L:24,0 DEX -2 CON 1 HIT 20 HIT_REGEN 5 
[a short feather cape], OTHER [Holt], NECK G NL W:1 V:0 C:5425 L:0,0 DEX 2 ARM -14 
[a silvernecklace set with a moonstone], WORN [Dyarman], NECK E M !G NL W:5 V:150000 C:4825 L:50,0 MANA 10 ARM -6 
[a silvery necklace], TREASURE [Dyarman], NECK NL W:12 V:25000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a skull-shaped brooch], OTHER [PirateShip], NECK G W:1 V:20000 C:1825 L:17,0 DEX 1 ARM -4 
[a small amulet], OTHER [Navadin], NECK !M W:10 V:10000 C:1675 L:18,0 ARM -3 HIT 25 
[a small key on a chain], KEY [BastiliaSewers], NECK BREAK W:1 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 9 L:0,0 
[a small silver chain], WORN [KrummForest], NECK G !E !TW W:1 V:1400 C:1015 L:6,0 MANA 3 HIT 3 
[a soldier's ID tag], WORN [Celephais], NECK W:2 V:1 C:25 L:0,0 
[a strange amulet], WORN [Plains], NECK M ND W:1 V:500 C:-25 L:0,0 ROD 5 
[a studded dog collar], OTHER [Lagamore], NECK M W:10 V:3000 C:2425 L:17,0 ARM -8 
[a white cape of hope], ARMOR [Wasteland], NECK M !E NL !M W:16 V:100000 C:4475 AC[0], L:43,0 ARM -14 
[a white cloak of the order of the frog], ARMOR [FrogTemple], NECK M W:5 V:5500 C:2375 AC[0], L:23,0 ARM -7 
[a wide black cape], WORN [Dyarman], NECK D !G !M W:15 V:20000 C:3925 L:40,0 STR 1 ARM -11 
[an amarrishi amulet], OTHER [DemonCity], NECK M NO_DUST !CTW W:30 V:50 C:25 L:25,0 HIT 50 ARM 25 
[an amber amulet], ARMOR [Pyramid], NECK G W:1 V:5300 C:1975 AC[0], L:11,0 HIT 10 ARM -5 DR -1 
[an amulet made of leather], WORN [PlainsVillage], NECK M B W:1 V:15000 C:2725 L:21,0 MANA 9 
[an ancient silver collar], ARMOR [DemonCity], NECK M !G W:15 V:6000 C:1175 AC[0], L:0,0 DEX 1 ARM -1 
[an icecold cape], ARMOR [ValemonsKingdom], NECK !M W:8 V:11000 C:3695 AC[0], L:28,0 STR 1 ARM -10 MANA -3 
[an icy blue cloak], OTHER [Navadin], NECK !E W:10 V:15000 C:2425 L:19,0 ARM -8 
[an old key], KEY [BastiliaSewers], NECK D NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 9 L:0,0 
[an onyx pendant], WORN [ImmoRooms], NECK !GN NL QUEST !TW W:2 V:50000 C:2905 L:30,0 MANA 10 MOVE -20 
[Blue rose wreath], TREASURE [CloudCastle], NECK M W:2 V:10000 C:625 L:5,0 INT 1 
[Cape of the Trolls], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], NECK E B !GN QUEST !MC W:10 V:1000 C:4175 AC[0], L:41,0 ARM -10 HIT_REGEN 9 
[Crusaders Cross], ARMOR [EnchantedForest], NECK G H M B !E !M W:20 V:25000 C:1275 AC[0], L:42,0 WIS 1 DR 1 HR -1 
[decaying leather collar], ARMOR [CastleRavenloft], NECK !G SPEC W:5 V:7000 C:1075 AC[4], L:20,0 AGE 3 HR -1 
[Key on a chain], KEY [CloudCastle], NECK W:15 V:3000 C:505 Keytype: 23706 L:5,0 ARM -2 MANA -2 
[Necklace with many beads], WAND [Pyramid], NECK M W:1 V:10000 C:2000 Has 6 charge(s),with 6 charge(s) left. Level 17 spell of: magic missile L:0, 0 
[scarab of Protection], ARMOR [Pyramid], NECK W:4 V:22000 C:725 AC[5], L:0,0 ROD -2 PETRI -2 BREATH -2 SPELL -3 
[Strange coloured cloak], SCROLL [Pyramid], NECK M W:1 V:15000 C:3000 Level 12 spell(s) of: invisibility L:0,0 
[the Albatross], OTHER [PirateShip], NECK ND W:20 V:0 C:-575 L:0,0 STR -5 
[the amulet of the flame], OTHER [FirePlane], NECK H M W:30 V:200 C:1105 L:0,0 STR 2 DEX -1 
[the Amulet of the Magi], OTHER [ShadowCastle], NECK H D LOCK E I NL SPEC !CTW W:2 V:15000 C:4275 L:48,0 MANA 15 HIT_REGEN -10 MOVE_REGEN 5 ARM 5 
[the amulet], ARMOR [GreatEasternDesert], NECK M !M W:2 V:1500 C:875 AC[0], L:0,0 CON 1 
[the Ancient Cape of the Gods], ARMOR [Zubas], NECK G H !M W:20 V:50000 C:3175 AC[0], L:38,0 ARM -8 HR 1 
[the cloak of evilness], ARMOR [KhazadDum], NECK D !GN !CTW W:3 V:300000 C:4775 AC[0], L:50,0 ARM -10 MANA_REGEN 3 
[the darkened cape], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], NECK E !G NL !M W:16 V:0 C:4475 AC[0], L:50,0 ARM -14 
[the Eye of the Witch], WORN [RiversEdge], NECK G NL SPEC NO_SCAVENGER !MTW W:3 V:750000 C:4425 L:45,0 MANA 12 DR -1 HIT_REGEN -5 MANA_REGEN 2 
[the Medal of Durin-Din], WORN [WorthanForest], NECK W:3 V:20000 C:1525 L:12,0 HIT 10 INT 1 WIS 1 
[the Seadrake pendant], WORN [Dyarman], NECK M NL W:5 V:150000 C:3325 L:50,0 ARM -11 HR -3 PARA -3 SPELL -3 
[the shadow cape], ARMOR [UndergroundEmpire], NECK D E !G NL !M W:20 V:365745 C:2055 AC[0], L:45,0 ARM -5 DR 1 HR -1 HIT -20 
[the Sun Cloak], ARMOR [SteelTown], NECK G H M B NL W:10 V:70000 C:3275 AC[0], L:30,0 ARM -10 
[Yellow rose wreath], TREASURE [CloudCastle], NECK M W:2 V:10000 C:625 L:5,0 WIS 1 

[Back to the top]

Worn as Shield

[a Black Eog Shield], ARMOR [Dyarman], SHIELD D E M !G NL W:25 V:200000 C:975 AC[10], L:50,0 ARM -3 DR -1 BREATH -2 MANA -20 
[a bone shield], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], SHIELD M !G NL QUEST W:10 V:45000 C:2125 AC[2], L:38,0 HR 1 MANA 5 HIT -25 
[a brass shield], ARMOR [Midgaard], SHIELD W:25 V:250 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0 
[a buckler shield], ARMOR [DrowForest], SHIELD M W:15 V:10000 C:675 AC[2], L:0,0 BREATH -2 HIT 10 
[a Golden Shield], ARMOR [Solom], SHIELD G I M !E NL W:50 V:30000 C:2595 AC[11], L:37,0 HIT -30 HR 2 
[a grey metal shield], ARMOR [LichTower], SHIELD E M !G W:10 V:30000 C:1875 AC[10], L:44,0 ARM -2 
[a heavy black dragon-scale shield], ARMOR [UnderWorld], SHIELD !G W:110 V:60000 C:1775 AC[11], L:30,0 
[a large black shield], ARMOR [Thalos], SHIELD W:3 V:100 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[a large dark rock], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], SHIELD E !G NL W:50 V:0 C:2595 AC[11], L:50,0 HIT -30 HR 2 
[a large dusty leather shield], ARMOR [Bastilia], SHIELD W:8 V:340 C:275 AC[5], L:0,0 
[a large shield], ARMOR [UndergroundEmpire], SHIELD W:15 V:52750 C:1275 AC[10], L:28,0 
[a large stone shield], ARMOR [Wasteland], SHIELD !MC W:36 V:50000 C:1275 AC[10], L:27,0 
[a magenta shield], ARMOR [Atraktos], SHIELD M !TW W:18 V:1 C:1315 AC[8], L:14,0 MANA -2 MOVE 22 
[a mystic shield], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], SHIELD G M !GE QUEST !CTW W:10 V:60000 C:4175 AC[2], L:21,0 ARM -3 MANA 10 
[a plain target shield], ARMOR [Celephais], SHIELD W:15 V:1000 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0 
[a red dragon-hide shield], ARMOR [RqyanTower], SHIELD M !G NL !MT W:15 V:6000 C:2275 AC[12], L:0,0 
[a shadow shield], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], SHIELD D E I M !GN QUEST !MCW W:5 V:25000 C:1675 AC[10], L:35,0 HR 1 DR 1 HIT -50 MOVE -50 
[a shield of the lion], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], SHIELD G M B NL QUEST !C !T W:50 V:75000 C:2375 AC[11], L:32,0 CON 1 
[a shield of the skull], ARMOR [PirateShip], SHIELD G !G W:6 V:10000 C:725 AC[6], L:14,0 HIT 15 
[a shield], ARMOR [Midgaard], SHIELD W:3 V:100 C:275 AC[1], L:0,0 
[a silver dragon scale shield], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], SHIELD B !EN QUEST !M W:25 V:75000 C:1975 AC[11], L:45,0 HIT -50 DR 1 
[a small granite shield], ARMOR [StormGiantCastle], SHIELD M NL P !CTW W:20 V:25000 C:3275 AC[2], L:43,0 ARM -10 
[a small shield of ivory and silver], ARMOR [KoselbruchMill], SHIELD G I M !C W:10 V:500000 C:3275 AC[0], L:0,0 MANA 3 ARM -7 
[a small silver shield], ARMOR [Bastilia], SHIELD D I NL !TW W:6 V:50000 C:1375 AC[2], L:50,0 HR 1 DR 1 SPELL -2 
[a small steel shield], ARMOR [Bastilia], SHIELD W:15 V:10000 C:1025 AC[9], L:0,0 
[a spectral shield], ARMOR [Swamps], SHIELD G I M W:8 V:90000 C:1025 AC[8], L:29,0 SPELL -5 
[a steel shield], ARMOR [Dyarman], SHIELD W:35 V:5000 C:1275 AC[10], L:27,0 
[a sturdy iron shield], ARMOR [Thalos], SHIELD M ND W:5 V:500 C:475 AC[3], L:0,0 PARA -2 ROD -2 
[a Toy shield], ARMOR [ElvenTown], SHIELD W:1 V:1 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[a Toy shield], ARMOR [ElvenTown], SHIELD W:1 V:1 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[an escutcheon], ARMOR [Navadin], SHIELD G W:25 V:10000 C:1005 AC[7], L:12,0 CON -1 STR 1 
[an ornamental wall shield], ARMOR [FrogTemple], SHIELD M !GN !C !T W:15 V:12750 C:2405 AC[11], L:35,0 HIT 25 DEX -1 
[Ladybug shell], ARMOR [CloudCastle], SHIELD B W:35 V:50000 C:1855 AC[7], L:30,0 ARM -2 SPELL -5 STR -1 CON 1 
[Large pink rose], ARMOR [CloudCastle], SHIELD M W:3 V:25000 C:875 AC[2], L:20,0 HIT 20 
[metallic shield], ARMOR [ErshteepRoad], SHIELD W:10 V:1945 C:855 AC[5], L:0,0 STR 1 SPELL 2 
[Shield of Sargas], ARMOR [MinotaurCity], SHIELD G M !GN NL !TW W:3 V:200040 C:2275 AC[2], L:50,0 MANA 5 HR 1 
[the Aegis of the Gods], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], SHIELD G M B !E QUEST W:50 V:75000 C:1275 AC[2], L:30,0 HIT 30 SPELL -2 
[the Angerboda], ARMOR [SteelTown], SHIELD M B NL !C W:20 V:30000 C:2775 AC[13], L:49,0 
[the athridon shield], ARMOR [DemonCity], SHIELD M W:55 V:25000 C:1025 AC[9], L:22,0 
[the dark shield], ARMOR [UndergroundEmpire], SHIELD !GN NL !C !T W:50 V:425000 C:1155 AC[3], L:50,0 CON -1 DR 1 HR 1 
[the high-elven shield of King Cron], ARMOR [Illkore], SHIELD I M B !EN NL SPEC !MC W:15 V:500000 C:1863 AC[11], L:41,0 HIT -67 DR 1 BREATH 1 
[the POWERMAD HEADBANGER button], ARMOR [POWERMADs], SHIELD M NO_RENT NL W:1 V:1 C:31275 AC[40], L:0,0 HIT 125 HIT 125 HIT 125 HIT 125 
[the POWERMAD HEADBANGER button], ARMOR [POWERMADs], SHIELD M NO_RENT NL W:1 V:1 C:31275 AC[40], L:0,0 HIT 125 HIT 125 HIT 125 HIT 125 
[the shield of the rose], ARMOR [RedfernesResidence], SHIELD M B !EN W:60 V:15000 C:1275 AC[10], L:28,0 
[the shield of the shapechanger], ARMOR [Wasteland], SHIELD M W:11 V:60000 C:1635 AC[8], L:29,0 STR 1 HIT -40 DR 1 
[titanium shield], ARMOR [Pyramid], SHIELD W:2 V:50000 C:1775 AC[11], L:35,0 

[Back to the top]

Worn about waist

[a bearskin belt], WORN [ImmoRooms], WAIST M B QUEST W:20 V:10000 C:1605 L:15,0 STR 1 CON 1 DEX -1 DR 1 
[a belt of Divine Might], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], WAIST G B !EN NL QUEST !TW W:5 V:5000 C:2875 AC[3], L:32,0 DR 1 MANA 7 
[a belt of lion's teeth], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], WAIST ND NL QUEST !MC W:16 V:95000 C:2275 AC[0], L:25,0 ARM -5 DR 1 
[a belt of woven mist], ARMOR [Illkore], WAIST E M NL !MCW W:5 V:80000 C:4025 AC[3], L:47,0 ARM -10 HR 1 MOVE_REGEN 5 
[a belt pouch], CONTAINER [GnollCaves], WAIST W:5 V:2000 C:1735 Max: 15  L:0,0 ARM -5 HIT 7 
[a Belt pouch], CONTAINER [Quon], WAIST W:20 V:200 C:25 Max: 50 Locktype: CLOSEABLE L:0,0 
[a black belt], ARMOR [UnderWorld], WAIST G !E !M W:2 V:70000 C:2775 AC[2], L:29,0 BREATH -2 ARM -8 
[a black cloth belt], CONTAINER [ShadowCastle], WAIST W:1 V:850 C:2425 Max: 25 Locktype: PICKPROOF L:35,0 MOVE 10 ARM -7 
[a Black Cotton Belt], OTHER [Lagamore], WAIST W:5 V:10000 C:1825 L:9,0 ARM -6 
[a black demonscale belt with a silvery elfhead buckle], BOAT [Underdark], WAIST D E M !GN NL !MC W:1 V:300000 C:3575 L:50,0 ARM -11 MOVE_REGEN 5 
[a blackish dragonskin belt with a silverclasp], ARMOR [Dyarman], WAIST D NL W:10 V:4000 C:1275 AC[5], L:50,0 DR 2 
[a blue belt], OTHER [Navadin], WAIST M W:5 V:8000 C:1605 L:8,0 ARM -4 DEX 1 DR -1 INT -1 
[a broad silver belt], ARMOR [QuifaelCustomRooms], WAIST M W:4 V:5000 C:1805 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -5 HIT 1 
[a brown belt], OTHER [Navadin], WAIST M !M W:5 V:6000 C:2125 L:12,0 STR 1 HIT 20 ARM -3 
[a crystal-studded leather belt], WORN [RiversEdge], WAIST !N W:3 V:12500 C:2083 L:19,0 INT 1 MANA 5 HIT -7 
[a fine leather belt], ARMOR [Krinlor], WAIST W:2 V:300 C:875 AC[2], L:0,0 ARM -2 
[a glowing ribbon], ARMOR [WitchesOfMidgaard], WAIST G M !G !CTW W:5 V:100 C:2225 AC[0], L:42,0 MANA 5 HIT 15 
[a Golden Belt], WORN [HolyLands], WAIST G H NL W:5 V:70000 C:2495 L:41,0 HR 2 MANA 5 ARM 0 HIT -5 
[a green silk sash], WORN [Bandits], WAIST I M B !TW W:1 V:5000 C:1525 L:12,0 MANA 5 
[a huge belt], ARMOR [Navadin], WAIST M NL !MC W:10 V:2500 C:4175 AC[0], L:41,0 ARM -11 STR 1 
[a human skin belt], ARMOR [Abyss], WAIST W:2 V:20000 C:875 AC[0], L:0,0 CON 1 
[a large amber belt], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], WAIST G NL QUEST !TW W:5 V:25000 C:4955 AC[0], L:34,0 ARM -4 MANA 10 STR 1 DEX -1 
[a leather belt], WORN [Celephais], WAIST W:5 V:800 C:625 L:0,0 ARM -2 
[a red,silk belt], OTHER [Navadin], WAIST I M W:5 V:2000 C:2125 L:15, 0 CON 1 ARM -5 
[a silver belt], ARMOR [Bastilia], WAIST G M !MC W:8 V:300000 C:3775 AC[5], L:45,0 ARM -10 DR 1 
[a slice of human skin], TRASH [WitchesOfMidgaard], WAIST ND !GN !CTW W:5 V:100 C:1175 L:30,0 HIT 5 MANA_REGEN 2 
[a snakeskin belt], ARMOR [Solom], WAIST I W:10 V:5000 C:2435 AC[4], L:16,0 INT -2 CON 1 ARM -6 
[a succubus' girding], ARMOR [RqyanTower], WAIST W:6 V:3500 C:1125 AC[4], L:0,0 SPELL 5 ARM -3 
[a twisted leather belt], ARMOR [KhazadDum], WAIST G NL W:1 V:3000 C:515 AC[2], L:32,0 HIT 8 
[a weaponbelt of black leather], WORN [Dyarman], WAIST SPEC W:5 V:200 C:25 L:0,0 
[an iron girth], ARMOR [Thalos], WAIST W:6 V:4200 C:1475 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -4 
[an ivory belt], WORN [ImmoRooms], WAIST G I M QUEST !TW W:20 V:100000 C:5525 L:44,0 MANA 10 ARM -8 SPELL -2 
[belt of the Ancients], BOAT [Goltraung], WAIST NL !M W:0 V:1000000 C:1025 L:50,0 DR 2 
[Emerald belt], ARMOR [Pyramid], WAIST NL !M W:10 V:4000 C:1275 AC[5], L:22,0 DR 2 
[Girdle of giant strength], ARMOR [CloudCastle], WAIST M !MC !T W:20 V:10000 C:1355 AC[0], L:3,0 STR 2 DEX -1 
[some purple undies], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], WAIST G W:1 V:0 C:275 AC[0], L:0,0 
[the phantom belt], ARMOR [Swamps], WAIST G I M NL W:4 V:60000 C:3775 AC[0], L:43,0 ARM -10 HR 1 

[Back to the top]

Items held in hand

[a bag of holding], CONTAINER [Pyramid], HOLD M NL W:12 V:5000 C:25 Max: 115  L:0,0 
[a bag of pepper], FOOD [Bastilia], HOLD W:5 V:400 C:25 Full:1 L:0,0 
[a bag of Power], CONTAINER [RiversEdge], HOLD G NL !M W:2 V:100 C:525 Max: 100  L:0,0 HR 1 
[a bag of Power], CONTAINER [StormGiantCastle], HOLD G NL !M W:2 V:100 C:525 Max: 100  L:0,0 HR 1 
[a bag], CONTAINER [Illkore], HOLD W:2 V:20 C:25 Max: 50  L:0,0 
[a bag], CONTAINER [Midgaard], HOLD W:2 V:20 C:25 Max: 50  L:0,0 
[a bag], CONTAINER [SkullValley], HOLD W:2 V:20 C:25 Max: 50  L:0,0 
[a bag], CONTAINER [TrellinsKeep], HOLD W:2 V:20 C:25 Max: 50  L:0,0 
[a ball of ice shines with a bright white light!], LIGHT [ValemonsKingdom], HOLD W:20 V:120000 C:4185 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:42,0 MANA 7 HR 1 DEX -3 HIT -10 
[a Ball of Void], KEY [Lagamore], HOLD G M NO_RENT W:1 V:1000 C:2425 Keytype: 0 L:12,0 WIS 1 AGE 3 HIT 30 
[a black book], SCROLL [DemonCity], HOLD M W:3 V:5000 C:4000 Level 15 spell(s) of: blast fireball L:0,0 
[a black book], SCROLL [SkullValley], HOLD M ND W:1 V:0 C:7500 Level 50 spell(s) of: teleport with error poison wither L:10,0 
[a black key], KEY [CloudCastle], HOLD NO_RENT NL BREAK W:550 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 23613 L:0,0 
[a black leather tome with silvery drow runes inscribed], TOME [Underdark], HOLD M NL P SPEC W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: floating disc L:40,0 
[a black quest flag], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 L:0,0 
[a black tome of necromancy], TOME [Mordor], HOLD M NL P !TW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: detect undead invisibility to undead animate dead L:20,0 
[a black tome], TOME [Abyss], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:40000 It contains 95 practice on: earth bolt L:25,0 
[a black tome], TOME [ImmoRooms], HOLD M NL P SPEC W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 40 practice on: fire mastery L:30,0 
[a black wax candle], LIGHT [Marshlands], HOLD M W:10 V:1000 C:615 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [0], L:10,0 ARM -1 HIT 10 
[a blow drier], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], HOLD G W:1 V:0 C:275 AC[0], L:0,0 
[a blue and silver box], CONTAINER [Bastilia], HOLD W:10 V:500000 C:25 Max: 30 Locktype: CLOSEABLE CLOSED L:0,0 
[a blue and silver key], KEY [Bastilia], HOLD G M NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:1000000 C:2025 Keytype: 23168 L:0,0 DR 2 HR 2 
[a blue quest flag], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 L:0,0 
[a blue tome with white borders], TOME [PirateShip], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: water bolt L:25,0 
[a blue wand], WAND [RqyanTower], HOLD I M W:10 V:12250 C:32000 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 30 spell of: lava storm L:0, 0 
[a blueish whip], WEAPON [MainMatrix], WIELD HOLD G H W:1 V:100 C:7155 PHYSICAL 1D20 WHIP L:0,0 DR -1 
[a bluish holy symbol], SYMBOL [Bastilia], HOLD W:3 V:5 C:6605 20 L:25,0 MANA 20 WIS 1 
[a bone from a frost dragon], WAND [RiversEdge], HOLD M W:6 V:8000 C:125000 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: cold blast L:0, 0 
[a bone key], KEY [Aztec], HOLD G NO_RENT W:5 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 16 L:0,0 
[a bone key], KEY [GnollCaves], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a bone key], KEY [Swamps], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a bone stick], KEY [Aztec], HOLD G NO_RENT W:5 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 16 L:0,0 
[a bone], FOOD [GnollCaves], HOLD W:1 V:1 C:25 Full:4P L:0,0 
[a bone], WEAPON [MainMatrix], WIELD HOLD W:5 V:2 C:555 PHYSICAL 1D4 BLUDGEON L:0,0 HR -1 
[a bottle of red wine], LIQUID CONTAINER [BastiliaSewers], HOLD W:5 V:2 C:25 Max: 5 Contains: 5 Liquid: wine L:0,0 
[a bottle of reddish ointment], WAND [Pyramid], HOLD M W:1 V:13000 C:3000 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 20 spell of: invisibility L:0, 0 
[a bottomless bag], CONTAINER [FrogTemple], HOLD I M NL W:10 V:25000 C:25 Max: 500  L:0,0 
[a box], CONTAINER [Midgaard], HOLD W:5 V:50 C:25 Max: 10  L:0,0 
[a bright golden key], KEY [DwarvenKingdom], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:900 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a broken bone], TRASH [GnollCaves], HOLD W:10 V:1 C:-455 L:0,0 INT -2 WIS -2 
[a broken old bag], CONTAINER [Dreamlands], HOLD W:1 V:1 C:25 Max: 1  L:0,0 
[a bronze key], KEY [Lagamore], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a bronze shod staff], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD M !G QUEST !CTW W:15 V:30000 C:4305 L:41,0 HR 2 MANA 10 DEX -1 HIT_REGEN 4 
[a brown tome with black borders], TOME [Navadin], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: teleport with error teleport without error teleport item L:45,0 
[a burned-out wand], WAND [RqyanTower], HOLD M W:6 V:1200 C:800 Has 1 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: wither L:0, 0 
[a candlestick], LIGHT [Graveyard], HOLD W:5 V:150 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [24], L:0,0 
[a candle], LIGHT [Holt], HOLD G NL W:15 V:0 C:3505 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0 HIT 30 ARM -2 
[a castle key], KEY [DwarvenKingdom], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:0 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a chunk of coal], TRASH [DwarvenKingdom], HOLD W:100 V:0 C:25 L:0,0 
[a chunk of glass], OTHER [MainMatrix], HOLD H W:2 V:10 C:25 L:0,0 
[a clear blue potion], POTION [ValemonsKingdom], HOLD NL W:1 V:180000 C:2500 Level 50 spell(s) of: vitalize vitalize vitalize L:40,0 
[a clear potion], POTION [Solom], HOLD I W:1 V:1000 C:10000 Level 60 spell(s) of: heal energy drain energy drain L:0,0 
[a clear stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M ND W:10 V:8900 C:-155 L:0,0 ARM 3 
[a copper key], KEY [RedfernesResidence], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:2 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0 
[a copper wand], WAND [Bastilia], HOLD W:1 V:10000 C:8000 Has 10 charge(s),with 10 charge(s) left. Level 20 spell of: bless L:0, 0 
[a crescent-shaped talisman], WAND [Swamps], HOLD G I M NL W:8 V:25000 C:15000 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: lava blast L:30, 0 
[a crossbow], OTHER [Celephais], HOLD W:25 V:1000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a crowbar], KEY [WitchesOfMidgaard], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:25 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a crumbling skull], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD D E ND !GN NL QUEST !TW W:3 V:2100 C:4025 L:15,0 AGE 10 HR 2 
[a crushed ribcage], TRASH [GnollCaves], HOLD W:10 V:1 C:-455 L:0,0 INT -2 WIS -2 
[a crystal ball], KEY [Illkore], HOLD G NO_RENT W:2 V:1 C:985 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 STR 1 DEX 1 INT -2 
[a crystal ball], TREASURE [Barovia], HOLD !E !TW W:15 V:20000 C:3625 L:0,0 MANA 10 WIS 1 
[a crystal covered staff], STAFF [KhazadDum], HOLD W:1 V:1000 C:250 Has 5 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 30 spell of: neutralize poison L:5, 0 
[a crystal key], KEY [KhazadDum], HOLD G I BREAK W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 1 L:50,0 
[a crystal tipped rod], WAND [TrellinsKeep], HOLD H M W:3 V:15000 C:12500 Has 5 charge(s),with 5 charge(s) left. Level 17 spell of: meteor blast L:18, 0 
[a crystal-tipped staff], STAFF [ShadowCastle], HOLD G NL W:10 V:200000 C:15000 Has 25 charge(s),with 10 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: vitalize L:0, 0 
[a dagger-shaped key], KEY [Glacier], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:10000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a dark blue key], KEY [Bastilia], HOLD NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 23169 L:0,0 
[a dark blue tome], TOME [EnchantedForest], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: heavy water L:35,0 
[a dark green manual with a drawing of a tree on the front cover], TOME [HaonDor], HOLD M NL P !C W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 5 practice on: slashing weapons L:45,0 
[a dark green tome], TOME [GhoulBurrows], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: recharge L:45,0 
[a dark red key], KEY [Bastilia], HOLD NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 23165 L:0,0 
[a dark silver key], KEY [Bastilia], HOLD G M NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 23170 L:0,0 
[a dark tome which radiates evil], TOME [SkullValley], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: ray of darkness protection from good L:35,0 
[a dead fish], TRASH [Rlyeh], HOLD ND W:5 V:1 C:-575 L:0,0 DEX -3 CON -2 
[a deep blue wand], WAND [PirateShip], HOLD H M W:2 V:4000 C:1000 Has 2 charge(s),with 2 charge(s) left. Level 40 spell of: cone of cold L:0, 0 
[a deep red stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M W:10 V:5500 C:625 L:0,0 DEX 1 
[a deepblue tome], TOME [ImmoRooms], HOLD M NL P SPEC W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 40 practice on: cold mastery L:30,0 
[a demon shaped key made of steel], BOAT [Goltraung], HOLD I M ND NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:0 C:25 Values 0-3: [2], [0], [0], [0], L:50,0 
[a Diamond Chisel], TREASURE [SteelTown], HOLD NL !CW W:10 V:15000 C:1025 L:27,0 HR 2 
[a Diirwood staff], STAFF [Dyarman], HOLD D E M !G NL W:10 V:25000 C:2000 Has 5 charge(s),with 5 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: sanctuary L:50, 0 STR 1 MANA 25 BREATH -2 SPELL -2 
[a dirty dish], TRASH [MainMatrix], HOLD W:1 V:0 C:25 L:0,0 
[a drinking horn of beat silver and gold], LIQUID CONTAINER [Illkore], HOLD B W:5 V:30000 C:625 Max: 56 Contains: 56 Liquid: blood L:0,0 PARA -3 ROD -3 PETRI -3 SPELL -3 
[a druidish staff], OTHER [Plains], HOLD W:4 V:15 C:25 L:0,0 
[a dull grey stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD W:10 V:20 C:25 L:0,0 
[a dungeon key], KEY [Atraktos], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 3 L:0,0 
[a dusty parchment], SCROLL [KoselbruchMill], HOLD G I NL W:1 V:200000 C:12000 Level 20 spell(s) of: word of recall L:46,0 DR 1 HR 1 
[a dusty rose stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M W:10 V:9800 C:325 L:0,0 ARM -1 
[a dusty tome], TOME [Bastilia], HOLD M NL P !MTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: sandstorm L:30,0 
[a faun's pipes], STAFF [GnollCaves], HOLD M W:7 V:2000 C:500 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 30 spell of: aid L:0, 0 
[a fish bone key], KEY [Rlyeh], HOLD NO_RENT W:3 V:1 C:925 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 MANA 3 
[a fishing rod], OTHER [Dreamlands], HOLD SPEC W:3 V:1000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a fizzy potion], POTION [RiversEdge], HOLD W:1 V:100 C:350 Level 40 spell(s) of: vitalize L:0,0 
[a flaming ankh], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD G M !E QUEST W:4 V:25000 C:1025 L:41,0 DR 2 
[a Flaming Hand], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD G !EN QUEST !C W:10 V:50000 C:2855 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:48,0 DR 1 HR 1 HIT -25 
[a flaming sceptre], LIGHT [FrogTemple], HOLD G H E M !GN NL SPEC W:35 V:58500 C:3005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:50,0 DR 2 
[a flashy key], KEY [Lagamore], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a flask of carrot juice], POTION [RabbitWarren], HOLD M W:1 V:400 C:50 Level 12 spell(s) of: detect invisibility L:0,0 
[a flask], LIQUID CONTAINER [Bastilia], HOLD W:5 V:500 C:25 Max: 24 Contains: 24 Liquid: water L:0,0 
[a flower of power], LIGHT [KoselbruchMill], HOLD G M !E !C !T W:1 V:100000 C:2705 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:50,0 HR 1 DR 1 HIT -50 
[a frosty tome with a hand drawn on the cover], TOME [StormGiantCastle], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:55000 It contains 95 practice on: freezing hands cold ray cold blast L:25,0 
[a frozen armband], WORN [ValemonsKingdom], WRIST HOLD W:15 V:12050 C:985 L:0,0 DEX -2 INT 2 
[a frozen necklace], WORN [ValemonsKingdom], NECK HOLD W:3 V:8000 C:985 L:0,0 WIS 2 CON -1 STR -1 
[a gaseous key], KEY [SteelTown], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0 
[a GateKey], KEY [Lagamore], HOLD NO_RENT W:5 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a Glowing blue staff], STAFF [Bastilia], HOLD G I M B NL W:5 V:500000 C:5000 Has 10 charge(s),with 10 charge(s) left. Level 80 spell of: sleep L:40, 0 
[a glowing chalice], OTHER [Navadin], HOLD G M !GN W:20 V:300000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a glowing potion], POTION [Abyss], HOLD M W:1 V:2500 C:3000 Level 30 spell(s) of: cause critic wounds chant regenerate L:0,0 
[a glowing silver orb], WAND [Bastilia], HOLD G M B NL !CTW W:0 V:800000 C:1400 Has 999 charge(s),with 999 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: teleport with error L:50, 0 MANA_REGEN 5 MANA 20 INT 2 STR -5 
[a gnarled old staff], STAFF [Bastilia], HOLD M W:3 V:10000 C:1 Has 25 charge(s),with 5 charge(s) left. Level 10 spell of: vitalize L:0, 0 MOVE 15 
[a gold key], KEY [ErshteepRoad], HOLD NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0 
[a Gold-Plated Staff], TREASURE [SteelTown], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:15 V:80000 C:6325 L:37,0 MANA 20 HIT 10 
[a golden apple], LIGHT [WelmarsCastle], HOLD M !E W:5 V:8000 C:2005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0 
[a golden harp], WAND [Thalos], HOLD M W:100 V:2500 C:6700 Has 1 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 18 spell of: fireball L:0, 0 
[a golden key-chain], KEY [ElvenTown], HOLD G W:10 V:100 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a golden key], KEY [ElvenForest], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 3 L:0,0 
[a golden key], KEY [MoriaAncientDragon], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 15 L:0,0 
[a golden key], KEY [PirateShip], HOLD I NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:50 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a golden potion], POTION [MoriaAncientDragon], HOLD M NL W:1 V:10000 C:10000 Level 30 spell(s) of: heal heal L:0,0 
[a golden sceptre], OTHER [WelmarsCastle], HOLD M !E NL W:20 V:15000 C:1025 L:41,0 HR 2 
[a golden staff], STAFF [Krinlor], HOLD M NO_RENT NL W:15 V:11800 C:40000 Has 2 charge(s),with 2 charge(s) left. Level 60 spell of: lava storm L:30, 0 
[a golden tome], TOME [Dyarman], HOLD M NL P !MTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: lifetransfer L:25,0 
[a golden wand], WAND [FrogTemple], HOLD G M NL W:2 V:12500 C:4500 Has 5 charge(s),with 5 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: ray of darkness L:39, 0 
[a gray tome], TOME [Mordor], HOLD M NL P !MTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: cure blindness neutralize poison powercure L:30,0 
[a gray wand], WAND [Krinlor], HOLD !G W:5 V:7500 C:6500 Has 5 charge(s),with 5 charge(s) left. Level 14 spell of: energy drain L:0, 0 
[a greasy iron pot], CONTAINER [Voodoo], HOLD NO_RENT W:14 V:10000 C:25 Max: 40  L:50,0 
[a green manual with a claw drawn on the cover], TOME [Swamps], HOLD M NL P !MCW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: track L:27,0 
[a green potion of Cure Light Wounds], POTION [SkullValley], HOLD M W:1 V:300 C:40 Level 20 spell(s) of: cure light wounds L:0,0 
[a green potion], POTION [SkullValley], HOLD M W:1 V:300 C:40 Level 20 spell(s) of: cure light wounds L:0,0 
[a green quest flag], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 L:0,0 
[a green serpentine staff], STAFF [Thalos], HOLD I M W:12 V:6600 C:1300 Has 2 charge(s),with 2 charge(s) left. Level 15 spell of: earthquake L:0, 0 
[a green speckled potion], POTION [Bastilia], HOLD W:1 V:5000 C:1 Level 5 spell(s) of: bless strength detect good L:0,0 
[a green tome], TOME [TrellinsKeep], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: stinking cloud L:30,0 
[a greenwood staff], STAFF [Bastilia], HOLD B NL W:5 V:10000 C:500 Has 10 charge(s),with 10 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: cure blindness L:0, 0 
[a grey key], KEY [DrowForest], HOLD LIGHT-SOURCE NO_RENT W:1 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 15 L:0,0 
[a grim skeletal hand,made of bones], OTHER [FirePlane], HOLD M B !EN !MTW W:15 V:1 C:-195 L:34, 0 HR 4 ARM 37 
[a half-digested frosty tome], TOME [Rlyeh], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: ice storm L:33,0 
[a heavy ingot of Druid Copper], TREASURE [Illkore], HOLD H W:10 V:37000 C:25 Values 0-3: [37000], [0], [0], [0], L:0,0 
[a heavy leatherbound tome], TOME [ImmoRooms], HOLD M NL P SPEC W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 40 practice on: fire mastery L:50,0 
[a heavy scroll book], SCROLL [Marshlands], HOLD W:1 V:1 C:1 Level 20 spell(s) of: detect evil detect invisibility detect magic L:0,0 
[a heavy tome with a white cross drawn on the cover], TOME [Glacier], HOLD M NL P !MTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: cure blindness neutralize poison restoration L:30,0 
[a holy symbol], SYMBOL [Midgaard], HOLD W:1 V:250 C:5 0 L:0,0 
[a holy tome with a cross drawn on the cover], TOME [Wasteland], HOLD M NL P !MTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: detect undead dispel evil starfire L:25,0 
[a holy tome with a skeleton drawn on the cover], TOME [MoriaAncientDragon], HOLD M NL P !MTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: detect undead invisibility to undead L:25,0 
[a holy tome with a skull drawn on the cover], TOME [Aztec], HOLD M NL P !MTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: protection from evil sanctuary turn undead L:25,0 
[a hooded brass lantern], LIGHT [HaonDor], HOLD W:4 V:60 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [100], L:0,0 
[a huge black key], KEY [CloudCastle], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:25 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 23614 L:0,0 
[a huge black key], KEY [DemonCity], HOLD NL W:1 V:12 C:2625 Keytype: 0 L:50,0 ARM -2 HR 2 DR 2 
[a huge black key], KEY [Swamps], HOLD G H I M NO_RENT NL W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a huge emerald], WAND [Dyarman], HOLD W:4 V:150000 C:10000 Has 5 charge(s),with 5 charge(s) left. Level 70 spell of: cold ray L:35, 0 DEX 1 
[a huge key], KEY [WelmarsCastle], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 7 L:0,0 
[a huge stone key], KEY [StormGiantCastle], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:7500 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a Human Brain], FOOD [Dreamlands], HEAD HOLD W:6 V:0 C:25 Full:5 L:0,0 
[a jewel box], CONTAINER [SteelSewers], HOLD W:2 V:20 C:25 Max: 10  L:0,0 
[a journey book], TRASH [KrummForest], HOLD W:1 V:1 C:625 L:0,0 WIS 1 
[a key chain], CONTAINER [Bandits], HOLD W:1 V:0 C:25 Max: 3  L:0,0 
[a key of dragon silver], KEY [Illkore], HOLD NL BREAK W:1 V:5000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a keychain,holding a picture], KEY [CloudCastle], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 23615 L:0, 0 
[a keyfold], CONTAINER [SteelSewers], HOLD W:2 V:20 C:25 Max: 10  L:0,0 
[a key], KEY [DwarvenKingdom], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a key], KEY [Marshlands], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a key], KEY [Mordor], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0 
[a lab key], KEY [Swamps], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0 
[a lantern], LIGHT [Midgaard], HOLD W:1 V:50 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [96], L:0,0 
[a large black key], KEY [Mordor], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0 
[a large black tooth of opening], KEY [WitchesOfMidgaard], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a large golden key], KEY [UndergroundEmpire], HOLD NO_RENT W:10 V:25 C:25 Keytype: 1 L:0,0 
[a large jeweled key], KEY [GnollCaves], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a large key], KEY [BastiliaSewers], HOLD BREAK W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 7 L:0,0 
[a large key], KEY [LichTower], HOLD W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a large oak staff], STAFF [BastiliaSewers], HOLD M !CTW W:10 V:40000 C:4000 Has 2 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 70 spell of: dispel magic L:20, 0 MANA_REGEN 2 
[a large scroll], SCROLL [Solom], HOLD NL W:1 V:2000 C:200000 Level 30 spell(s) of: shock bolt shock bolt holy sphere L:20,0 
[a large snail shell], ARMOR [KhazadDum], HOLD G H NL W:4 V:200 C:3635 AC[0], L:34,0 MANA 10 HIT 14 MOVE -10 
[a large spatula], STAFF [KoselbruchMill], HOLD H M !C W:2 V:5000 C:40 Has 100 charge(s),with 87 charge(s) left. Level 24 spell of: create food L:0, 0 
[a lark's heart], WORN [KrummForest], HOLD W:1 V:1300 C:1225 L:0,0 WIS 1 INT 1 
[a lavender and green stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M ND W:10 V:4700 C:225 L:0,0 SPELL -4 
[a lavender potion], POTION [StormGiantCastle], HOLD NL W:2 V:4500 C:500 Level 50 spell(s) of: sanctuary bless armor L:0,0 
[a leather bag], CONTAINER [Bastilia], HOLD W:1 V:5 C:25 Max: 15 Locktype: CLOSEABLE CLOSED L:0,0 
[a leather satchel], CONTAINER [MainMatrix], HOLD W:2 V:20 C:25 Max: 20  L:0,0 
[a lemon potion], POTION [Abyss], HOLD M W:1 V:2500 C:100 Level 15 spell(s) of: aid aid aid L:0,0 
[a light blue tome], TOME [Glacier], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:40000 It contains 95 practice on: ice bolt L:35,0 
[a little parachute], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD NO_RENT P W:1 V:0 C:25 L:0,0 
[a little piece of paper which reads 'voodoo'], SCROLL [Abyss], HOLD M W:3 V:1500 C:400 Level 15 spell(s) of: enchant weapon L:0,0 
[a little strange looking key], KEY [Mordor], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0 
[a living key], KEY [Rlyeh], HOLD I NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:-475 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 HR -5 
[a lockpick], LOCKPICK [Midgaard], HOLD NL W:1 V:100 C:25 Max strength: 10 Strength: 10 Add to skill: 0 Magic: No L:0,0 
[a long,grey branch], LIGHT [HaonDor], HOLD W:20 V:1 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [25], L:0, 0 
[a mage orb], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD D E I M !GN NL QUEST !CTW W:3 V:25000 C:8835 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [0], L:28,0 MANA 30 HIT -30 
[a mahogany staff], STAFF [RqyanTower], HOLD M NL W:10 V:2400 C:2250 Has 8 charge(s),with 8 charge(s) left. Level 40 spell of: cure critic wounds L:0, 0 
[a maize cake], FOOD [Aztec], HOLD W:1 V:10 C:25 Full:17 L:0,0 
[a mandolin], STAFF [Thalos], HOLD M W:20 V:3000 C:5000 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 13 spell of: cure critic wounds L:0, 0 
[a manual with a circle on the cover], TOME [Dyarman], HOLD M NL P !MC !T W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 40 practice on: void L:25,0 
[a manual with a leaf drawn on the cover], TOME [DemonCity], HOLD M NL P !MC W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 10 practice on: scout L:30,0 
[a manual with a symbol of the cleric guild], TOME [Midgaard], HOLD M NL P !MTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 5 practice on: evaluate L:25,0 
[a manual with a symbol of the mage guild], TOME [Midgaard], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 8 practice on: evaluate L:25,0 
[a manual with a symbol of the thief guild], TOME [Midgaard], HOLD M NL P !MCW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 8 practice on: evaluate L:25,0 
[a manual with a symbol of the warrior guild], TOME [Midgaard], HOLD M NL P !MC !T W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 8 practice on: evaluate L:25,0 
[a manual with a tornado on the cover], TOME [ShadowCastle], HOLD M NL P !MC !T W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 35 practice on: whirlwind L:25,0 
[a map of bastilia], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD W:1 V:0 C:0 L:0,0 
[a map of River's Edge], OTHER [RiversEdge], HOLD W:1 V:0 C:25 L:0,0 
[a map of the great pyramid's entrance], OTHER [RiversEdge], HOLD NL W:1 V:245000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a map of the lower floors of Illkore Keep], OTHER [RiversEdge], HOLD NL W:1 V:65000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a map of the sea and caves near Illkore], OTHER [RiversEdge], HOLD NL W:1 V:65000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a map of the sewers below Bastilia], OTHER [RiversEdge], HOLD NL W:1 V:75000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a map of the upper floors of Illkore Keep], OTHER [RiversEdge], HOLD NL W:1 V:75000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a map of the upper floors of the great pyramid], OTHER [RiversEdge], HOLD NL W:1 V:275000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a Mathematics Book], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD QUEST W:3 V:135000 C:1825 L:8,0 INT 1 WIS 1 CON 1 
[a metal key], KEY [Swamps], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 15 L:0,0 
[a mighty staff of power], OTHER [Pyramid], HOLD !TW W:15 V:75000 C:1225 L:18,0 HIT 15 MOVE 25 
[a milky-coloured tome], TOME [ElvenTown], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: poison arrow L:20,0 
[a Moneyclip], TREASURE [SteelTown], HOLD W:2 V:2000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a mop], OTHER [RiversEdge], HOLD W:5 V:20 C:25 L:0,0 
[a mug of beer], LIQUID CONTAINER [BastiliaSewers], HOLD W:6 V:6 C:25 Max: 6 Contains: 6 Liquid: beer L:0,0 
[a multicoloured tome], TOME [CloudCastle], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:350000 C:85000 It contains 95 practice on: earth bolt water bolt elemental blast L:28,0 
[a murky potion], POTION [TrellinsKeep], HOLD M W:1 V:2500 C:1100 Level 16 spell(s) of: energy drain cure critic wounds curse L:0,0 
[a mushroom], FOOD [Moria], HOLD W:1 V:9 C:25 Full:2P L:0,0 
[a musty tome with fog-like symbols], TOME [CastleRavenloft], HOLD M NL P !TW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: detect magic dispel magic L:45,0 
[a mystic potion], POTION [Solom], HOLD I W:1 V:1000 C:2000 Level 40 spell(s) of: armor strength teleport with error L:0,0 
[a nether key], KEY [ShadowCastle], HOLD ND NO_RENT W:900 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:1,0 
[a newbie manual (READ MANUAL)], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD W:5 V:0 C:0 Values 0-3: [0], [-1], [-1], [-1], L:0,0 INT 2 WIS 2 
[a nice looking lantern], LIGHT [UndergroundEmpire], HOLD G B !E NL W:5 V:195000 C:3005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:47,0 HR 2 
[a pale blue stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M W:10 V:5500 C:625 L:0,0 STR 1 
[a pale green stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M ND W:10 V:7100 C:-475 L:0,0 DR -5 
[a pale lavender stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M ND W:10 V:4300 C:125 L:0,0 SPELL -2 
[a Paper Airplane], NOTE [ImmoRooms], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:0 C:25 Tongue: 0 L:0,0 
[a parchment], SCROLL [Krinlor], HOLD W:3 V:6500 C:2000 Level 20 spell(s) of: enchant weapon L:0,0 
[a pearl key], KEY [Swamps], HOLD NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0 
[a pearly white stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M W:10 V:8700 C:55 L:0,0 HIT 1 
[a piece of half-rotten meat], FOOD [GhoulBurrows], HOLD W:3 V:3 C:25 Full:4P L:0,0 
[a piece of lichen], LIGHT [Swamps], HOLD G W:1 V:5 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [10], L:0,0 
[a piece of paper which reads 'nopaew'], SCROLL [DemonCity], HOLD M W:1 V:1500 C:500 Level 30 spell(s) of: enchant weapon L:0,0 
[a pile of bones], TRASH [GnollCaves], HOLD W:10 V:1 C:-455 L:0,0 INT -2 WIS -2 
[a pinewood staff], STAFF [Swamps], HOLD M NL W:5 V:18000 C:10000 Has 10 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 35 spell of: regenerate L:0, 0 
[a pink and green stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M ND W:10 V:6600 C:-475 L:0,0 HR -5 
[a pink stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M W:10 V:5500 C:625 L:0,0 CON 1 
[a Pint Mug], OTHER [Lagamore], HOLD M W:1 V:10000 C:625 L:0,0 CHAR_WEIGHT 50 WIS 1 
[a pipe], OTHER [Navadin], HOLD G W:2 V:10 C:175 L:0,0 SPELL -3 
[a plain staff], STAFF [Marshlands], HOLD M W:3 V:4000 C:450 Has 2 charge(s),with 2 charge(s) left. Level 15 spell of: blast fireball L:0, 0 
[a platinum wand], WAND [GreatEasternDesert], HOLD H W:8 V:1900 C:900 Has 10 charge(s),with 10 charge(s) left. Level 30 spell of: cone of cold L:12, 0 
[a potion of dragonsight], POTION [ElvenTown], HOLD M W:1 V:100000 C:50 Level 100 spell(s) of: detect invisibility L:0,0 
[a potion of flower juice], POTION [RiversEdge], HOLD W:1 V:500 C:500 Level 40 spell(s) of: regenerate L:0,0 
[a potion of practical joking], POTION [GhoulBurrows], HOLD I NL P W:1 V:1575 C:550 Level 50 spell(s) of: feeblemind powerheal harm L:0,0 
[a purple potion], POTION [Moria], HOLD NL W:1 V:500 C:8000 Level 17 spell(s) of: sanctuary poison sleep L:0,0 
[a purple tome with an eye drawn on the cover], TOME [Thalos], HOLD M NL P !TW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: detect evil detect good detect invisibility L:8,0 
[a ranger's torch], LIGHT [KrummForest], HOLD G H W:5 V:1600 C:2005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0 
[a ray of sunlight], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD G M W:0 V:0 C:0 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [1000], L:1,15 HIT 7 MOVE 10 
[a red and blue key], KEY [DwarvenKingdom], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a red manual], TOME [DemonCity], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: assist second attack third attack L:48,0 
[a red potion], POTION [WorthanForest], HOLD G NL W:2 V:50000 C:50000 Level 50 spell(s) of: armor L:41,0 
[a red quest flag], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 L:0,0 
[a red ruby], TREASURE [DemonCity], HOLD M W:2 V:3000 C:-1575 L:0,0 HIT -100 DR -10 
[a red steel key], KEY [Illkore], HOLD H BREAK W:2 V:20000 C:985 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 INT 2 WIS -2 
[a red tome with a pentagram on the cover], TOME [RedfernesResidence], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: utterlight L:30,0 
[a red twenty-sided dice], OTHER [FirePlane], HOLD I M W:5 V:2000 C:505 L:0,0 HR 1 SPELL 2 
[a redwood rod], STAFF [ImmoRooms], HOLD M B NL QUEST !MC W:15 V:320000 C:890 Has 3 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 100 spell of: word of recall L:50, 0 DR 2 HIT -30 ARM 10 
[a redwood staff], STAFF [Bastilia], HOLD B NL W:5 V:10000 C:2000 Has 5 charge(s),with 5 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: remove curse L:0, 0 
[a rock key], KEY [ShadowCastle], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:1,0 
[a rope with a grappling hook], OTHER [Goltraung], HOLD NL W:35 V:3500 C:25 L:10,0 
[a rosewood staff], STAFF [RiversEdge], HOLD M W:5 V:10000 C:1250 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 40 spell of: cure blindness L:25, 0 
[a runed key], KEY [Glacier], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:10000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a rusty key], KEY [GhoulBurrows], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:1 C:1395 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 HR 4 STR -2 DEX -2 HIT -25 
[a Rusty Key], KEY [Solom], HOLD I NO_RENT BREAK W:5 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0 
[a sacred chalice of worked dragon silver], LIGHT [Illkore], HOLD G B !EN NL !TW W:10 V:45000 C:6715 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [0], L:45,0 MANA_REGEN 5 MANA 15 DR -3 
[a scarlet and blue stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M W:10 V:5500 C:625 L:0,0 INT 1 
[a scroll entitled 'qvojti'], SCROLL [Swamps], HOLD M NL W:3 V:6000 C:1000 Level 100 spell(s) of: earthquake earthquake word of recall L:0,0 
[a scroll entitled 'Winter Death'], SCROLL [RiversEdge], HOLD M W:1 V:50000 C:250000 Level 50 spell(s) of: ice storm ice storm ice storm L:0,0 
[a scroll named 'ful'], SCROLL [BastiliaSewers], HOLD M W:3 V:100000 C:250000 Level 80 spell(s) of: lava blast lava blast L:0,0 
[a scroll named 'ram'], SCROLL [BastiliaSewers], HOLD M W:3 V:100000 C:250000 Level 80 spell(s) of: group heal L:0,0 
[a scroll named 'yah'], SCROLL [BastiliaSewers], HOLD M W:3 V:100000 C:250000 Level 80 spell(s) of: ice storm ice storm L:0,0 
[a scroll of identify], SCROLL [Midgaard], HOLD M W:1 V:2000 C:50 Level 12 spell(s) of: identify L:0,0 
[a scroll of newbierecall], SCROLL [Midgaard], HOLD M W:1 V:200 C:100 Level 12 spell(s) of: word of recall L:0,15 
[a scroll of recall], SCROLL [Midgaard], HOLD M W:1 V:2000 C:100 Level 12 spell(s) of: word of recall L:0,0 
[a scroll of remembering], SCROLL [Dreamlands], HOLD M W:2 V:100000 C:10000 Level 40 spell(s) of: REMEMBERING L:0,0 
[a scroll reading 'efil'], SCROLL [ShadowCastle], HOLD B NL W:1 V:150000 C:62500 Level 50 spell(s) of: group heal group heal powercure L:0,0 
[a scroll with the words "Drizzt"], SCROLL [PirateShip], HOLD M ND NL W:1 V:5000 C:100001 Level 50 spell(s) of: lava storm L:30,0 
[a scroll], SCROLL [Marshlands], HOLD W:1 V:1 C:1 Level 20 spell(s) of: blindness blindness blindness L:0,0 
[a seer stone], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD G M !GN QUEST W:10 V:50000 C:2005 L:49,0 HR 3 ARM -2 CON -1 
[a set of questmob docs], OTHER [RiversEdge], HOLD W:1 V:1 C:25 L:0,0 
[a seven-sided shimmering black die], OTHER [HolyLands], HOLD I B W:7 V:777777 C:1445 L:7,0 HIT 7 MOVE 7 HR 1 DR 1 
[a shimmering celtic figurine of the goddess Rhiannon], WORN [Illkore], HOLD M B !E NL !C W:1 V:40000 C:8275 L:39,0 MANA 25 MOVE 25 
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 CON 1 INT 1 
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 CON 1 WIS 1 
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 CON 2 
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 DEX 1 CON 1 
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 DEX 1 INT 1 
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 DEX 1 WIS 1 
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 DEX 2 
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 INT 1 WIS 1 
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 INT 2 
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 STR 1 CON 1 
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 STR 1 DEX 1 
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 STR 1 INT 1 
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 STR 1 WIS 1 
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 STR 2 
[a shimmering rosy stone], TREASURE [PlainsVillage], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:10000 C:1225 L:32,0 WIS 2 
[a shiny key], KEY [FreddiesStronghold], HOLD LOCK I NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a shopping basket], CONTAINER [Celephais], HOLD W:5 V:100 C:25 Max: 60 Locktype: CLOSEABLE L:0,0 
[a shrubbery], OTHER [GnollCaves], HOLD NO_RENT W:50 V:0 C:-635 L:0,0 DEX -3 MOVE -50 
[a silver flute], STAFF [Thalos], HOLD G M W:6 V:10500 C:3500 Has 1 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 17 spell of: charm person L:0, 0 
[a silver key], KEY [UnderWorld], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:3 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a silver metallic key], KEY [Atraktos], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:4 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a silver quill], PEN [FrogTemple], HOLD G I !G W:1 V:22500 C:875 L:40,0 BREATH -5 ARM -2 
[a silver staff], STAFF [Krinlor], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:8 V:7500 C:15000 Has 2 charge(s),with 2 charge(s) left. Level 15 spell of: sanctuary L:0, 0 
[a silver tome with a lightning symbol], TOME [Marshlands], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: shocking grasp shock bolt lightning bolt L:20,0 
[a silver wand], WAND [KhazadDum], HOLD H NL W:1 V:100 C:7500 Has 4 charge(s),with 4 charge(s) left. Level 20 spell of: lava blast L:2, 0 
[a silver whistle], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD I QUEST !M W:1 V:35000 C:1325 L:50,0 HR 1 DR 1 ARM -1 
[a silvery blue wand], WAND [DrowCity], HOLD M W:1 V:4000 C:1600 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 10 spell of: shock bolt L:0, 0 
[a silvery potion], POTION [Bastilia], HOLD W:1 V:15000 C:1 Level 60 spell(s) of: darkvision L:0,0 
[a sinister scroll], TRASH [Swamps], HOLD E W:5 V:100 C:25 L:0,0 
[a Skeletal Key], KEY [Solom], HOLD I NO_RENT BREAK W:5 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0 
[a skeleton key], KEY [Swamps], HOLD G H E I M NO_RENT NL W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 1 L:0,0 
[a skull], TRASH [GnollCaves], HOLD W:3 V:1 C:-455 L:0,0 INT -2 WIS -2 
[a sliver of glowing green mist], KEY [Illkore], HOLD BREAK W:1 V:5000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a small blue sapphire], LIGHT [Bastilia], HOLD G M W:1 V:26000 C:2005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:8,0 
[a small brass key], KEY [RedfernesResidence], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 7910 L:0,0 
[a small clear blue potion], POTION [ValemonsKingdom], HOLD NL W:1 V:10000 C:5000 Level 50 spell(s) of: vitalize vitalize L:40,0 
[a small dark key], KEY [Bastilia], HOLD NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 23164 L:0,0 
[a small glowing stone], LIGHT [BastiliaSewers], HOLD G M W:2 V:10000 C:3005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:41,0 HR 2 
[a small iron key], KEY [UndergroundEmpire], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:25 C:25 Keytype: 1 L:0,0 
[a small key], KEY [WelmarsCastle], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 10 L:0,0 
[a small metal bottle], POTION [KrummForest], HOLD W:1 V:1500 C:3000 Level 10 spell(s) of: bless armor strength L:0,0 
[a small metal key], KEY [GnollCaves], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a small red key], KEY [GhoulBurrows], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a small scroll], SCROLL [RqyanTower], HOLD M W:1 V:1500 C:7500 Level 15 spell(s) of: wither L:0,0 
[a small silver dagger], KEY [ShadowCastle], HOLD NO_RENT NL BREAK W:5 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:45,0 
[a small staff], STAFF [Krinlor], HOLD M W:4 V:9800 C:4200 Has 15 charge(s),with 15 charge(s) left. Level 12 spell of: create food L:0, 0 
[a small stick], LIGHT [RedfernesResidence], HOLD W:4 V:200 C:1765 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0 AGE -4 
[a small strip of aluminum], KEY [MainMatrix], HOLD W:0 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a Small Tower], CONTAINER [ImmoRooms], HOLD M NO_RENT NL P SPEC W:2 V:20 C:25 Max: 4 Locktype: CLOSED L:0,0 
[a small wooden doll], OTHER [Voodoo], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1000 C:25 L:50,0 
[a smooth quartz ball], LIGHT [Thalos], HOLD M W:30 V:3050 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [72], L:0,0 
[a snake-shaped key], KEY [Glacier], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:10000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a spellbook of Create Undead], SCROLL [FreddiesStronghold], HOLD NO_RENT SPEC NO_DUST W:10 V:10000 C:1 Level 0 spell(s) of: L:0,0 
[a staff carved from a branch of the tangler tree], STAFF [Illkore], HOLD M ND NL !MTW W:12 V:50000 C:300000 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: powerheal L:39, 0 
[a staff of sleep], STAFF [Midgaard], HOLD M W:7 V:5000 C:100 Has 1 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 12 spell of: sleep L:0, 0 
[a Starlight potion], POTION [ShadowCastle], HOLD G NL W:1 V:25000 C:15000 Level 50 spell(s) of: sanctuary prayer detect invisibility L:0,0 
[a steel wand], WAND [Bastilia], HOLD W:2 V:2000 C:3100 Has 12 charge(s),with 12 charge(s) left. Level 20 spell of: magic missile L:5, 0 
[a stick], STAFF [DwarvenKingdom], HOLD W:1 V:100 C:50000 Has 10 charge(s),with 10 charge(s) left. Level 5 spell of: curse L:0, 0 
[a stone bottle], POTION [KrummForest], HOLD W:1 V:500 C:4000 Level 50 spell(s) of: vitalize vitalize sleep L:0,0 
[a stone cup], POTION [KrummForest], HOLD NO_RENT NL P W:1 V:1 C:1 Level 50 spell(s) of: sanctuary armor earthquake L:0,0 HIT -125 HIT -125 HIT -125 HIT -125 
[a Stone Key], KEY [Pyramid], HOLD I NO_RENT W:5 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0 
[a Stone Key], KEY [Pyramid], HOLD I NO_RENT W:5 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0 
[a stone key], KEY [Swamps], HOLD I NO_RENT NL W:5 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0 
[a stone of sorcerous might], OTHER [Goltraung], HOLD G I M !GN NL !C W:10 V:400000 C:8125 L:50,0 MANA 20 HIT_REGEN -10 HR -2 MANA_REGEN 5 
[a strange cylinder], KEY [FirePlane], HOLD G NO_RENT W:5 V:24 C:-595 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 ARM 10 ROD 2 
[a strange template], SCROLL [Plains], HOLD M W:1 V:15000 C:5000 Level 15 spell(s) of: sleep blindness fireball L:0,0 
[a sword-shaped key], KEY [Glacier], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:10000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a syrupy potion], POTION [ShadowCastle], HOLD NL W:1 V:30000 C:16000 Level 50 spell(s) of: powerheal cure blindness L:0,0 
[a thatch basket], CONTAINER [Aztec], HOLD W:20 V:4000 C:25 Max: 40 Locktype: CLOSEABLE L:0,0 
[a thief's bag], CONTAINER [Atraktos], HOLD !MCW W:1 V:1 C:265 Max: 69 Locktype: CLOSEABLE PICKPROOF L:10,0 HIT 8 
[a thin scroll], SCROLL [FrogTemple], HOLD M W:1 V:8600 C:12000 Level 50 spell(s) of: cold blast ice bolt L:0,0 
[a tiny key], KEY [PirateShip], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a tome bound with elfskin], TOME [ImmoRooms], HOLD M NL P SPEC W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 40 practice on: cold mastery L:50,0 
[a tome with a brown cover], TOME [BastiliaSewers], HOLD P !MCW W:14 V:1000000 C:150000 It contains 1 practice on: dodge L:0,0 
[a tome with a cross drawn on the cover], TOME [Marshlands], HOLD M NL P !TW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: detect undead L:10,0 
[a tome with a holy symbol drawn on the cover], TOME [EnchantedForest], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: power word holiness protection from evil L:35,0 
[a tome with a picture resembling an eye drawn on the cover], TOME [Barovia], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: detect invisibility detect magic scry L:25,0 
[a tome with a rainbow drawn on the cover], TOME [Mordor], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: prismatic beam L:37,0 
[a tome with a red symbol on the cover], TOME [BastiliaSewers], HOLD P !MTW W:14 V:1000000 C:150000 It contains 95 practice on: endure heat L:0,0 
[a tome with a web drawn on the cover], TOME [DrowCity], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: curse ottos irresistible dance L:25,0 
[a tome with granite bindings], TOME [Bastilia], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: stoneskin L:25,0 
[a tome with two overlapping rainbows drawn on the cover], TOME [Mordor], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: prismatic beam prismatic storm L:25,0 
[a torch], LIGHT [Midgaard], HOLD W:1 V:10 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [24], L:0,0 
[a tower key], KEY [Swamps], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a treasure room key], KEY [Atraktos], HOLD NO_RENT W:5 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 5 L:0,0 
[a true blue bottle], POTION [ValemonsKingdom], HOLD NL W:1 V:180000 C:2500 Level 50 spell(s) of: heal heal regenerate L:40,0 
[a twisted key], KEY [ShadowCastle], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:1,0 
[a velvet tome], TOME [CloudCastle], HOLD M NL P !MTW W:1 V:200000 C:35000 It contains 95 practice on: channel L:28,0 
[a vial of magic sand], OTHER [RiversEdge], HOLD !E W:1 V:150 C:3283 L:8,0 HIT -7 MANA 10 MOVE 10 
[a vial with a strange liquid], POTION [LichTower], HOLD W:1 V:1 C:1 Level 50 spell(s) of: protection from lightning L:0,0 
[a vibrant purple stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M ND W:10 V:10200 C:-95 L:0,0 HIT -20 
[a violet potion], POTION [PirateShip], HOLD M NL W:1 V:400 C:10000 Level 50 spell(s) of: regenerate powerheal darkvision L:0,0 
[a violet tome with an oval symbol on the cover], TOME [TrellinsKeep], HOLD M NL P !TW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: teleport with error teleport without error create portal L:49,0 
[a voodoo quest], OTHER [Voodoo], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:50 C:25 L:50,0 
[a walking stick], OTHER [SteelTown], HOLD M !E NL !TW W:1 V:5000 C:975 L:0,0 MOVE 15 MOVE_REGEN 10 
[a walking stick], WEAPON [Pyramid], WIELD HOLD M W:1 V:5000 C:1105 PHYSICAL 1D5 BLUDGEON L:0,0 MOVE 15 
[a wand of fireballs], WAND [DwarvenKingdom], HOLD W:2 V:8000 C:6000 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 16 spell of: fireball L:0, 0 
[a wand of invisibility], WAND [Midgaard], HOLD M W:2 V:4000 C:100 Has 2 charge(s),with 2 charge(s) left. Level 12 spell of: invisibility L:0, 0 
[a Wand of Power], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD G H D E I B !EN NL P SPEC !MT W:2 V:25000 C:3105 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:31,0 HR 1 ARM -2 
[a wand with a key-head], KEY [Glacier], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:10000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a white quest flag], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 L:0,0 
[a wildly flaming bow named 'DESPAIR'], WAND [Illkore], HOLD D E M !CTW W:11 V:1000000 C:25000 Has 5 charge(s),with 5 charge(s) left. Level 47 spell of: flame arrow L:45, 0 DEX -2 MOVE 13 
[a woman's garter], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD B NL QUEST W:1 V:25000 C:925 L:10,0 ARM -1 HIT 20 
[a wooden key], KEY [Midgaard], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[a wriggling key], KEY [ShadowCastle], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:1,0 
[a yellow and green ring], ARMOR [Moria], FINGER HOLD W:1 V:50 C:35 AC[0], L:0,0 STR -2 
[a yellow quest flag], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 L:0,0 
[a yellow tome], TOME [Swamps], HOLD M NL P !M !W W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 50 practice on: anatomy L:25,0 
[Aaron's Rod], WAND [MinotaurosLabyrinth], HOLD G NL W:1 V:100000 C:1 Has 999 charge(s),with 999 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: waterwalking L:50, 0 ARM -3 
[an age darkened copper key], KEY [Illkore], HOLD H NL BREAK W:1 V:5000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[an ancient piece of paper which reads 'llik'], SCROLL [DemonCity], HOLD M NL W:1 V:2500 C:250001 Level 100 spell(s) of: lava storm lava storm lava storm L:34,0 
[an ancient potion], POTION [Rlyeh], HOLD M NL W:1 V:38000 C:15000 Level 60 spell(s) of: armor poison harm L:0,0 
[an ancient scroll], SCROLL [Dyarman], HOLD NL W:1 V:2500 C:250001 Level 50 spell(s) of: ice storm ice storm ice storm L:50,0 
[an ancient withered tome], TOME [ImmoRooms], HOLD M NL P SPEC W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 40 practice on: way of the force L:30,0 
[an arcane tome], TOME [ImmoRooms], HOLD M NL P SPEC W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 40 practice on: way of the force L:50,0 
[an ashtray], OTHER [Navadin], HOLD G NO_DUST W:2 V:10 C:175 L:0,0 SPELL -3 
[an elven lantern], LIGHT [Krinlor], HOLD G M W:15 V:2500 C:2005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0 
[an emerald ioun stone], OTHER [Pyramid], HOLD W:10 V:18000 C:525 L:0,0 DR 1 
[an emerald potion], POTION [Illkore], HOLD I ND NL W:10 V:10000 C:40000 Level 50 spell(s) of: heal heal L:20,0 
[an engraved ebony seal], KEY [Thalos], HOLD W:2 V:500 C:25 Keytype: 30 L:0,0 
[an engraved ivory seal], KEY [Thalos], HOLD W:2 V:500 C:25 Keytype: 31 L:0,0 
[an ice screw], OTHER [Glacier], HOLD W:1 V:10 C:625 L:0,0 STR 1 
[an icecold scroll named 'drom'], SCROLL [ValemonsKingdom], HOLD W:1 V:20000 C:62500 Level 40 spell(s) of: ice storm ice storm L:40,0 
[an icecold tome], TOME [Quon], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: cone of cold cold ray cold blast L:30,0 
[an icy bottle], POTION [ValemonsKingdom], HOLD W:1 V:180000 C:2500 Level 50 spell(s) of: cure blindness neutralize poison remove curse L:40,0 
[an incandescent blue stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M W:10 V:5500 C:625 L:0,0 WIS 1 
[an indigo potion of see invisible], POTION [Midgaard], HOLD M W:1 V:400 C:50 Level 12 spell(s) of: detect invisibility L:0,0 
[an ingot of dragon silver], TREASURE [Illkore], HOLD G W:1 V:110000 C:25 Values 0-3: [110000], [0], [0], [0], L:0,0 
[an ingot of rose gold], TREASURE [Illkore], HOLD B W:1 V:50000 C:25 Values 0-3: [50000], [0], [0], [0], L:0,0 
[an iridescent stone], TREASURE [Thalos], HOLD M ND W:10 V:3700 C:-575 L:0,0 HIT -100 
[an iron key], KEY [Goltraung], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:100 C:25 Keytype: 1 L:0,0 
[an iron key], KEY [LichTower], HOLD W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[an iron sceptre], LIGHT [HaonDor], HOLD M W:10 V:5000 C:2005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0 
[an iron wand], WAND [RqyanTower], HOLD M W:7 V:3200 C:3500 Has 10 charge(s),with 10 charge(s) left. Level 15 spell of: flame strike L:0, 0 
[an oak staff], STAFF [FrogTemple], HOLD M !G W:10 V:9750 C:25000 Has 1 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 75 spell of: prismatic storm L:0, 0 
[an oak staff], STAFF [RqyanTower], HOLD M NL W:9 V:2350 C:2200 Has 5 charge(s),with 5 charge(s) left. Level 40 spell of: teleport without error L:0, 0 
[an obsidian key], KEY [TrellinsKeep], HOLD NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0 
[an old book of legends], SCROLL [Dreamlands], HOLD W:5 V:300 C:150 Level 10 spell(s) of: armor L:0,0 
[an old brass key], KEY [Midgaard], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[an old felt hat], ARMOR [KhazadDum], HEAD HOLD G !EN NL !C W:16 V:40000 C:3575 AC[2], L:40,0 MANA 10 HIT 10 
[an old key], KEY [ErshteepRoad], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0 
[an old rusty key], KEY [LichTower], HOLD W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[an old scrollbook], SCROLL [BastiliaSewers], HOLD M W:1 V:10000 C:100000 Level 70 spell(s) of: meteor blast meteor blast meteor blast L:0,0 
[an old shoe], STAFF [DemonCity], HOLD M W:16 V:30000 C:15000 Has 4 charge(s),with 4 charge(s) left. Level 15 spell of: harm L:0, 0 
[an old tome], TOME [Pyramid], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 95 practice on: acid arrow acid spray L:25,0 
[an opal potion], POTION [ErshteepRoad], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:1000 C:2000 Level 15 spell(s) of: sanctuary neutralize poison heal L:0,0 ARM 5 
[an orange quest flag], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 L:0,0 
[an orb of life], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD G I M !E QUEST W:4 V:25000 C:1825 L:25,0 HIT 50 CON 1 DR -3 
[an ornate blue key], KEY [StormGiantCastle], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:7500 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[Arm of a scarecrow], WAND [CloudCastle], HOLD G H M !E W:5 V:5000 C:800 Has 10 charge(s),with 10 charge(s) left. Level 10 spell of: shock bolt L:10, 0 
[bag of many pockets], CONTAINER [POWERMADs], HOLD NL W:10 V:50 C:25 Max: 200  L:0,0 
[beer mug], LIQUID CONTAINER [Barovia], HOLD B W:18 V:6 C:25 Max: 17 Contains: 17 Liquid: beer L:0,0 
[Black Ruby], TREASURE [EnchantedForest], HOLD G D LOCK !G NL !MC W:2 V:10000 C:1125 L:50,0 ARM -2 HR 1 
[Book of Magics], OTHER [Krinlor], HOLD G W:35 V:1200 C:25 L:0,0 
[Corpse of Kell], CONTAINER [Illkore], HOLD W:50 V:30000 C:625 Max: 0  L:15,0 STR 1 
[Corpse of Snowball], CONTAINER [Illkore], HOLD W:30 V:3000 C:-215 Max: 0  L:15,0 INT -2 
[cup of wine], LIQUID CONTAINER [BastiliaSewers], HOLD W:2 V:2 C:25 Max: 2 Contains: 2 Liquid: wine L:0,0 
[Eye of the Devourer], FOOD [Swamps], HOLD I M NL W:2 V:50000 C:1625 Full:0 L:42,0 HR 1 DR 1 ARM -2 
[Fire opal], WAND [CloudCastle], HOLD G M SPEC W:5 V:5000 C:1000 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: elemental blast L:30, 0 
[Fire opal], WAND [CloudCastle], HOLD G M SPEC W:5 V:5000 C:1000 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: starfire L:30, 0 
[Fire opal], WAND [CloudCastle], HOLD G M W:5 V:5000 C:1000 Has 1 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: blast fireball L:30, 0 
[Fire opal], WAND [CloudCastle], HOLD G M W:5 V:5000 C:1000 Has 1 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: flame strike L:30, 0 
[Fire opal], WAND [CloudCastle], HOLD G M W:5 V:5000 C:1000 Has 1 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: lava blast L:30, 0 
[Flaming acorn], WAND [CloudCastle], HOLD G M W:1 V:500 C:500 Has 1 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: fire seeds L:8, 0 
[Horn of the Minotaur Priest], SYMBOL [MinotaurCity], HOLD G !GN NL !MTW W:4 V:350000 C:1385 20 L:50,0 HR 2 DR 1 CON -1 
[key chain], KEY [ErshteepRoad], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0 
[Lich's Phylactery], OTHER [RqyanTower], HOLD G I M !GN NL !MTW W:7 V:25000 C:8965 L:0,0 MANA 30 HIT -10 
[long,black stick], LIGHT [DwarvenKingdom], HOLD W:1 V:0 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [0], L:0, 0 
[long,black stick], STAFF [DwarvenKingdom], HOLD W:1 V:100 C:10 Has 10 charge(s), with 10 charge(s) left. Level 4 spell of: cure light wounds L:0, 0 
[Mahatma's diary], TOME [Arachnos], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 25 practice on: observation L:15,0 
[Mistress' Underwear], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD B NL QUEST W:7 V:9000 C:1625 L:30,0 STR 1 HR 1 DR 1 
[Moonstone], TREASURE [RqyanTower], HOLD G M !E NL W:10 V:12250 C:925 L:0,0 AGE -10 ARM -5 
[orb of power], ARMOR [Pyramid], HOLD !TW W:20 V:50000 C:8675 AC[0], L:0,0 MANA 30 HIT -100 
[Peach rose], TREASURE [CloudCastle], HOLD M W:1 V:15000 C:625 L:45,0 ARM -2 
[potion of health], POTION [Pyramid], HOLD I M W:5 V:2000 C:2000 Level 40 spell(s) of: remove curse neutralize poison L:0,0 
[quartz ball], OTHER [Pyramid], HOLD !MCW W:25 V:75000 C:1315 L:27,0 HIT -35 HR 3 
[Rainbow rose], WAND [CloudCastle], HOLD G M B W:1 V:10000 C:1000 Has 10 charge(s),with 10 charge(s) left. Level 50 spell of: word of recall L:10, 0 
[Rubber Ducky of Chaos], OTHER [ImmoRooms], HOLD M NL !MTW W:1 V:12 C:2625 L:50,0 ARM -2 HR 2 DR 2 
[Sceptre of Light], LIGHT [WorthanForest], HOLD G NL !M W:8 V:70000 C:2705 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:26,0 HR 1 HIT_REGEN 2 
[scroll of restoration], SCROLL [Pyramid], HOLD M W:5 V:2000 C:1500 Level 40 spell(s) of: remove curse neutralize poison restoration L:0,0 
[shadow's diary], TOME [Bastilia], HOLD M NL P !MC W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 10 practice on: piercing weapons scout evaluate L:48,0 
[some magic owl eyes], LIGHT [Holt], HOLD M W:20 V:1 C:1645 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0 CHAR_WEIGHT -40 AGE -6 
[some sort of container], POTION [KrummForest], HOLD W:1 V:1 C:1 Level 50 spell(s) of: armor sanctuary L:0,0 
[some tentacles], FOOD [Marshlands], HOLD W:1 V:100 C:1025 Full:10P L:41,0 HR 2 
[something], KEY [GnollCaves], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[Sprite's Staff], STAFF [WorthanForest], HOLD G NO_RENT W:5 V:1 C:1 Has 0 charge(s),with 0 charge(s) left. Level 1 spell of: L:5, 0 HIT_REGEN 1 
[Sturdy iron wand], WAND [KhazadDum], HOLD W:1 V:1000 C:250 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 30 spell of: fire seeds L:20, 0 
[Sunflower seed], LIGHT [CloudCastle], HOLD G W:1 V:500 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [200], L:2,0 
[the ace of clubs], TRASH [KrummForest], HOLD W:0 V:1 C:25 L:0,0 
[the ace of diamonds], TRASH [KrummForest], HOLD W:0 V:1 C:25 L:0,0 
[the ace of hearts], TRASH [KrummForest], HOLD W:0 V:1 C:25 L:0,0 
[the ace of spades], TRASH [KrummForest], HOLD W:0 V:1 C:25 L:0,0 
[the Ancient chest], CONTAINER [Zubas], HOLD NO_RENT W:500 V:100000 C:25 Max: 1000 Locktype: CLOSEABLE PICKPROOF CLOSED L:0,0 
[the Ancient key], KEY [Zubas], HOLD G NO_RENT W:2 V:200 C:325 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 HR -2 DR 1 
[the Ancient Pencil], ARMOR [Zubas], HOLD G W:2 V:5000 C:775 AC[0], L:0,0 DR 1 
[the Ancient scroll of Fear], SCROLL [Zubas], HOLD NL W:2 V:2000 C:250001 Level 50 spell(s) of: lava storm lava storm meteor swarm L:32,0 
[the battle banner of the sindona], WORN [Illkore], HOLD G M ND B !GE NL SPEC !MC W:15 V:190000 C:1509 L:50,0 HIT -11 HR 1 DR 2 BREATH -1 
[the blue keychain], KEY [StormGiantCastle], HOLD NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:5000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[the Book of Gates], TREASURE [RqyanTower], HOLD M !GN NL !CTW W:25 V:7500 C:7525 L:0,0 MANA 25 
[the Book of the Fist], TOME [RiversEdge], HOLD M P W:1 V:50000 C:10000 It contains 5 practice on: bludgeon weapons L:25,0 
[the Butler's key], KEY [WelmarsCastle], HOLD NO_RENT W:3 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 9 L:0,0 
[the City Key], KEY [Midgaard], HOLD W:10 V:10000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[the Code of Laws], NOTE [SteelTown], HOLD B !E W:1 V:2000 C:625 Tongue: 0 L:0,0 INT 1 
[the Crescent of the Eclipse], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD D I M QUEST W:10 V:1 C:965 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [0], L:30,0 HIT -25 HR 1 ARM -2 
[the crystal ball], WAND [LichTower], HOLD M SPEC W:2 V:4000 C:100 Has 100 charge(s),with 100 charge(s) left. Level 100 spell of: L:0, 0 
[the Crystal Blue Wand], WAND [Mordor], HOLD G H I M !GN NL !CTW W:20 V:50000 C:1000 Has 0 charge(s),with 0 charge(s) left. Level 0 spell of: L:30, 0 HIT 40 ARM 15 SPELL 5 
[the Dragon Gem], TREASURE [ShadowCastle], HOLD G M NL W:5 V:350000 C:1125 L:40,0 HR 1 DR 1 SPELL -2 
[the dungeon cell key], KEY [Atraktos], HOLD NO_RENT W:5 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 8 L:0,0 
[the gem of life], WAND [Dyarman], HOLD G M !E W:10 V:100000 C:500 Has 10 charge(s),with 10 charge(s) left. Level 20 spell of: vitalize L:45, 0 MANA 20 
[the Gem of Power], LIGHT [Dyarman], HOLD G M NL W:80 V:600000 C:10885 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:50,0 MANA 30 HIT -20 
[the Guardian Key], KEY [Swamps], HOLD M NO_RENT NL W:18 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0 
[the handbook of Active Eyes], TOME [LichTower], HOLD M NL P W:1 V:200000 C:50000 It contains 75 practice on: observation evaluate L:15,0 
[the Head of the Witch], TRASH [WitchesOfMidgaard], HOLD H M ND !GN !TW W:15 V:1 C:1225 L:44,0 INT -1 AGE -3 HR 3 
[the heart of the shapechanger], OTHER [Wasteland], HOLD I W:1 V:12000 C:6025 L:30,0 MANA 20 
[the horn of siege], STAFF [DemonCity], HOLD E !G NL W:50 V:100000 C:8000 Has 5 charge(s),with 5 charge(s) left. Level 30 spell of: earthquake L:28, 0 HR 1 DR 1 
[the jail key], KEY [Swamps], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:2 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0 
[the key of Q], KEY [Illkore], HOLD G NO_RENT W:1 V:5000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[the Key of V], KEY [Swamps], HOLD NO_RENT NL BREAK W:5 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0 
[the Key to the Titanium Labyrinth], KEY [MinotaurosLabyrinth], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[the Lighthouse Torch], LIGHT [PirateShip], HOLD H W:2 V:10000 C:2505 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:14,0 DR 1 
[the Master Key], KEY [Swamps], HOLD I NO_RENT NL W:3 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0 
[the master key], KEY [Voodoo], HOLD ND NO_RENT BREAK W:1 V:100 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:50,0 
[the Master's Key], KEY [DrowTower], HOLD H NO_RENT W:2 V:5000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[the Nightshade Blossom], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD I !GN QUEST !MTW W:4 V:85000 C:2505 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:45,0 HR 1 DR 1 MANA_REGEN -5 
[the One Key], KEY [Mordor], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:0,0 
[the Orb of Night], LIGHT [Swamps], HOLD E M ND !G NL W:3 V:20000 C:1015 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [1], L:41,0 HR 2 
[the Pebble of Ancients], TREASURE [TrellinsKeep], HOLD G M B !W W:2 V:10000 C:1105 L:17,0 INT 1 WIS 1 CON -1 
[the potion of Life], POTION [Dyarman], HOLD NL W:5 V:60000 C:500 Level 40 spell(s) of: vitalize vitalize vitalize L:50,0 
[the prayerbook of life and energy], TOME [RiversEdge], HOLD M P W:1 V:50000 C:10000 It contains 50 practice on: dispel magic restoration L:25,0 
[the red-eyed jewel], TREASURE [GreatEasternDesert], HOLD ND W:30 V:35000 C:-215 L:0,0 INT -2 
[the sceptre of the sun], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD G M B QUEST !C W:10 V:1 C:3065 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:43,0 DR 3 DEX -2 HR -2 
[the Scroll of Life], SCROLL [SkullValley], HOLD G M B !E NO_RENT NL P SPEC W:2 V:20 C:500000 Level 0 spell(s) of: L:35,0 
[the shaman's key], KEY [Glacier], HOLD NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:10000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[the sign], WEAPON [MainMatrix], WIELD HOLD W:200 V:10 C:4655 PHYSICAL 2D8 BLUDGEON L:0,0 HR -2 
[the silver candle], LIGHT [Swamps], HOLD G I M NL !C W:3 V:100000 C:3405 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:31,0 DR -1 ARM -5 
[the Skull of Rie-Talin], OTHER [Dyarman], HOLD D M ND !GN NL SPEC !W W:5 V:150000 C:-375 L:50,0 ARM 40 HR 4 
[the slick,wet, red skull of Michelle, the equinolich], LIGHT [Illkore], HOLD B NL SPEC !MC W:20 V:500000 C:3215 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:48, 0 HIT -65 ARM -4 DR 1 HR -1 
[the Speaker's Key], KEY [RiversEdge], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 18 L:50,0 
[the stable key], KEY [Goltraung], HOLD NO_RENT NL W:1 V:100 C:25 Keytype: 1 L:0,0 
[the Store Room Key], KEY [DrowTower], HOLD NO_RENT W:2 V:5000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[the tail of a lamp eft], LIGHT [Dreamlands], HOLD W:2 V:2000 C:-105 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [48], L:0,0 WIS -1 
[the Tiger Jewel], TREASURE [GreatEasternDesert], HOLD B W:23 V:43000 C:625 L:0,0 DEX 1 
[the Tome of Atlantis], STAFF [ImmoRooms], HOLD M NL QUEST !CTW W:20 V:100000 C:20000 Has 1 charge(s),with 1 charge(s) left. Level 100 spell of: heavy water L:30, 0 MANA 25 DEX -1 
[the Tooth of the Kraken], OTHER [PirateShip], HOLD G NL W:1 V:20000 C:2225 L:48,0 STR 2 HR 2 
[the Tooth of the Kraken], OTHER [PirateShip], HOLD G W:1 V:20000 C:625 L:0,0 STR 1 
[the Tower key], KEY [ShadowCastle], HOLD NO_RENT W:1 V:1 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:1,0 
[the treasure key], BOAT [Goltraung], HOLD I M ND NO_RENT NL BREAK W:1 V:0 C:25 Values 0-3: [2], [0], [0], [0], L:50,0 
[the Vault Key], KEY [DrowTower], HOLD I NO_RENT W:2 V:5000 C:25 Keytype: 0 L:0,0 
[the wand of starlight], LIGHT [Thalos], HOLD G W:15 V:50000 C:3505 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:21,0 ARM -2 HIT 30 
[the Watchman's key], KEY [ShadowCastle], HOLD H NO_RENT NL W:1 V:0 C:25 Keytype: 2 L:1,0 
[the Wizard's Satchel], CONTAINER [Mordor], HOLD G I B NL W:100 V:5000 C:25 Max: 175  L:0,0 
[the wooden staff], STAFF [DemonCity], HOLD M !E NL W:10 V:20000 C:40000 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 30 spell of: heal L:0, 0 SPELL -1 ARM -1 
[tome of the acolyte], WORN [KrummForest], HOLD !MTW W:1 V:6000 C:1525 L:6,0 MANA 5 
[turquoise potion], POTION [StormGiantCastle], HOLD NL W:2 V:6000 C:750 Level 35 spell(s) of: powerheal L:0,0 
[Valemon's tome of ice magic], TOME [ValemonsKingdom], HOLD M NL P !CTW W:1 V:200000 C:55000 It contains 95 practice on: freezing hands cold blast snowstorm L:50,0 
[Wand of protecting], WAND [KhazadDum], HOLD G W:2 V:20000 C:200 Has 3 charge(s),with 3 charge(s) left. Level 15 spell of: earth bolt L:1, 0 
[White rose], LIGHT [CloudCastle], HOLD G M W:1 V:15000 C:1405 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:5,0 AGE -10 
[wild flowers], WORN [Ofcol], HEAD HOLD !E W:1 V:10 C:25 L:0,0 
[wild flowers], WORN [Plains], HEAD HOLD !E W:1 V:10 C:25 L:0,0 

[Back to the top]

Worn on arms

[a pair of age-darkened copper bracers], ARMOR [Illkore], ARMS D M !GE NL !MC W:12 V:50000 C:2375 AC[11], L:36,0 HIT 30 MOVE -75 BREATH -3 
[a pair of armgreaves made of mithril], ARMOR [Dyarman], ARMS M W:20 V:75000 C:1675 AC[12], L:45,0 MANA -10 
[a pair of bracers], ARMOR [DrowCity], ARMS G M W:15 V:2000 C:275 AC[5], L:0,0 
[a pair of bronze sleeves], ARMOR [Midgaard], ARMS W:8 V:1750 C:275 AC[6], L:0,0 
[a pair of chain-mail sleeves], ARMOR [Celephais], ARMS W:10 V:800 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0 
[a pair of crystal chain sleeves], ARMOR [Swamps], ARMS I M B !CTW W:7 V:85000 C:1475 AC[2], L:37,0 ARM -4 
[a pair of crystalline sleeves], ARMOR [MinotaurCity], ARMS G M !GN NL !CTW W:2 V:240000 C:775 AC[2], L:50,0 HR 1 
[a pair of dusty leather sleeves], ARMOR [Bastilia], ARMS W:1 V:105 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0 
[a pair of glowing sleeves], ARMOR [MinotaurCity], !TAKE ARMS G H I M !G !TW W:5 V:362300 C:3275 AC[0], L:45,0 MANA 10 
[a pair of grey metal arm greaves], ARMOR [LichTower], ARMS E M !G W:20 V:30000 C:1875 AC[10], L:45,0 ARM -2 
[a pair of jet black sleeves], ARMOR [PirateShip], ARMS G W:2 V:8000 C:1375 AC[8], L:19,0 MANA 2 
[a pair of large sleeves], ARMOR [Solom], ARMS W:8 V:10000 C:2105 AC[9], L:33,0 STR 1 INT -1 ARM -2 
[a pair of leather sleeves], ARMOR [Midgaard], ARMS W:4 V:75 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[a pair of red scale sleeves], ARMOR [BastiliaSewers], ARMS G M W:20 V:30000 C:2675 AC[10], L:40,0 MANA_REGEN 2 HIT_REGEN 4 
[a pair of shadow sleeves], ARMOR [Bastilia], ARMS D M NL !MCW W:5 V:50000 C:3275 AC[13], L:50,0 HR 1 
[a pair of Silver Sleeves], ARMOR [DrowTower], ARMS G W:11 V:24000 C:1475 AC[0], L:20,0 HIT 20 AGE 2 
[a set of spectral arm plates], ARMOR [Swamps], ARMS G I M W:5 V:70000 C:1025 AC[8], L:27,0 SPELL -5 
[a transparent armband], ARMOR [Atraktos], ARMS !E !TW W:8 V:1 C:1475 AC[6], L:20,0 MANA 4 
[adamantium sleeves], ARMOR [CloudCastle], ARMS NL !C W:150 V:150000 C:1285 AC[9], L:50,0 DR 1 DEX -2 
[blue chainy sleeves], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], ARMS G M NL QUEST !CTW W:15 V:40000 C:1475 AC[2], L:25,0 ARM -2 STR 1 
[Chainmail sleeves], ARMOR [Navadin], ARMS W:10 V:9000 C:875 AC[2], L:15,0 ARM -2 
[polymimenic sleeves], ARMOR [ShadowCastle], ARMS NL !W W:5 V:25000 C:1715 AC[10], L:43,0 HR 1 HIT -10 
[scale sleeves], ARMOR [Pyramid], ARMS W:10 V:7000 C:275 AC[5], L:0,0 
[sleeves of the death knight], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], ARMS D I ND !GN NL QUEST !MC !T W:30 V:10000 C:1975 AC[11], L:45,0 HR 1 HIT -50 
[sleeves of the efreeti], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], ARMS G H I M ND !G NL QUEST !M W:15 V:40000 C:2725 AC[9], L:41,0 HR 1 DEX 1 HIT -50 MOVE 30 
[sleeves of the salamander], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], ARMS D E I M !GN QUEST !CTW W:15 V:40000 C:3655 AC[2], L:41,0 HR 1 HIT -20 MANA 10 
[some arm plates], ARMOR [RedfernesResidence], ARMS M B !EN W:40 V:12500 C:775 AC[8], L:16,0 
[some Blackend Mithril Sleeves], ARMOR [Dyarman], ARMS !C W:30 V:30000 C:2275 AC[12], L:45,0 
[some blackish dragonscale sleeves], ARMOR [Dyarman], ARMS D NL W:10 V:2450 C:1125 AC[7], L:50,0 HR -4 DR 2 
[some brass sleeves], ARMOR [Midgaard], ARMS W:25 V:250 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0 
[some darkened sleeves], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], ARMS E NL W:12 V:0 C:2775 AC[13], L:50,0 
[some dragon scale sleeves], ARMOR [KhazadDum], ARMS H D NL !CTW W:3 V:46000 C:2375 AC[2], L:50,0 MOVE 10 MANA_REGEN 4 HR -2 
[some glinting bracers], ARMOR [Holt], ARMS G W:10 V:5000 C:345 AC[7], L:8,0 AGE -3 
[some golden sleeves], ARMOR [Swamps], ARMS G I M NL !C W:12 V:130000 C:2775 AC[13], L:50,0 
[some iron sleeves], ARMOR [Thalos], ARMS W:10 V:2450 C:1125 AC[7], L:0,0 HR -4 DR 2 
[some sleeves made of a greyish metal], ARMOR [Dyarman], ARMS W:30 V:30000 C:2275 AC[12], L:45,0 
[some steel arm plates], ARMOR [Bastilia], ARMS W:8 V:10000 C:775 AC[8], L:13,0 
[the athridon arm greaves], ARMOR [DemonCity], ARMS M W:55 V:12500 C:1025 AC[9], L:21,0 
[titanium sleeves], ARMOR [Pyramid], ARMS NL !M W:2 V:50000 C:1775 AC[11], L:33,0 
[woven brass sleeves], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], ARMS I M NL QUEST !M W:18 V:89000 C:1275 AC[9], L:41,0 DR 1 HR -1 HIT -25 

[Back to the top]

Worn as light

[a ball of ice shines with a bright white light!], LIGHT [ValemonsKingdom], HOLD W:20 V:120000 C:4185 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:42,0 MANA 7 HR 1 DEX -3 HIT -10 
[a black wax candle], LIGHT [Marshlands], HOLD M W:10 V:1000 C:615 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [0], L:10,0 ARM -1 HIT 10 
[a candlestick], LIGHT [Graveyard], HOLD W:5 V:150 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [24], L:0,0 
[a candle], LIGHT [Holt], HOLD G NL W:15 V:0 C:3505 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0 HIT 30 ARM -2 
[a Flaming Hand], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD G !EN QUEST !C W:10 V:50000 C:2855 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:48,0 DR 1 HR 1 HIT -25 
[a flaming sceptre], LIGHT [FrogTemple], HOLD G H E M !GN NL SPEC W:35 V:58500 C:3005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:50,0 DR 2 
[a flower of power], LIGHT [KoselbruchMill], HOLD G M !E !C !T W:1 V:100000 C:2705 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:50,0 HR 1 DR 1 HIT -50 
[a golden apple], LIGHT [WelmarsCastle], HOLD M !E W:5 V:8000 C:2005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0 
[a grey key], KEY [DrowForest], HOLD LIGHT-SOURCE NO_RENT W:1 V:10 C:25 Keytype: 15 L:0,0 
[a hooded brass lantern], LIGHT [HaonDor], HOLD W:4 V:60 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [100], L:0,0 
[a jar of lightning bugs], LIGHT [Atraktos],  W:6 V:1 C:2851 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:13,0 MANA 3 HIT -9 
[a lantern], LIGHT [Midgaard], HOLD W:1 V:50 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [96], L:0,0 
[a Lightstone], LIGHT [ShadowCastle],  !W W:3 V:12500 C:2865 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:30,0 HR 1 ARM -2 HIT -40 
[a long,grey branch], LIGHT [HaonDor], HOLD W:20 V:1 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [25], L:0, 0 
[a mage orb], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD D E I M !GN NL QUEST !CTW W:3 V:25000 C:8835 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [0], L:28,0 MANA 30 HIT -30 
[a nice looking lantern], LIGHT [UndergroundEmpire], HOLD G B !E NL W:5 V:195000 C:3005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:47,0 HR 2 
[a piece of lichen], LIGHT [Swamps], HOLD G W:1 V:5 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [10], L:0,0 
[a ranger's torch], LIGHT [KrummForest], HOLD G H W:5 V:1600 C:2005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0 
[a ray of sunlight], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD G M W:0 V:0 C:0 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [1000], L:1,15 HIT 7 MOVE 10 
[a sacred chalice of worked dragon silver], LIGHT [Illkore], HOLD G B !EN NL !TW W:10 V:45000 C:6715 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [0], L:45,0 MANA_REGEN 5 MANA 15 DR -3 
[a small blue sapphire], LIGHT [Bastilia], HOLD G M W:1 V:26000 C:2005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:8,0 
[a small glowing stone], LIGHT [BastiliaSewers], HOLD G M W:2 V:10000 C:3005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:41,0 HR 2 
[a small stick], LIGHT [RedfernesResidence], HOLD W:4 V:200 C:1765 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0 AGE -4 
[a smooth quartz ball], LIGHT [Thalos], HOLD M W:30 V:3050 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [72], L:0,0 
[a Thunder Hammer], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD G H M !GE NL QUEST !MT W:15 V:90000 C:10955 LIGHTNING 7D3 BLUDGEON L:27,0 HR 5 STR 1 
[a Thunder Hammer], WEAPON [ImmoRooms], WIELD G H M !GE NL QUEST !MT W:15 V:90000 C:10955 LIGHTNING 7D3 BLUDGEON L:27,0 HR 5 STR 1 
[a torch], LIGHT [Midgaard], HOLD W:1 V:10 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [24], L:0,0 
[a Wand of Power], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD G H D E I B !EN NL P SPEC !MT W:2 V:25000 C:3105 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:31,0 HR 1 ARM -2 
[a yellow crystal], LIGHT [KhazadDum],  NL W:1 V:200000 C:2005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:5,0 
[an Arena Torch], LIGHT [MinotaurCity],  G I M !G NL !C !T W:5 V:350000 C:2995 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:50,0 DR 1 HR 1 HIT -60 MOVE_REGEN 7 
[an elven lantern], LIGHT [Krinlor], HOLD G M W:15 V:2500 C:2005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0 
[an iron sceptre], LIGHT [HaonDor], HOLD M W:10 V:5000 C:2005 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0 
[long,black stick], LIGHT [DwarvenKingdom], HOLD W:1 V:0 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [0], L:0, 0 
[Sceptre of Light], LIGHT [WorthanForest], HOLD G NL !M W:8 V:70000 C:2705 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:26,0 HR 1 HIT_REGEN 2 
[some magic owl eyes], LIGHT [Holt], HOLD M W:20 V:1 C:1645 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:0,0 CHAR_WEIGHT -40 AGE -6 
[Sunflower seed], LIGHT [CloudCastle], HOLD G W:1 V:500 C:15 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [200], L:2,0 
[the Crescent of the Eclipse], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD D I M QUEST W:10 V:1 C:965 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [0], L:30,0 HIT -25 HR 1 ARM -2 
[the Firefly Orb], LIGHT [Bandits],  G M NL !C W:2 V:500000 C:6955 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:47,0 MANA_REGEN 3 MOVE_REGEN 15 MANA 10 HR -3 
[the Flame of Hope], LIGHT [Bandits], HOLD G !E NL !MTW W:2 V:100000 C:2765 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:49,0 DR 1 HR 1 HIT -40 
[the Gem of Power], LIGHT [Dyarman], HOLD G M NL W:80 V:600000 C:10885 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:50,0 MANA 30 HIT -20 
[the Lighthouse Torch], LIGHT [PirateShip], HOLD H W:2 V:10000 C:2505 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:14,0 DR 1 
[the Nightshade Blossom], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD I !GN QUEST !MTW W:4 V:85000 C:2505 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:45,0 HR 1 DR 1 MANA_REGEN -5 
[the Orb of Night], LIGHT [Swamps], HOLD E M ND !G NL W:3 V:20000 C:1015 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [1], L:41,0 HR 2 
[the sceptre of the sun], LIGHT [ImmoRooms], HOLD G M B QUEST !C W:10 V:1 C:3065 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:43,0 DR 3 DEX -2 HR -2 
[the silver candle], LIGHT [Swamps], HOLD G I M NL !C W:3 V:100000 C:3405 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:31,0 DR -1 ARM -5 
[the slick,wet, red skull of Michelle, the equinolich], LIGHT [Illkore], HOLD B NL SPEC !MC W:20 V:500000 C:3215 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:48, 0 HIT -65 ARM -4 DR 1 HR -1 
[the tail of a lamp eft], LIGHT [Dreamlands], HOLD W:2 V:2000 C:-105 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [48], L:0,0 WIS -1 
[the wand of starlight], LIGHT [Thalos], HOLD G W:15 V:50000 C:3505 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:21,0 ARM -2 HIT 30 
[White rose], LIGHT [CloudCastle], HOLD G M W:1 V:15000 C:1405 Colour: [0], [0], Hours: [-1], L:5,0 AGE -10 

[Back to the top]

Worn around wrists

[a Black Armband], WORN [SteelTown], WRIST M W:1 V:5000 C:1425 L:8,0 ARM -3 HR 1 
[a Black Eog Bracelet], WORN [Dyarman], WRIST D E M !G NL !MC W:5 V:150000 C:3425 L:50,0 ARM -8 HR 2 
[a copper bracelet], ARMOR [GreatEasternDesert], WRIST M ND W:10 V:23000 C:575 AC[6], L:9,0 HIT 10 
[a dull jade bracelet], OTHER [Aztec], WRIST M B !E W:3 V:12500 C:1525 L:20,0 HR 2 DR 1 
[a frozen armband], WORN [ValemonsKingdom], WRIST HOLD W:15 V:12050 C:985 L:0,0 DEX -2 INT 2 
[a golden armband], TREASURE [Dyarman], WRIST NL W:12 V:33000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a golden bracelet shaped like a curled snake], TREASURE [Dyarman], WRIST NL W:20 V:50000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a golden bracelet], TREASURE [Dyarman], WRIST NL W:12 V:15000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a jeweled bracelet], TREASURE [Dyarman], WRIST NL W:20 V:50000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a jeweled bracer], TREASURE [Swamps], WRIST W:3 V:20000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a leather wristband], ARMOR [DrowForest], WRIST G M B !W W:1 V:500 C:2545 AC[0], L:0,0 MANA 8 SPELL 1 STR -1 
[a lucky wrist-chain], WORN [RiversEdge], WRIST B W:1 V:250 C:835 L:5,0 WIS 1 MOVE 7 
[a metal bracelet], WORN [Celephais], WRIST W:5 V:500 C:625 L:0,0 ARM -2 
[a mithril bracelet], ARMOR [Krinlor], WRIST M NL W:3 V:35500 C:3175 AC[5], L:38,0 ARM -8 DR 1 
[a mountain armband], ARMOR [ValemonsKingdom], WRIST W:5 V:13400 C:2975 AC[3], L:27,0 ARM -7 DEX 1 
[a nebb-shaped bracelet], ARMOR [Holt], WRIST W:10 V:5000 C:1655 AC[4], L:0,0 ARM -5 AGE -2 
[a pair of metal bracers], WORN [FrogTemple], WRIST E I M !GN !MC !T W:15 V:24500 C:3525 L:50,0 HR 3 HIT_REGEN 5 ARM -5 
[a sheep skin bracer], WORN [ImmoRooms], WRIST M !GE QUEST !TW W:8 V:250000 C:4525 L:31,0 HR 2 DR 1 MANA 10 
[a silver armband], WORN [ImmoRooms], WRIST NL QUEST W:3 V:10000 C:3325 L:41,0 ARM -8 HR 2 DR -1 
[a silver bracelet], TREASURE [Bastilia], WRIST M W:1 V:1000 C:1025 L:10,0 HR 1 DR 1 
[a silvery armband], TREASURE [Dyarman], WRIST NL W:35 V:13000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a slim silver band of tears], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], WRIST I M !E QUEST !TW W:1 V:250000 C:3275 AC[2], L:36,0 MANA 8 MOVE_REGEN 12 
[a steel bracer], ARMOR [Bastilia], WRIST !M W:2 V:4000 C:1175 AC[5], L:5,0 ARM -3 
[a stone armband], WORN [KrummForest], WRIST W:10 V:4500 C:1815 L:8,0 ARM -3 HIT 3 HR 1 AGE 1 
[a stone bracelet], WORN [KrummForest], WRIST W:10 V:4500 C:1875 L:8,0 ARM -3 HR 1 MOVE 5 AGE 1 
[a thin chain], TREASURE [GnollCaves], WRIST W:1 V:8000 C:925 L:0,0 CON 1 HIT 10 
[a white gold bracer], ARMOR [Swamps], WRIST M NL !C W:4 V:130000 C:3275 AC[3], L:40,0 ARM -10 
[an age darkened bracelet of bronze and leather], WORN [Illkore], WRIST M B !E NL !C W:5 V:50000 C:3025 L:30,0 STR 1 MANA 8 
[an Armband of Power], WORN [ImmoRooms], WRIST G M QUEST !TW W:10 V:50000 C:4015 L:29,0 DR 2 MANA 10 SPELL 1 
[an ivory bracelet], ARMOR [PoseidonsForest], WRIST I W:5 V:500 C:1775 AC[5], L:11,0 ARM -5 
[an obsidian bracelet], WORN [ImmoRooms], WRIST D M NL QUEST !MC W:3 V:10000 C:1325 L:41,0 DR 3 HR -2 
[Armband of the triton], BOAT [CloudCastle], WRIST W:5 V:50000 C:1105 L:15,0 ARM -2 DEX 1 CON -1 
[Bone-Bracelet], ARMOR [Zubas], WRIST G I !TW W:5 V:25000 C:775 AC[0], L:31,0 DEX 1 DR -1 
[bracelet of magic], ARMOR [CastleRavenloft], WRIST M !TW W:5 V:60000 C:6665 AC[0], L:50,0 MANA 15 HIT 25 STR -3 MANA_REGEN 3 
[Bracelets Of Darkness], ARMOR [Mordor], WRIST D I M !GE NL !C W:30 V:100000 C:3215 AC[0], L:50,0 HR -1 DR -2 ARM -12 HIT -60 
[Bracers of defense], ARMOR [Pyramid], WRIST I W:3 V:16300 C:1475 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -4 
[Bracers of defense], ARMOR [Pyramid], WRIST I W:3 V:8100 C:875 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -2 
[Bracers of Deflection], ARMOR [RqyanTower], WRIST I M W:3 V:2500 C:3275 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -10 
[emerald bracelet], ARMOR [Pyramid], WRIST W:5 V:25000 C:1275 AC[0], L:28,0 DR 2 
[jade bracelet], ARMOR [Pyramid], WRIST !TW W:5 V:25000 C:1955 AC[0], L:0,0 MANA 7 AGE -5 HIT -20 
[opal bracelet], ARMOR [ErshteepRoad], WRIST NL W:1 V:20000 C:1975 AC[0], L:35,0 CON 2 DR 1 
[remembrance of hope], WORN [ImmoRooms], WRIST G NL QUEST W:5 V:950000 C:2425 L:28,0 ARM -4 STR 1 CON 1 
[some blue bracers], WORN [KrummForest], WRIST !MCW W:3 V:8100 C:1225 L:6,0 ARM -4 
[the Black Bracelet], ARMOR [Solom], WRIST I !M W:10 V:20000 C:3155 AC[3], L:29,0 STR -1 ARM -7 HR -1 DR 2 
[the Black Steel Bracelet], ARMOR [SteelTown], WRIST H M W:1 V:15000 C:1625 AC[0], L:24,0 HIT 25 ARM -2 
[the blood bracelet], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], WRIST M NL W:3 V:35500 C:3175 AC[5], L:50,0 ARM -8 DR 1 
[the bracelet of Kawfigu], WORN [Dyarman], WRIST !G !CW W:5 V:150000 C:2625 L:50,0 ARM -10 HR -2 DR -2 
[the bracelet of Skull Valley], TREASURE [SkullValley], WRIST G M B NL P W:1 V:1500 C:3425 L:40,0 CON 1 HR 2 ARM -6 
[the bracers of death], ARMOR [Graveyard], WRIST E I M !GN W:4 V:1000 C:1925 AC[0], L:11,0 HIT 5 ARM -5 
[the onyx bracelet], ARMOR [FirePlane], WRIST H LOCK I B !W W:5 V:20 C:1475 AC[0], L:14,0 STR 2 
[the Wyrmskin Bracelet], ARMOR [Swamps], WRIST G I M NL !MT W:5 V:100000 C:3315 AC[0], L:50,0 HIT -60 ARM -8 DR 2 

[Back to the top]

Worn ob body

[a battered iron breast plate], ARMOR [Thalos], BODY W:125 V:13000 C:-325 AC[5], L:0,0 HR -6 
[a black breast plate], ARMOR [UnderWorld], BODY G !E W:40 V:130000 C:1775 AC[11], L:30,0 
[a black clouded plate], ARMOR [KrummForest], BODY !CW W:20 V:10000 C:675 AC[7], L:6,0 MOVE 5 
[a black coat of mail], ARMOR [Wasteland], BODY !MC W:16 V:75000 C:1775 AC[11], L:31,0 
[a black dragon scale shirt], ARMOR [QuifaelCustomRooms], BODY M W:10 V:10000 C:275 AC[6], L:0,0 
[a Black Eog Chainshirt], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY D E M !GN NL SPEC !W W:35 V:450000 C:1595 AC[6], L:47,0 DR 2 HR 1 HIT -30 
[a black mithril mail], ARMOR [KhazadDum], BODY H D W:200 V:400000 C:2935 AC[10], L:50,0 HR 2 WIS -2 HIT 30 
[a black ornate robe], ARMOR [Marshlands], BODY G !GN !CTW W:8 V:7000 C:7775 AC[0], L:41,0 ARM -15 MANA 10 
[a black robe], ARMOR [Marshlands], BODY G !GN !CTW W:8 V:3000 C:4775 AC[0], L:35,0 ARM -10 MANA 5 
[a black scale armour], ARMOR [GnollCaves], BODY W:30 V:20000 C:775 AC[8], L:0,0 
[a black silk Ghi embroidered with silvery runes], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY D E M !G NL W:5 V:50000 C:2875 AC[2], L:50,0 HR 1 MANA 7 
[a black silk shirt], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY SPEC W:5 V:2000 C:875 AC[1], L:0,0 ARM -2 
[a black silkrobe with silvertrim], WORN [Dyarman], BODY D M !G W:5 V:25000 C:3025 L:40,0 ARM -10 
[a black steel suit of chain mail], ARMOR [ShadowCastle], BODY NL !C W:25 V:45000 C:1875 AC[10], L:38,0 CON 1 
[a black velvet dress], ARMOR [Holt], BODY NL W:15 V:0 C:2375 AC[2], L:0,0 ARM -7 
[a Blackend Mithril Breastplate], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY W:75 V:100000 C:2175 AC[13], L:45,0 MANA -10 
[a Blacklacquered Breastplate], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY W:75 V:100000 C:1775 AC[11], L:35,0 
[a blood covered mithril chainmail], ARMOR [KhazadDum], BODY G NL !C W:80 V:130000 C:3975 AC[13], L:48,0 HIT_REGEN 12 
[a blue and silver plate], ARMOR [Bastilia], BODY H M !G NL !TW W:30 V:500000 C:5255 AC[12], L:50,0 MANA_REGEN 5 CON 1 STR -1 
[a blue clouded plate], ARMOR [KrummForest], BODY !C !T W:20 V:10000 C:525 AC[7], L:6,0 
[a blue dress], ARMOR [Celephais], BODY W:5 V:100 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[a brand new mail], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], BODY B W:1 V:500 C:0 AC[2], L:0,0 ARM -2 HIT 5 
[a brass plate], ARMOR [Midgaard], BODY W:70 V:1000 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0 
[a breast plate], ARMOR [Midgaard], BODY W:100 V:18000 C:525 AC[7], L:0,0 
[a breastplate made of greyish metal], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY !C W:75 V:100000 C:2775 AC[13], L:45,0 
[a breastplate], ARMOR [FrogTemple], BODY W:35 V:19500 C:1025 AC[9], L:12,0 
[a bright blue robe], ARMOR [Dreamlands], BODY !MTW W:10 V:45000 C:8135 AC[4], L:40,0 MANA 25 MOVE -40 AGE 2 
[a bright red robe], ARMOR [Dreamlands], BODY !CTW W:10 V:45000 C:8195 AC[2], L:40,0 MANA 25 MOVE -30 AGE 2 
[a Broken breast plate], ARMOR [Dreamlands], BODY W:20 V:100 C:-685 AC[3], L:0,0 ARM 10 DEX -3 
[a bronze breast plate], ARMOR [Midgaard], BODY W:80 V:7000 C:275 AC[6], L:0,0 
[a brown robe], ARMOR [Celephais], BODY W:10 V:500 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[a burning breast plate], ARMOR [Dreamlands], BODY !G NL !C W:60 V:150000 C:3175 AC[13], L:44,0 HR 1 DR -1 
[a chain mail shirt], ARMOR [Midgaard], BODY NO_SCAVENGER W:60 V:2500 C:275 AC[5], L:0,0 
[a chain-mail armour], ARMOR [SylvanForest], BODY B NO_SCAVENGER W:50 V:5000 C:275 AC[5], L:0,0 
[a chainmail made of blackened mithril], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY D !G W:55 V:100000 C:1775 AC[11], L:31,0 
[a chequered shirt], ARMOR [Celephais], BODY W:5 V:100 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[a chequered shirt], ARMOR [HaonDor], BODY W:2 V:20 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[a chequered shirt], SCROLL [HaonDor], BODY G M B NL W:10 V:10 C:1000000 Level 100 spell(s) of: prismatic beam prismatic beam prismatic beam L:50,0 INT 10 
[a Coat of Ice], ARMOR [SteelTown], BODY M W:15 V:20000 C:1975 AC[10], L:31,0 STR 1 SPELL -2 
[a crystal breastplate], ARMOR [Swamps], BODY G I M NL W:45 V:500000 C:3035 AC[12], L:41,0 HIT -40 DR 2 
[a dark blue dress], ARMOR [ShadowCastle], BODY !C W:3 V:9500 C:3575 AC[2], L:35,0 MANA 10 HIT 20 ARM 5 
[a decaying leather jacket], ARMOR [Marshlands], BODY W:6 V:10 C:275 AC[1], L:0,0 
[a demonscale hauberk], ARMOR [TrellinsKeep], BODY M !G !W W:15 V:15000 C:3275 AC[2], L:36,0 ARM -10 
[a dented breastplate], ARMOR [Marshlands], BODY M W:34 V:2400 C:1725 AC[7], L:15,0 ARM -4 
[a dirty ringmail vest], ARMOR [UndergroundEmpire], BODY W:10 V:65800 C:1025 AC[9], L:26,0 
[a dragonscale mail], ARMOR [Abyss], BODY W:60 V:30000 C:385 AC[7], L:0,0 CON -1 BREATH 2 
[a drow chain mail], ARMOR [DrowForest], BODY M !G W:15 V:10000 C:875 AC[2], L:0,0 ARM -2 
[a dusty leather jerkin], ARMOR [Bastilia], BODY M W:12 V:900 C:2075 AC[5], L:0,0 ARM -6 
[a dusty leather shirt], ARMOR [Bastilia], BODY W:4 V:150 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0 
[a field plate armour], ARMOR [FirePlane], BODY M W:20 V:10000 C:1475 AC[6], L:10,0 CON 1 ARM -2 
[a fish-scale mail], ARMOR [Rlyeh], BODY !G !M W:30 V:12500 C:-145 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM 5 INT -1 
[a flowing red robe], ARMOR [BastiliaSewers], BODY !CTW W:5 V:10000 C:4835 AC[2], L:30,0 ARM -10 MANA_REGEN 3 HIT 2 
[a full plate armour], ARMOR [FirePlane], BODY I M !T W:25 V:14000 C:2325 AC[7], L:20,0 CON 1 ARM -2 STR 1 
[a glowing suit of banded mail], ARMOR [GreatEasternDesert], BODY G M W:0 V:75000 C:1125 AC[7], L:18,0 DEX 1 
[a golden breastplate], ARMOR [Solom], BODY I M W:20 V:10000 C:1275 AC[10], L:31,0 
[a grey metal breastplate], ARMOR [LichTower], BODY E M !G W:60 V:100000 C:3975 AC[10], L:45,0 ARM -9 
[a grey silk shirt], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY SPEC W:5 V:2000 C:875 AC[1], L:0,0 ARM -2 
[a grey silk tunic], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY M W:10 V:5000 C:1775 AC[1], L:0,0 ARM -5 
[a guard's chain mail hauberk], ARMOR [WelmarsCastle], BODY W:60 V:2000 C:275 AC[5], L:0,0 
[a heavy purple robe lined with golden threads], WORN [Dyarman], BODY M !E !C W:10 V:25000 C:5625 L:40,0 ARM -8 MANA 10 SPELL -2 BREATH -2 
[a large platemail], ARMOR [UndergroundEmpire], BODY W:20 V:75365 C:1275 AC[10], L:29,0 
[a large stone breastplate], ARMOR [Wasteland], BODY NL !MC W:70 V:150000 C:2775 AC[13], L:42,0 
[a leather apron], WORN [Dyarman], BODY W:25 V:50000 C:25 L:25,0 
[a leather armour], ARMOR [SylvanForest], BODY !M W:15 V:500 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[a leather jacket], ARMOR [Midgaard], BODY W:10 V:200 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[a mithril breastplate with a drow-elf head engraved], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY W:45 V:300000 C:2675 AC[13], L:50,0 DR -1 
[a mithril breastplate], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY !C W:45 V:300000 C:2775 AC[13], L:45,0 
[a piece of old torn cloth], ARMOR [BastiliaSewers], BODY W:2 V:10 C:275 AC[1], L:0,0 
[a purple bra], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], BODY G W:1 V:0 C:275 AC[0], L:0,0 
[a radiant coat of mail], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], BODY G E QUEST !MC W:40 V:950000 C:2275 AC[11], L:32,0 HR 1 
[a red and yellow robe], ARMOR [FirePlane], BODY G M W:10 V:10000 C:6275 AC[0], L:22,0 ARM -10 MANA 10 
[a ringmail vest], ARMOR [Thalos], BODY G M W:60 V:12000 C:575 AC[4], L:0,0 ARM -1 
[a Robe of Elven Might], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], BODY G M B !EN QUEST !CTW W:1 V:100000 C:1375 AC[1], L:44,0 DR 1 STR 1 
[a robe], ARMOR [Marshlands], BODY !GN !MTW W:5 V:10000 C:2975 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM -11 MANA -10 
[a rusty chainmail], ARMOR [RqyanTower], BODY W:25 V:0 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[a rusty old platemail], ARMOR [GhoulBurrows], BODY W:35 V:1000 C:775 AC[8], L:30,0 
[a rusty scale mail suit], ARMOR [Swamps], BODY E M W:33 V:100 C:785 AC[7], L:0,0 DEX -3 MOVE -30 HR -2 DR 2 
[a sailor's shirt with spew on it], ARMOR [Celephais], BODY W:5 V:1 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[a sailor's shirt], ARMOR [Celephais], BODY W:10 V:300 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[a scale mail jacket], ARMOR [Midgaard], BODY W:40 V:1000 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0 
[a shark skin shirt], ARMOR [PirateShip], BODY W:40 V:6000 C:525 AC[7], L:0,0 
[a shiny white blouse], WORN [KrummForest], BODY H !E !TW W:1 V:5000 C:2515 L:6,0 MANA 2 HIT 3 ARM -6 
[a silvery breast plate], ARMOR [RedfernesResidence], BODY M B !EN W:70 V:25000 C:1975 AC[11], L:37,0 MOVE -50 HR 1 
[a silvery tiara set with diamonds], TREASURE [Dyarman], BODY NL W:20 V:100000 C:25 L:0,0 
[a snake skin jacket], ARMOR [POWERMADs], BODY M NO_RENT NL W:1 V:1 C:62525 AC[40], L:0,0 INT 25 WIS 25 CON 25 SPELL -25 
[a snakeskin jacket], ARMOR [KoselbruchMill], BODY G M NL !CTW W:15 V:70000 C:1535 AC[2], L:43,0 DEX 1 ARM -3 HIT -40 
[a splint mail jacket], ARMOR [PirateShip], BODY G W:100 V:18000 C:775 AC[8], L:17,0 
[a steel breastplate], ARMOR [Dyarman], BODY W:55 V:5000 C:1275 AC[10], L:25,0 
[a steel plate], ARMOR [Bastilia], BODY W:25 V:30000 C:775 AC[8], L:13,0 
[a studded leather jacket], ARMOR [Midgaard], BODY W:20 V:500 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0 
[a suit of chain mail], ARMOR [Marshlands], BODY ND !G NO_SCAVENGER W:20 V:2000 C:525 AC[7], L:6,0 
[a suit of chainmail], ARMOR [Celephais], BODY W:15 V:1000 C:275 AC[3], L:0,0 
[a suit of dragon plate], ARMOR [Mordor], BODY I M !GN NL !MCW W:55 V:100000 C:1875 AC[10], L:36,0 DEX 1 
[a suit of mithril chainmail], ARMOR [Celephais], BODY !EN W:30 V:10000 C:1475 AC[0], L:27,0 DEX 1 WIS 1 
[a suit of mithril scale mail], ARMOR [Dreamlands], BODY !T W:40 V:35000 C:1725 AC[10], L:25,0 MOVE 15 
[a suit of ring-mail armour], ARMOR [SylvanForest], BODY W:35 V:4000 C:275 AC[4], L:0,0 
[a suit of shadow chainmail], ARMOR [TrellinsKeep], BODY D M W:35 V:12500 C:1975 AC[10], L:25,0 MOVE 20 SPELL -2 
[a thick hide armour], ARMOR [GnollCaves], BODY W:14 V:1500 C:275 AC[5], L:0,0 
[a troll chainmail], ARMOR [KhazadDum], BODY !GN !MC W:53 V:80000 C:2475 AC[11], L:38,0 HIT_REGEN 7 
[a turquoise robe], ARMOR [Celephais], BODY !MTW W:10 V:75000 C:4775 AC[2], L:32,0 MANA 15 
[a violet crystal full-plate armour], ARMOR [Illkore], BODY M B !EN NL !MC W:100 V:250000 C:1945 AC[11], L:37,0 HIT -55 DR 1 
[a white silkrobe with golden embroidments], WORN [Dyarman], BODY D M !G W:5 V:25000 C:3025 L:30,0 ARM -10 
[a wolf fur], WORN [Quon], BODY W:35 V:100000 C:-455 L:12,0 ARM 8 
[adamantium chain mail], ARMOR [CloudCastle], BODY NL !C W:150 V:125000 C:1775 AC[11], L:40,0 ARM -1 HIT -50 
[adamantium plate], ARMOR [CloudCastle], BODY NL !C W:450 V:250000 C:3375 AC[13], L:50,0 ARM -2 
[an elven chain mail], ARMOR [Krinlor], BODY M W:45 V:14000 C:875 AC[6], L:17,0 DEX 1 
[an Elven chain-mail], ARMOR [ElvenTown], BODY M NO_SCAVENGER W:15 V:20000 C:875 AC[5], L:0,0 DEX 1 
[an elven mithril chain-mail], ARMOR [ElvenTown], BODY M B W:15 V:40000 C:1875 AC[10], L:35,0 DEX 1 
[an Elven Plate], ARMOR [ElvenTown], BODY W:20 V:3000 C:525 AC[7], L:0,0 
[an expensive fur cape], TREASURE [Celephais], BODY !M W:10 V:30000 C:925 L:0,0 ARM -3 
[an old grey robe], ARMOR [GhoulBurrows], BODY !CTW W:8 V:5000 C:275 AC[2], L:0,0 
[an old striped shirt], ARMOR [FreddiesStronghold], BODY G !MTW W:45 V:500000 C:-765 AC[2], L:41,0 ARM 30 DR 2 HIT -40 
[Ancient Plate of the Gods], ARMOR [Zubas], BODY G !E NL !W W:15 V:55000 C:1785 AC[9], L:32,0 HR 2 STR -2 
[Black rose pinned to a shirt], ARMOR [CloudCastle], BODY M W:1 V:50000 C:225 AC[2], L:30,0 HR 1 MANA -10 ROD -1 
[Blessed Plate Mail], ARMOR [ImmoRooms], BODY G M B !EN NL QUEST !TW W:25 V:100000 C:2595 AC[12], L:41,0 HR 1 MOVE -30 
[breast plate of the Black rose], ARMOR [CastleRavenloft], BODY H M !G !MC !T W:20 V:100000 C:1775 AC[10], L:33,0 DR 1 
[Breastplate], ARMOR [RqyanTower], BODY W:50 V:4500 C:525 AC[7], L:0,0 
[Bronze Armour], ARMOR [DrowTower], BODY W:25 V:5000 C:525 AC[7], L:0,0 
[Chainmail], ARMOR [Navadin], BODY W:15 V:13000 C:1475 AC[2], L:18,0 ARM -4 
[decaying leather armour], ARMOR [CastleRavenloft], BODY !G SPEC W:12 V:13000 C:1675 AC[8], L:24,0 AGE 3 
[Drow chainmail], ARMOR [RqyanTower], BODY M !GN NL !CTW W:45 V:12500 C:1475 AC[2], L:0,0 ARM -4 
[dwarven plate mail], ARMOR [DwarvenKingdom], BODY NO_SCAVENGER W:4 V:4500 C:275 AC[5], L:0,0 
[giant-sized chainmail], ARMOR [StormGiantCastle], BODY W:25 V:15000 C:955 AC[7], L:13,0 MOVE -10 SPELL 1 HR 1 
[giant-sized cloud mail], ARMOR [StormGiantCastle], BODY G H I M B !E NL !C W:45 V:100000 C:2915 AC[14], L:50,0 HIT -60 
[giant-sized granite mail], ARMOR [StormGiantCastle], BODY NL W:35 V:40000 C:1775 AC[10], L:32,0 MOVE 20 HR -1 
[giant-sized obsidian mail], ARMOR [StormGiantCastle], BODY W:35 V:25000 C:1355 AC[9], L:25,0 MOVE -25 SPELL 2 DR 1 
[Huge ringmail], ARMOR [KhazadDum], BODY G !E !W W:20 V:20000 C:1375 AC[8], L:30,0 HIT 20 
[Iron Maiden], ARMOR [LichTower], BODY P SPEC W:1 V:1 C:-4885 AC[0], L:0,0 ARM 50 STR -10 CON -3 DEX -5 
[Marcus' dark red robe], ARMOR [SkullValley], BODY M !G NL W:8 V:35000 C:3275 AC[2], L:20,0 INT 1 AGE 4 ARM -4 
[Mithril mail], ARMOR [Krinlor], BODY M B !E NL W:70 V:75500 C:2875 AC[11], L:39,0 HIT 40 DR -1 
[Robe Of The Arch-Magi], ARMOR [LichTower], BODY G M !GN P W:4 V:45000 C:7475 AC[2], L:50,0 INT 1 MANA 10 ARM -12 
[robe of the ArchMagi], ARMOR [Pyramid], BODY !CTW W:10 V:75000 C:4775 AC[2], L:31,0 MANA 15 
[Robe of the Magi], ARMOR [Swamps], BODY I M !CTW W:20 V:200000 C:1475 AC[0], L:0,0 AGE -5 ARM -5 
[Soft black robes], WORN [WesternRoad], BODY D W:2 V:25000 C:6025 L:28,0 ARM -15 MOVE 25 MOVE_REGEN 15 
[some filthy rags], ARMOR [RqyanTower], BODY W:5 V:95 C:275 AC[-2], L:0,0 
[spectral plate mail], ARMOR [Swamps], BODY G I M W:10 V:80000 C:1025 AC[8], L:25,0 SPELL -5 
[the athridon breastplate], ARMOR [DemonCity], BODY M W:55 V:50000 C:1025 AC[9], L:23,0 
[the Plate of Eternal Protection], ARMOR [Mordor], BODY D E I M !N NL !C !T W:20 V:150000 C:3495 AC[14], L:50,0 HIT -30 DR -1 HR 1 
[the Rainbow Plate Mail], ARMOR [FirePlane], BODY I M W:40 V:20000 C:1975 AC[8], L:23,0 STR 2 
[the shogun's armour], ARMOR [ShadowCastle], BODY !GEN NL !MCTW W:25 V:50000 C:18775 AC[15], L:45,0 ARM -50 
[White robe], ARMOR [EnchantedForest], BODY G !EN NL !CTW W:15 V:8000 C:3665 AC[0], L:30,0 MANA 10 HIT 25 STR -3 

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